817-826 | "Dis ain't Gimme, Florida": Zora Neale Hurston's "Their Eyes Were Watching God" Judie Newman doi:10.2307/3737926 | Cite |
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827-841 | | Cite |
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842-856 | | Cite |
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857-869 | The Nature of Libertine Promises in Laclos's "Les Liaisons dangereuses" David McCallam doi:10.2307/3737929 | Cite |
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870-880 | Literary Trafficking: Performing Identity in Violette Leduc's "La Bâtarde" Alison Fell doi:10.2307/3737930 | Cite |
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881-897 | | Cite |
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898-907 | | Cite |
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908-928 | Beyond Left and Right: The Poetic Reception of Stefan George and Rainer Maria Rilke, 1933-1945 Mark Elliott doi:10.2307/3737933 | Cite |
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929-944 | Late Stalinist Cinema and the Cold War: An Equation without Unknowns Evgeny Dobrenko doi:10.2307/3737934 | Cite |
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945-946 | | Cite |
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946-947 | | Cite |
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947-948 | Review of Hugh White, Nature, Sex, and Goodness in a Medieval Literary Tradition Kathryn L. Lynch doi:10.2307/3737937 | Cite |
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948-949 | Review of Michelle Sweeney, Magic in Medieval Romance from Chrétien de Troyes to Geoffrey Chaucer Malcolm V. Jones doi:10.2307/3737938 | Cite |
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950 | Review of Richard Rastall, Minstrels Playing: Music in Early English Religious Drama. Volume II Christopher R. Wilson doi:10.2307/3737939 | Cite |
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951 | Review of Kari Anne Rand Schmidt, The Index of Middle English Prose, Handlist XVII: Manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge John J. Thompson doi:10.2307/3737940 | Cite |
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952-953 | Review of Bonnie Wheeler, Robert L. Kindrick, Michael N. Salda, The Malory Debate: Essays on the Texts of 'Le Morte Darthur' Terence McCarthy doi:10.2307/3737941 | Cite |
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953-954 | Review of Margaret Healy, Fictions of Disease in Early Modern England: Bodies, Plagues and Politics Karen L. Edwards doi:10.2307/3737942 | Cite |
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954-955 | Review of Goran V. Stanivukovic, Ovid and the Renaissance Body Sarah Annes Brown doi:10.2307/3737943 | Cite |
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956 | Review of Paul J. Voss, Elizabethan News Pamphlets: Shakespeare, Spenser, Marlowe & the Birth of Journalism Melanie Ord doi:10.2307/3737944 | Cite |
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956-957 | Review of Thomas Kyd, Beyond 'The Spanish Tragedy': A Study of the Works of Thomas Kyd David Gunby doi:10.2307/3737945 | Cite |
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958-960 | | Cite |
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960-961 | Review of Cyndia Susan Clegg, Press Censorship in Jacobean England Michelle O'Callaghan doi:10.2307/3737947 | Cite |
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961-963 | Review of Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Majestick Milton: British Imperial Expansion and Transformations of 'Paradise Lost', 1667-1837 Paul Stevens doi:10.2307/3737948 | Cite |
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963-964 | Review of Catherine Maxwell, The Female Sublime from Milton to Swinburne: Bearing Blindness Hilary Fraser doi:10.2307/3737949 | Cite |
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964-966 | Review of Linda V. Troost, Eighteenth-Century Women: Studies in Their Lives, Work and Culture. Volume 1 Kate Williams doi:10.2307/3737950 | Cite |
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966-967 | Review of Betsy Bolton, Women, Nationalism and the Romantic Stage: Theatre and Politics in Britain, 1780-1800 Diana Devlin doi:10.2307/3737951 | Cite |
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967-968 | Review of Stephen Miller, Three Deaths and Enlightenment Thought: Hume, Johnson, Marat Allan Ingram doi:10.2307/3737952 | Cite |
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968-969 | Review of Philip Smallwood, Johnson Re-Visioned: Looking before and after Paul Baines doi:10.2307/3737953 | Cite |
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969-970 | Review of William J. Christmas, The Lab'ring Muses: Work, Writing, and the Social Order in English Plebeian Poetry, 1730-1830 Mary Waldron doi:10.2307/3737954 | Cite |
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970-972 | Review of Edward H. Jacobs, Accidental Migrations: An Archaeology of Gothic Discourse David H. Walker doi:10.2307/3737955 | Cite |
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972-973 | Review of Michael Scrivener, Seditious Allegories: John Thelwall and Jacobin Writing Simon Dentith doi:10.2307/3737956 | Cite |
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973-974 | Review of Sheila A. Spector, 'Wonders Divine': The Development of Blake's Kabbalistic Myth Jeremy Tambling doi:10.2307/3737957 | Cite |
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974-975 | Review of Susan J. Wolfson, Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Letters, Reception Materials Myra Cottingham doi:10.2307/3737958 | Cite |
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975-976 | Review of Catherine Robson, Men in Wonderland: The Lost Girlhood of the Victorian Gentleman Catherine Maxwell doi:10.2307/3737959 | Cite |
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976-977 | Review of David Bromwich, Skeptical Music: Essays on Modern Poetry Pat Righelato doi:10.2307/3737960 | Cite |
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977-978 | Review of Simon Gaunt, Retelling the Tale: An Introduction to Medieval French Literature Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3737961 | Cite |
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978-979 | Review of Piotr Tylus, Histoire de la reine Berthe et du roy Pepin: mise en prose d'une chanson de geste Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3737962 | Cite |
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979-980 | Review of Nicole Cazauran, Simone de Reyff, Marguerite de Navarre, Œuvres complètes. Vol. III: Le Triomphe de l'Agneau Trevor Peach doi:10.2307/3737963 | Cite |
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980 | Review of Marie-Claire Bichard-Thomine, Noël Du Fail: conteur Ian R. Morrison doi:10.2307/3737964 | Cite |
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980-981 | Review of Patricia Eichel-Lojkine, Excentricité et humanisme: parodie, dérision et détournement des codes à la Renaissance Kathryn Banks doi:10.2307/3737965 | Cite |
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981-982 | | Cite |
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982-983 | Review of Jean Thenaud, Titia J. Schuurs-Janssen, René E. V. Stuip, Le Triumphe des Vertuz, second traité: Le Triumphe de Force R. J. Knecht doi:10.2307/3737967 | Cite |
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983-984 | Review of Nicolas Denisot, Véronique Duché-Gavet, L'Amant resucité de la mort d'amour: en cinq livres (1558) Cathy Hampton doi:10.2307/3737968 | Cite |
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984-985 | Review of Jean Balsamo, Michel Simonin, Abel L'Angelier et Françoise de Louvain (1574-1620). Suivi du Catalogue des ouvrages publiés par Abel L'Angelier (1574-1610) et la Veuve L'Angelier (1610-1620) Trevor Peach doi:10.2307/3737969 | Cite |
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985 | Review of Gillet de la Tessonerie, Peggy Chaplin, Le Triomphe des cinq passions Guy Snaith doi:10.2307/3737970 | Cite |
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986 | Review of Julie Boch, Les Dieux désenchantés: la fable dans la pensée française de Huet à Voltaire (1680-1760) Amy Wygant doi:10.2307/3737971 | Cite |
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986-987 | | Cite |
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987-988 | Review of Roland Mortier, Les Combats des lumières: recueil d'études sur le dix-huitième siècle Haydn Mason doi:10.2307/3737973 | Cite |
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988-989 | Review of Catherine Volpilhac-Auger, Claire Bustarret, L'Atelier de Montesquieu: manuscrits inédits de La Brède Iris Cox doi:10.2307/3737974 | Cite |
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989-990 | Review of Peter Cryle, The Telling of the Act: Sexuality as Narrative in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century France John Phillips doi:10.2307/3737975 | Cite |
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990-992 | | Cite |
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992-993 | | Cite |
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994 | Review of Timothy Raser, Peripheries of Nineteenth-Century French Studies: Views from the Edge Andrew Watts doi:10.2307/3737978 | Cite |
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994-995 | Review of Mireille Labouret Grare, Balzac, la duchesse et l'idole: poétique du corps aristocratique Sarah F. Donachie doi:10.2307/3737979 | Cite |
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995-996 | Review of Scott Lee, Traces de l'excès: essai sur la nouvelle philosophique de Balzac Tim Farrant doi:10.2307/3737980 | Cite |
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996-997 | Review of Henri Mitterand, Zola. Vol. II: L'Homme de 'Germinal' (1871-1893) Hannah Thompson doi:10.2307/3737981 | Cite |
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997-998 | Review of Marie-Ange Voisin-Fougère, L'Ironie naturaliste: Zola et les paradoxes du sérieux Larry Duffy doi:10.2307/3737982 | Cite |
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998-999 | Review of Pascal Durand, Bloy et la communication dans 'l'enfer des médias' William Kidd doi:10.2307/3737983 | Cite |
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999-1000 | Review of Emily Eells, Proust's Cup of Tea: Homoeroticism and Victorian Culture Margaret Topping doi:10.2307/3737984 | Cite |
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1000-1001 | Review of Armine Kotin Mortimer, Katherine Kolb, Proust in Perspective: Visions and Revisions Edward J. Hughes doi:10.2307/3737985 | Cite |
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1001 | Review of Sabine Hillen, Le Roman monologue: Montherlant auteur, narrateur, acteur Richard Griffiths doi:10.2307/3737986 | Cite |
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1001-1002 | Review of Raymond Gay-Crosier, Albert Camus 19: 'L'Homme révolté' cinquante ans après Edward J. Hughes doi:10.2307/3737987 | Cite |
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1002-1003 | Review of Jean-Pierre Boulé, HIV Stories: The Archeology of AIDS Writing in France, 1985-1988 Murray Pratt doi:10.2307/3737988 | Cite |
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1004 | Review of Brenda F. Berrian, Awakening Spaces: French Caribbean Popular Songs, Music, and Culture Martin Munro doi:10.2307/3737989 | Cite |
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1004-1005 | Review of Charles Forsdick, Tous Azimuts, II: Les Usages du genre Walter Redfern doi:10.2307/3737990 | Cite |
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1005-1006 | Review of Marc Martin, La Presse régionale: des affiches aux grands quotidiens Paul Rowe doi:10.2307/3737991 | Cite |
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1006-1007 | Review of Jean-François Sablayrolles, La Néologie en français contemporain: examen du concept et analyse de productions néologiques récentes Hilary Wise doi:10.2307/3737992 | Cite |
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1007-1008 | | Cite |
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1008-1009 | Review of Nadia Cannata, Il canzoniere a stampa (1470-1530): tradizione e fortuna di un genere fra storia del libro e letteratura Brian Richardson doi:10.2307/3737994 | Cite |
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1009-1010 | Review of Lynne Press, Pamela Williams, Women and Feminine Images in Giacomo Leopardi, 1797-1837: Bicentenary Essays Kay Baldwin doi:10.2307/3737995 | Cite |
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1011-1012 | Review of Frank Burke, Marguerite R. Waller, Federico Fellini: Contemporary Perspectives William Hope doi:10.2307/3737996 | Cite |
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1012-1014 | Review of Elizabeth E. Wright, Pilgrimage to Patronage: Lope de Vega and the Court of Philip III, 1598-1621 Alistair Malcolm doi:10.2307/3737997 | Cite |
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1014-1015 | Review of Dale Pratt, Signs of Science: Literature, Science, and Spanish Modernity since 1868 Alison Sinclair doi:10.2307/3737998 | Cite |
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1015-1017 | Review of Rhian Davies, 'La España Moderna' and 'Regeneración': A Cultural Review in Restoration Spain, 1889-1914 Alison Sinclair doi:10.2307/3737999 | Cite |
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1017-1018 | Review of James Valender, Una mujer moderna: Concha Méndez en su mundo (1898-1986) Susan Kirkpatrick doi:10.2307/3738000 | Cite |
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1018-1019 | | Cite |
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1019-1020 | Review of Jo Labanyi, Constructing Identity in Contemporary Spain: Theoretical Debates and Cultural Practice David T. Gies doi:10.2307/3738002 | Cite |
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1021-1022 | Review of Will Fowler, Latin America 1800-2000: Modern History for Modern Languages Paul Garner doi:10.2307/3738003 | Cite |
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1022-1023 | | Cite |
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1023-1024 | Review of William Rowe, Poets of Contemporary Latin America: History and the Inner Life Chris Perriam doi:10.2307/3738005 | Cite |
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1025-1026 | Review of Julie A. Winkler, Elena Garro, Light into Shadow: Marginality and Alienation in the Work of Elena Garro Claire Taylor doi:10.2307/3738006 | Cite |
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1026-1027 | Review of Dominic Keown, Polifonia de la subversió: la veu col·lectiva de Vicent Andrés Estellés Arthur Terry doi:10.2307/3738007 | Cite |
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1027-1028 | Review of Gabrielle Hogan-Brun, National Varieties of German outside Germany: A European Perspective Martin Durrell doi:10.2307/3738008 | Cite |
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1028-1030 | Review of John Greenfield, Das Nibelungenlied: Actas do Simpósio Internacional, 27 de Outobro de 2000 Graeme Dunphy doi:10.2307/3738009 | Cite |
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1030-1031 | Review of Winder McConnell, Francis G. Gentry, Ulrich Müller, Werner Wunderlich, The Nibelungen Tradition: An Encyclopaedia Neil Thomas doi:10.2307/3738010 | Cite |
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1031-1033 | Review of Elisabeth Lienert, Deutsche Antikenromane des Mittelalters D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3738011 | Cite |
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1033-1034 | Review of Hans-Gert Roloff, Die deutsche Literatur (DDL). Reihe II, Abt. A: Autorenlexikon. Vol. II: fascs 6-10 Anne Simon doi:10.2307/3738012 | Cite |
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1034-1035 | Review of Friederike Niemeyer, 'Ich, Michel Pehn': Zum Kunst- und Rollenverständnis des meisterlichen Berufsdichters Michel Beheim John L. Flood doi:10.2307/3738013 | Cite |
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1035-1036 | Review of Sandra Krump, In scenam datus est cum plausu: Das Theater der Jesuiten in Passau (1612-1775) Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3738014 | Cite |
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1036-1037 | Review of Andreas Meier, Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz: Vom Sturm und Drang zur Moderne James Gibbons doi:10.2307/3738015 | Cite |
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1038-1041 | Review of Matthias Luserke, Goethe nach 1999: Positionen und Perspektiven; Thomas P. Saine, Simon Richter, Goethe Yearbook, Volume X; Martin Swales, Erika Swales, Reading Goethe: A Critical Introduction to the Literary Work; Paul Bishop, A Companion to Goethe's 'Faust' Matthew Bell doi:10.2307/3738016 | Cite |
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1041-1042 | Review of Alexander Honold, Nach Olympia: Hölderlin und die Erfindung der Antike David Pugh doi:10.2307/3738017 | Cite |
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1042-1044 | Review of Herbert Uerlings, 'Blüthenstaub': Rezeption und Wirkung des Werkes von Novalis Nicholas Saul doi:10.2307/3738018 | Cite |
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1044-1045 | Review of Peter D. Krause, Unbestimmte Rhetorik: Friedrich Schlegel und die Redekunst um 1800 Katrin Kohl doi:10.2307/3738019 | Cite |
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1045-1047 | Review of Seán Allan, The Stories of Heinrich von Kleist: Fictions of Security Paul Bishop doi:10.2307/3738020 | Cite |
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1047-1048 | Review of Wolf Gerhard Schmidt, Friedrich de la Motte Fouqués Nibelungen-Trilogie 'Der Held des Nordens': Studien zu Stoff, Struktur und Rezeption Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3738021 | Cite |
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1049 | Review of Thomas Wolf, Brüder, Geister und Fossilien: Eduard Mörikes Erfahrungen der Umwelt Ritchie Robertson doi:10.2307/3738022 | Cite |
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1049-1050 | Review of Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, Nestroy: Die Launen des Glückes John R. P. McKenzie doi:10.2307/3738023 | Cite |
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1051 | Review of Dirk Göttsche, Zeit im Roman: Literarische Zeitreflexion und die Geschichte des Zeitromans im späten 18. und im 19. Jahrhundert Martina Lauster doi:10.2307/3738024 | Cite |
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1052-1053 | Review of Kenneth H. Ober, Die Ghettogeschichte: Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Gattung Florian Krobb doi:10.2307/3738025 | Cite |
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1053-1054 | Review of Patricia Howe, Helen Chambers, Theodor Fontane and the European Context: Literature, Culture and Society in Prussia and Europe Florian Krobb doi:10.2307/3738026 | Cite |
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1054-1055 | Review of Sabine Strümper-Krobb, Florian Krobb, Literaturvermittlung um 1900: Fallstudien zu Wegen in das deutschsprachige kulturelle System Jakob Lothe doi:10.2307/3738027 | Cite |
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1055-1057 | Review of Ritchie Robertson, The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Mann Jens Rieckmann doi:10.2307/3738028 | Cite |
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1057 | | Cite |
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1057-1058 | Review of Jürgen Brokoff, Die Apokalypse in der Weimarer Republik Galin Tihanov doi:10.2307/3738030 | Cite |
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1059 | Review of Jakov Lind, Andrea Hammel, Silke Hassler, Edward Timms, Writing after Hitler: The Work of Jakov Lind Cathy Gelbin doi:10.2307/3738031 | Cite |
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1059-1060 | Review of Wolfgang Koeppen, Simon Ward, Negotiating Positions: Literature, Identity and Social Critique in the Works of Wolfgang Koeppen Anne White doi:10.2307/3738032 | Cite |
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1060-1061 | Review of Geoffrey Westgate, Strategies under Surveillance: Reading Irmtraud Morgner as a GDR Writer Bill Niven doi:10.2307/3738033 | Cite |
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1062-1063 | Review of Christoph Heins, Terrance Albrecht, Rezeption und Zeitlichkeit des Werkes Christoph Heins Joshua Reid doi:10.2307/3738034 | Cite |
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1064 | Review of Frederick A. Lubich, Wendewelten: Paradigmenwechsel in der deutschen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte nach 1945 Osman Durrani doi:10.2307/3738035 | Cite |
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1065 | Review of Sabine Doering, Die Schwestern des Doktor Faust: Eine Geschichte der weiblichen Faustgestalten Helen Chambers doi:10.2307/3738036 | Cite |
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1066-1067 | | Cite |
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1067-1068 | | Cite |
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1068-1069 | Review of Josephine Woll, Denise Youngblood, Repentance; Natasha Synessios, The Mirror Fiona Björling doi:10.2307/3738039 | Cite |
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1070-1071 | Review of Amy Sargeant, Vsevolod Pudovkin: Classic Films of the Soviet Avant-Garde J. Hicks doi:10.2307/3738040 | Cite |
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1071-1072 | Review of Maureen Perrie, The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia Evgeny Dobrenko doi:10.2307/3738041 | Cite |
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1072-1074 | Review of Rüdiger Schnell, Sexualität und Emotionalitätin der vormodernen Ehe D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3738042 | Cite |
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1074-1075 | Review of Alain Boureau, Lydia G. Cochrane, The Myth of Pope Joan Graeme Dunphy doi:10.2307/3738043 | Cite |
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1075-1076 | Review of Eckhard Kessler, Ian Maclean, Res et verba in der Renaissance Peter Burke doi:10.2307/3738044 | Cite |
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1076-1077 | Review of Reinhard Uhrig, Changing Ideas, Changing Texts: First-Person Novels in the Early Modern Period Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3738045 | Cite |
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1078 | Review of Nancy O. Chamness, The Libretto as Literature: 'Doktor Faust' by Ferruccio Busoni Brian Keith-Smith doi:10.2307/3738046 | Cite |
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xxxi-lx | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 2003: Tristan: On Being the Contemporary of Gottfried von Straßburg Roy Wisbey doi:10.2307/3738048 | Cite |
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