1-16 | | Cite |
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17-31 | Nabokov's "Ada" and Sidney's "Arcadia": The Regeneration of a Phoenix Penny McCarthy doi:10.2307/3738862 | Cite |
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32-44 | | Cite |
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45-51 | | Cite |
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52-64 | Encounters with Matisse: Space, Art, and Intertextuality in A. S. Byatt's "The Matisse Stories" and Marie Redonnet's "Villa Rosa" Sarah Fishwick doi:10.2307/3738865 | Cite |
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65-76 | The Cooked and the Raw: Zoomorphic Symbolism in Dario Fo's "Giullarate" Antonio Scuderi doi:10.2307/3738866 | Cite |
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77-93 | | Cite |
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94-100 | Hêre Frowe: Case, Number, and Rank in Walther von der Vogelweide's "Lindenlied": In Memory of David R. McLintock Cyril Edwards doi:10.2307/3738868 | Cite |
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101-111 | | Cite |
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112-130 | Towards a Critical Patriotism: The Challenge to Traditional Notions of National Identity Posed by the Dutch Historical Novel in the 1930s Jane Fenoulhet doi:10.2307/3738870 | Cite |
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131-149 | The Shortest Path to the Truth: Indirection in Fazil' Iskander Marina Kanevskaya doi:10.2307/3738871 | Cite |
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150-151 | Review of Peter Robinson, Poetry, Poets, Readers: Making Things Happen Alan Munton doi:10.2307/3738872 | Cite |
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151-152 | Review of Lois E. Bueler, The Tested Woman Plot: Women's Choices, Men's Judgments and the Shaping of Stories Clare Brant doi:10.2307/3738873 | Cite |
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152 | Review of , The Heege Manuscript: A Facsimile of National Library of Scotland MS Advocates 19.3.1 A. S. G. Edwards doi:10.2307/3738874 | Cite |
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152-154 | Review of Elizabeth Edwards, The Genesis of Narrative in Malory's 'Morte Darthur' Murray J. Evans doi:10.2307/3738875 | Cite |
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154-155 | Review of Jonathan F. S. Post, Green Thoughts, Green Shades: Essays by Contemporary Poets on the Early Modern Lyric J. Christopher Warner doi:10.2307/3738876 | Cite |
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155-157 | Review of Gordon McMullan, Renaissance Configurations: Voices/Bodies/Spaces, 1580-1690; Susanne Scholz, Body Narratives: Writing the Nation and Fashioning the Subject in Early Modern England Tom Rutter doi:10.2307/3738877 | Cite |
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157-159 | Review of Barbara Smith, Ursula Appelt, Write or Be Written: Early Modern Women Poets and Cultural Constraints Lucinda Becker doi:10.2307/3738878 | Cite |
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159-160 | Review of Patricia Palmer, Language and Conquest in Early Modern Ireland: English Renaissance Literature and Elizabethan Imperial Expansion Andrew Hadfield doi:10.2307/3738879 | Cite |
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160-161 | Review of Alan Shepard, Marlowe's Soldiers: Rhetorics of Masculinity in the Age of the Armada John Lennard doi:10.2307/3738880 | Cite |
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161-164 | Review of J. Leeds Barroll, Susan Zimmerman, Shakespeare Studies, Vol. 28 John Drakakis doi:10.2307/3738881 | Cite |
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164-165 | Review of John Kerrigan, On Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature: Essays Andrew Gurr doi:10.2307/3738882 | Cite |
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165-167 | Review of Gillian Day, King Richard III; Patricia E. Tatspaugh, The Winter's Tale Christine Dymkowski doi:10.2307/3738883 | Cite |
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167-169 | Review of Tom McAlindon, Shakespeare's Tudor History: A Study of 'Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2' D. Cavanagh doi:10.2307/3738884 | Cite |
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169-170 | Review of Blakey Vermeule, The Party of Humanity: Writing Moral Psychology in Eighteenth-Century Britain Allan Ingram doi:10.2307/3738885 | Cite |
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170-172 | Review of Misty G. Anderson, Female Playwrights and Eighteenth-Century Comedy: Negotiating Marriage on the London Stage Angela Escott doi:10.2307/3738886 | Cite |
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172-173 | Review of John Skinner, An Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Raising the Novel Kate Williams doi:10.2307/3738887 | Cite |
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173-174 | | Cite |
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174-176 | | Cite |
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176-177 | Review of Lucy Hartley, Physiognomy and the Meaning of Expression in Nineteenth Century Culture Peter Hamilton doi:10.2307/3738890 | Cite |
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177-178 | | Cite |
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178-180 | | Cite |
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180-181 | | Cite |
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181-182 | Review of Peter Buse, Drama + Theory: Critical Approaches to Modern British Drama Ronald Knowles doi:10.2307/3738894 | Cite |
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182-183 | Review of William Watkin, In the Process of Poetry: The New York School and the Avant-Grade R. D. Gooder doi:10.2307/3738895 | Cite |
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183-185 | Review of Loss Pequeño Glazier, Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetries Jeremy Tambling doi:10.2307/3738896 | Cite |
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185-186 | Review of Laura Hinton, Cynthia Hogue, We Who Love to Be Astonished: Experimental Women's Writing and Performance Poetics Stephen Matterson doi:10.2307/3738897 | Cite |
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186-187 | Review of Jean Lecointe, Catherine Magnien, Isabelle Pantin, Marie-Claire Thomine, Devis d'amitié: mélanges en l'honneur de Nicole Cazauran Leslie C. Brook doi:10.2307/3738898 | Cite |
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187-188 | Review of Jody Enders, Death by Drama and Other Medieval Urban Legends Graham Runnalls doi:10.2307/3738899 | Cite |
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188 | Review of Terence Cave, Pré-histoires II: langues étrangères et troubles économiques au XVIe siècle Trevor Peach doi:10.2307/3738900 | Cite |
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189 | Review of Franco Giacone, Études Rabelaisiennes, Vol. 40: Le Cinquiesme Livre: Actes du Colloque International de Rome (16-19 octobre 1998) John Lewis doi:10.2307/3738901 | Cite |
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189-190 | Review of Daniel Martin, Rabelais, Mode d'emploi: avec le plan du 'Pantagruel' suivant les jours de la semaine et les saints Sacrements de l'Église Ian R. Morrison doi:10.2307/3738902 | Cite |
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190-191 | Review of Marie-France Wagner, Claire Le Brun-Gouanvic, Les Arts du spectacle au théâtre (1550-1700) Alan Howe doi:10.2307/3738903 | Cite |
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191-192 | Review of Jean-Antoine de Baïf, Jean Vignes, Guy Demerson, Perrine Galand-Hallyn, Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou, Daniel Ménager, Œuvres complètes, Vol. I: Euvres en rime, première partie: Neuf Livres des Poemes Elizabeth Vinestock doi:10.2307/3738904 | Cite |
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192-193 | Review of Robert Garnier, Jean-Claude Ternaux, Cornélie: tragédie Richard Griffiths doi:10.2307/3738905 | Cite |
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193 | Review of Michèle Longino, Orientalism in French Classical Drama Richard Parish doi:10.2307/3738906 | Cite |
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194-195 | Review of Myriam Yardeni, Le Refuge huguenot: assimilation et culture Henry Phillips doi:10.2307/3738907 | Cite |
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195-196 | Review of Claude Dauphin, La Musique au temps des Encyclopédistes Mark Darlow doi:10.2307/3738908 | Cite |
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196-197 | Review of English Showalter, Transformations du genre romanesque au XVIIIe siècle Will McMorran doi:10.2307/3738909 | Cite |
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197-199 | | Cite |
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199 | Review of Hubert de Phalèse, Les Bons Contes et les bons mots de 'Gil Blas' Alison Roberts doi:10.2307/3738911 | Cite |
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200 | Review of Michel Porret, Catherine Volpilhac-Auger, Le Temps de Montesquieu: Actes du collège international de Genève (28-31 octobre 1998) Iris Cox doi:10.2307/3738912 | Cite |
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201 | | Cite |
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201-202 | Review of Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Aimée Boutin, Alphonse de Lamartine, Maternal Echoes: The Poetry of Marceline Desbordes-Valmore and Alphonse de Lamartine Sonya Stephens doi:10.2307/3738914 | Cite |
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202-203 | Review of Françoise van Rossum-Guyon, Balzac: La Littérature réfléchie. Discours et autoreprésentations Owen Heathcote doi:10.2307/3738915 | Cite |
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203-204 | | Cite |
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204-205 | | Cite |
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206 | Review of Alexander Irwin, Saints of the Impossible: Bataille, Weil, and the Politics of the Sacred Paul Cooke doi:10.2307/3738919 | Cite |
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206-207 | Review of Robert S. Thornberry, Les Écrits de Paul Nizan (1905-1940): portrait d'une époque. Bibliographie commentée suivie de textes retrouvés Angela Kershaw doi:10.2307/3738920 | Cite |
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207-208 | Review of Jacqueline Baishanski, L'Orient dans la pensée du jeune Camus: 'L'Étranger', un nouvel évangile? Mark Orme doi:10.2307/3738921 | Cite |
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208-209 | Review of David Platten, Michel Tournier and the Metaphor of Fiction David Gascoigne doi:10.2307/3738922 | Cite |
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209-210 | Review of Gabrielle Roy, Sophie Marcotte, François Ricard, Jane Everett, Mon cher grand fou...: lettres à Marcel Carbotte 1947-79 Rosemary Chapman doi:10.2307/3738923 | Cite |
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210-211 | Review of Françoise Meltzer, For Fear of the Fire: Joan of Arc and the Limits of Subjectivity Victoria Best doi:10.2307/3738924 | Cite |
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211-212 | | Cite |
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212-213 | Review of Pierre Blanc, Dynamique d'une expansion culturelle: Pétrarque en Europe XIVe-XXe siècle. Actes du XXVIe congrès international du CEFI, Turin et Chambéry, 11-15 décembre 1995 Guyda Armstrong doi:10.2307/3738926 | Cite |
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214-215 | Review of Michael Papio, Keen and Violent Remedies: Social Satire and the Grotesque in Masuccio Salernitano's 'Novellino' Howard Moss doi:10.2307/3738927 | Cite |
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215-216 | Review of Claudia Berra, Fra Satire e Rime ariostesche (Gargnano del Garda 14-16 ottobre 1999) Erika Milburn doi:10.2307/3738928 | Cite |
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216-217 | Review of Maggie Günsberg, Playing with Gender: The Comedies of Goldoni Linda L. Carroll doi:10.2307/3738929 | Cite |
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217-219 | Review of Verina R. Jones, Anna Laura Lepschy, With a Pen in Her Hand: Women and Writing in Italy in the Nineteenth Century and beyond Judith Bryce doi:10.2307/3738930 | Cite |
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219-220 | Review of Jack D'Amico, Dain A. Trafton, Massimo Verdicchio, The Legacy of Benedetto Croce: Contemporary Critical Views Gino Bedani doi:10.2307/3738931 | Cite |
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220-221 | | Cite |
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222-223 | Review of Jennifer Burns, Fragments of 'impegno': Interpretation of Commitment in Contemporary Italian Narrative, 1980-2000 Guido Bonsaver doi:10.2307/3738933 | Cite |
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223-224 | Review of Katia Pizzi, A City in Search of an Author: The Literary Identity of Trieste John Gatt-Rutter doi:10.2307/3738934 | Cite |
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224-226 | Review of Loredana Polezzi, Translating Travel: Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation Theodore J. Cachey Jr. doi:10.2307/3738935 | Cite |
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226-227 | Review of Stephanie Merrim, Early Modern Women's Writing and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida doi:10.2307/3738936 | Cite |
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227-228 | Review of Mary Lee Bretz, Encounters across Borders: The Changing Visions of Spanish Modernism, 1890-1930 Donald L. Shaw doi:10.2307/3738937 | Cite |
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228-229 | | Cite |
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229-230 | Review of Barry Jordan, Spanish Culture and Society: The Essential Glossary Eamonn Rodgers doi:10.2307/3738939 | Cite |
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230-231 | Review of Manuel Delgado Morales, Alice J. Poust, Lorca, Buñuel, Dalí: Art and Theory Maria T. Pao doi:10.2307/3738940 | Cite |
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231-232 | Review of José Manuel López de Abiada, Augusta López Bernasocchi, Territorio Reverte: ensayos sobre la obra de Arturo Pérez-Reverte Alexis Grohmann doi:10.2307/3738941 | Cite |
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233-234 | Review of Roberto Ignacio Díaz, Unhomely Rooms: Foreign Tongues and Spanish American Literature Peter Beardsell doi:10.2307/3738942 | Cite |
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234-235 | Review of Gisela Norat, Marginalities: Diamela Eltit and the Subversion of Mainstream Literature in Chile Mary Green doi:10.2307/3738943 | Cite |
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235-237 | Review of Jürgen Eichhoff, Wortatlas der deutschen Umgangssprachen, Vol. IV Martin Durrell doi:10.2307/3738944 | Cite |
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237-238 | Review of Cyril Edwards, The Beginnings of German Literature: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Old High German Brian Murdoch doi:10.2307/3738945 | Cite |
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239 | Review of Alexandra Stirling-Hellenbrand, Topographies of Gender in Middle High German Arthurian Romance D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3738946 | Cite |
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239-240 | Review of Geoff Mortimer, Eyewitness Accounts of the Thirty Years War 1618-48 Charlotte Woodford doi:10.2307/3738947 | Cite |
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241 | Review of Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly, Court Culture in Early Modern Dresden Joachim Whaley doi:10.2307/3738948 | Cite |
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242-244 | Review of Detlef Döring, Die Geschichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft in Leipzig: Von der Gründung bis in die ersten Jahre des Seniorats Johann Christoph Gottscheds John L. Flood doi:10.2307/3738949 | Cite |
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244 | Review of Urs Boschung, Barbara Braun-Bucher, Stefan Hächler, Kathrin Ott, Hubert Steinke, Martin Stuber, Repertorium zu Albrecht von Hallers Korrespondenz 1724-1777 K. F. Hilliard doi:10.2307/3738950 | Cite |
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244-246 | Review of Astrida Orle Tantillo, Goethe's 'Elective Affinities' and the Critics Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3738951 | Cite |
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246-247 | Review of Helmut Koopmann, Goethe und Frau von Stein: Geschichte einer Liebe Sarah Colvin doi:10.2307/3738952 | Cite |
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247-248 | Review of Nicholas Boyle, John Guthrie, Goethe and the English-Speaking World: Essays from the Cambridge Symposium for His 250th Anniversary Susanne Stark doi:10.2307/3738953 | Cite |
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248-250 | Review of Bettina Plett, Problematische Naturen? Held und Heroismus im realistischen Erzählen Jeffrey L. Sammons doi:10.2307/3738954 | Cite |
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250-251 | Review of Andrew Zimmerman, Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany Florian Krobb doi:10.2307/3738955 | Cite |
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251-253 | Review of Ingo R. Stoehr, German Literature of the Twentieth Century: From Aestheticism to Postmodernism Alan Bance doi:10.2307/3738956 | Cite |
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253-254 | Review of Wolfgang Braungart, Ute Oelmann, Bernhard Böschenstein, Stefan George: Werk und Wirkung seit dem 'Siebenten Ring' Ritchie Robertson doi:10.2307/3738957 | Cite |
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254-255 | Review of Ruth Hermann, Im Zwischenraum zwischen Welt und Spielzeug: Eine Poetik der Kindheit bei Rilke Helen Bridge doi:10.2307/3738958 | Cite |
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255-256 | Review of Thomas Klugkist, Der pessimistische Humanismus: Thomas Manns lebensphilosophische Adaption der Schopenhauerschen Mitleidsethik Paul Bishop doi:10.2307/3738959 | Cite |
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256-257 | Review of Godela Weiss-Sussex, Metropolitan Chronicles: Georg Hermann's Berlin Novels, 1897-1912 Florian Krobb doi:10.2307/3738960 | Cite |
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257-258 | Review of Roger Kingerlee, Psychological Models of Masculinity in Döblin, Musil, and Jahnn: Männliches, Allzumännliches David Midgley doi:10.2307/3738961 | Cite |
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258-259 | Review of Fritz Mierau, Sieglinde Mierau, Almanach für Einzelgänger Richard Dove doi:10.2307/3738962 | Cite |
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259-261 | Review of Matthias Kussmann, Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Ich: Wolfgang Koeppens Spätwerk John Margetts doi:10.2307/3738963 | Cite |
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261-262 | Review of Joanna Firaza, Die Ästhetik des Dramenwerks von Rainer Werner Fassbinder: Die Struktur der Doppeltheit David Barnett doi:10.2307/3738964 | Cite |
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262-263 | Review of Markus Symmank, Karnevaleske Konfigurationen in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur Stuart Parkes doi:10.2307/3738965 | Cite |
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263-264 | Review of Michael Geyer, The Power of Intellectuals in Contemporary Germany Stuart Taberner doi:10.2307/3738966 | Cite |
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265 | Review of Iris Denneler, Von Namen und Dingen: Erkundungen zur Rolle des Ich in der Literatur am Beispiel von Ingeborg Bachmann, Peter Bichsel, Max Frisch, Gottfried Keller, Heinrich von Kleist, Arthur Schnitzler, Frank Wedekind, Vladimir Nabokov und W. G. Sebald Anne Fuchs doi:10.2307/3738967 | Cite |
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266-267 | Review of Nicholas Saul, Philosophy and German Literature, 1700-1990 Paul Bishop doi:10.2307/3738968 | Cite |
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267-268 | Review of Margaret Clunies Ross, The Old Norse Poetic Translations of Thomas Percy: A New Edition and Commentary Carolyne Larrington doi:10.2307/3738969 | Cite |
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268-269 | Review of Arnold McMillin, Belarusian Literature of the Diaspora Frank H. Ellis doi:10.2307/3738970 | Cite |
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269-270 | Review of Paul Bushkovitch, Peter the Great: The Struggle for Power, 1671-1725 Derek Offord doi:10.2307/3738971 | Cite |
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271 | Review of Craig Brandist, The Bakhtin Circle: Philosophy, Culture and Politics V. Reznik doi:10.2307/3738972 | Cite |
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272-273 | Review of Goran Gocić, Notes from the Underground: The Cinema of Emir Kusturica Peter Hames doi:10.2307/3738973 | Cite |
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273-274 | Review of David Gillespie, Early Soviet Cinema: Innovation, Ideology and Propaganda Philip Cavendish doi:10.2307/3738974 | Cite |
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274-276 | Review of Hans Rothe, Sakrale Grundlagen slavischer Literaturen Wolf-Heinrich Schmidt doi:10.2307/3738975 | Cite |
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276 | Review of Eva Binder, Christine Engel, Eisensteins Erben: Der sowjetische Film vom Tauwetter zur Perestroika (1953-1991) Richard Taylor doi:10.2307/3738976 | Cite |
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277-278 | Review of Peter M. Daly, Daniel Russell, Michael Bath, Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies, Vol. II Claire Preston doi:10.2307/3738977 | Cite |
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278-279 | Review of Stella Revard, Pindar and the Renaissance Hymn-Ode, 1450-1700 John K. Hale doi:10.2307/3738978 | Cite |
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279-280 | Review of Fiona McIntosh-Varjabédian, Discours sur le primitif Walter Redfern doi:10.2307/3738979 | Cite |
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280-281 | Review of Laurent Mattiussi, Fictions de l'ipséité: essai sur l'invention narrative de soi (Beckett, Hesse, Kafka, Musil, Proust, Woolf) Colin Davis doi:10.2307/3738980 | Cite |
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281-282 | | Cite |
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282-283 | | Cite |
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283-284 | Review of P. de Carvalho, M. Quayle, L. Rosier, O. Soutet, La Psychomécanique aujourd'hui: Actes du 8e colloque international de psychomécanique du langage, Seyssel, 1997 Emmanuelle Labeau doi:10.2307/3738983 | Cite |
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