545-552 | | Cite |
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553-566 | George Eliot, Dante, and Moral Choice in Felix Holt, the Radical Andrew Thompson doi:10.2307/3731003 | Cite |
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567-572 | "Excusons Icy ce Que je dy Souvent": The Relationship between "Du Repentir" and "De L'utile et de L'Honneste" James Supple doi:10.2307/3731004 | Cite |
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573-579 | | Cite |
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580-591 | Influence and Identification: A Psychoanalytical Study of Bernanos and Bloy William Kidd doi:10.2307/3731006 | Cite |
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592-601 | | Cite |
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602-612 | | Cite |
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613-626 | | Cite |
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627-644 | | Cite |
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645-650 | | Cite |
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651-652 | Review of Erich H. Steiner, Robert Veltman, Pragmatics. Discourse and Text: Some Systematically-Inspired Approaches Kay Richardson doi:10.2307/3731012 | Cite |
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652-653 | Review of George Lakoff, Mark Turner, More than Cool Reason: A Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor Richard Taylor doi:10.2307/3731013 | Cite |
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653-654 | | Cite |
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654-655 | Review of Richard Feldstein, Judith Roof, Feminism and Psychoanalysis David Punter doi:10.2307/3731015 | Cite |
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655-656 | Review of Harold Bloom, Ruin the Sacred Truths: Poetry and Belief from the Bible to the Present Jeremy Tambling doi:10.2307/3731016 | Cite |
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656-658 | Review of David G. Roskies, The Literture of Destruction: Jewish Responses to Catastrophe Robert Casillo doi:10.2307/3731017 | Cite |
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658-659 | Review of Ria Lemaire, Passions et Positions: Contributions à une sémiotique du sujet dans la poésie lyrique médiévale en langues romanes Margaret Jubb doi:10.2307/3731018 | Cite |
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660 | Review of Flemming G. Andersen, Popular Drama in Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages: A Symposium John E. Tailby doi:10.2307/3731019 | Cite |
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661-663 | | Cite |
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663-664 | Review of Anthony Goodman, Angus MacKay, The Impact of Humanism on Western Europe Peter Armour doi:10.2307/3731021 | Cite |
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664-666 | Review of George Craig, Margaret McGowan, 'Moy qui me voy': The Writer and the Self from Montaigne to Leiris Edward J. Hughes doi:10.2307/3731022 | Cite |
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666-667 | Review of Leo Spitzer, Alban K. Forcione, Herbert Lindenberger, Madeline Sutherland, Representative Essays John Gledson doi:10.2307/3731023 | Cite |
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667-669 | Review of Ronald Shusterman, Critique et poésie selon I. A. Richards: de la confiance positiviste au relativisme naissant Geoffrey Strickland doi:10.2307/3731024 | Cite |
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669-670 | Review of Christopher Fox, Locke and the Scriblerians: Identity and Consciousness in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain Carolyn D. Williams doi:10.2307/3731025 | Cite |
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670-671 | Review of Robert N. Essick, William Blake and the Language of Adam Brian Wilkie doi:10.2307/3731026 | Cite |
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671-672 | | Cite |
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672-674 | Review of Michael J. S. Williams, A World of Words: Language and Displacement in the Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe A. Robert Lee doi:10.2307/3731028 | Cite |
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674-675 | Review of R. H. Super, The Chronicler of Barsetshire: A Life of Anthony Trollope Geoffrey Harvey doi:10.2307/3731029 | Cite |
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676-678 | Review of Emily Norcross, Edward Dickinson, Vivian R. Pollak, A Poet's Parents: The Courtship Letters of Emily Norcross and Edward Dickinson; Elizabeth Phillips, Emily Dickinson: Personae and Performance Lionel Kelly doi:10.2307/3731030 | Cite |
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678-680 | Review of Amy Kaplan, The Social Construction of American Realism Tony Tanner doi:10.2307/3731031 | Cite |
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680-681 | Review of Lawrence Danson, Max Beerbohm and the Act of Writing Nicola Bradbury doi:10.2307/3731032 | Cite |
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681-682 | Review of R. B. Kershner, Joyce, Bakhtin, and Popular Literature: Chronicles of Disorder John Pilling doi:10.2307/3731033 | Cite |
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682-684 | | Cite |
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684-685 | Review of Ann S. Fisher-Wirth, William Carlos Williams and Autobiography: The Woods of His Own Nature Richard Gray doi:10.2307/3731035 | Cite |
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685-686 | Review of D. H. Lawrence, James T. Boulton, Lindeth Vasey, The Letters of D. H. Lawrence. Volume V: 1924-27 Philip Hobsbaum doi:10.2307/3731036 | Cite |
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686-687 | Review of Dennis Jackson, Fleda Brown Jackson, Critical Essays on D. H. Lawrence Michael Bell doi:10.2307/3731037 | Cite |
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688-689 | Review of Bernard F. Dukore, 'Death of a Salesman' and 'The Crucible'; William Tydeman, 'Murder in the Cathedral' and 'The Cocktail Party' S. Anne Stascavage doi:10.2307/3731038 | Cite |
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689-690 | | Cite |
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690-691 | Review of Laura Barge, God, the Quest, the Hero: Thematic Structures in Beckett's Fiction Paul Davies doi:10.2307/3731040 | Cite |
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692-693 | Review of Brian Stonehill, The Self-Conscious Novel: Artifice in Fiction from Joyce to Pynchon Michael Walters doi:10.2307/3731041 | Cite |
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693-694 | | Cite |
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694-695 | | Cite |
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695-696 | Review of Volker Strunk, Harold Pinter: Towards a Poetics of His Plays Ronald Knowles doi:10.2307/3731044 | Cite |
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696-697 | | Cite |
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697-698 | Review of Karin Linton, The Temporal Horizon: A Study of the Theme of Time in Anne Tyler's Major Novels Janet Beer Goodwyn doi:10.2307/3731046 | Cite |
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698-699 | Review of Richard Gray, Writing the South: Ideas of an American Region Mark Jancovich doi:10.2307/3731047 | Cite |
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699-700 | Review of Philip C. Kolin, American Playwrights since 1945: A Guide to Scholarship, Criticism, and Performance Lionel Kelly doi:10.2307/3731048 | Cite |
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701-702 | Review of Lynda E. Boose, Betty S. Flowers, Daughters and Fathers Margaret Dickie doi:10.2307/3731049 | Cite |
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702-703 | Review of Hazel V. Carby, Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of the Afro-American Woman Novelist Peter Conn doi:10.2307/3731050 | Cite |
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704-705 | Review of H. David Brumble, III, American Indian: Autobiography Christopher Mulvey doi:10.2307/3731051 | Cite |
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705 | Review of Patricia R. Schroeder, The Presence of the past in Modern American Drama John H. Stroupe doi:10.2307/3731052 | Cite |
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705-707 | Review of J. P. Telotte, Voices in the Dark: The Narrative Patterns of 'Film Noir' Douglas Pye doi:10.2307/3731053 | Cite |
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707-708 | Review of Kate Whitehead, The Third Programme: A Literary History Susan Briggs doi:10.2307/3731054 | Cite |
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709-710 | Review of Evelyn Birge Vitz, Medieval Narrative and Modern Narratology Roger Pensom doi:10.2307/3731055 | Cite |
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710-711 | Review of Hans-Erich Keller, Autour de Roland: Recherches sur la chanson de geste Leslie C. Brook doi:10.2307/3731056 | Cite |
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711-712 | Review of Merritt R. Blakeslee, Love's Masks: Identity, Intertextuality and Meaning in the Old French Tristan Poems Peter Noble doi:10.2307/3731057 | Cite |
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712 | Review of Marc Papillon de Lasphrise, Nerina Clerici Balmas, Diverses Poésies Keith Cameron doi:10.2307/3731058 | Cite |
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712-713 | Review of Gianni Mombello, Une Lettre inédite de Vaugelas à Antoine-Philibert (Albert) Bailly (7 janvier 1650) Wendy Ayres-Bennett doi:10.2307/3731059 | Cite |
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713-714 | Review of Martine Debaisieux, Le Procès du roman: Écriture et contrefaçon chez Charles Sorel Robin Howells doi:10.2307/3731060 | Cite |
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714-715 | Review of Robin Howells, Carnival to Classicism: The Comic Novels of Charles Sorel G. J. Mallinson doi:10.2307/3731061 | Cite |
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715 | Review of Guillaume Colletet, Lenita Locey, Michael Locey, Janis L. Pallister, Vies des Poètes Tourangeaux Keith Cameron doi:10.2307/3731062 | Cite |
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715-716 | Review of Pierre Corneille, Milorad R. Margitić, Le Cid: Tragi-comédie Derek A. Watts doi:10.2307/3731063 | Cite |
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716-718 | Review of Roger Duchêne, Mme de Lafayette: La romancière aux cent bras Elizabeth Woodrough doi:10.2307/3731064 | Cite |
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718-719 | Review of Jan Herman, Le Mensonge romanesque: Paramètres pour l'étude du roman épistolaire en France Ronald C. Rosbottom doi:10.2307/3731065 | Cite |
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719-720 | Review of H. T. Mason, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century. Volume 260 David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3731066 | Cite |
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721-722 | Review of H. T. Mason, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century. Volume 266 Vivienne Mylne doi:10.2307/3731067 | Cite |
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722-723 | Review of Nouchine Behbahani, Paysages rêvés, Paysages vécus dans 'La Nouvelle Héloïse' de J.-J. Rousseau Robin Howells doi:10.2307/3731068 | Cite |
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723-724 | | Cite |
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724-725 | | Cite |
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725-726 | Review of Marc de Bombelles, Jacques Gury, Journal de voyage en Grande-Bretagne et en Irlande en 1784 J. Lough doi:10.2307/3731071 | Cite |
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726 | Review of Raymond Trousson, Lettres et pensées du Prince de Ligne d'après l'édition de Madame de Staël Dennis Wood doi:10.2307/3731072 | Cite |
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727-728 | Review of Patrick W. Byrne, 'Les Liaisons dangereuses': A Study of Motive and Moral Philip Thody doi:10.2307/3731073 | Cite |
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728-729 | Review of Anne-Marie Brinsmead, Strategies of Resistance in 'Les Liaisons dangereuses': Heroines in Search of 'Author-ity' Simon Davies doi:10.2307/3731074 | Cite |
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729-730 | Review of Condorcet, Charles Coutel, Écrits sur l'instruction publique. Volume II: Rapport sur l'instruction publique R. Niklaus doi:10.2307/3731075 | Cite |
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730 | Review of Jean-Claude Bonnet, La Carmagnole des muses: l'homme de lettres et l'artiste dans la Révolution Malcolm Cook doi:10.2307/3731076 | Cite |
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730-731 | | Cite |
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731 | Review of H. Meili Steele, Realism and the Drama of Reference: Strategies of Representation in Balzac, Flaubert and James Seán Hand doi:10.2307/3731078 | Cite |
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732 | Review of Claudie Bernard, Le Chouan romanesque: Balzac, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Hugo Michael Tilby doi:10.2307/3731079 | Cite |
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733 | Review of Patricia Joan Siegel, Wilhelm Ténint et sa 'Prosodie de l'École Moderne' avec des documents inédits J. D. Biard doi:10.2307/3731080 | Cite |
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733-734 | | Cite |
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734-735 | Review of Robin Magowan, Narcissus and Orpheus: Pastoral in Sand, Fromentin, Jewett, Alain-Fournier and Dinesen Barbara Wright doi:10.2307/3731082 | Cite |
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736 | Review of Graham Chesters, Baudelaire and the Poetics of Craft J. A. Hiddleston doi:10.2307/3731083 | Cite |
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736-737 | Review of Robert Griffin, Rape of the Lock: Flaubert's Mythic Realism Diana Knight doi:10.2307/3731084 | Cite |
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737-738 | | Cite |
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738-739 | Review of George A. Willenbrink, 'Un Cœur Simple': Remarques sur l'avant-texte Timothy Unwin doi:10.2307/3731086 | Cite |
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739-740 | Review of Mallarmé, James Kearns, Symbolist Landscapes: The Place of Painting in the Poetry and Criticism of Mallarmé and His Circle Rosemary Lloyd doi:10.2307/3731087 | Cite |
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740-741 | Review of Alain Pagès, La Bataille littéraire: Essai sur la réception du naturalisme à l'époque de 'Germinal' Geoff Woollen doi:10.2307/3731088 | Cite |
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741-742 | | Cite |
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742-743 | Review of Wayne Burns, 'Enfin Céline vint': A Contextualist Reading of 'Journey to the End of the Night' and 'Death on the Installment Plan' Nicholas Hewitt doi:10.2307/3731090 | Cite |
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743-744 | | Cite |
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744-745 | Review of Jane Alison Hale, The Lyric Encyclopaedia of Raymond Queneau Walter Redfern doi:10.2307/3731092 | Cite |
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745-746 | | Cite |
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746-747 | Review of Laura Oswald, Jean Genet and the Semiotics of Performance David Bradby doi:10.2307/3731094 | Cite |
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747 | Review of Armine Kotin Mortimer, The Gentlest Law: Roland Barthes's 'The Pleasure of the Text' Philip Thody doi:10.2307/3731095 | Cite |
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747-748 | Review of Colin Roberts, Gilbert Cesbron: 'Chiens perdus sans collier'; Marie Cardinal: 'La Clé sur la porte' Alec G. Hargreaves doi:10.2307/3731096 | Cite |
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748-750 | Review of Peter Armour, Dante's Griffin and the History of the World: A Study of the Earthly Paradise ('Purgatorio', Cantos XXIX-XXXIII) Steven Botterill doi:10.2307/3731097 | Cite |
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750-751 | Review of Jon R. Snyder, Writing the Scene of Speaking: Theories of Dialogue in the Late Italian Renaissance Virginia Cox doi:10.2307/3731098 | Cite |
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751-753 | Review of Francesco Guardiani, Lectura Marini: 'L'Adone' letto e commentato P. B. Diffley doi:10.2307/3731099 | Cite |
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753-755 | Review of Antonio Comin, Desmond O'Connor, Leopardi Poet for Today: Proceedings of the Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Death of Giacomo Leopardi (Adelaide, South Australia, 19-26 June 1988) Maurice Slawinski doi:10.2307/3731100 | Cite |
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755-757 | | Cite |
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757-758 | Review of Eileen A. Millar, The Legacy of Fascism: Lectures Delivered at the University of Glasgow Judy Rawson doi:10.2307/3731102 | Cite |
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758-759 | Review of Antonio Iacopetta, Costanti e varianti nella poesia italiana del Novecento Spencer Pearce doi:10.2307/3731103 | Cite |
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759-761 | Review of Beverly Allen, Andrea Zanzotto: The Language of Beauty's Apprentice Vivienne Hand doi:10.2307/3731104 | Cite |
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761-762 | Review of D. E. Rhodes, Catalogue of Books Printed in Spain and of Spanish Books Printed Elsewhere in Europe before 1601 Now in the British Library J. S. Cummins doi:10.2307/3731105 | Cite |
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762-763 | Review of Arcipreste de Hita, G. B. Gybbon-Monypenny, Libro de buen amor André Michalski doi:10.2307/3731106 | Cite |
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763-765 | Review of A. Enríquez Gómez, Glen F. Dille, San Antonio, La presumida y la hermosa (Brains or Beauty) Nigel Griffin doi:10.2307/3731107 | Cite |
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765-766 | Review of John R. Rosenberg, Resonancias románticas: Evocaciones del romanticismo hispánico en el sesquicentenario de la muerte de Mariano José de Larra Derek Flitter doi:10.2307/3731108 | Cite |
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766-767 | Review of J. M. García de la Torre, Valle-Inclán (1866-1936): Creación y lenguaje John Lyon doi:10.2307/3731109 | Cite |
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767-770 | Review of Andrew Dobson, An Introduction to the Politics and Philosophy of José Ortega y Gasset Victor Ouimette doi:10.2307/3731110 | Cite |
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770-771 | Review of Geoffrey R. Barrow, The Satiric Vision of Blas de Otero Kevin J. Bruton doi:10.2307/3731111 | Cite |
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771-772 | Review of Jovita Bobes Naves, Las novelas 'caribes' de Francisco Ayala: Tiempo y espacio Keith Ellis doi:10.2307/3731112 | Cite |
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772 | Review of Leopoldo Lugones, Pedro Luis Barcia, Cuentos fantásticos Steven Boldy doi:10.2307/3731113 | Cite |
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772-773 | | Cite |
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773-776 | Review of William Jervis Jones, German Kinship Terms (750-1500): Documentation and Analysis Jonathan West doi:10.2307/3731115 | Cite |
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776-778 | Review of Walter Haug, Strukturen als Schlüssel zur Welt. Kleine Schriften zur Erzählliteratur des Mittelalters D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3731116 | Cite |
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778-779 | Review of Regine Hummel, Mystische Modelle im 12. Jahrhundert: 'St. Trudperter Hoheslied', Bernard von Clairvaux, Wilhelm von St. Thierry Oliver Davies doi:10.2307/3731117 | Cite |
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779-782 | Review of M. Jacoby, Bibeltradition und Bibelsprache zwischen Mittelalter und 20. Jahrhundert im nordgermanischen Raum: Der Einfluß der Scholastik aus Paris und der Lutherbibel Jonathan West doi:10.2307/3731118 | Cite |
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782 | Review of Walter Haas, Martin Stern, Robert Schläpfer, Hans Wuhrmann, Fünf Komödien des 16. Jahrhunderts Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly doi:10.2307/3731119 | Cite |
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783-784 | Review of David Charlton, Martyn Clarke, E. T. A. Hoffmann's Musical Writings: Kreisleriana, the Poet and the Composer, Music Criticism J. W. Smeed doi:10.2307/3731120 | Cite |
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784-785 | Review of Johannes Harnischfeger, Die Hieroglyphen der inneren Welt. Romantikkritik bei E. T. A. Hoffmann John Francis Fetzer doi:10.2307/3731121 | Cite |
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785-787 | Review of John Winkelman, Goethe's 'Elective Affinities': An Interpretation Lesley Sharpe doi:10.2307/3731122 | Cite |
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787-788 | Review of Monika Dimpfl, Georg Jäger, Zur Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur im 19. Jahrhundert, Einzelstudien. Teil II Eda Sagarra doi:10.2307/3731123 | Cite |
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788-789 | Review of Barbara S. Grossmann Stone, Adalbert Stifter and the Idyll: A Study of 'Witiko' Peter Branscombe doi:10.2307/3731124 | Cite |
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789-790 | Review of Josef Daum, Hans-Jürgen, Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft 1989 Gerald Opie doi:10.2307/3731125 | Cite |
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790-792 | Review of Brian Coghlan, Karl Ernst Laage, Theodor Storm und das 19. Jahrhundert: Vorträge und Berichte des Internationalen Storm-Symposions aus Anlaß des 100. Todestages Theodor Storms Boyd Mullan doi:10.2307/3731126 | Cite |
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792-794 | Review of Heike Söhnlein, Gesellschaftliche und private Interaktionen: Dialoganalysen zu Hofmannsthals 'Der Schwierige' und Schnitzlers 'Das weite Land' Alexander Stillmark doi:10.2307/3731127 | Cite |
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794-795 | Review of Hugh-Alexander Boag, Ernst Wiechert: The Prose Works in Relation to His Life and Times H. R. Klieneberger doi:10.2307/3731128 | Cite |
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795 | Review of Edward Mornin, John Henry Mackay: 'Die gedachte Welt' R. S. Furness doi:10.2307/3731129 | Cite |
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795-796 | | Cite |
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796-797 | Review of Hans Helmut Christmann, Frank-Rutger Hausmann, Manfred Briegel, Deutsche und österreichische Romanisten als Verfolgte des Nationalsozialismus Andrea Reiter doi:10.2307/3731131 | Cite |
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797-799 | Review of Colin Riordan, The Ethics of Narration: Uwe Johnson's Novels from 'Ingrid Babendererde' to 'Jahrestage' D. G. Bond doi:10.2307/3731132 | Cite |
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799-800 | Review of Mathias Adelhoefer, Wolfdietrich Schnurre: Ein deutscher Nachkriegsautor Alan Corkhill doi:10.2307/3731133 | Cite |
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800-801 | Review of Reinhold Grimm, Jost Hermand, From the Greeks to the Greens: Images of the Simple Life R. S. Furness doi:10.2307/3731134 | Cite |
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801-803 | Review of Peter Uwe Hohendahl, A History of German Literary Criticism, 1730-1980 Steve Giles doi:10.2307/3731135 | Cite |
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803-804 | Review of Mark J. Elson, Macedonian Verbal Morphology: A Structural Analysis J. Ian Press doi:10.2307/3731136 | Cite |
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804-805 | Review of Robin Milner-Gulland, Nikolai Dejevsky, Atlas of Russia and the Soviet Union Simon Franklin doi:10.2307/3731137 | Cite |
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805-807 | Review of Daniel Rancour-Laferriere, Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis James B. Woodward doi:10.2307/3731138 | Cite |
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807-808 | Review of Jacques Catteau, Audrey Littlewood, Dostoyevsky and the Process of Literary Creation Michael Pursglove doi:10.2307/3731139 | Cite |
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808 | Review of W. Gareth Jones, I Cannot Be Silent: Writings on Politics, Art and Religion by Leo Tolstoy Michael Pursglove doi:10.2307/3731140 | Cite |
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808-810 | Review of David M. Bethea, The Shape of Apocalypse in Modern Russian Fiction Maria Carlson doi:10.2307/3731141 | Cite |
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810 | Review of Jane A. Taubman, A Life through Poetry: Marina Tsvetaeva's Lyric Diary Donald Rayfield doi:10.2307/3731142 | Cite |
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811-812 | Review of Rosalind Marsh, Images of Dictatorship: Stalin in Literature Michael Falchikov doi:10.2307/3731143 | Cite |
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812-813 | Review of Valentina Polukhina, Joseph Brodsky: A Poet for Our Time Robert Porter doi:10.2307/3731144 | Cite |
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813-814 | | Cite |
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814-815 | Review of Svetlana Geisser-Schnittman, Venedikt Erofeev, 'Moskva-Petushki' ili 'The Rest Is Silence' Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/3731146 | Cite |
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815-816 | Review of Nick Worrall, Modernism to Realism on the Soviet Stage: Tairov, Vakhtangov, Okhlopkov Cynthia Marsh doi:10.2307/3731147 | Cite |
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