863-874 | The "Myth of Gentillet" Reconsidered: An Aspect of Elizabethan Machiavellianism N. W. Bawcutt doi:10.2307/3738500 | Cite |
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875-888 | Alexander Pope and "Duke upon Duke": Satiric Context, Aims, and Means Pat Rogers doi:10.2307/3738501 | Cite |
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889-901 | Love, Honour, and Duty in James Thomson's "Tancred and Sigismunda" (1745) Sandro Jung doi:10.2307/3738502 | Cite |
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902-914 | The Power of the Gift: Desire and Substitution in "Daurel et Beton" Finn E. Sinclair doi:10.2307/3738503 | Cite |
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915-923 | | Cite |
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924-937 | | Cite |
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938-953 | Rafael Alberti's "Muerte y juicio": Death, Judgement, and the Poetry of (Dis)Belief Derek Gagen doi:10.2307/3738506 | Cite |
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954-967 | Demystification and Sacrificial Thinking: Violence in Terenci Moix's "Món Mascle" Arthur J. Hughes doi:10.2307/3738507 | Cite |
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968-982 | The Traveller as Landschaftsmaler: Industrial Labour and Landscape Aesthetics in Johanna Schopenhauer's Travel Writing Alison E. Martin doi:10.2307/3738508 | Cite |
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983-998 | The Erection of the Berlin Wall: Thomas Brussig's "Helden wie wir" and the End of East Germany Brad Prager doi:10.2307/3738509 | Cite |
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999-1013 | Pechorin's Demons: Representations of the Demonic in Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time" W. J. Leatherbarrow doi:10.2307/3738510 | Cite |
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1014 | Review of Pascal Noir, Faust 20e: échos de l'ego. Le démon de Faust ou l'homme et ses démons Paul Rowe doi:10.2307/3738511 | Cite |
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1014-1015 | Review of Jean Marigny, Le Vampire dans la littérature du XXe siécle Walter Redfern doi:10.2307/3738512 | Cite |
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1015-1016 | Review of Peter L. Rudnytsky, Reading Psychoanalysis: Freud, Rank, Ferenczi, Groddeck Andrew Webber doi:10.2307/3738513 | Cite |
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1017-1019 | Review of Adalgisa Giorgio, Writing Mothers and Daughters: Renegotiating the Mother in Western European Narratives by Women Vilma De Gasperin doi:10.2307/3738514 | Cite |
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1019-1020 | | Cite |
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1020-1021 | Review of Derek Pearsall, Arthurian Romance: A Short Introduction Kathy Shaughnessy Jambeck doi:10.2307/3738516 | Cite |
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1021-1023 | | Cite |
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1024-1025 | Review of Edward I. Condren, The Numerical Universe of the 'Gawain-Pearl' Poet: Beyond 'Phi' Nick Davis doi:10.2307/3738518 | Cite |
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1025-1026 | Review of Stephanie Trigg, Congenial Souls: Reading Chaucer from Medieval to Postmodern Corinne Saunders doi:10.2307/3738519 | Cite |
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1027-1028 | Review of Richard C. McCoy, Alterations of State: Sacred Kingship in the English Reformation Peter Rawlings doi:10.2307/3738520 | Cite |
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1028-1029 | Review of Jon A. Quitsland, Spenser's Supreme Fiction: Platonic Philosophy and 'The Faerie Queene' Andrew Hadfield doi:10.2307/3738521 | Cite |
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1030-1031 | Review of Brian Vickers, Shakespeare, Co-Author: A Historical Study of Five Collaborative Plays Warren Chernaik doi:10.2307/3738522 | Cite |
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1031-1032 | Review of Hardin L. Aasand, Stage Directions in 'Hamlet': New Essays and New Directions Arthur F. Kinney doi:10.2307/3738523 | Cite |
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1032-1033 | Review of Joseph F. Bartolomeo, Matched Pairs: Gender and Intertextual Dialogue in Eighteenth-Century Fiction Clare Brant doi:10.2307/3738524 | Cite |
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1033-1034 | Review of Rajani Sudan, Fair Exotics: Xenophobic Subjects in English Literature, 1720-1850 Megan Hiatt doi:10.2307/3738525 | Cite |
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1034-1035 | Review of Edward A. Bloom, Lillian D. Bloom, Hester Lynch Piozzi, The Piozzi Letters: Correspondence of Hester Lynch Piozzi, 1774-1821 (Formerly Mrs. Thrale), Vol. VI: 1817-1821 Allan Ingram doi:10.2307/3738526 | Cite |
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1035-1036 | Review of George Levine, Dying to Know: Scientific Epistemology and Narrative in Victorian England Nicola Bradbury doi:10.2307/3738527 | Cite |
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1036-1037 | Review of Caroline Roberts, The Woman and the Hour: Harriet Martineau and Victorian Ideologies Gaby Weiner doi:10.2307/3738528 | Cite |
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1037-1038 | Review of Judith L. Fisher, Thackeray's Skeptical Narrative and the 'Perilous Trade' of Authorship Patricia Pulham doi:10.2307/3738529 | Cite |
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1038-1040 | Review of Saleel Nurbhai, K. M. Newton, George Eliot, Judaism and the Novels: Jewish Myth and Mysticism Tonya Moutray McArthur doi:10.2307/3738530 | Cite |
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1040-1041 | Review of Alan Grob, A Longing like Despair: Arnold's Poetry of Pessimism Alison Chapman doi:10.2307/3738531 | Cite |
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1041-1042 | Review of William A. Davis, Thomas Hardy and the Law: Legal Presences in Hardy's Life and Fiction Tim Armstrong doi:10.2307/3738532 | Cite |
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1042-1043 | | Cite |
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1043-1044 | Review of Yasmina Foehr-Janssens, La Veuve en majesté: deuil et savoir au féminin dans la littérature médiévale Rosalind Brown-Grant doi:10.2307/3738534 | Cite |
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1044-1045 | Review of George Hugo Tucker, Homo Viator: Itineraries of Exile, Displacement and Writing in Renaissance Europe Trevor Peach doi:10.2307/3738535 | Cite |
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1045-1046 | Review of Jean Balsamo, Les Funérailles à la Renaissance: XIIe colloque international de la Société Française d'Études du Seizième Siècle, Bar-le-Duc, 2-5 décembre 1999 Valerie Worth-Stylianou doi:10.2307/3738536 | Cite |
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1046-1047 | | Cite |
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1047 | Review of Véronique Denizot, 'Comme un souci aux rayons du soleil': Ronsard et l'invention d'une poétique de la merveille (1550-1556) Elizabeth Vinestock doi:10.2307/3738538 | Cite |
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1048 | Review of Françoise Argo-Dutard, Histoire et littérature au siècle de Montaigne: mélanges offerts à Claude-Gilbert Dubois Valerie Worth-Stylianou doi:10.2307/3738539 | Cite |
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1048-1049 | Review of Pierre de L'Estoile, Madeleine Lazard, Gilbert Schrenck, Registre-Journal du règne de Henri III. Vol. VI: (1588-1589) R. J. Knecht doi:10.2307/3738540 | Cite |
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1049-1050 | Review of Madeleine de Scudéry, Karen Newman, The Story of Sapho Véronique Desnain doi:10.2307/3738541 | Cite |
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1050-1051 | Review of Katherine Astbury, The Moral Tale in France and Germany 1750-1789 D. J. Culpin doi:10.2307/3738542 | Cite |
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1051-1052 | Review of Frédéric Deloffre, Jacques Cormier, Voltaire, Mme Bentinck, Voltaire et 'sa grande amie': correspondance compléte de Voltaire et de Mme de Bentinck 1740-1778) David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3738543 | Cite |
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1052 | Review of David Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot, 1739-1900 Derek Connon doi:10.2307/3738544 | Cite |
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1053 | Review of Christian Croisille, Marie-Renée Morin, Autour de Lamartine: Journal de voyage, correspondances, témoignages, iconographie Ceri Crossley doi:10.2307/3738545 | Cite |
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1053-1054 | Review of Charles F. Dupêchez, Correspondance générale de Marie de Flavigny, comtesse d'Agoult, Vol. I: 1821-1836 Christopher Smith doi:10.2307/3738546 | Cite |
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1054-1055 | Review of Paul Verlaine, Steve Murphy, Jean Bonna, Jean-Jacques Lefrère, Romances sans paroles David Evans doi:10.2307/3738547 | Cite |
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1055 | | Cite |
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1056-1057 | Review of Charles Bernheimer, T. Jefferson Kline, Naomi Schor, Decadent Subjects: The Idea of Decadence in Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Culture of the 'Fin-de-Siècle' in Europe Pascale McGarry doi:10.2307/3738549 | Cite |
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1057 | Review of Anne S. Kimball, Marcel Jouhandeau, Lettres de Marcel Jouhandeau à Max Jacob Anna Davies doi:10.2307/3738550 | Cite |
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1058 | Review of Didier Alexandre, Paul Claudel 18: Claudel poète? de 'La Cantate à trois voix' (1912) à 'Poésies diverses' (1952) Anwen Jones doi:10.2307/3738551 | Cite |
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1058-1059 | | Cite |
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1059-1060 | | Cite |
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1060-1061 | Review of Gill Rye, Michael Worton, Women's Writing in Contemporary France: New Writers, New Literatures in the 1990s Kate Ince doi:10.2307/3738554 | Cite |
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1061-1062 | Review of David L. Looseley, Popular Music in Contemporary France: Authenticity, Politics, Debate Peter S. Hawkins doi:10.2307/3738555 | Cite |
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1062-1063 | Review of Patrick Corcoran, Oyono: 'Une vie de boy' and 'Le Vieux Nègre et la médaille' Peter S. Hawkins doi:10.2307/3738556 | Cite |
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1063-1064 | Review of David Coward, A History of French Literature: From 'Chanson de Geste' to Cinema Roger Pensom doi:10.2307/3738557 | Cite |
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1064-1066 | | Cite |
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1066 | Review of Béatrice Coffen, Histoire culturelle des pronoms d'adresse: vers une typologie des systèmes allocutoires dans les langues romanes Rebecca Posner doi:10.2307/3738559 | Cite |
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1067-1068 | Review of Marco Santoro, Le riviste di italianistica nel mondo: Atti del Convegno internazionale. Napoli 23-25 Novembre 2000 Laura Lepschy doi:10.2307/3738560 | Cite |
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1068-1069 | Review of Giulio Lepschy, Mother Tongues and Other Reflections on the Italian Language Delia Bentley doi:10.2307/3738561 | Cite |
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1069-1070 | Review of Italo Pantani, 'La fonte d'ogni eloquenzia': il canzoniere petrarchesco nella cultura poetica del Quattrocento ferrarese Jane E. Everson doi:10.2307/3738562 | Cite |
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1070-1071 | Review of Rebecca Messbarger, The Century of Women: Representation of Women in Eighteenth-Century Italian Public Discourse Verina R. Jones doi:10.2307/3738563 | Cite |
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1072-1073 | Review of Giuliana Minghelli, In the Shadow of the Mammoth: Italo Svevo and the Emergence of Modernism Elizabeth Schächter doi:10.2307/3738564 | Cite |
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1073-1075 | Review of David Hook, Text & Manuscript in Medieval Spain: Papers from the King's College Colloquium R. F. Hitchcock doi:10.2307/3738565 | Cite |
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1075-1076 | Review of Maria M. Delgado, 'Other' Spanish Theatres: Erasure and Inscription on the Twentieth-Century Spanish Stage Phyllis Zatlin doi:10.2307/3738566 | Cite |
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1076-1078 | Review of José Vicente Saval, Carlos Barral, entre el esteticismoy la reinvidicación Trevor J. Dadson doi:10.2307/3738567 | Cite |
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1078-1079 | Review of Donald L. Shaw, A Companion to Modern Spanish American Fiction Elzbieta Sklodowska doi:10.2307/3738568 | Cite |
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1079-1080 | Review of Federico Garza Carvajal, Vir: Perceptions of Manliness in Andalucía and México 1561-1699 Mark I. Millington doi:10.2307/3738569 | Cite |
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1080-1083 | Review of Timo Reuvekamp-Felber, Volkssprache zwischen Stift und Hof: Hofgeistliche in Literatur und Gesellschaft des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3738570 | Cite |
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1083-1084 | Review of Elisabeth Lienert, Gertrud Beck, Dietrichs Flucht: Textgeschichtliche Ausgabe John L. Flood doi:10.2307/3738571 | Cite |
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1084-1085 | Review of James A. Rushing, Jr., Ava's New Testament Narratives: 'When the Old Law Passed Away'. Excerpts from: Rudolfvon Ems, 'Weltchronik'; The 'Christherre-Chronik'; Jans Enikel, 'Weltchronik' Annette Volfing doi:10.2307/3738572 | Cite |
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1085-1086 | Review of Gerhard Wolf, Von der Chronik zum Weltbuch: Sinn und Anspruch südwestdeutscher Hauschroniken am Ausgang des Mittelalters Graeme Dunphy doi:10.2307/3738573 | Cite |
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1086-1087 | Review of Grimmelshausen, Karl J. Otto, Jr., A Companion to the Works of Grimmelshausen Charlotte Woodford doi:10.2307/3738574 | Cite |
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1087-1089 | Review of Thomas Martinec, Lessings Theorie der Tragödienwirkung: Humanistische Tradition und aufklärerische Erkenntniskritik H. B. Nisbet doi:10.2307/3738575 | Cite |
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1089-1090 | Review of Peter Brandes, Goethes Faust: Poetik der Gabe und Selbstreflexion der Dichtung Osman Durrani doi:10.2307/3738576 | Cite |
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1090-1092 | Review of Robert J. Richards, The Romantic Conception of Life: Science and Philosophy in the Age of Goethe Daniel Steuer doi:10.2307/3738577 | Cite |
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1092-1094 | Review of Gretchen L. Hachmeister, Italy in the German Literary Imagination: Goethe's 'Italian Journey' and Its Reception by Eichendorff, Platen, and Heine Christina Ujma doi:10.2307/3738578 | Cite |
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1094-1095 | | Cite |
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1095-1096 | Review of Hannah Burdekin, The Ambivalent Author: Five German Writers and Their Jewish Characters, 1848-1914 Dirk Göttsche doi:10.2307/3738580 | Cite |
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1096-1097 | Review of Matthew Jefferies, Imperial Culture in Germany, 1871-1918 Hans-Joachim Hahn doi:10.2307/3738581 | Cite |
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1097-1099 | Review of Felix A. Voigt, Mechthild Pfeiffer-Voigt, Gerhart-Hauptmann-Studien 1934-1958; Bernhard Tempel, Gerhart Hauptmanns Erzählung 'Mignon', mit Erstdruck der ersten Fassung und Materialien Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3738582 | Cite |
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1099-1100 | Review of Arthur Schnitzler, Dagmar C. G. Lorenz, A Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3738583 | Cite |
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1100-1102 | Review of Stefan Neuhaus, Rolf Selbmann, Thorsten Unger, Engagierte Literatur zwischen den Weltkriegen David Midgley doi:10.2307/3738584 | Cite |
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1102-1103 | | Cite |
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1103-1104 | Review of Paul Michael Lützeler, Hermann Broch: Visionary in Exile. The 2001 Yale Symposium Daria Santini doi:10.2307/3738586 | Cite |
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1105-1106 | Review of Margarete Kohlenbach, Walter Benjamin: Self-Reference and Religiosity Jeanne Riou doi:10.2307/3738587 | Cite |
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1106-1108 | Review of Thomas Eicher, Henning Rischbieter, Barbara Panse, Theater im 'Dritten Reich': Theaterpolitik, Spielplanstruktur, NS-Dramatik John London doi:10.2307/3738588 | Cite |
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1108-1110 | Review of Christiane Caemmerer, Walter Delabar, 'Ach, Zeigung zur Fülle:': Zur Rezeption 'barocker' Literatur im Nachkriegsdeutschland John White doi:10.2307/3738589 | Cite |
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1110 | | Cite |
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1111-1112 | Review of Heike Bartel, Elizabeth Boa, Anne Duden: A Revolution of Words. Approaches to Her Fiction, Poetry and Essays Beth Linklater doi:10.2307/3738591 | Cite |
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1112-1113 | | Cite |
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1113-1114 | Review of Axel Dunker, Die anwesende Abwesenheit: Literatur im Schatten von Auschwitz Anne Fuchs doi:10.2307/3738593 | Cite |
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1114-1115 | Review of Florian Krobb, Jeff Morrison, Poetry Project: Irish Germanists Interpret German Verse Brian Keith-Smith doi:10.2307/3738594 | Cite |
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1115-1116 | Review of Alan Menhennet, The Historical Experience in German Drama: From Gryphius to Brecht Lesley Sharpe doi:10.2307/3738595 | Cite |
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1116-1117 | Review of Florian Krobb, Kollektivautobiographien, Wunschautobiographien: Marranenschicksal im deutsch-jüdischen historischen Roman Jonathan Skolnik doi:10.2307/3738596 | Cite |
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1117-1119 | Review of Peter Hutchinson, Landmarks in German Short Prose Jeffrey L. Sammons doi:10.2307/3738597 | Cite |
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1119-1120 | Review of Christian Klein, Grundlagen der Biographik: Theorie und Praxis des biographischen Schreibens Roger Paulin doi:10.2307/3738598 | Cite |
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1120-1121 | | Cite |
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1121-1122 | Review of Peter Blickle, Heimat: A Critical Theory of the German Idea of Homeland Anne Fuchs doi:10.2307/3738600 | Cite |
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1122-1124 | Review of Margaret Clunies Ross, Old Norse Myths, Literature and Society Carolyne Larrington doi:10.2307/3738601 | Cite |
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1124-1125 | | Cite |
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1125-1126 | | Cite |
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1126-1127 | | Cite |
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1127-1128 | Review of Emma Widdis, Visions of a New Land: Soviet Film from the Revolution to the Second World War J. Hicks doi:10.2307/3738605 | Cite |
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1129 | Review of Kathleen Hayes, The Journalism of Milena Jesenská: A Critical Voice in Interwar Central Europe Julian Preece doi:10.2307/3738606 | Cite |
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xxxi-xlii | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 2004: Medieval Literature and Historical Enquiry Derek Pearsall doi:10.2307/3738608 | Cite |
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