817-832 | | Cite |
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833-839 | Peacock and His "Pet Politician": An Unpublished Latin Squib on the Coalition against Palmerston Nicholas A. Joukovsky doi:10.2307/3733511 | Cite |
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840-847 | Louis XIV's Dismissal of the Italian Actors: The Episode of "La Fausse Prude" William Brooks doi:10.2307/3733512 | Cite |
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848-865 | | Cite |
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866-877 | Anarchy and Androgyny in Artaud's "Héliogabale ou L'Anarchiste Couronné" Leslie Anne Boldt-Irons doi:10.2307/3733514 | Cite |
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878-885 | | Cite |
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886-897 | Fictionalizing God: Providence, Nature, and the Significance of Rape in "La Fuerza de la Sangre" Paul Lewis-Smith doi:10.2307/3733516 | Cite |
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898-921 | Loyalty and Licence: Thomas Mann's Fiction in English Translation Timothy Buck doi:10.2307/3733517 | Cite |
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922-938 | | Cite |
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939-940 | Review of M. M. Parry, W. V. Davies, R. A. M. Temple, The Changing Voices of Europe: Social and Political Changes and Their Linguistic Repercussions, Past, Present and Future. Papers in Honour of Professor Glanville Price Lynn Williams doi:10.2307/3733519 | Cite |
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940-941 | | Cite |
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941-942 | Review of Cay Dollerup, Annette Lindegaard, Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2: Insights, Aims, Visions. Papers from the Second 'Language International' Conference, Elsinore, Denmark, 4-6 June 1993 Derek Lewis doi:10.2307/3733521 | Cite |
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942-944 | Review of William Calin, The French Tradition and the Literature of Medieval England Mary-Jo Arn doi:10.2307/3733522 | Cite |
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944-946 | Review of Hans Vilmar Geppert, Der realistische Weg: Formen pragmatischen Erzählens bei Balzac, Dickens, Hardy, Keller, Raabe und anderen Autoren des 19. Jahrhunderts Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3733523 | Cite |
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946-949 | Review of Simon During, Foucault and Literature: Towards a Genealogy of Writing; John Mowitt, Text: The Genealogy of an Antidisciplinary Object Nick Groom doi:10.2307/3733524 | Cite |
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950-951 | | Cite |
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951-952 | Review of Shoshana Felman, What Does a Woman Want? Reading and Sexual Difference Diane Purkiss doi:10.2307/3733526 | Cite |
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952-953 | | Cite |
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953-954 | Review of Donald Maddox, Sara Sturm-Maddox, Literary Aspects of Courtly Culture: Selected papers from the Seventh Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 27 July-I August 1992 Peter Noble doi:10.2307/3733528 | Cite |
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954-955 | Review of Tim William Machan, Textual Criticism and Middle English Texts John J. Thompson doi:10.2307/3733529 | Cite |
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956-957 | Review of A. S. G. Edwards, L. M. Eldredge, The Index of Middle English Prose. Handlist IX: A Handlist of Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in the Ashmole Collection, Bodleian Library, Oxford John J. Thompson doi:10.2307/3733530 | Cite |
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957-958 | Review of Leo Carruthers, Heroes and Heroines in Medieval English Literature: A Festschrift Presented to André Crépin on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday J. D. Burnley doi:10.2307/3733531 | Cite |
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958-959 | Review of Helen Barr, Signes and Sothe: Language in the 'Piers Plowman' Tradition Gillian Rudd doi:10.2307/3733532 | Cite |
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959-961 | Review of Charlotte Brewer, A. G. Rigg, Piers Plowman: A Working Facsimile of the Z-Text in Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Bodley 851 Kathryn Kerby-Fulton doi:10.2307/3733533 | Cite |
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961-962 | Review of Michael N. Salda, Jean E. Jost, Chaucer Yearbook: A Journal of Late Medieval Studies, 2 (1995) Stanley Hussey doi:10.2307/3733534 | Cite |
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962-963 | Review of Stephen Knight, Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3733535 | Cite |
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963-964 | Review of Bettie Anne Doebler, 'Rooted Sorrow': Dying in Early Modern England R. A. Houlbrooke doi:10.2307/3733536 | Cite |
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964-966 | Review of Robert S. Miola, Shakespeare and Classical Comedy: The Influence of Plautus and Terence Brian Vickers doi:10.2307/3733537 | Cite |
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966-967 | Review of Tetsuo Kishi, Roger Pringle, Stanley Wells, Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions: The Selected Proceedings of the International Shakespeare Association World Congress, Tokyo, 1991 Franklin J. Hildy doi:10.2307/3733538 | Cite |
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968-969 | | Cite |
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969-970 | Review of William W. E. Slights, Ben Jonson and the Art of Secrecy W. David Kay doi:10.2307/3733540 | Cite |
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970-971 | Review of Laura Lunger Knoppers, Historicizing Milton: Spectacle, Power, and Poetry in Restoration England Martin Dzelzainis doi:10.2307/3733541 | Cite |
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971-972 | | Cite |
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973-974 | | Cite |
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974-976 | Review of Angela Esterhammer, Creating States: Studies in the Performative Language of John Milton and William Blake Terence Hoagwood doi:10.2307/3733544 | Cite |
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976-977 | Review of John P. Zomchick, Family and the Law in Eighteenth-Century Fiction: The Public Conscience in the Private Sphere Marialuisa Bignami doi:10.2307/3733545 | Cite |
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977-978 | Review of Philip Edwards, The Story of the Voyage: Sea-Narratives in Eighteenth-Century England Julian Ferraro doi:10.2307/3733546 | Cite |
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978-979 | Review of Karen R. Lawrence, Penelope Voyages: Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition Marion Wynne-Davies doi:10.2307/3733547 | Cite |
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979-980 | Review of Steven E. Jones, Shelley's Satire: Violence, Exhortation, and Authority Kelvin Everest doi:10.2307/3733548 | Cite |
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981-982 | Review of John Kucich, The Power of Lies: Transgression in Victorian Fiction Tara Morgan doi:10.2307/3733549 | Cite |
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982-983 | Review of Christine Alexander, Jane Sellars, The Art of the Brontës Marianne Thormählen doi:10.2307/3733550 | Cite |
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983-984 | Review of Christina Zwarg, Feminist Conversations: Fuller, Emerson, and the Play of Reading Carolyn Korsmeyer doi:10.2307/3733551 | Cite |
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984-985 | Review of Diane Roberts, The Myth of Aunt Jemima: Representations of Race and Region Betty Ann Bergland doi:10.2307/3733552 | Cite |
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985-986 | Review of Walter A. Davis, Get the Guests: Psychoanalysis, Modern American Drama, and the Audience Steven Price doi:10.2307/3733553 | Cite |
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987-988 | Review of Catherine Belsey, Desire: Love Stories in Western Culture Catherine Maxwell doi:10.2307/3733554 | Cite |
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988 | Review of Cynthia J. Brown, Poets, Patrons, and Printers: Crisis of Authority in Late Medieval France Leslie C. Brook doi:10.2307/3733555 | Cite |
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988-989 | Review of Robert W. Berger, A Royal Passion: Louis XIV as Patron of Architecture David Shaw doi:10.2307/3733556 | Cite |
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989-990 | | Cite |
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990-991 | Review of David Wetsel, Pascal and Disbelief: Catechesis and Conversion in the 'Pensées' Nicholas Hammond doi:10.2307/3733558 | Cite |
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991-992 | Review of Carol A. Mossman, Politics and Narratives of Birth: Gynocolonization from Rousseau to Zola Alex Hughes doi:10.2307/3733559 | Cite |
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992 | Review of Christopher Betts, Montesquieu: 'Lettres persanes' Christopher Todd doi:10.2307/3733560 | Cite |
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992-993 | Review of Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Roger Little, Empsaël et Zoraïde Maeve McCusker doi:10.2307/3733561 | Cite |
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993-994 | | Cite |
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994-995 | Review of Jenene J. Allison, Revealing Difference: The Fiction of Isabelle de Charrière Dennis Wood doi:10.2307/3733563 | Cite |
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995-996 | Review of David B. Allison, Mark S. Roberts, Allen S. Weiss, Sade and the Narrative of Transgression John Phillips doi:10.2307/3733564 | Cite |
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996 | Review of Michel Despland, Reading an Erased Code: Romantic Religion and Literary Aesthetics in France Ceri Crossley doi:10.2307/3733565 | Cite |
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996-997 | Review of John Claiborne Isbell, The Birth of European Romanticism: Truth and Propaganda in Staël's 'De l'Allemagne' T. M. Pratt doi:10.2307/3733566 | Cite |
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997-998 | Review of A. E. Greaves, Stendhal's Italy: Themes of Political and Religious Satire Richard Bolster doi:10.2307/3733567 | Cite |
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998-999 | | Cite |
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999-1000 | Review of Charles Baudelaire, Robert Jackson, Les Fleurs du Mal C. E. J. Dolamore doi:10.2307/3733569 | Cite |
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1000 | Review of Peter Read, Picasso et Apollinaire: Les métamorphoses de la mémoire 1905/1973 Antoine E. Hatzenberger doi:10.2307/3733570 | Cite |
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1001 | | Cite |
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1001-1002 | | Cite |
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1002-1003 | Review of Alex Hughes, Violette Leduc: Mothers, Lovers, and Language Margaret Atack doi:10.2307/3733573 | Cite |
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1003-1004 | | Cite |
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1004 | Review of David H. Walker, Outrage and Insight: Modern French Writers and the 'Fait divers' David Looseley doi:10.2307/3733575 | Cite |
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1004-1005 | | Cite |
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1005-1007 | Review of Bernard Bray, Christophe Strosetzki, Art de la lettre: Art de la conversation à l'époque classique en France; Alain Montandon, Dictionnaire raisonné de la politesse et du savoir-vivre du Moyen Âge à nos jours Peter France doi:10.2307/3733577 | Cite |
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1008 | | Cite |
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1008-1009 | Review of John Kleiner, Mismapping the Underworld: Daring and Error in Dante's 'Comedy' Jeremy Tambling doi:10.2307/3733579 | Cite |
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1010-1011 | Review of Walter Binni, Novella Bellucci, Marco Dondero, Lezioni leopardiane Pamela A. Williams doi:10.2307/3733580 | Cite |
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1011-1012 | | Cite |
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1012-1013 | Review of Luigi Scorrano, Presenza verbale di Dante nella letteratura italiana del Novecento Francis R. Jones doi:10.2307/3733582 | Cite |
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1013-1014 | Review of Carmelo Spalanca, Da Regalpetra a Parigi: Leonardo Sciascia tra critica italiana e critica francese Joseph Farrell doi:10.2307/3733583 | Cite |
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1015-1017 | | Cite |
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1017-1019 | Review of James A. Parr, 'El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra' del Maestro Tirso de Molina John T. Cull doi:10.2307/3733585 | Cite |
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1019-1020 | Review of Jaume Vallcorba, Noucentisme, mediterraneisme i classicisme: Apunts per a la història d'una estética David George doi:10.2307/3733586 | Cite |
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1020 | | Cite |
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1021-1022 | Review of Ronald Cueto, Souls in Anguish: Religion and Spirituality in Lorca's Theatre John London doi:10.2307/3733588 | Cite |
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1022-1024 | Review of Peter William Evans, The Films of Luis Buñuel: Subjectivity and Desire Xon de Ros doi:10.2307/3733589 | Cite |
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1024-1025 | Review of Kathleen McNerney, Cristina Enríquez de Salamanca, Double Minorities of Spain: A Bio-Bibliographic Guide to Women Writers of the Catalan, Galician, and Basque Countries Catherine Davies, Josep Antón Fernández doi:10.2307/3733590 | Cite |
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1025-1027 | Review of Catherine Davies, Montserrat Roig, Rosa Montero, Contemporary Feminist Fiction in Spain: The Work of Montserrat Roig and Rosa Montero Margaret Smallman doi:10.2307/3733591 | Cite |
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1027-1028 | Review of Djelal Kadir, The Other Writing: Postcolonial Essays in Latin America's Writing Culture Philip Swanson doi:10.2307/3733592 | Cite |
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1028-1029 | | Cite |
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1029-1030 | Review of Nigel Harris, The Latin and German 'Etymachia': Textual History, Edition, Commentary John L. Flood doi:10.2307/3733594 | Cite |
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1030-1032 | Review of John Henry Jones, The English Faust Book: A Critical Edition Based on the Text of 1592 John L. Flood doi:10.2307/3733595 | Cite |
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1032-1034 | Review of Erika A. Metzger, Michael M. Metzger, Reading Andreas Gryphius: Critical Trends 1664-1993 Sara Smart doi:10.2307/3733596 | Cite |
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1034-1035 | Review of Thomas Borgstedt, Reichsidee und Liebesethik. Eine Rekonstruktion des Lohensteinschen Arminiusromans Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3733597 | Cite |
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1035-1036 | Review of Bodo Plachta, Damnatur: Toleratur: Admittitur: Studien und Dokumente zur literarischen Zensur im 18. Jahrhundert W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3733598 | Cite |
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1036-1037 | | Cite |
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1037-1039 | Review of Karl S. Guthke, Schillers Dramen: Idealismus und Skepsis Francis Lamport doi:10.2307/3733600 | Cite |
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1039-1041 | Review of Magdalene Heuser, 'Ich wünschte so gar gelehrt zu werden'. Drei Autobiographien von Frauen des 18. Jahrhunderts. Texte und Erläuterungen Ricarda Schmidt doi:10.2307/3733601 | Cite |
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1041-1042 | Review of Geert Lernout, The Poet as Thinker: Hölderlin in France Rüdiger Görner doi:10.2307/3733602 | Cite |
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1042-1043 | Review of Johann Peter Hebel, John Hibberd, The Treasure Chest Mererid Hopwood doi:10.2307/3733603 | Cite |
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1043-1044 | Review of Anthony Stephens, Heinrich von Kleist: The Dramas and Stories Seán Allan doi:10.2307/3733604 | Cite |
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1044-1045 | Review of Eduard Gans, Norbert Waszek, Rückblicke auf Personen und Zustände Florian Krobb doi:10.2307/3733605 | Cite |
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1045-1047 | Review of Peter Sprengel, Gerhart Hauptmann: Tagebücher 1906 bis 1913. Mit dem Reisetagebuch Griechenland-Türkei 1907 Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3733606 | Cite |
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1047-1048 | Review of Alan J. Swenson, Gods, Angels, and Narrators: A Metaphysics of Narrative in Thomas Mann's Joseph und seine Brüder' Paul Bishop doi:10.2307/3733607 | Cite |
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1048-1049 | Review of Calvin N. Jones, The Literary Reputation of Else Lasker-Schüler: Criticism 1901-1993 Agnès Cardinal doi:10.2307/3733608 | Cite |
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1049-1050 | Review of Ernst Schürer, Franz Jung. Leben und Werk eines Rebellen J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3733609 | Cite |
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1050-1051 | Review of Bettina Hey'l, Geschichtsdenken und literarische Moderne. Zum historischen Roman in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik Malcolm Humble doi:10.2307/3733610 | Cite |
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1051-1052 | Review of Hans Würzner, Karl Krönke, Deutsche Literatur im Exil in den Niederlanden 1933-1940 J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3733611 | Cite |
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1052-1054 | | Cite |
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1054 | Review of Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Michael Hamburger, Selected Poems: German-English Bilingual Edition Agnès Cardinal doi:10.2307/3733613 | Cite |
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xxvii-xxxix | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1996: "Ma in Spagna son già mille e tre": On Opera and Literature Colin Smith doi:10.2307/3733615 | Cite |
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