569-583 | Fanny's Gaze and the Construction of Feminine Space in "Mansfield Park" Anna Despotopoulou doi:10.2307/3738987 | Cite |
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584-594 | Anthropomorphism and Other Figures of Speech in James Joyce's "Ulysses" Sarah Joseph doi:10.2307/3738988 | Cite |
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595-607 | | Cite |
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608-621 | | Cite |
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622-634 | Decorum and Indecorum in the "Seconda redazione" of Baldassare Castiglione's "Libro del Cortegiano" Annick Paternoster doi:10.2307/3738991 | Cite |
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635-650 | Transition Relevance Places and Overlapping in (Spanish-English) Conversational Etiquette J. A. G. Ardila doi:10.2307/3738992 | Cite |
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651-664 | A Cinema of Contradiction: Picazo's "La tía Tula" (1964) and the Nuevo Cine Espanol Sally Faulkner doi:10.2307/3738993 | Cite |
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665-680 | Heine's Aristophanes Complex and the Ambivalence of "Deutschland: Ein Wintermärchen" David Pugh doi:10.2307/3738994 | Cite |
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681-695 | | Cite |
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696-710 | From Chudak to Mudak? Village Prose and the Absurdist Ethics of Evgenii Popov Jeremy Morris doi:10.2307/3738996 | Cite |
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711-726 | Mouseion: The Counter-Institutional Agent of the Literary Utopias of Ricardo Piglia and Dimitris Kalokyris Eleni Kefala doi:10.2307/3738997 | Cite |
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727-728 | Review of Peter France, William St Clair, Mapping Lives: The Uses of Biography Martin Stannard doi:10.2307/3738998 | Cite |
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728-729 | Review of Brian Murdoch, The Medieval Popular Bible: Expansions of Genesis in the Middle Ages Graeme Dunphy doi:10.2307/3738999 | Cite |
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729-730 | Review of Alexander Košenina, Der gelehrte Narr: Gelehrtensatire seit der Aufklärung K. F. Hilliard doi:10.2307/3739000 | Cite |
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730-731 | Review of Oliver Jahraus, Stefan Neuhaus, Der erotische Film: Zur medialen Codierung von Ästhetik, Sexualität und Gewalt Osman Durrani doi:10.2307/3739001 | Cite |
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731-733 | | Cite |
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733-735 | Review of Phillipa Hardman, The Matter of Identity in Medieval Romance Judith A. Jefferson doi:10.2307/3739003 | Cite |
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735-736 | Review of Elaine Treharne, Writing Gender and Genre in Medieval Literature: Approaches to Old and Middle English Texts Ruth Evans doi:10.2307/3739004 | Cite |
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736-738 | Review of Jeremy Dimmick, James Simpson, Nicolette Zeeman, Images, Idolatry, and Iconoclasm in Late Medieval England: Textuality and the Visual Image Alan J. Fletcher doi:10.2307/3739005 | Cite |
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738-739 | Review of Joshua Scodel, Excess and the Mean in Early Modern English Literature Adam Smyth doi:10.2307/3739006 | Cite |
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739-740 | Review of Sidney L. Sondergard, Sharpening Her Pen: Strategies of Rhetorical Violence by Early Modern English Women Writers Margaret J. Arnold doi:10.2307/3739007 | Cite |
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740-741 | Review of Sarah M. Dunnigan, Eros and Poetry at the Courts of Mary Queen of Scots and James VI Willy Maley doi:10.2307/3739008 | Cite |
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741-743 | Review of Laurie Shannon, Sovereign Amity: Figures of Friendship in Shakespearean Contexts Christy Desmet doi:10.2307/3739009 | Cite |
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743-744 | Review of Lisa S. Starks, Courtney Lehmann, The Reel Shakespeare: Alternative Cinema and Theory Brian Woolland doi:10.2307/3739010 | Cite |
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744-745 | Review of Barbara A. Murray, Restoration Shakespeare: Viewing the Voice Michela Calore doi:10.2307/3739011 | Cite |
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745-746 | Review of Leon Harold Craig, Of Philosophers and Kings: Political Philosophy in Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' and 'King Lear' Peter Rawlings doi:10.2307/3739012 | Cite |
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746-747 | Review of Ann Cline Kelly, Jonathan Swift and Popular Culture: Myth, Media, and the Man Brean Hammond doi:10.2307/3739013 | Cite |
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747-749 | Review of Deborah Kennedy, Helen Maria Williams and the Age of Revolution María Jesús Lorenzo Modia doi:10.2307/3739014 | Cite |
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749-752 | Review of Mona Scheuermann, In Praise of Poverty: Hannah More Counters Thomas Paine and the Radical Threat Mary Waldron doi:10.2307/3739015 | Cite |
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752-754 | | Cite |
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754-755 | | Cite |
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755-756 | Review of Stuart Peterfreund, Shelley among Others: The Play of the Intertext and the Idea of Language Heidi Thomson doi:10.2307/3739018 | Cite |
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756-757 | Review of Lynda Palazzo, Christina Rossetti's Feminist Theology Alison Chapman doi:10.2307/3739019 | Cite |
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757-758 | Review of G. Glen Wickens, Thomas Hardy, Monism, and the Carnival Tradition: The One and Many in 'The Dynasts' Jane Thomas doi:10.2307/3739020 | Cite |
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758-759 | | Cite |
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759-761 | | Cite |
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761-762 | Review of Margaret M. Jensen, The Open Book: Creative Misreading in the Works of Selected Modern Writers Clare Hanson doi:10.2307/3739023 | Cite |
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762-764 | Review of Martin McQuillan, Theorizing Muriel Spark: Gender, Race, Deconstruction Martin Stannard doi:10.2307/3739024 | Cite |
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764-765 | | Cite |
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765-767 | | Cite |
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767-768 | Review of Lana A. Whited, The Ivory Tower and Harry Potter: Perspectives on a Literary Phenomenon Daniela Caselli doi:10.2307/3739027 | Cite |
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768-769 | Review of David Finkelstein, The House of Blackwood: Author-Publisher Relations in the Victorian Era Stephen Colclough doi:10.2307/3739028 | Cite |
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769-770 | Review of Meredith L. McGill, American Literature and the Culture of Reprinting, 1834-1853 Ronald J. Zboray doi:10.2307/3739029 | Cite |
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770-771 | Review of Trudier Harris, Saints, Sinners, Saviors: Strong Black Women in African American Literature Astrid Fellner doi:10.2307/3739030 | Cite |
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772 | | Cite |
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772-773 | Review of , Cité des hommes, cité de Dieu: travaux sur la littérature de la Renaissance en l'honneur de Daniel Ménager R. J. Knecht doi:10.2307/3739032 | Cite |
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773-774 | Review of Claire L. Carlin, Kathleen Wine, Theatrum Mundi: Studies in Honour of Ronald W. Tobin David Shaw doi:10.2307/3739033 | Cite |
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774-775 | Review of Irwin Primer, 'Moral Maxims' by the Duke de la Roche Foucault. Translated from the French. With notes D. J. Culpin doi:10.2307/3739034 | Cite |
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775-776 | | Cite |
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776 | Review of Jacques Wagner, Roman et religion en France (1713-1866) Katherine Astbury doi:10.2307/3739036 | Cite |
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777 | Review of Pierre Rétat, Œuvres complètes de Montesquieu, Vol. VIII: Œuvres et écrits divers I Iris Cox doi:10.2307/3739037 | Cite |
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777-778 | Review of Voltaire, Nicholas Cronk, Christopher Todd, The Complete Works of Voltaire/Œuvres complètes de Voltaire. Vol. XXB: Le Fanatisme, ou Mahomet le prophète Richard Waller doi:10.2307/3739038 | Cite |
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778-779 | Review of Christopher Kelly, Rousseau as Author: Consecrating One's Life to the Truth Marco Di Palma doi:10.2307/3739039 | Cite |
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779-780 | | Cite |
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780-781 | Review of Roland Le Huenen, Stéphane Vachon, Itinéraires du XIXe siècle, Vol. II Christopher Smith doi:10.2307/3739041 | Cite |
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781-782 | | Cite |
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782 | | Cite |
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782-783 | Review of Claude Millet, Victor Hugo 5: autour des 'Orientales' Monica Nurnberg doi:10.2307/3739044 | Cite |
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783-784 | Review of George Sand, E. H. Blackmore, A. M. Blackmore, F. Giguère, Five Comedies Nigel Harkness doi:10.2307/3739045 | Cite |
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784-785 | Review of Marie-Laure Aurenche, Édouard Charton et l'invention du 'Magasin pittoresque' (1833-1870) Paul Rowe doi:10.2307/3739046 | Cite |
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785-786 | Review of Christian Chelebourg, Jules Verne 8: humour, ironie, fantaisie Timothy Unwin doi:10.2307/3739047 | Cite |
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786-787 | | Cite |
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787 | Review of Victoria B. Korzeniowska, Giraudoux: 'La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu' John Rothenberg doi:10.2307/3739049 | Cite |
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787-788 | Review of Malcolm Scott, Chercheurs d'absolu: Mauriac et de Gaulle. Chroniques et discours 1945-1948 Angela Kimyongür doi:10.2307/3739050 | Cite |
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788-789 | | Cite |
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789-790 | | Cite |
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790 | Review of Bernard Alazet, Écrire, réécrire: bilan critique de l'œuvre de Marguerite Duras Renate Günther doi:10.2307/3739053 | Cite |
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791 | Review of Amy Hollywood, Sensible Ecstasy: Mysticism, Sexual Difference, and the Demands of History Victoria Best doi:10.2307/3739054 | Cite |
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791-792 | Review of Akane Kawakami, A Self-Conscious Art: Patrick Modiano's Postmodern Fictions John Flower doi:10.2307/3739055 | Cite |
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792-793 | Review of Lucille Cairns, Lesbian Desire in Post-1968 French Literature Emma Wilson doi:10.2307/3739056 | Cite |
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793-794 | Review of Tony Simons, Joffo: 'Un sac de billes' and Other Writings Claire Gorrara doi:10.2307/3739057 | Cite |
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794-795 | Review of Gertrud Aub-Buscher, Beverley Ormerod Noakes, The Francophone Caribbean Today: Literature, Language, Culture Martin Munro doi:10.2307/3739058 | Cite |
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795-796 | Review of Melissa L. McKay, Maryse Condé et le théâtre antillais Alvina Ruprecht doi:10.2307/3739059 | Cite |
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796-798 | Review of Peter Hainsworth, David Robey, The Oxford Companion to Italian Literature Corinna Salvadori Lonergan doi:10.2307/3739060 | Cite |
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798-799 | Review of Theodore J. Cachey, Jr., Petrarch, Petrarch's Guide to the Holy Land: 'Itinerary to the Sepulcher of Our Lord Jesus Christ' Laura Lepschy doi:10.2307/3739061 | Cite |
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799-800 | Review of Susanne Saygin, Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (1390-1447) and the Italian Humanists David Rundle doi:10.2307/3739062 | Cite |
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800-801 | Review of Sara Centi, Le cinquecentine della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze Conor Fahy doi:10.2307/3739063 | Cite |
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801-802 | | Cite |
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803-804 | Review of Elissa B. Weaver, Convent Theatre in Early Modern Italy: Spiritual Fun and Learning for Women Silvia Evangelisti doi:10.2307/3739065 | Cite |
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804-805 | Review of Barbara de Miro d'Ajeta, La figura della donna nel teatro di Eduardo De Filippo Donatella Fischer doi:10.2307/3739066 | Cite |
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805-806 | Review of Anna Maria Torriglia, Broken Time, Fragmented Space: A Cultural Map for Postwar Italy Pauline Small doi:10.2307/3739067 | Cite |
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806-807 | Review of Luca Clerici, Apparizione e visione: vita e opere di Anna Maria Ortese Massimo Bacigalupo doi:10.2307/3739068 | Cite |
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807-808 | Review of Grazia Menechella, Il felice vanverare: ironia e parodia nell'opera narrativa di Giorgio Manganelli Florian Mussgnug doi:10.2307/3739069 | Cite |
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808-809 | Review of Ane Ortega, Tita Beaven, Cecilia Garrido, Sean Scrivener, ¡Exacto!: A Practical Guide to Spanish Grammar María Antònia Babí doi:10.2307/3739070 | Cite |
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809-811 | Review of Thomas Austin O'Connor, Love in the 'Corral': Conjugal Spirituality and Anti-Theatrical Polemic in Early Modern Spain Anthony Lappin doi:10.2307/3739071 | Cite |
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812-813 | Review of Lope de Vega, Robert M. Shannon, El nuevo mundo descubierto por Cristóbal Colón: The New World Discovered by Christopher Columbus Victor Dixon doi:10.2307/3739072 | Cite |
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813-814 | Review of Lynn Williams, Letters from the Pyrenees: Don Luis Méndez de Haro's Correspondence to Philip IV of Spain, July to November 1659 Alistair Malcolm doi:10.2307/3739073 | Cite |
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815-816 | Review of Alison Sinclair, Uncovering the Mind: Unamuno, the Unknown and the Vicissitudes of Self C. A. Longhurst doi:10.2307/3739074 | Cite |
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817 | Review of Anthony Trippett, Sender 2001: Actas del congreso centenario celebrado en Sheffield Leo Hickey doi:10.2307/3739075 | Cite |
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817-818 | Review of Nathan E. Richardson, Postmodern Paletos: Immigration, Democracy, and Globalization in Spanish Narrative and Film, 1950-2000 María Cinta Ramblado-Minero doi:10.2307/3739076 | Cite |
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818-821 | Review of Chris Perriam, Stars and Masculinities in Spanish Cinema: From Banderas to Bardem María M. Delgado doi:10.2307/3739077 | Cite |
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821-822 | | Cite |
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823 | Review of Charles V. J. Russ, Die Mundart von Bosco Gurin: Eine synchronische und diachronische Untersuchung Felicity Rash doi:10.2307/3739079 | Cite |
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823-824 | Review of Will Hasty, A Companion to Gottfried von Strassburg's 'Tristan' Mark Chinca doi:10.2307/3739080 | Cite |
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825 | Review of Anthony J. Harper, German Secular Song-Books of the Mid-Seventeenth Century: An Examination of the Texts in Collections of Songs Published in the German-Language Area between 1624 and 1660 Anna Carrdus doi:10.2307/3739081 | Cite |
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826-827 | Review of Margrit Fiederer, Geld und Besitz im bürgerlichen Trauerspiel James Gibbons doi:10.2307/3739082 | Cite |
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827-828 | Review of Karen Ottewell, Lessing and the 'Sturm und Drang': A Reappraisal Revisited James Baughan doi:10.2307/3739083 | Cite |
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828-829 | | Cite |
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829-831 | Review of Heinrich von Kleist, Bernd Fischer, A Companion to the Works of Heinrich von Kleist John Hibberd doi:10.2307/3739085 | Cite |
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831-832 | Review of Vanessa van Ornam, Fanny Lewald and Nineteenth-Century Constructions of Femininity Anna Richards doi:10.2307/3739086 | Cite |
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832 | Review of Ulrich Müller, Oswald Panagl, Ring und Gral: Texte, Kommentare und Interpretationen zu Richard Wagners 'Der Ring des Nibelungen', 'Tristan und Isolde', 'Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg' und 'Parsifal' Neil Thomas doi:10.2307/3739087 | Cite |
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833-834 | Review of Gabriele Radecke, Vom Schreiben zum Erzählen: Eine textgenetische Studie zu Theodor Fontanes 'L' Adultera' John Osborne doi:10.2307/3739088 | Cite |
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834-835 | Review of Fred Whalley, The Elusive Transcendent: The Role of Religion in the Plays of Frank Wedekind Karl Leydecker doi:10.2307/3739089 | Cite |
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835-836 | Review of Bettina Riedmann, 'Ich bin Jude, Österreicher, Deutscher': Judentumin Arthur Schnitzlers Tagebüchern und Briefen W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3739090 | Cite |
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837-838 | Review of Thomas Sprecher, Literatur und Krankheit im Fin-de-siècle (1890-1914): Thomas Mann im europäischen Kontext. Die Davoser Literaturtage 2000 Malte Herwig doi:10.2307/3739091 | Cite |
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839-840 | Review of Bertram Rohde, 'Und blätterte ein wenig in der Bibel': Studien zu Franz Kafkas Bibellektüre und ihren Auswirkungen auf sein Werk Ritchie Robertson doi:10.2307/3739092 | Cite |
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840-841 | Review of Alfred Denker, Martin Heidegger, Heinrich Rickert: Briefwechsel 1912 bis 1933 und andere Dokumente Galin Tihanov doi:10.2307/3739093 | Cite |
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841-842 | Review of Edward Timms, Jon Hughes, Intellectual Migration and Cultural Transformation: Refugees from National Socialism in the English-Speaking World J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3739094 | Cite |
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842-843 | Review of Dirk Göttsche, 'Für eine aufmerksamere und nachdenklichere Welt': Beiträge zu Marie Luise Kaschnitz Karen Leeder doi:10.2307/3739095 | Cite |
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843-844 | Review of Alison Lewis, Die Kunst des Verrats: Der Prenzlauer Berg und die Staatssicherheit Paul Cooke doi:10.2307/3739096 | Cite |
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844-845 | Review of Antje Mansbrügge, Autorkategorie und Gedächtnis: Lektüren zu Libuše Moníková Lyn Marven doi:10.2307/3739097 | Cite |
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845-846 | Review of Jens Mattern, Gabriel Motzkin, Shimon Sandbank, Jüdisches Denken in einer Welt ohne Gott: Festschrift für Stéphane Mosés Jonathan Skolnik doi:10.2307/3739098 | Cite |
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846-847 | Review of Hinrich Siefken, Anthony Bushell, Experiencing Tradition: Essays of Discovery. In Memory of Keith Spalding (1913-2002) J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3739099 | Cite |
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847 | Review of Patrick Miles, Mikhail Gromov: Chekhov Scholar and Critic. An Essay in Cultural Difference Donald Rayfield doi:10.2307/3739100 | Cite |
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848-849 | | Cite |
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849-851 | Review of Simon Morrison, Russian Opera and the Symbolist Movement Helen Galbraith doi:10.2307/3739102 | Cite |
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851-852 | Review of Catriona Kelly, Refining Russia: Advice Literature, Polite Culture and Gender from Catherineto Yeltsin Birgit Beumers doi:10.2307/3739103 | Cite |
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852-853 | | Cite |
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853-854 | | Cite |
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854-855 | | Cite |
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856 | Review of Danielle Perrot, Don Quichotte au XXe siècle: réceptions d'une figure mythique dans la littérature et les arts Margaret A. Rees doi:10.2307/3739107 | Cite |
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856-857 | Review of William Marx, Naissance de la critique moderne: la littérature selon Eliot et Valéry Paul Gifford doi:10.2307/3739108 | Cite |
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857-858 | Review of Yves Clavaron, Inde et Indochine: E. M. Forster et M. Duras au miroir de l'Asie Edward J. Hughes doi:10.2307/3739109 | Cite |
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858-859 | Review of Wolfgang K. Hünig, British and German Cartoons as Weapons in World War I: Invectives and Ideology of Political Cartoons. A Cognitive Linguistics Approach Brian Keith-Smith doi:10.2307/3739110 | Cite |
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