273-284 | Resistance to Rape in "Persiles y Sigismunda" and "The Custom of the Country" Trudi L. Darby doi:10.2307/3734539 | Cite |
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285-295 | Rule-Following in Dandyism: "Style" as an Overcoming of "Rule" and "Structure" Thorsten Botz-Bornstein doi:10.2307/3734540 | Cite |
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296-313 | Women and the Courtly Love Lyric: The Devonshire MS (BL Additional 17492) Elizabeth Heale doi:10.2307/3734541 | Cite |
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314-324 | Oppositional Ideologies of Gender in Isabella Whitney's "Copy of a Letter" Paul A. Marquis doi:10.2307/3734542 | Cite |
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325-332 | | Cite |
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333-344 | Assuming Responsibility: Christiane Rochefort's Exploration of Child Sexual Abuse in "La Porte du fond" Margaret-Anne Hutton doi:10.2307/3734544 | Cite |
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345-362 | From Translation to Imitation and beyond: A Reassessment of Boccaccio's Role in Marguerite de Navarre's "Heptaméron" P. B. Diffley doi:10.2307/3734545 | Cite |
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363-369 | | Cite |
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370-376 | | Cite |
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377-387 | The Secret Life of Georg von Wergenthin: Nietzschean Analysis and Narrative Authority in Arthur Schnitzler's "Der Weg ins Freie" J. M. Hawes doi:10.2307/3734548 | Cite |
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388-398 | | Cite |
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399 | Review of Mary A. Rouse, Richard H. Rouse, Authentic Witnesses: Approaches to Medieval Texts and Manuscripts Teresa Webber doi:10.2307/3734550 | Cite |
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400 | | Cite |
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400-401 | | Cite |
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401-402 | | Cite |
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402-404 | Review of Carolyne Larrington, A Store of Common Sense: Gnomic Theme and Style in Old Icelandic and Old English Wisdom Poetry T. A. Shippey doi:10.2307/3734554 | Cite |
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404-405 | Review of Richard J. Schrader, Old English Poetry and the Genealogy of Events Gerald Morgan doi:10.2307/3734555 | Cite |
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405-406 | Review of Kari Anne Rand Schmidt, The Authorship of 'The Equatorie of the Planetis' Jeremy Smith doi:10.2307/3734556 | Cite |
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406-407 | Review of David R. Carlson, English Humanist Books: Writers and Patrons, Manuscript and Print, 1475-1525 Jeremy Smith doi:10.2307/3734557 | Cite |
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407-409 | Review of Emily C. Bartels, Spectacles of Strangeness: Imperialism, Alienation, and Marlowe Simon Shepherd doi:10.2307/3734558 | Cite |
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409 | Review of Erik S. Ryding, In Harmony Framed: Musical Humanism, Thomas Campion, and the Two Daniels David Lindley doi:10.2307/3734559 | Cite |
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410 | Review of Marianne Novy, Cross-Cultural Performances: Differences in Women's Re-Visions of Shakespeare Loraine Fletcher doi:10.2307/3734560 | Cite |
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411-412 | Review of Dennis Kennedy, Foreign Shakespeare: Contemporary Performance Christine Dymkowski doi:10.2307/3734561 | Cite |
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412-413 | Review of Gary Waller, The Sidney Family Romance: Mary Wroth, William Herbert, and the Early Modern Construction of Gender Elizabeth Heale doi:10.2307/3734562 | Cite |
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413-414 | Review of Thomas N. Corns, Uncloistered Virtue: English Political Literature, 1640-1660 Cedric C. Brown doi:10.2307/3734563 | Cite |
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414-415 | Review of Paula R. Backscheider, Spectacular Politics: Theatrical Power and Mass Culture in Early Modern England Carolyn D. Williams doi:10.2307/3734564 | Cite |
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415-416 | Review of Mona Scheuermann, Her Bread to Earn: Women, Money, and Society from Defoe to Austen John A. Dussinger doi:10.2307/3734565 | Cite |
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416-417 | Review of E. P. Thompson, Witness against the Beast: William Blake and the Moral Law Brian Wilkie doi:10.2307/3734566 | Cite |
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418-419 | Review of Jerome Christensen, Lord Byron's Strength: Romantic Writing and Commercial Society Malcolm Kelsall doi:10.2307/3734567 | Cite |
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419-420 | | Cite |
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420-421 | Review of G. R. Thompson, The Art of Authorial Presence: Hawthorne's Provincial Tales B. R. Harding doi:10.2307/3734569 | Cite |
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421-422 | Review of Sacvan Bercovitch, The Rites of Assent: Transformations in the Symbolic Construction of America Pat Righelato doi:10.2307/3734570 | Cite |
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422-423 | Review of Scott Bradfield, Dreaming Revolution: Transgression in the Development of American Romance R. W. (Herbie) Butterfield doi:10.2307/3734571 | Cite |
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423-424 | | Cite |
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424-425 | Review of J. B. Bullen, The Myth of the Renaissance in Nineteenth-Century Writing Robert Fraser doi:10.2307/3734573 | Cite |
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425-427 | Review of Roslyn Jolly, Henry James: History, Narrative, Fiction Tamara Follini doi:10.2307/3734574 | Cite |
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427-428 | Review of John T. Irwin, The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Story John Mowat doi:10.2307/3734575 | Cite |
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428-429 | Review of Patricia Tobin, John Barth and the Anxiety of Continuance Deborah L. Madsen doi:10.2307/3734576 | Cite |
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429-430 | Review of Denise Heinze, The Dilemma of 'Double-Consciousness': Toni Morrison's Novels Christine Macleod doi:10.2307/3734577 | Cite |
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430-431 | Review of Michael Sheringham, French Autobiography: Devices and Desires: Rousseau to Perec Catherine Rodgers doi:10.2307/3734578 | Cite |
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431-432 | Review of Romy Heylen, Translation, Poetics, and the Stage: Six French 'Hamlets' Claude Schumacher doi:10.2307/3734579 | Cite |
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432-433 | Review of Jean Ygaunin, La Femme et le prêtre: thème littéraire C. K. Chadwick doi:10.2307/3734580 | Cite |
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433-434 | Review of Rupert T. Pickens, Studies in Honor of Hans-Erich Keller: Medieval French and Occitan Literature and Romance Linguistics Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3734581 | Cite |
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434-435 | Review of Linda M. Paterson, The World of the Troubadours: Medieval Occitan Society, c. 1100-c. 1300 Michael J. Routledge doi:10.2307/3734582 | Cite |
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435 | Review of Peter V. Davies, Glanures occitanes recueillies dans trois livres d'Heures (fin XIVe s.-XVe s) Michael J. Routledge doi:10.2307/3734583 | Cite |
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436 | Review of Keith Busby, Chrétien de Troyes: 'Le Roman de Perceval ou Le Conte du Graal' Stewart Gregory doi:10.2307/3734584 | Cite |
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436-437 | Review of Nigel Wilkins, Nicolas Flamel: Des Livres et de l'or Leslie C. Brook doi:10.2307/3734585 | Cite |
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437-438 | Review of André Tissier, Recueil de Farces (1450-1550): textes annotés et commentés. Vol. VII: Maître Pathelin Alan Hindley doi:10.2307/3734586 | Cite |
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438-439 | Review of Ilana Zinguer, Le Lecteur, l'auteur et l'écrivain: Montaigne 1492-1592-1992. Actes du Colloque International de Haïfa, avril-mai 1992 Keith Cameron doi:10.2307/3734587 | Cite |
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439 | Review of Marie-Claude Canova-Green, La Politique-spectacle au grand siècle: les rapports franco-anglais Henry Phillips doi:10.2307/3734588 | Cite |
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440 | Review of Elisabeth Girod Branan, La Fontaine: Au-delà des 'bagatelles' des 'Contes' et des 'badineries' des 'Fables' Terence Allott doi:10.2307/3734589 | Cite |
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440-441 | | Cite |
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441-442 | Review of H. T. Mason, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 308 Christopher Todd doi:10.2307/3734591 | Cite |
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442 | Review of Jean Ehrard, Le Collège de Riom et l'enseignement oratorien en France aux XVIIIe siècle Christopher Todd doi:10.2307/3734592 | Cite |
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443 | Review of Thomas M. Kavanagh, Enlightenment and the Shadows of Chance: The Novel and the Culture of Gambling in Eighteenth-Century France Robin Howells doi:10.2307/3734593 | Cite |
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443-445 | Review of Colette Cazenobe, Le Système du libertinage de Crébillon à Laclos John Dunkley doi:10.2307/3734594 | Cite |
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445 | Review of Geneviève Artigas-Menant, Jacques Popin, Marie-Emmanuelle Plagnol, Leçons sur 'Les Illustres Françaises' de Robert Challe: Actes de la table ronde de Créteil (9 janvier 1993) Simon Davies doi:10.2307/3734595 | Cite |
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446 | Review of Jean Starobinski, Charles Wirz, Annales de la Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Vol. XL James Fowler doi:10.2307/3734596 | Cite |
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446-447 | Review of Nicolas Bonhôte, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Vision de l'histoire et autobiographie David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3734597 | Cite |
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447-448 | Review of Jo-Ann E. McEachern, Bibliography of the Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau to 1800. Vol. I: Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse David Adams doi:10.2307/3734598 | Cite |
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448 | | Cite |
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449 | Review of Raphaël Gimenez, L'Espace de la douleur chez Loaisel de Tréogate, 1752-1812 Malcolm Cook doi:10.2307/3734600 | Cite |
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449-450 | Review of Michael Polowetzky, A Bond Never Broken: The Relations between Napoleon and the Authors of France Christopher Smith doi:10.2307/3734601 | Cite |
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450-451 | Review of David F. Bell, Circumstances: Chance in the Literary Text Richard Bolster doi:10.2307/3734602 | Cite |
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451-452 | Review of David Hillery, Lamartine: The 'Méditations poétiques' Ceri Crossley doi:10.2307/3734604 | Cite |
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452-453 | Review of James McGowan, Charles Baudelaire: 'The Flowers of Evil' C. E. J. Dolamore doi:10.2307/3734605 | Cite |
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453 | Review of Eugenio Donato, The Script of Decadence: Essays on the Fictions of Flaubert and the Poetics of Romanticism Timothy Unwin doi:10.2307/3734606 | Cite |
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454 | Review of Ex-Madame Paul Verlaine, Michael Pakenham, Mémoires de ma vie Rachel Killick doi:10.2307/3734607 | Cite |
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454-455 | Review of Claudine Giacchetti, Maupassant: espaces du roman Christopher Lloyd doi:10.2307/3734608 | Cite |
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455-456 | Review of Paul Gifford, Brian Stimpson, Paul Valéry: Musique, Mystique, Mathématique Ursula Franklin doi:10.2307/3734609 | Cite |
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456-457 | Review of Sarah Barbour, Nathalie Sarraute and the Feminist Reader: Identities in Process Valerie Minogue doi:10.2307/3734610 | Cite |
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457-458 | | Cite |
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458-459 | Review of Dieter Müller, Discours réaliste et discours satirique: l'écriture dans les romans politiques de Marcel Aymé Christopher Lloyd doi:10.2307/3734612 | Cite |
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459 | Review of Laurent Flieder, Jean Tardieu ou la présence absente Andrew Rothwell doi:10.2307/3734613 | Cite |
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460-462 | | Cite |
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462-463 | | Cite |
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463-464 | | Cite |
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464 | Review of Rachel Juan, Jean Anouilh, Le Thème de l'évasion dans le théâtre de Jean Anouilh John Rothenberg doi:10.2307/3734617 | Cite |
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465 | Review of Leslie Hill, Marguerite Duras: Apocalyptic Desires Catherine Rodgers doi:10.2307/3734618 | Cite |
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465-466 | Review of Adrian Kiernander, Ariane Mnouchkine and the Théâtre du Soleil David Bradby doi:10.2307/3734619 | Cite |
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466-467 | Review of Michel Laronde, Autour du roman beur: immigration et identité Alec G. Hargreaves doi:10.2307/3734620 | Cite |
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467-469 | Review of John C. Barnes, Jennifer Petrie, Word and Drama in Dante: Essays on the 'Divina Commedia' Mark Balfour doi:10.2307/3734621 | Cite |
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469-470 | | Cite |
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470-471 | Review of Marie-Hélène Caspar, Fantastique et mythe personnel dans l'œuvre de Dino Buzzati Judy Rawson doi:10.2307/3734623 | Cite |
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471-473 | Review of David Mackenzie, Ian Michael, Hispanic Studies in Honour of F. W. Hodcroft Lynn Williams doi:10.2307/3734624 | Cite |
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473-474 | Review of Noël Valis, Carol Maier, In the Feminine Mode: Essays on Hispanic Women Writers Jo Labanyi doi:10.2307/3734625 | Cite |
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474-475 | | Cite |
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476-477 | Review of Michael D. McGaha, Frank P. Casa, Editing the 'Comedia', II Caroline Monahan doi:10.2307/3734627 | Cite |
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477-478 | Review of Maurice Molho, Blanca González de Escandón, Mitologías: Don Juan. Segismundo Margaret A. Rees doi:10.2307/3734628 | Cite |
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478-479 | Review of Geoffrey Ribbans, History and Fiction in Galdós's Narratives Stephen Miller doi:10.2307/3734629 | Cite |
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479-480 | Review of Mary Lee Bretz, Voices, Silences and Echoes: A Theory of the Essay and the Critical Reception of Naturalism in Spain David Henn doi:10.2307/3734630 | Cite |
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480-481 | Review of Jason Wilson, Traveller's Literary Companion to South and Central America John Walker doi:10.2307/3734631 | Cite |
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481-482 | Review of Adam Versényi, Theatre in Latin America: Religion, Politics, and Culture from Cortés to the 1980s Donald L. Shaw doi:10.2307/3734632 | Cite |
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483-484 | Review of Aníbal González, Journalism and the Development of Spanish American Narrative Stephen Henighan doi:10.2307/3734633 | Cite |
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484-485 | | Cite |
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485-486 | Review of Michael S. Batts, A History of Histories of German Literature, 1835-1914 Bruce Thompson doi:10.2307/3734635 | Cite |
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486-489 | Review of John Van Cleve, A. Leslie Willson, Remarks on the Needed Reform of German Studies in the United States John White doi:10.2307/3734636 | Cite |
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489-491 | Review of Albrecht Hagenlocher, Der guote vride. Idealer Friede in deutscher Literatur bis ins frühe 14. Jahrhundert D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3734637 | Cite |
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491-494 | Review of Martin H. Jones, Roy Wisbey, Chrétien de Troyes and the German Middle Ages: Papers from an International Symposium D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3734638 | Cite |
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494-495 | Review of Hans Fromm, Heinrich von Veldeke, Eneasroman. Die Berliner Bilderhandschrift mit Übersetzung und Kommentar D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3734639 | Cite |
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495-496 | Review of Lambertus Okken, Kommentar zur Artusepik Hartmanns von Aue D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3734640 | Cite |
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496-497 | Review of Jutta Rüth, Jerusalem und das Heilige Land in der deutschen Versepik des Mittelalters (1150-1453) David Wells doi:10.2307/3734641 | Cite |
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497-498 | Review of André de Mandach, Le 'Roman du Graal' Originaire. I: Sur les traces du modèle commun 'en code transpyrénéen' de Chrétien de Troyes et Wolfram von Eschenbach Alan Deighton doi:10.2307/3734642 | Cite |
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499-501 | Review of Thomas Grenzler, Erotisierte Politik: Politisierte Erotik? Die politisch-ständische Begründung der Ehe-Minne in Wolframs 'Willehalm', im 'Nibelungenlied' und in der 'Kudrun' Marion E. Gibbs doi:10.2307/3734643 | Cite |
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501-502 | Review of Alexandra Stein, 'Wort und werc'. Studien zum narrativen Diskurs im 'Parzival' Wolframs von Eschenbach Marion E. Gibbs doi:10.2307/3734644 | Cite |
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502-503 | Review of Bernhard Dietrich Haage, Studien zur Heilkunde im 'Parzival' Wolframs von Eschenbach David N. Yeandle doi:10.2307/3734645 | Cite |
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503 | Review of Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Überlieferung und Kritik: Zwanzig Jahre Barockforschung in der Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel R. T. Llewellyn doi:10.2307/3734646 | Cite |
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503-505 | Review of Klaus Conermann, Dieter Merzbacher, Die Deutsche Akademie des 17. Jahrhunderts Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Anthony J. Harper doi:10.2307/3734647 | Cite |
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505-506 | Review of Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly, Triumphall Shews: Tournaments at German-Speaking Courts in Their European Context 1560-1730 Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3734648 | Cite |
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506-507 | Review of George W. Brandt, Wiebe Hogendoorn, German and Dutch Theatre, 1600-1848 Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3734649 | Cite |
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507-508 | Review of Florian Krobb, Die schöne Jüdin. Jüdische Frauengestalten in der deutschsprachigen Erzählliteratur vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg Ritchie Robertson doi:10.2307/3734650 | Cite |
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508-509 | Review of Sabine Schormann, Bettina von Arnim. Die Bedeutung Schleiermachers für ihr Leben und Werk Carol Diethe doi:10.2307/3734651 | Cite |
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510 | Review of Jeanne Benay, Friedrich Kaiser (1814-1874) et le théâtre populaire en Autriche au XIXe siècle W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3734652 | Cite |
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511 | Review of Josef Daum, Hans-Jürgen Schrader, Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft, 1992 William Hanson doi:10.2307/3734653 | Cite |
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512-514 | Review of Harriet Anderson, Utopian Feminism: Women's Movements in fin-de-siècle Vienna Brian Keith-Smith doi:10.2307/3734654 | Cite |
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514 | Review of Marc A. Weiner, Undertones of Insurrection: Music, Politics and the Social Sphere in the Modern German Narrative R. S. Furness doi:10.2307/3734655 | Cite |
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514-516 | Review of Christoph König, Eberhard Lämmert, Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 1910 bis 1925 Anthony Phelan doi:10.2307/3734656 | Cite |
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516-518 | Review of Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Rudolf Hirsch, Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Ausgabe; Douglas A. Joyce, Hugo von Hofmannsthal's 'Der Schwierige': A Fifty-Year Theater History W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3734657 | Cite |
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518-519 | | Cite |
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519-521 | Review of Adrien Finck, Alexander Ritter, Maryse Staiber, René Schickele aus neuer Sicht. Beiträge zur deutsch-französischen Kultur Margaret Rogister doi:10.2307/3734659 | Cite |
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521-522 | Review of Hartmut Vollmer, 'In roten Schuhen tanzt die Sonne sich zu Tod'. Lyrik expressionistischer Dichterinnen Brian Keith-Smith doi:10.2307/3734660 | Cite |
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522-524 | Review of Hans Otto Horch, Horst Denkler, Conditio Judaica. Judentum, Antisemitismus und deutschsprachige Literatur vom Ersten Weltkrieg bis 1933/1938. Dritter Teil Andrea Reiter doi:10.2307/3734661 | Cite |
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524-525 | | Cite |
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526-528 | Review of Hans Rudolf Vaget, Thomas Mann-Agnes E. Meyer. Briefwechsel 1937-1955 Hinrich Siefken doi:10.2307/3734664 | Cite |
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528-529 | Review of Gert Bruhn, Das Selbstzitat bei Thomas Mann. Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Fiktion und Autobiographie in seinem Werk Hinrich Siefken doi:10.2307/3734665 | Cite |
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529-530 | | Cite |
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530-531 | Review of Markus Hubenschmid, Genus und Kasus der russischen Substantive Michael Kirkwood doi:10.2307/3734667 | Cite |
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531-532 | Review of Yu. D. Levin, Catherine Phillips, The Perception of English Literature in Russia: Investigations and Materials W. Gareth Jones doi:10.2307/3734668 | Cite |
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532-534 | Review of Gavriel Shapiro, Nikolai Gogol and the Baroque Cultural Heritage Anthony Hippisley doi:10.2307/3734669 | Cite |
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534-535 | | Cite |
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535-536 | | Cite |
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536-537 | Review of Cathy Popkin, The Pragmatics of Insignificance: Chekhov, Zoshchenko, Gogol James B. Woodward doi:10.2307/3734672 | Cite |
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537-538 | | Cite |
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538-539 | Review of Linda Hart Scatton, Mikhail Zoshchenko: Evolution of a Writer Michael Falchikov doi:10.2307/3734674 | Cite |
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539-541 | Review of Michael Makin, Marina Tsvetaeva: Poetics of Appropriation Catriona Kelly doi:10.2307/3734675 | Cite |
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541-542 | Review of Catriona Kelly, A History of Russian Women's Writing, 1820-1992 O. R. Demidova doi:10.2307/3734676 | Cite |
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542-543 | Review of Kathleen F. Parthé, Russian Village Prose: The Radiant past David Gillespie doi:10.2307/3734677 | Cite |
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543-544 | Review of Ellen Chances, Andrei Bitov: The Ecology of Inspiration Rosalind Marsh doi:10.2307/3734678 | Cite |
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