913-930 | | Cite |
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931-936 | | Cite |
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937-951 | | Cite |
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952-963 | | Cite |
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964-972 | Second Thoughts on the Dénouement of "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" Patrick Byrne doi:10.2307/3735863 | Cite |
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973-989 | Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinella, Giuseppe Passi: An Early Seventeenth-Century Feminist Controversy Stephen Kolsky doi:10.2307/3735864 | Cite |
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990-1005 | | Cite |
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1006-1015 | Reproducing the Monstrous Nation: A Note on Pregnancy and Motherhood in the Fiction of Rosario Castellanos, Brianda Domecq, and Ángeles Mastretta Nuala Finnegan doi:10.2307/3735866 | Cite |
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1016-1028 | Literary "Empfindsamkeit" and Nervous Sensibility in Eighteenth-Century Germany Catherine J. Minter doi:10.2307/3735867 | Cite |
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1029-1041 | The Krimi and the Criminal State: Wolfgang Hilbig's "Eine Übertragung" Paul Cooke doi:10.2307/3735868 | Cite |
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1042-1043 | Review of Sandra J. McEntire, Julian of Norwich: A Book of Essays Marion Glasscoe doi:10.2307/3735869 | Cite |
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1043-1045 | Review of Peter Brown, Reading Dreams: The Interpretation of Dreams from Chaucer to Shakespeare Helen Phillips doi:10.2307/3735870 | Cite |
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1045-1046 | Review of Patrick Cheney, Lauren Silberman, Worldmaking Spenser: Explorations in the Early Modern Age Andrew Hadfield doi:10.2307/3735871 | Cite |
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1046-1048 | Review of Catherine Belsey, Shakespeare and the Loss of Eden: The Construction of Family Values in Early Modern Culture Michael Shapiro doi:10.2307/3735872 | Cite |
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1048-1049 | Review of Arthur F. Marotti, Catholicism and Anti-Catholicism in Early Modern English Texts Richard Dutton doi:10.2307/3735873 | Cite |
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1049-1050 | Review of R. V. Young, Doctrine and Devotion in Seventeenth-Century Poetry: Studies in Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, and Vaughan Richard Todd doi:10.2307/3735874 | Cite |
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1050-1051 | Review of Desiree Hellegers, Handmaid to Divinity: Natural Philosophy, Poetry, and Gender in Seventeenth-Century England Carolyn D. Williams doi:10.2307/3735875 | Cite |
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1051-1052 | Review of Tone Sundt Urstad, Sir Robert Walpole's Poets: The Use of Literature as Pro-Government Propaganda, 1721-1742 Allan Ingram doi:10.2307/3735876 | Cite |
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1052-1053 | Review of Rab Houston, Madness and Society in Eighteenth-Century Scotland Allan Ingram doi:10.2307/3735877 | Cite |
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1053-1054 | Review of Randall Craig, Promising Language: Betrothal in Victorian Law and Fiction Deborah Parsons doi:10.2307/3735878 | Cite |
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1055-1056 | Review of Kate Flint, The Victorians and the Visual Imagination Catherine Maxwell doi:10.2307/3735879 | Cite |
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1056-1057 | Review of Steven Matthews, Yeats as Precursor: Readings in Irish, British and American Poetry Stephen Matterson doi:10.2307/3735880 | Cite |
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1057-1058 | Review of James Perrin Warren, Culture of Eloquence: Oratory and Reform in Antebellum America R. W. (Herbie) Butterfield doi:10.2307/3735881 | Cite |
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1058-1059 | Review of Alan L. Ackerman, Jr., The Portable Theater: American Literature and the Nineteenth-Century Stage Peter Rawlings doi:10.2307/3735882 | Cite |
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1059-1060 | Review of Gavin Jones, Strange Talk: The Politics of Dialect Literature in Gilded Age America James Hurt doi:10.2307/3735883 | Cite |
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1061 | Review of Alan Hindley, Frederick W. Langley, Brian J. Levy, Old French-English Dictionary Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3735884 | Cite |
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1061-1062 | Review of Peter Damian-Grint, The New Historians of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance: Inventing Vernacular Authority Peter Noble doi:10.2307/3735885 | Cite |
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1063 | Review of Dominique de Courcelles, Fonder les Savoirs, Fonder les Pouvoirs, XVe-XVIIe siècle: Actes de la journée d'étude organisée par l'école Nationale des Chartes (paris, 8 avril 1999) Keith Cameron doi:10.2307/3735886 | Cite |
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1064 | Review of André Tissier, Farces françaises de la fin du moyen Âge: Transcription en français modern Alan Hindley doi:10.2307/3735887 | Cite |
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1064-1065 | Review of Floyd Gray, Gender, Rhetoric, and Print Culture in French Renaissance Writing Adrian Aramstrong doi:10.2307/3735888 | Cite |
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1065-1066 | Review of Terence Cave, Pré-histoires: Textes troublés au seuil de la modernité Elizabeth Moles doi:10.2307/3735889 | Cite |
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1066-1067 | Review of Florence Vuillemier Laurens, La Raison des Figures symboliques à la Renaissance et à l'âge classique: Études sur les fondements philosophiques, théologiques et rhétoriques de l'image Alison Adams doi:10.2307/3735890 | Cite |
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1067-1068 | Review of Cathy Yandell, Carpe Corpus. Time and Gender in Early Modern France Valerie Worth-Stylianou doi:10.2307/3735891 | Cite |
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1068-1069 | Review of Julius Caesar Scaliger, Michel Magnien, Orationes duae contra Erasmum Michael Heath doi:10.2307/3735892 | Cite |
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1069-1070 | Review of Philip Ford, Mythologicum ou interprétation allégorique de l'Odyssée X-XII et de l'Hymne à Aphrodite Valerie Worth-Stylianou doi:10.2307/3735893 | Cite |
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1070 | Review of Christine de Buzon, Pierre Martin, Ronsard & Muret: Les Amours, leurs Commentaires. Texte de 1553 Keith Cameron doi:10.2307/3735894 | Cite |
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1071 | Review of Danièle Duport, Les Jardins qui sentent le sauvage: Ronsard et la poétique du paysage Elizabeth Vinestock doi:10.2307/3735895 | Cite |
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1071-1072 | Review of Yvonne Roberts, Jean-Antoine de Baïf and the Valois Court Elizabeth Vinestock doi:10.2307/3735896 | Cite |
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1072 | Review of Keith Cameron, Philippe Desportes, Concordance des œuvres poétiques de Philippe Desportes Jean Braybrook doi:10.2307/3735897 | Cite |
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1073 | Review of Eric Méchoulan, La Vengeance dans la Littérature d'ancien Régime David Shaw doi:10.2307/3735898 | Cite |
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1073-1074 | | Cite |
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1074-1075 | Review of Richard E. Goodkin, Birth Marks: The Tragedy of Primogeniture in Pierre Corneille, Thomas Corneille, and Jean Racine David Clarke doi:10.2307/3735900 | Cite |
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1075-1076 | | Cite |
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1076 | Review of Jacques Le Brun, Irénée Noye, Correspondance de Fénelon: Les dernières années, 1712-1715. Vols XVI and XVII Richard Parish doi:10.2307/3735902 | Cite |
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1077 | Review of Malcolm Cook, Annie Jourdan, Journalisme et fiction au 18e siècle Christopher Todd doi:10.2307/3735903 | Cite |
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1077-1078 | Review of Marie-France Silver, Marie-Laure Girou Swiderski, Femmes en toutes lettre: Les épistolières du XVIIIe siècle Shirley Jones Day doi:10.2307/3735904 | Cite |
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1078-1079 | Review of Julie Anne Plax, Watteau and the Cultural Politics of Eighteenth-Century France Melissa Percival doi:10.2307/3735905 | Cite |
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1080-1081 | Review of Catherine Larrère, Catherine Volpilhac-Auger, 1748: L'Année de L'Esprit des lois Iris Cox doi:10.2307/3735906 | Cite |
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1081 | Review of Walter E. Rex, Diderot's Counterpoints: The Dynamics of Contrariety in His Major Works James Fowler doi:10.2307/3735907 | Cite |
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1081-1082 | Review of Roland Mortier, Le 'Prince d'Albanie': Un aventurier au Siècle des Lumières Katherine Astbury doi:10.2307/3735908 | Cite |
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1082-1083 | Review of Raymond Trousson, Jean-Jacques Rousseau jugé par ses contemporains. Du 'Discours sur les sciences et les Arts' aux 'Confessions' Robin Howells doi:10.2307/3735909 | Cite |
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1083-1084 | Review of Thierry Viart, La Convention de l'amour-goût chez Claude Crébillon. Genèse et perspectives John Greene doi:10.2307/3735910 | Cite |
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1084-1085 | Review of Guillaume Henri Charles de Goyon d'Arzac, Jürgen Storost, Essais littéraires et philosophiques sur les causes de l'universalité de la langue française Paul Rowe doi:10.2307/3735911 | Cite |
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1085 | Review of E. H. Blackmore, A. M. Blackmore, Six French Poets of the Nineteenth Century: Lamartine, Hugo, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Mallarmé Clive Scott doi:10.2307/3735912 | Cite |
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1086 | Review of René-Alexandre Courteix, Balzac et la Révolution française. Aspects idéologiques et politiques Owen Heathcote doi:10.2307/3735913 | Cite |
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1087 | Review of Clarisse Requena, Prosper Mérimée, Unité et dualité dans l'æuvre de Prosper Mérimée: Mythe et récit Peter Cogman doi:10.2307/3735914 | Cite |
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1087-1088 | Review of Émile Zola, Percy Pinkerton, Robert Lethbridge, Pot-Bouille Geoff Woollen doi:10.2307/3735915 | Cite |
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1089 | | Cite |
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1090 | | Cite |
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1090-1091 | Review of Annick Bouillaguet, Proust lecteur de Balzac et de Flaubert. L'imitation cryptée W. L. Hodson doi:10.2307/3735918 | Cite |
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1092 | Review of Roger Shattuck, Proust's Way: A Field Guide to 'In Search of Lost Time' W. L. Hodson doi:10.2307/3735919 | Cite |
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1092-1093 | Review of Bethany Ladimer, Colette, Beauvoir and Duras: Age and Women Writers Rachel Glick doi:10.2307/3735920 | Cite |
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1093-1094 | Review of Melanie C. Hawthorne, Contingent Loves: Simone de Beauvoir and Sexuality Rachel Glick doi:10.2307/3735921 | Cite |
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1094-1095 | Review of Jean-Jacques Thomas, Steven Winspur, Poeticized Language: The Foundations of Contemporary French Poetry Peter Broome doi:10.2307/3735922 | Cite |
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1096 | Review of Giovanni Dotoli, Ricciotto Canudo ou le cinéma comme art Guy Austin doi:10.2307/3735923 | Cite |
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1096-1098 | Review of Jean Bessière, Jean-Marc Moura, Littératures postcoloniales et représentations de l'ailleurs: Afrique, Caraïbe, Canada Charles Forsdick doi:10.2307/3735924 | Cite |
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1098-1099 | | Cite |
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1099-1100 | | Cite |
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1100-1101 | Review of Jean-Joseph Goux, Philip R. Wood, Terror and Consensus: Vicissitudes of French Thought Margaret Atack doi:10.2307/3735927 | Cite |
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1101-1102 | Review of Sonya Stephens, A History of Women's Writing in France Diana Holmes doi:10.2307/3735928 | Cite |
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1102-1103 | Review of James H. McGregor, Approaches to Teaching Boccaccio's 'Decameron' Jonathan Usher doi:10.2307/3735929 | Cite |
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1103-1104 | Review of Verina R. Jones, Le 'Dark Ladies' manzoniane e altri saggi sui 'Promessi sposi' Angelo Domenico Bianchi doi:10.2307/3735930 | Cite |
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1104-1105 | | Cite |
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1106-1107 | Review of Giorgio Bertone, Lo sguardo escluso. L'idea di paesaggio nella letteratura occidentale Sabrina Stroppa doi:10.2307/3735932 | Cite |
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1107-1108 | Review of David Rowland, The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes (La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de Sus Fortunas y Adversidades) Alison Campbell doi:10.2307/3735933 | Cite |
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1108-1109 | | Cite |
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1109-1110 | Review of Teresa J. Kirchner, Técnicas de representación en Lope de Vega Robert Archer doi:10.2307/3735935 | Cite |
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1110-1112 | Review of Lou Charnon-Deutsch, Fictions of the Feminine in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Press Alison Sinclair doi:10.2307/3735936 | Cite |
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1112-1113 | Review of Robert M. Fedorchek, 'Sweet and Delectable': A Novel by Jacinto Octavio Picón Jennifer Lowe doi:10.2307/3735937 | Cite |
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1114-1115 | Review of Juan Aguilera Sastre, Manuel Aznar, Cipriano de Rivas Cherif y el teatro español de su época (1891-1967) David George doi:10.2307/3735938 | Cite |
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1115-1116 | Review of Luis Cernuda, Neil C. McKinlay, The Poetry of Luis Cernuda: Order in a World of Chaos Philip Martin-Clark doi:10.2307/3735939 | Cite |
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1116-1117 | Review of Chris Perriam, Susan Frenck, Vanessa Knights, A New History of Spanish Writing: 1939 to the 1990s Abigail Lee Six doi:10.2307/3735940 | Cite |
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1117-1119 | Review of Kathleen M. Glenn, Mirella Servodidio, Mary S. Vasquez, Moveable Margins. The Narrative Art of Carme Riera Mercedes Carbayo-Abengózar doi:10.2307/3735941 | Cite |
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1119-1120 | Review of Peter Beardsell, Europe and Latin America: Returning the Gaze Stephen M. Hart doi:10.2307/3735942 | Cite |
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1120-1121 | Review of Pedro Barreda, Eduardo Béjar, Poética de la nación: poesía romántica en hispanoamérica (crítica y antología) Catherine Davies doi:10.2307/3735943 | Cite |
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1121-1123 | Review of Anny Brooksbank Jones, Ronaldo Munck, Cultural Politics in Latin America Jon Beasley-Murray doi:10.2307/3735944 | Cite |
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1123-1124 | | Cite |
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1124-1125 | Review of Flora Süssekind, Paulo Henriques Britto, Cinematograph of Words: Literature, Technique, and Modernization in Brazil Mark I. Millington doi:10.2307/3735946 | Cite |
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1126-1128 | Review of Alan Robertshaw, Gerhard Wolf, Natur und Kultur in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Colloquium Exeter 1997 Nicola McLelland doi:10.2307/3735947 | Cite |
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1128-1130 | Review of Nigel F. Palmer, Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Mittelalterliche Literatur und Kunst im Spannungsfeld von Hof und Kloster. Ergebnisse der Berliner Tagung, 9-11 Oktober 1997 D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3735948 | Cite |
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1130-1131 | Review of Walter Kofler, Das Straβburger Heldenbuch. Rekonstruktion der Textfassung des Diebolt von Hanowe Nigel F. Palmer doi:10.2307/3735949 | Cite |
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1131-1132 | Review of Klaus Conermann, Andreas Herz, Dieter Merzbacher, Die Deutsche Akademie des 17. Jahrhunderts. Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft. Reihe I, Briefe, Beilagen und Akademiearbeiten, Abt. A, Köthen. Briefe der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft und Beilagen. Die Zeit Fürst Ludwigs von Anhalt-Köthen 1617-1650. Vol. II: 16 Anthony J. Harper doi:10.2307/3735950 | Cite |
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1132-1133 | Review of Erika Fischer-Lichte, Jörg Schönert, Theater im Kulturwandel des 18. Jahrhunderts. Inszenierung und Wahrnehmung von Körper: Musik: Sprache John Guthrie doi:10.2307/3735951 | Cite |
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1134-1135 | Review of Lieselotte Kurth-Voigt, Continued Existence, Reincarnation, and the Power of Sympathy in Classical Weimar Matthew Bell doi:10.2307/3735952 | Cite |
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1135-1136 | Review of Wolfgang Bunzel, Poetik und Publikation: Goethes Veröffentlichungen in Musenalmanachen und literarischen Taschenbüchern: Mit einer Bibliographie der Erst- und autorisierten Folgedrucke literarischer Texte Goethes im Almanach (1773-1832) David Hill doi:10.2307/3735953 | Cite |
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1136-1137 | Review of W. Daniel Wilson, Unterirdische Gänge: Goethe, Freimaurerei und Politik K. F. Hilliard doi:10.2307/3735954 | Cite |
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1138-1139 | Review of Emery E. George, Hölderlin's Hymn 'Der Einzige': Sources, Language, Context, Form Charlie Louth doi:10.2307/3735955 | Cite |
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1139-1140 | Review of Jochen A. Bär, Stefan Sonderegger, Oskar Reichmann, Sprachreflexion der deutschen Frühromantik. Konzepte zwischen Universalpoesie und Grammatischem Kosmopolitismus. Mit lexikographischem Anhang Alan Corkhill doi:10.2307/3735956 | Cite |
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1140-1141 | Review of Margaretmary Daley, Women of Letters. A Study of Self and Genre in the Personal Writing of Caroline Schlegel-Schelling, Rahel Levin Varnhagen, and Bettina von Arnim Alan Corkhill doi:10.2307/3735957 | Cite |
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1141-1143 | Review of Jefferson S. Chase, Inciting Laughter: The Development of 'Jewish Humor' in 19th-Century German Culture Jeffrey L. Sammons doi:10.2307/3735958 | Cite |
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1143-1145 | Review of John Osborne, Theodor Fontane: Vor den Romanen. Krieg und Kunst Gerald Opie doi:10.2307/3735959 | Cite |
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1145-1146 | Review of Judith Ryan, Rilke, Modernism and Poetic Tradition Torsten Pettersson doi:10.2307/3735960 | Cite |
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1146-1147 | Review of Hans Rudolf Vaget, Im Schatten Wagners: Thomas Mann über Richard Wagner: Texte und Zeugnisse 1895-1955 Susan Von Rohr Scaff doi:10.2307/3735961 | Cite |
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1147-1149 | Review of Wolfgang Schneider, Lebensfreundlichkeit und Pessimismus. Thomas Manns Figurendarstellung Hinrich Siefken doi:10.2307/3735962 | Cite |
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1149-1150 | Review of Noah Isenberg, Between Redemption and Doom. The Strains of German-Jewish Modernism Anne Fuchs doi:10.2307/3735963 | Cite |
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1150-1152 | | Cite |
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1152-1153 | Review of Eberhard Haufe, Johannes Bobrowski: Erläuterungen der Gedichte und der Gedichte aus dem Nachlaß Brian Keith-Smith doi:10.2307/3735965 | Cite |
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1154-1155 | Review of Johannes Bobrowski, John P. Wieczorek, Between Sarmatia and Socialism: The Life and Work of Johannes Bobrowski Brian Keith-Smith doi:10.2307/3735966 | Cite |
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1155-1156 | | Cite |
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1156-1157 | Review of Alexandra Ludewig, Großvaterland: Thomas Bernhards Schriftstellergenese dargestellt anhand seiner (Auto-) Biographie J. J. Long doi:10.2307/3735968 | Cite |
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1158-1159 | | Cite |
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1159-1161 | Review of Larissa Ryazanova-Clarke, Terence Wade, The Russian Language Today Derek Offord doi:10.2307/3735970 | Cite |
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1161-1162 | | Cite |
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1162-1163 | Review of John Murray, Politics and Place-Names: Changing Names in the Late Soviet Period Anne White doi:10.2307/3735972 | Cite |
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1163-1164 | | Cite |
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1164-1165 | Review of Christine A. Rydel, Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 198: Russian Literature in the Age of Pushkin and Gogol: Prose W. J. Leatherbarrow doi:10.2307/3735974 | Cite |
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1165-1166 | | Cite |
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1166 | Review of John (János) Spiegel, Dimensions of Laughter in 'Crime and Punishment' W. J. Leatherbarrow doi:10.2307/3735976 | Cite |
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1167 | | Cite |
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1168 | Review of G. S. Smith, D. S. Mirsky: A Russian-English Life 1890-1939 Robert Porter doi:10.2307/3735978 | Cite |
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1168-1170 | Review of Catriona Kelly, Stephen Lovell, Russian Literature, Modernism and the Visual Arts Stephen Hutchings doi:10.2307/3735979 | Cite |
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1170-1171 | | Cite |
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1171-1172 | Review of Ian K. Lilly, Henrietta Mondry, Russian Literature in Transition Robert Porter doi:10.2307/3735981 | Cite |
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1172-1173 | Review of Josine F. Hamers, Michael Blanc, Bilinguality and Bilingualism Ursula Lanvers doi:10.2307/3735982 | Cite |
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1173-1174 | Review of Glanville Price, Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe Richard Towell doi:10.2307/3735983 | Cite |
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1174-1175 | Review of Armin Schwegler, Bernard Tranel, Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria, Romance Linguistics: Theoretical Perspectives Aidan Coveney doi:10.2307/3735984 | Cite |
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1175-1177 | | Cite |
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1177-1178 | | Cite |
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1178-1179 | | Cite |
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1179-1181 | Review of Uwe Lindemann, Die Wüste. Terra incognita: Erlebnis: Symbol. Eine Genealogie der abendländischen Wüstenvorstellungen in der Literatur von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart Theodore Ziolkowski doi:10.2307/3735988 | Cite |
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1181-1182 | Review of Carol Tully, Romantik and Romance: Cultural Interanimation in European Romanticism Paul Rowe doi:10.2307/3735989 | Cite |
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1182 | Review of Robert Crawshaw, Karin Tusting, Exploring French Text Analysis: Interpretations of National Identity Paul Cooke doi:10.2307/3735990 | Cite |
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xxxiii-xlix | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 2001: Mother Tongues and Literary Languages Giulio Lepschy doi:10.2307/3735992 | Cite |
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