1-17 | Sea Voyages into Time and Space: Postmodern Topographies in Umberto Eco's "L'isola del Giorno prima" and Christoph Ransmayr's "Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis" Beate Müller doi:10.2307/3736366 | Cite |
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18-27 | | Cite |
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28-40 | | Cite |
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41-61 | Bodily Peril: Sexuality and the Subversion of Order in Jean de Meun's "Roman de la Rose" Sylvia Huot doi:10.2307/3736369 | Cite |
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62-71 | | Cite |
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72-84 | Banville and His Three Sonnets on the Mythical Amazons Eileen Souffrin-Le Breton doi:10.2307/3736371 | Cite |
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85-91 | | Cite |
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92-106 | | Cite |
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107-113 | Renaissance Dialogue and Narrative Fiction: The Viaje de Turquía Thomas R. Hart doi:10.2307/3736374 | Cite |
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114-126 | | Cite |
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127-143 | "Eine immerwährende Umwandlung der Ansichten": Narrators and Their Perspectives in the Works of Adalbert Stifter Helena Ragg-Kirkby doi:10.2307/3736376 | Cite |
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144-153 | Anna Seghers, Friedrich Wolf, and the Austrian Civil War of 1934 Andrew Barker doi:10.2307/3736377 | Cite |
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154-167 | Brothers in Arms: The Changing Face of the Soviet Soldier in Stalinist Cinema John Haynes doi:10.2307/3736378 | Cite |
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168-169 | | Cite |
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169-170 | | Cite |
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170-171 | Review of Richard North, Heathen Gods in Old English Literature T. A. Shippey doi:10.2307/3736381 | Cite |
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171-173 | Review of George Russell, George Kane, Piers Plowman: The C Version. Will's Visions of Piers Plowman, Do-Well, Do-Better and Do-Best. An Edition in the Form of Huntington Library MS HM 143, Corrected and Restored from the Known Evidence, with Variant Readings Wendy Scase doi:10.2307/3736382 | Cite |
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173-174 | Review of Manfred Görlach, Studies in Middle English Saints' Legends Bella Millett doi:10.2307/3736383 | Cite |
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174-175 | Review of Sara Munson Deats, Sex, Gender, and Desire in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe Carolyn D. Williams doi:10.2307/3736384 | Cite |
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175-176 | | Cite |
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177-178 | Review of Daniel Fischlin, In Small Proportions: A Poetics of the English Ayre, 1596-1622 Christopher R. Wilson doi:10.2307/3736386 | Cite |
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179-180 | Review of Achsah Guibbory, Ceremony and Community from Herbert to Milton: Literature, Religion, and Cultural Conflict in Seventeenth-Century England Stella P. Revard doi:10.2307/3736387 | Cite |
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180-181 | Review of Susan Wiseman, Drama and Politics in the English Civil War Janet Clare doi:10.2307/3736388 | Cite |
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181-182 | Review of Kirk Combe, A Martyr for Sin: Rochester's Critique of Polity, Sexuality, and Society D. K. Alsop doi:10.2307/3736389 | Cite |
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182-183 | Review of Howard Erskine-Hill, Alexander Pope: World and Word Malcolm Kelsall doi:10.2307/3736390 | Cite |
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183-185 | Review of Warwick Gould, Thomas F. Staley, Writing the Lives of Writers Paul Baines doi:10.2307/3736391 | Cite |
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185-186 | Review of Moreland Perkins, Reshaping the Sexes in 'Sense and Sensibility' Alistair M. Duckworth doi:10.2307/3736392 | Cite |
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186-187 | Review of William Blake, Nicholas M. Williams, Ideology and Utopia in the Poetry of William Blake Margaret Storch doi:10.2307/3736393 | Cite |
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187-188 | Review of Ashton Nichols, The Revolutionary 'I': Wordsworth and the Politics of Self-Presentation J. H. Alexander doi:10.2307/3736394 | Cite |
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188-189 | Review of William Jewett, Fatal Autonomy: Romantic Drama and the Rhetoric of Agency Andrew Bennett doi:10.2307/3736395 | Cite |
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190-191 | Review of Monica F. Cohen, Professional Domesticity in the Victorian Novel: Women, Work and Home Elisabeth Jay doi:10.2307/3736396 | Cite |
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191-192 | Review of Jonathan Freedman, The Cambridge Companion to Henry James Tamara Follini doi:10.2307/3736397 | Cite |
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192-193 | Review of Kathy Alexis Psomiades, Beauty's Body: Femininity and Representation in British Aestheticism J. B. Bullen doi:10.2307/3736398 | Cite |
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194-195 | | Cite |
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195-196 | Review of Julia Prewitt Brown, Cosmopolitan Criticism: Oscar Wilde's Philosophy of Art John Stokes doi:10.2307/3736400 | Cite |
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196-198 | Review of Rosa M. Bollettieri Bosinelli, Harold F. Mosher, Jr., Rejoycing: New Readings of 'Dubliners' Craig Monk doi:10.2307/3736401 | Cite |
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198-199 | Review of Keith Williams, Steven Matthews, Rewriting the Thirties: Modernism and after Peter Faulkner doi:10.2307/3736402 | Cite |
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199-201 | Review of Samuel Beckett, Alan Schneider, Maurice Harmon, No Author Better Served: The Correspondence of Samuel Beckett and Alan Schneider John Pilling doi:10.2307/3736403 | Cite |
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201-202 | Review of Madeleine Macmurragh-Kavanagh, Peter Shaffer: Theatre and Drama Diana Devlin doi:10.2307/3736404 | Cite |
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202-203 | Review of Elaine Tuttle Hansen, Mother without Child: Contemporary Fiction and the Crisis of Motherhood Tess Cosslett doi:10.2307/3736405 | Cite |
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203-204 | Review of Robert Crawford, The Scottish Invention of English Literature Macdonald Daly doi:10.2307/3736406 | Cite |
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204-205 | Review of Anne Clune, Tess Hurson, Conjuring Complexities: Essays on Flann O'Brien Steven Curran doi:10.2307/3736407 | Cite |
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205-206 | Review of Jeanne Campbell Reesman, Speaking the Other Self: American Women Writers Janet Beer doi:10.2307/3736408 | Cite |
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206-207 | Review of Stéphane Marcotte, La Coordination des propositions subordonnées en moyen français Glanville Price doi:10.2307/3736409 | Cite |
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207-208 | Review of Madeleine Frédéric, La Stylistique française en mutation? Béatrice Damamme-Gilbert doi:10.2307/3736410 | Cite |
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208-209 | | Cite |
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209-210 | Review of Edwin M. Duval, The Design of Rabelais's 'Quart Livre de Pantagruel' Michael Heath doi:10.2307/3736412 | Cite |
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210-211 | | Cite |
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211 | Review of Anne R. Larsen, Madeleine des Roches, and Catherine des Roches: Les Secondes Œuvres Keith Cameron doi:10.2307/3736414 | Cite |
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211-212 | Review of Etienne Pasquier, Marie-Madeleine Fragonard, François Roudaut, Les Recherches de la France R. J. Knecht doi:10.2307/3736415 | Cite |
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212-213 | Review of Roger Ariew, John Cottingham, Tom Sorell, Descartes' Meditations: Background Source Materials Elizabeth Moles doi:10.2307/3736416 | Cite |
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213-214 | Review of Francis Mariner, Histoires et autobiographies spirituelles: Les Mémoires de Fontaine, Lancelot et du Fossé Henry Phillips doi:10.2307/3736417 | Cite |
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214-215 | Review of C. E. J. Caldicott, La carrière de Molière entre protecteurs et éditeurs Richard Parish doi:10.2307/3736418 | Cite |
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215 | Review of Arnoux Straudo, La Fortune de Pascal en France au XVIIIe siècle Nicholas Hammond doi:10.2307/3736419 | Cite |
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215-216 | Review of Jeremy D. Popkin, Bernadette Fort, The 'Mémoires Secrets' and the Culture of Publicity in Eighteenth-Century France Christopher Todd doi:10.2307/3736420 | Cite |
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216-217 | Review of Mira Morgenstern, Rousseau and the Politics of Ambiguity: Self, Culture and Society Michael O'Dea doi:10.2307/3736421 | Cite |
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217-218 | | Cite |
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218-219 | | Cite |
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219-220 | Review of Suzanne Guerlac, Literary Polemics: Bataille, Sartre, Valéry, Breton Patrick ffrench doi:10.2307/3736424 | Cite |
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220-221 | Review of Elza Adamowicz, Surrealist Collage in Text and Image: Dissecting the Exquisite Corpse Andrew Rothwell doi:10.2307/3736425 | Cite |
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221-222 | Review of Elizabeth Fallaize, Simone de Beauvoir: A Critical Reader Catherine Rodgers doi:10.2307/3736426 | Cite |
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222 | Review of Brigitte Ferrato-Combe, Écrire en peintre: Claude Simon et la peinture Jean H. Duffy doi:10.2307/3736427 | Cite |
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223 | Review of Alex Hughes, Keith Reader, Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture Malcolm Cook doi:10.2307/3736428 | Cite |
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223-224 | Review of Dominique D. Fisher, Lawrence R. Schehr, Articulations of Difference: Gender Studies and Writing in French James Williams doi:10.2307/3736429 | Cite |
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225 | Review of Alan Piette, Bert Cardullo, The Crommelynck Mystery: The Life and Work of a Belgian Playwright W. L. Hodson doi:10.2307/3736430 | Cite |
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225-227 | Review of Roger Francillon, Histoire de la littérature en Suisse romande. Vol. III David L. Parris doi:10.2307/3736431 | Cite |
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227-228 | Review of Jill M. Ricketts, Visualizing Boccaccio: Studies on Illustrations of the Decameron from Giotto to Pasolini Jonathan Usher doi:10.2307/3736432 | Cite |
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228-230 | Review of Jean-Jacques Marchand, Niccolò Machiavelli: politico, storico, letterato. Atti del convegno di Losanna 27-30 settembre 1995 Stephen J. Milner doi:10.2307/3736433 | Cite |
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231-232 | Review of Rena A. Syska-Lamparska, Ars dramatica. Studi sulla poetica di Luigi Pirandello. Atti del Simposio Internazionale sul Teatro Pirandelliano (Boston College, 27-29 ottobre 1994 Nicoletta Simborowski doi:10.2307/3736434 | Cite |
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232-233 | Review of Franco Croce, 'La primavera hitleriana' e altri saggi su Montale Peter Hainsworth doi:10.2307/3736435 | Cite |
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233-234 | Review of Thomas E. Peterson, The Ethical Muse of Franco Fortini Erminia Passannanti doi:10.2307/3736436 | Cite |
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235-237 | Review of Alan Deyermond, One Man's Canon: Five Essays on Medieval Poetry for Stephen Reckert John Gornall doi:10.2307/3736437 | Cite |
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237-238 | Review of Robert Archer, Isabel de Riquer, Contra las mujeres: poemas medievales de rechazo y vituperio Arthur Terry doi:10.2307/3736438 | Cite |
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238-239 | Review of Frederick A. de Armas, A Star-Crossed Golden Age: Myth and the Spanish Comedia John A. Jones doi:10.2307/3736439 | Cite |
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239-240 | Review of Denise M. DiPuccio, Communicating Myths of the Golden Age 'Comedia' Margaret A. Rees doi:10.2307/3736440 | Cite |
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240-241 | Review of Edward Dudley, The Endless Text: Don Quixote and the Hermeneutics of Romance Anthony Close doi:10.2307/3736441 | Cite |
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241-243 | Review of Jeremy Robbins, The Challenges of Uncertainty: An Introduction to Seventeenth-Century Spanish Literature Henry Ettingshausen doi:10.2307/3736442 | Cite |
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243-244 | Review of Rafael Humara y Salamanca, Donald L. Shaw, Ramiro, Conde de Lucena Catherine Davies doi:10.2307/3736443 | Cite |
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244-245 | Review of Alison Sinclair, Dislocations of Desire: Gender, Identity and Strategy in 'La Regenta' Jennifer Lowe doi:10.2307/3736444 | Cite |
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245-246 | Review of Dolores Romero Lopez, Una relectura del 'Fin de siglo' en el marco de la literatura comparada: teoría y praxis Glyn Hambrook doi:10.2307/3736445 | Cite |
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246-247 | Review of Laura Desfor Edles, Symbol and Ritual in the New Spain: The Transition to Democracy after Franco David Corkill doi:10.2307/3736446 | Cite |
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247-248 | Review of Mercedes Carbayo Abengozar, Buscando un lugar entre mujeres: Buceo en la España de Carmen Martín Gaite Julia Biggane doi:10.2307/3736447 | Cite |
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248-249 | Review of Jean Andrews, Montserrat Lunati, Contemporary Spanish Short Stories: Viajeros perdidos David Henn doi:10.2307/3736448 | Cite |
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249-251 | Review of Adriana Méndez Rodenas, Gender and Nationalism in Colonial Cuba: The Travels of Santa Cruz y Montalvo, Condesa de Merlin Catherine Davies doi:10.2307/3736449 | Cite |
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251-252 | Review of Gerard Aching, The Politics of Spanish American Modernismo: By Exquisite Design John Walker doi:10.2307/3736450 | Cite |
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253-254 | Review of Donald L. Shaw, The Post-Boom in Spanish American Fiction Lloyd Hughes Davies doi:10.2307/3736451 | Cite |
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254-256 | Review of Gustavo San Román, Amor y nación. Ensayos sobre literatura uruguaya Patricia Odber de Baubeta doi:10.2307/3736452 | Cite |
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256-258 | Review of Rudolf Hotzenköcherle, Rudolf Trüb, Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz. Vol. VIII: Wortgeographie V: Haustiere, Wald- und Landwirtschaft R. E. Keller doi:10.2307/3736453 | Cite |
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258-259 | Review of Stephen L. Wailes, The Rich Man and Lazarus on the Reformation Stage: A Contribution to the Social History of German Drama Fiona M. K. Campbell doi:10.2307/3736454 | Cite |
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259-261 | Review of Martin Bircher, Andreas Herz, Die Deutsche Akademie des 17. Jahrhunderts Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft. Reihe 2, Dokumente und Darstellungen, Abt. C, Halle Anthony J. Harper doi:10.2307/3736455 | Cite |
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262-263 | Review of Jörg-Ulrich Fechner, Matthias Claudius 1740-1815. Leben: Zeit: Werk K. F. Hilliard doi:10.2307/3736456 | Cite |
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263-265 | Review of David Pugh, The Dialectic of Love: Platonism in Schiller's Aesthetics Hans Reiss doi:10.2307/3736457 | Cite |
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265-266 | Review of Ulrich Port, 'Die Schönheit der Natur erbeuten': Problemgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum ästhetischen Modell von Hölderlins 'Hyperion' Charlie Louth doi:10.2307/3736458 | Cite |
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266-267 | Review of Walter Schmitz, Ludwig Tieck: Literaturprogramm und Lebensinszenierung im Kontext seiner Zeit Carol Tully doi:10.2307/3736459 | Cite |
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268-269 | Review of Winfried Woesler, Bernd Kortländer, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Vol. II, I: Gedichte aus dem Nachlaß, Text; Walter Gödden, Ilse-Marie Barth, Winfried Woesler, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Vol. IX, I: Briefe 1839-1842, Text; Winfried Woesler, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Vol. X, II: Briefe 1843-1848, Kommentar; Bodo Plachta, Winfried Woesler, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Vol. XI, II: Briefe an die Droste 1809-1840, Kommentar Jefferson S. Chase doi:10.2307/3736460 | Cite |
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269-271 | Review of Ferrel V. Rose, The Guises of Modesty: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Female Artists Eda Sagarra doi:10.2307/3736461 | Cite |
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271-273 | Review of Liisa Saariluoma, Nietzsche als Roman. Über die Sinnkonstituierung in Thomas Manns 'Doktor Faustus' Hugh Ridley doi:10.2307/3736462 | Cite |
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273-274 | Review of Wolfgang Riedel, 'Homo Natura': Literarische Anthropologie um 1900 Peter D. Smith doi:10.2307/3736463 | Cite |
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274-276 | Review of Roger Paulin, Peter Hutchinson, Rilke's 'Duino Elegies': Cambridge Readings Torsten Pettersson doi:10.2307/3736464 | Cite |
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276-279 | Review of Elizabeth Boa, Kafka: Gender, Class, and Race in the Letters and Fictions William J. Dodd doi:10.2307/3736465 | Cite |
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279-280 | Review of David F. Kuhns, German Expressionist Theatre: The Actor and the Stage Ladislaus Löb doi:10.2307/3736466 | Cite |
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280-282 | Review of Johannes Ullmaier, Yvan Golls 'Paris brennt'. Zur Bedeutung von Collage, Montage und Simultanismus als Gestaltungsverfahren der Avantgarde. Mit einer Edition der Zagreber Erstfassung von 1921 Robert Vilain doi:10.2307/3736467 | Cite |
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282-283 | Review of Frank Finlay, On the Rationality of Poetry: Heinrich Böll's Aesthetic Thinking Joshua Reid doi:10.2307/3736468 | Cite |
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283-285 | Review of Paul Michael Lützeler, Klio oder Kalliope? Literatur und Geschichte: Sondierung, Analyse, Interpretation J. J. Long doi:10.2307/3736469 | Cite |
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285-286 | Review of Kai Köhler, Volker Brauns Hinze-Kunze-Texte: Von der Produktivität der Widersprüche Roderick H. Watt doi:10.2307/3736470 | Cite |
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286-289 | | Cite |
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289-290 | | Cite |
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290-291 | Review of Matthias Freise, Die Prosa Anton Cechovs: Eine Untersuchung im Ausgang von Einzelanalysen Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/3736473 | Cite |
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291-292 | | Cite |
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292-293 | Review of Andrew Barratt, Barry P. Scherr, Maksim Gorky: Selected Letters Roger Cockrell doi:10.2307/3736475 | Cite |
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293-295 | Review of Ralph Lindheim, George S. N. Luckyj, Towards an Intellectual History of Ukraine: An Anthology of Ukrainian thought from 1710 to 1995 David Saunders doi:10.2307/3736476 | Cite |
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295-296 | Review of Victoria L. Bergvall, Janet M. Bing, Alice F. Freed, Rethinking Language and Gender Research: Theory and Practice Aidan Coveney doi:10.2307/3736477 | Cite |
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296-297 | Review of David C. Greetham, W. Speed Hill, Text: An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual Studies, 9 (1996) Reinhard Hartmann doi:10.2307/3736478 | Cite |
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297-298 | Review of Srikant Sarangi, Stefaan Slembrouck, Language, Bureaucracy and Social Control Diane Davies doi:10.2307/3736479 | Cite |
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298-299 | Review of Achim Hölter, Die Invaliden. Die vergessene Geschichte der Kriegskrüppel in der europäischen Literatur bis zum 19. Jahrhundert Joachim Whaley doi:10.2307/3736480 | Cite |
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299-300 | Review of André Brink, The Novel: Language and Narrative from Cervantes to Calvino Michael Bell doi:10.2307/3736481 | Cite |
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300-301 | Review of Susan M. Levin, The Romantic Art of Confession: De Quincy, Musset, Sand, Lamb, Hogg, Frémy, Soulié, Janin Ceri Crossley doi:10.2307/3736482 | Cite |
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