817-830 | | Cite |
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831-841 | The Villain of "Wildfell Hall": Aspects and Prospects of Arthur Huntingdon Marianne Thormählen doi:10.2307/3734417 | Cite |
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842-850 | Voltaire's "Anecdotes sur Bélisaire" and the "Journal Chrétien" Graham Gargett doi:10.2307/3734418 | Cite |
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851-863 | | Cite |
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864-880 | Natalia Ginzburg's "La Madre": Exposing Patriarchy's Erasure of the Mother Adalgisa Giorgio doi:10.2307/3734420 | Cite |
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881-893 | | Cite |
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894-904 | | Cite |
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905-911 | | Cite |
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912-922 | | Cite |
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923-926 | Review of Roger Wright, Latin and the Romance Languages in the Early Middle Ages Ralph Penny doi:10.2307/3734425 | Cite |
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926-927 | Review of Brian Stock, Listening for the Text: On the Uses of the past Stephen Medcale doi:10.2307/3734426 | Cite |
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927-928 | | Cite |
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928-930 | Review of Peter Collier, Judy Davies, Modernism and the European Unconscious Robert D. Aguirre doi:10.2307/3734428 | Cite |
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930-932 | Review of Ora Avni, The Resistance of Reference: Linguistics, Philosophy, and the Literary Text Thomas Docherty doi:10.2307/3734429 | Cite |
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932-933 | Review of Christopher Norris, What's Wrong with Postmodernism: Critical Theory and the Ends of Philosophy Hans Bertens doi:10.2307/3734430 | Cite |
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933-934 | Review of Chris Anderson, Literary Nonfiction: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy Margaret Atack doi:10.2307/3734431 | Cite |
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934-936 | Review of Hélène Cixous, Verena Andermatt Conley, Reading with Clarice Lispector Clare Hanson doi:10.2307/3734432 | Cite |
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936-937 | Review of Hanna Scolnicov, Peter Holland, Reading Plays: Interpretation and Reception Diana Devlin doi:10.2307/3734433 | Cite |
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937-938 | Review of Gerald Morgan, 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' and the Idea of Righteousness Catherine Batt doi:10.2307/3734434 | Cite |
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938-939 | Review of Stephen Greenblatt, Marvelous Possessions: The Wonder of the New World Virginia Mason Vaughan doi:10.2307/3734435 | Cite |
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939-940 | Review of Alden T. Vaughan, Virginia Mason Vaughan, Shakespeare's Caliban: A Cultural History Christine Dymkowski doi:10.2307/3734436 | Cite |
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940-941 | Review of Jeanne Addison Roberts, The Shakespearean Wild: Geography, Genus, and Gender Ann Thompson doi:10.2307/3734437 | Cite |
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941-942 | | Cite |
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942-943 | Review of Kent Cartwright, Shakespearean Tragedy and Its Double: The Rhythms of Audience Response T. McAlindon doi:10.2307/3734439 | Cite |
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943-945 | Review of Joy Hancox, The Byrom Collection: Renaissance Thought, the Royal Society and the Building of the Globe Theatre John Orrell doi:10.2307/3734440 | Cite |
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945-946 | Review of Joel Fineman, The Subjectivity Effect in Western Literary Tradition: Essays toward the Release of Shakespeare's Will R. A. Foakes doi:10.2307/3734441 | Cite |
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946-947 | Review of John Stachniewski, The Persecutory Imagination: English Puritanism and the Literature of Religious Despair Martin Wiggins doi:10.2307/3734442 | Cite |
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948 | Review of Joshua Scodel, The English Poetic Epitaph: Commemoration and Conflict from Jonson to Wordsworth Christopher Salvesen doi:10.2307/3734443 | Cite |
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949 | Review of Janis Lull, The Poem in Time: Reading George Herbert's Revisions of 'The Church' Richard Todd doi:10.2307/3734444 | Cite |
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950 | Review of Robert W. Uphaus, Gretchen M. Foster, The 'Other' Eighteenth Century: English Women of Letters 1660-1800 Carolyn D. Williams doi:10.2307/3734445 | Cite |
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951 | Review of Lord Byron, Jerome J. McGann, Barry Weller, Lord Byron: The Complete Poetical Works. Vol. VI Keith Walker doi:10.2307/3734446 | Cite |
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952 | Review of Jane Aaron, A Double Singleness: Gender and the Writings of Charles and Mary Lamb Martin Gray doi:10.2307/3734447 | Cite |
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952-953 | | Cite |
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953-954 | Review of Frederick Garber, Thoreau's Fable of Inscribing R. W. (Herbie) Butterfield doi:10.2307/3734449 | Cite |
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954-956 | Review of Robert Fraser, The Making of 'The Golden Bough': The Origins and Growth of an Argument Colin Nicholson doi:10.2307/3734450 | Cite |
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956-957 | Review of John J. Clayton, Gestures of Healing: Anxiety and the Modern Novel Pat Righelato doi:10.2307/3734451 | Cite |
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957-958 | | Cite |
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958-959 | | Cite |
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959-961 | Review of Timothy Materer, Ezra Pound, The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound to John Quinn, 1915-1924 Robert Casillo doi:10.2307/3734454 | Cite |
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961-962 | Review of Jacqueline Vaught Brogan, Part of the Climate: American Cubist Poetry Lionel Kelly doi:10.2307/3734455 | Cite |
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963-964 | Review of John Dos Passos, Arthur K. McComb, Melvin Landsberg, John Dos Passos' Correspondence with Arthur K. McComb on 'Learn to Sing the Carmagnole' David Seed doi:10.2307/3734456 | Cite |
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964-965 | | Cite |
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965-966 | Review of John R. Boly, Reading Auden: The Returns of Caliban Philip Hobsbaum doi:10.2307/3734458 | Cite |
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966-967 | Review of Bonnie Costello, Elizabeth Bishop: Questions of Mastery Richard Gray doi:10.2307/3734459 | Cite |
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967-969 | Review of John R. Clark, The Modern Satiric Grotesque and Its Traditions Pauline Sarll doi:10.2307/3734460 | Cite |
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969-970 | | Cite |
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970-971 | Review of Massimo Bonafin, La tradizione del 'Voyage de Charlemagne' e il 'gabbo' Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3734462 | Cite |
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971-972 | Review of Neil Kenny, Philosophical Fictions and the French Renaissance John O'Brien doi:10.2307/3734463 | Cite |
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972-973 | Review of David Lewis Schaefer, The Political Philosophy of Montaigne Keith Cameron doi:10.2307/3734464 | Cite |
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973 | | Cite |
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974 | | Cite |
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974-975 | | Cite |
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975-976 | Review of R. C. Knight, Corneille's Tragedies: The Role of the Unexpected Derek A. Watts doi:10.2307/3734468 | Cite |
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976 | | Cite |
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976-977 | Review of Volker Kapp, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme: Problèmes de la comédie-ballet David Whitton doi:10.2307/3734470 | Cite |
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977-978 | | Cite |
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978-980 | Review of H. T. Mason, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 284 David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3734472 | Cite |
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980-981 | Review of H. T. Mason, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 292 David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3734473 | Cite |
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982 | Review of Maxine G. Cutler, Voltaire, the Enlightenment and the Comic Mode: Essays in Honor of Jean Sareil William Brooks doi:10.2307/3734474 | Cite |
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982-983 | Review of Catherine Lafarge, Dilemmes du roman: Essays in Honor of Georges May Malcolm Cook doi:10.2307/3734475 | Cite |
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983-984 | Review of Julie Candler Hayes, Identity and Ideology: Diderot, Sade, and the Serious Genre Michael Cardy doi:10.2307/3734476 | Cite |
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984-985 | Review of Robert Challe, Frédéric Deloffre, Jacques Cormier, Les Illustres Françaises Vivienne Mylne doi:10.2307/3734477 | Cite |
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985-987 | Review of Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Manfred Tietz, Lectures de Raynal: L'Histoire des deux indes en Europe et en Amérique au XVIIIe siècle. Actes du Colloque de Wolfenbüttel R. Niklaus doi:10.2307/3734478 | Cite |
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987 | | Cite |
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987-988 | Review of François Labbé, Jean-Henri-Ferdinand Lamartelière (1761-1830): Un dramaturge sous la Révolution, l'Empire et la Restauration ou l'élaboration d'une référence schillérienne en France Lesley Sharpe doi:10.2307/3734480 | Cite |
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988-989 | Review of F. W. Leakey, Baudelaire: 'Les Fleurs du Mal': Selected Poems Martin Sorrell doi:10.2307/3734481 | Cite |
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989 | Review of Gustave Flaubert, Robert Griffin, Gustave Flaubert: Early Writings Timothy Unwin doi:10.2307/3734482 | Cite |
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989-990 | | Cite |
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990-991 | Review of Émile Zola, Gina Gourdin Servenière, La Fortune des Rougon Robert Lethbridge doi:10.2307/3734484 | Cite |
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991-992 | Review of Geoff Woollen, Zola, 'La Bête humaine': texte et explications. Actes du Colloque de Glasgow, 1990 Robert Lethbridge doi:10.2307/3734485 | Cite |
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992 | | Cite |
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992-993 | Review of Emile Zole, B. H. Bakker, Correspondance. Vol. VIII: 1893-1897 Colin Burns doi:10.2307/3734487 | Cite |
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994-995 | Review of Alain Goulet, André Gide: 'Les Faux-Monnayeurs': mode d'emploi Michael Tilby doi:10.2307/3734488 | Cite |
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996 | Review of Walter C. Putnam, L'Aṿenture littéraire de Joseph Conrad et d'André Gide Michael Tilby doi:10.2307/3734489 | Cite |
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997 | | Cite |
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998-999 | | Cite |
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999-1001 | Review of Bernard McGuirk, Pierre Reverdy 1889-1989; Michel Collot, Jean-Claude Matthieu, Reverdy aujourd'hui Andrew Rothwell doi:10.2307/3734492 | Cite |
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1001-1002 | | Cite |
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1002-1003 | Review of Alec G. Hargreaves, Voices from the North African Immigrant Community in France: Immigration and Identity in Beur Fiction Richard D. E. Burton doi:10.2307/3734494 | Cite |
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1003-1005 | Review of A. Fiorato, L'insegnamento della lingua italiana all' estero: Francia, Gran Bretagna, Germania, Spagna, Canada, Stati Uniti, Argentina, Brasile, Australia Noemi Messora doi:10.2307/3734495 | Cite |
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1005-1006 | Review of Martin Davies, Columbus in Italy: An Italian Versification of the Letter on the Discovery of the New World. With Facsimiles of the Italian and Latin Editions of 1493 Conor Fahy doi:10.2307/3734496 | Cite |
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1006-1007 | Review of Colin Partridge, 'Senso': Visconti's Film and Boito's Novella: A Case Study in the Relation between Literature and Film Angela Smith doi:10.2307/3734497 | Cite |
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1007-1009 | Review of James F. Burke, Structures from the Trivium in the 'Cantar de Mio Cid' Milija N. Pavlović doi:10.2307/3734498 | Cite |
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1009 | | Cite |
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1009-1011 | Review of Julian Weiss, The Poet's Art: Literary Theory in Castile c. 1400-60 Derek C. Carr doi:10.2307/3734500 | Cite |
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1011-1012 | Review of Eric J. Ziolkowski, The Sanctification of Don Quixote: From Hidalgo to Priest Daniel Eisenberg doi:10.2307/3734501 | Cite |
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1012-1013 | Review of Tirso de Molina, Gordon Minter, Don Gil of the Green Breeches ('Don Gil de las calzas verdes') Margaret Wilson doi:10.2307/3734502 | Cite |
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1013-1014 | Review of N. D. Shergold, Los corrales de comedias de Madrid: 1632-1745. Reparaciones y obras nuevas: Estudio y documentos Dawn L. Smith doi:10.2307/3734503 | Cite |
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1014 | | Cite |
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1014-1015 | | Cite |
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1015-1016 | Review of Nina L. Molinaro, Foucault, Feminism, and Power: Reading Esther Tusquets Paul Julian Smith doi:10.2307/3734506 | Cite |
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1016-1017 | Review of Antonio Cussen, Bello and Bolívar: Poetry and Politics in the Spanish American Revolution Donald L. Shaw doi:10.2307/3734507 | Cite |
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1017-1018 | Review of Floyd Merrell, Unthinking Thinking: Jorge Luis Borges, Mathematics, and the New Physics Paul Jordan doi:10.2307/3734508 | Cite |
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1018-1019 | Review of Magda Graniela-Rodríguez, El papel del lector en la novela mexicana contemporánea: José Emilio Pacheco y Salvador Elizondo Ciaran Cosgrove doi:10.2307/3734509 | Cite |
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1019-1021 | Review of Walter Haug, Benedikt Konrad Vollmann, Frühe deutsche Literatur und lateinische Literatur in Deutschland 800-1150 D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3734510 | Cite |
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1022-1023 | Review of Martin J. Schubert, Zur Theorie des Gebarens im Mittelalter. Analyse von nichtsprachlicher Äußerung in mittelhochdeutscher Epik. Rolandslied, Eneasroman, Tristan D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3734511 | Cite |
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1023-1024 | Review of Robert E. Norton, Herder's Aesthetics and the European Enlightenment H. B. Nisbet doi:10.2307/3734512 | Cite |
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1024-1026 | Review of W. Daniel Wilson, Geheimräte gegen Geheimbünde: ein unbekanntes Kapitel der klassich-romantischen Geschichte Weimars John Williams doi:10.2307/3734513 | Cite |
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1026-1029 | Review of Lesley Sharpe, Friedrich Schiller: Drama, Thought and Politics Michael Beddow doi:10.2307/3734514 | Cite |
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1030 | Review of Martin Simon, Friedrich Hölderlin: The Theory and Practice of Religious Poetry R. S. Furness doi:10.2307/3734515 | Cite |
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1031-1032 | Review of Robert C. Holub, Reflections of Realism: Paradox, Norm, and Ideology in Nineteenth-Century German Prose Ritchie Robertson doi:10.2307/3734516 | Cite |
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1032-1033 | Review of Brigid Haines, Adalbert Stifter, Dialogue and Narrative in the Works of Adalbert Stifter H. R. Klieneberger doi:10.2307/3734517 | Cite |
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1033 | Review of Erna Kritsch Neuse, Der Erzähler in der deutschen Kurzgeschichte Alan Corkhill doi:10.2307/3734518 | Cite |
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1033-1034 | | Cite |
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1035-1036 | Review of Robert Alter, Necessary Angels: Tradition and Modernity in Kafka, Benjamin, and Scholem Vassiliki Kolocotroni doi:10.2307/3734520 | Cite |
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1036-1037 | | Cite |
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1037-1039 | Review of Andreas Huyssen, David Bathrick, Modernity and the Text: Revisions of German Modernism Richard Sheppard doi:10.2307/3734522 | Cite |
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1039-1040 | Review of Arthur Williams, Stuart Parkes, Roland Smith, German Literature at a Time of Change: 1989-1990: German Unity and German Identity in Literary Perspective D. G. Bond doi:10.2307/3734523 | Cite |
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1040-1042 | Review of Robert C. Holub, Jürgen Habermas: Critic in the Public Sphere Steve Giles doi:10.2307/3734524 | Cite |
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1042-1043 | Review of Robert A. Kann, Stanley B. Winters, Dynasty, Politics and Culture: Selected Essays John Warren doi:10.2307/3734525 | Cite |
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1043-1045 | Review of Robert Bledsoe, Rethinking 'Germanistik': Canon and Culture John White doi:10.2307/3734526 | Cite |
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1045-1046 | Review of René Wellek, A History of Modern Criticism: 1750-1950. Vol. VII: German, Russian, and Eastern European Criticism, 1900-1950 David Shepherd doi:10.2307/3734527 | Cite |
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1046-1047 | Review of Andrew R. Corin, The New York Missal: A Paleographic and Phonetic Analysis C. M. MacRobert doi:10.2307/3734528 | Cite |
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1048-1049 | Review of Terence R. Carlton, Introduction to the Phonological History of the Slavic Languages Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/3734529 | Cite |
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1049-1050 | Review of Stephen Lessing Baehr, The Paradise Myth in Eighteenth-Century Russia: Utopian Patterns in Early Secular Russian Literature and Culture A. G. Cross doi:10.2307/3734530 | Cite |
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1050-1051 | | Cite |
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1051-1053 | Review of Nicholas Luker, The Short Story in Russia 1900-1917 Stephen Hutchings doi:10.2307/3734532 | Cite |
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1053-1054 | Review of Angela Livingstone, Art in the Light of Conscience: Eight Essays on Poetry by Marina Tsvetaeva Donald Rayfield doi:10.2307/3734533 | Cite |
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1054-1055 | Review of Josephine Woll, Invented Truth: Soviet Reality and the Literary Imagination of Iurii Trifonov S. Dalton-Brown doi:10.2307/3734534 | Cite |
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1055-1056 | Review of Lauren G. Leighton, Two Worlds, One Art: Literary Translation in Russia and America Michael Pursglove doi:10.2307/3734535 | Cite |
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xxv-xxxvi | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1993: Voltaire: Art, Thought, and Action W. H. Barber doi:10.2307/3734536 | Cite |
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