817-819 | | Cite |
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820-842 | The Lover-Poet and Love as the Most Pleasing "Matere" in Medieval French Love Poetry Nicolette Zeeman doi:10.2307/3730897 | Cite |
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843-851 | | Cite |
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852-860 | | Cite |
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861-866 | | Cite |
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867-881 | "Invitación Al Aire": The Imagery of Ascent in Alberti's Sobre Los Ángeles Derek Gagen doi:10.2307/3730901 | Cite |
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882-894 | "Neglecting the Weight of the Elephant...": German Prose Fiction and European Realism Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3730902 | Cite |
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895-900 | Green Thoughts of the Dialectician: Bertolt Brecht's Poem "Das Gewächshaus" Geoffrey Jones doi:10.2307/3730903 | Cite |
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901-910 | Leskov's Soboryane: A Tale of Good and Evil in the Russian Provinces Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/3730904 | Cite |
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911-924 | | Cite |
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925-926 | Review of Roger Wright, Late Latin and Early Romance in Spain and Carolingian France Ian Michael doi:10.2307/3730906 | Cite |
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926-927 | Review of Andreas Alciatus, Peter M. Daly, Virginia W. Callahan, Simon Cuttler, Index Emblematicus Conor Fahy doi:10.2307/3730907 | Cite |
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927-930 | | Cite |
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930-932 | Review of Susan Letzler Cole, The Absent One: Mourning Ritual, Tragedy, and the Performance of Ambivalence Charles Garton doi:10.2307/3730909 | Cite |
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932-933 | | Cite |
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934-935 | Review of Franklin R. Rogers, Painting and Poetry: Form, Metaphor, and the Language of Literature J. R. Watson doi:10.2307/3730911 | Cite |
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935-936 | | Cite |
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936-937 | Review of Lawrence Kramer, Music and Poetry: The Nineteenth Century and after John P. Frayne doi:10.2307/3730913 | Cite |
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937-939 | Review of Andrea B. Smith, The Anonymous Parts of the Old English Hexateuch: A Latin-Old English/Old English-Latin Glossary T. F. Hoad doi:10.2307/3730914 | Cite |
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939-940 | Review of Thomas J. Heffernan, The Popular Literature of Medieval England Derek Pearsall doi:10.2307/3730915 | Cite |
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940-941 | Review of Earle Birney, Beryl Rowland, Essays on Chaucerian Irony Derek Pearsall doi:10.2307/3730916 | Cite |
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942-944 | Review of Udo Fries, Einführung in die Sprache Chaucers: Phonologie, Metrik und Morphologie; C. David Benson, Chaucer's Drama of Style: Poetic Variety and Contrast in the 'Canterbury Tales'; Stephen Knight, Geoffrey Chaucer N. F. Blake doi:10.2307/3730917 | Cite |
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944-945 | Review of William Shakespeare, Russell Fraser, All's Well That Ends Well Ann Thompson doi:10.2307/3730918 | Cite |
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945-947 | Review of Mark Dominik, William Shakespeare and 'The Birth of Merlin'; Peter Erickson, Patriarchal Structures in Shakespeare's Drama Michael Shapiro doi:10.2307/3730919 | Cite |
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948-949 | Review of Simon Shepherd, Marlowe and the Politics of Elizabethan Theatre; Robert C. Jones, Engagement with Knavery: Point of View in 'Richard III', 'The Jew of Malta', 'Volpone', and 'The Revenger's Tragedy' Richard Dutton doi:10.2307/3730920 | Cite |
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950 | | Cite |
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950-953 | Review of Jerzy Limon, Gentlemen of a Company: English Players in Central and Eastern Europe, 1590-1660 E. A. J. Honigmann doi:10.2307/3730922 | Cite |
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953-954 | Review of Judith Milhous, Robert D. Hume, Producible Interpretation: Eight English Plays 1675-1707 Anthony Kaufman doi:10.2307/3730923 | Cite |
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954-957 | Review of Gerard Reedy, The Bible and Reason: Anglicans and Scripture in Late Seventeenth-Century England Hugh Ormsby-Lennon doi:10.2307/3730924 | Cite |
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957-958 | Review of Harrison T. Meserole, American Poetry of the Seventeenth Century Sargent Bush doi:10.2307/3730925 | Cite |
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959-961 | Review of Valerie Grosvenor Myer, Samuel Richardson: Passion and Prudence; Patricia McKee, Heroic Commitment in Richardson, Eliot and James Jocelyn Harris doi:10.2307/3730926 | Cite |
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961-962 | | Cite |
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962-964 | Review of Isobel Grundy, Samuel Johnson and the Scale of Greatness Leopold Damrosch Jr. doi:10.2307/3730928 | Cite |
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964-965 | Review of F. P. Lock, Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France Peter Marshall doi:10.2307/3730929 | Cite |
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965-967 | Review of Jonathan Bate, Shakespeare and the English Romantic Imagination R. A. Foakes doi:10.2307/3730930 | Cite |
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967-968 | Review of Joanne Witke, William Blake's Epic: Imagination Unbound Dustin Griffin doi:10.2307/3730931 | Cite |
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968-969 | Review of Jean H. Hagstrum, The Romantic Body: Love and Sexuality in Keats, Wordsworth, and Blake Margaret Storch doi:10.2307/3730932 | Cite |
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969-971 | Review of Charles J. Rzepka, The Self as Mind: Vision and Identity in Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Keats James K. Chandler doi:10.2307/3730933 | Cite |
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971-972 | Review of Judith Wilt, Secret Leaves: The Novels of Walter Scott J. H. Alexander doi:10.2307/3730934 | Cite |
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972-974 | Review of Jerome J. McGann, Lord Byron: The Complete Poetical Works. Volume IV J. Drummond Bone doi:10.2307/3730935 | Cite |
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975 | Review of Norman Russell, The Novelist and Mammon: Literary Responses to the World of Commerce in the Nineteenth Century Alexander Welsh doi:10.2307/3730936 | Cite |
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976-977 | Review of Joel H. Wiener, Innovators and Preachers: The Role of the Editor in Victorian England Malcolm Woodfield doi:10.2307/3730937 | Cite |
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977-978 | | Cite |
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978-979 | | Cite |
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979-980 | Review of Michael Cotsell, The Companion to 'Our Mutual Friend' Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3730940 | Cite |
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981-982 | Review of Malcolm Hardman, Ruskin and Bradford: An Experiment in Victorian Cultural History Sheila M. Smith doi:10.2307/3730941 | Cite |
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982-983 | | Cite |
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983-984 | Review of James Gibson, 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles' by Thomas Hardy; Jeanette King, Jane Eyre Tom Winnifrith doi:10.2307/3730943 | Cite |
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984-986 | | Cite |
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986-987 | Review of Andrew Rutherford, Early Verse by Rudyard Kipling 1879-1889: Unpublished, Uncollected, and Rarely Collected Poems Zohreh T. Sullivan doi:10.2307/3730945 | Cite |
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987-988 | Review of Michael Black, D. H. Lawrence: The Early Fiction. A Commentary Philip Hobsbaum doi:10.2307/3730946 | Cite |
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988-989 | Review of Marjorie Perloff, The Dance of the Intellect: Studies in the Poetry of the Pound Tradition Neil Corcoran doi:10.2307/3730947 | Cite |
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990-991 | Review of Jean-Michel Rabaté, Language, Sexuality and Ideology in Ezra Pound's 'Cantos' A. D. Moody doi:10.2307/3730948 | Cite |
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991-993 | Review of Bernard Bergonzi, The Myth of Modernism and Twentieth Century Literature Alan Robinson doi:10.2307/3730949 | Cite |
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993-994 | Review of Dominic Hibberd, John Onions, Poetry of the Great War: An Anthology Bernard Bergonzi doi:10.2307/3730950 | Cite |
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994-996 | | Cite |
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996-997 | Review of Mary V. Dearborn, Pocahontas's Daughters: Gender and Ethnicity in American Culture Nina Baym doi:10.2307/3730952 | Cite |
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997-998 | Review of J. O. Ketteridge, Alec Strahan, Wyn Johnson, Sarah Edwards, Routledge French Dictionary: French-English, English-French N. C. W. Spence doi:10.2307/3730953 | Cite |
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998 | Review of Malcolm Bower, Lucette Barbarin, French for Business: Assignments Robert Crawshaw doi:10.2307/3730954 | Cite |
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999-1000 | Review of S. Delesalle, J. C. Chevalier, La Linguistique, la grammaire et l'école 1750-1914 Anne Judge doi:10.2307/3730955 | Cite |
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1000-1001 | Review of René Pommier, Un Marchand de salades qui se prend pour un prince Harold Wardman doi:10.2307/3730956 | Cite |
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1001-1002 | Review of Andrew Martin, The Knowledge of Ignorance: From Genesis to Jules Verne William Butcher doi:10.2307/3730957 | Cite |
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1002-1003 | Review of Françoise Vieilliard, Jacques Monfrin, Manuel bibliographique de la littérature française du Moyen Âge de Robert Bossuat: Troisième supplément (1960-1980). Volume I: Les Origines, les legendes épiques, le roman courtois A. J. Holden doi:10.2307/3730958 | Cite |
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1004 | | Cite |
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1005 | Review of Elizabeth Armstrong, Robert Estienne, Royal Printer: An Historical Study of the Elder Stephanus Stephen Rawles doi:10.2307/3730960 | Cite |
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1005-1006 | | Cite |
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1006-1007 | Review of Trevor Peach, Nature et Raison: Étude critique des Dialogues de Jacques Tahureau Margaret M. McGowan doi:10.2307/3730962 | Cite |
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1007-1008 | Review of Georges May, Les Mille et Une Nuits d'Antoine Galland ou le chef-d'œuvre invisible Vivienne Mylne doi:10.2307/3730963 | Cite |
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1008-1009 | | Cite |
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1009-1010 | Review of Gary Tomlinson, Monteverdi and the End of the Renaissance F. W. Sternfeld doi:10.2307/3730965 | Cite |
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1010-1011 | Review of Paula Olinger, Images of Transformation in Traditional Hispanic Poetry Jane Whetnall doi:10.2307/3730966 | Cite |
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1011-1013 | Review of Marina Scordilis Brownlee, The Status of the Reading Subject in the 'Libro de buen amor' G. B. Gybbon-Monypenny doi:10.2307/3730967 | Cite |
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1013-1014 | Review of Diego Catalán, El Romancero pan-hispánico: Catálogo general descriptivo/The Pan-Hispanic Ballad: General Descriptive Catalogue Colin Smith doi:10.2307/3730968 | Cite |
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1014-1016 | | Cite |
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1016 | Review of Rubén Darío, Andrew P. Debicki, Michael J. Doudoroff, Azul.... Prosas profanas Richard A. Cardwell doi:10.2307/3730970 | Cite |
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1016-1017 | Review of Daniel Balderston, El precursor velado: R. L. Stevenson en la obra de Borges Robert K. Britton doi:10.2307/3730971 | Cite |
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1018 | Review of Lida Aronne-Amestoy, Utopía, paraíso e historia: Inscripciones del mito en García Márquez, Rulfo y Cortázar Robin Fiddian doi:10.2307/3730972 | Cite |
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1019 | Review of J. B. H. Box, García Márquez: 'El coronel no tiene quien le escriba' Robert K. Britton doi:10.2307/3730973 | Cite |
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1019-1021 | Review of Maria Magdalena Witte, Elias und Henoch als Exempel, typologische Figuren und apokalyptische Zeugen: Zu Verbindungen von Literatur und Theologie im Mittelalter David Wells doi:10.2307/3730974 | Cite |
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1021-1023 | Review of Theodore M. Andersson, A Preface to the 'Nibelungenlied' George Gillespie doi:10.2307/3730975 | Cite |
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1023-1024 | Review of Carola L. Gottzmann, Deutsche Artusdichtung, I: Rittertum, Minne, Ehe und Herrschertum. Die Artusepik der hochhöfischen Zeit D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3730976 | Cite |
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1024-1027 | | Cite |
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1027-1028 | Review of Johannes Schilling, Arnold von Lübeck: Gesta Gregorii Peccatoris. Untersuchungen und Edition. Mit einem Beiheft: Die Paderborner Handschrift D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3730978 | Cite |
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1028-1029 | Review of G. Richard Dimler, Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: Eine beschreibende Bibliographie. Part II: Forschungsliteratur Anthony J. Harper doi:10.2307/3730979 | Cite |
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1029-1030 | Review of Walter Müller-Seidel, Die Geschichtlichkeit der deutschen Klassik. Literatur und Denkformen um 1800 Lesley Sharpe doi:10.2307/3730980 | Cite |
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1030-1031 | Review of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Sandy Brownjohn, Torquato Tasso W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3730981 | Cite |
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1031 | Review of Georg Reuchlein, Bürgerliche Gesellschaft, Psychiatrie und Literatur: Zur Entwicklung der Wahnsinnsthematik in der deutschen Literatur des späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts W. G. Sebald doi:10.2307/3730982 | Cite |
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1032-1033 | Review of Roger Bauer, Michael de Graat, Jürgen Wertheimer, Der theatralische Neoklassizismus um 1800: Ein europäisches Phänomen? Hans Reiss doi:10.2307/3730983 | Cite |
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1033-1034 | | Cite |
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1034-1036 | Review of Géza von Molnár, Romantic Vision, Ethical Context: Novalis and Artistic Autonomy Nicholas Saul doi:10.2307/3730985 | Cite |
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1036-1037 | Review of Klaus Köhnke, 'Hieroglyphenschrift': Untersuchungen zu Eichendorffs Erzählungen Judith Purver doi:10.2307/3730986 | Cite |
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1038-1039 | Review of Gabriele Brandstetter, Erotik und Religiosität: Eine Studie zur Lyrik Clemens Brentanos Judith Purver doi:10.2307/3730987 | Cite |
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1039-1041 | Review of Franz Grillparzer, Helmut Bachmaier, Sämtliche Werke. Band II: Dramen 1817-1828 W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3730988 | Cite |
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1041-1044 | Review of Wolfgang Hädecke, Heinrich Heine: Eine Biographie Ritchie Robertson doi:10.2307/3730989 | Cite |
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1044-1045 | Review of Siegfried Seifert, Albina A. Volgina, Heine-Bibliographie 1965-1982 Peter Branscombe doi:10.2307/3730990 | Cite |
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1045-1046 | Review of August Stahl, Theodor Storm-Hartmuth und Laura Brinkmann: Briefwechsel. Kritische Ausgabe Anne White doi:10.2307/3730991 | Cite |
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1046-1048 | Review of Uffe Hansen, Monika Wesemann, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer: 'Angela Borgia'. Zwischen Salpêtrière und Berggasse W. A. Coupe doi:10.2307/3730992 | Cite |
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1048-1050 | Review of Gunther Kleefeld, Das Gedicht als Sühne: Georg Trakls Dichtung und Krankheit. Eine psychoanalytische Studie Timothy J. Casey doi:10.2307/3730993 | Cite |
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1050-1051 | Review of Sylvia Patsch, Österreichische Schriftsteller im Exil in Großbritannien: Ein Kapitel vergessene österreichische Literatur. Romane, Autobiographien, Tatsachenberichte auf englisch und deutsch; Helmut F. Pfanner, Kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen im Exil: Exile across Cultures J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3730994 | Cite |
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1051-1052 | Review of Erich Embacher, Hans Werner Richter: Zum literarischen Werk und zum politisch-publizistischen Wirken eines engagierten deutschen Schriftstellers Graeme Cook doi:10.2307/3730995 | Cite |
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1052-1054 | Review of , The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Dutch & English Dictionary Roel Vismans doi:10.2307/3730996 | Cite |
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1054-1055 | Review of Ronald D. LeBlanc, The Russianization of Gil Blas: A Study in Literary Appropriation W. Gareth Jones doi:10.2307/3730997 | Cite |
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1055-1056 | | Cite |
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xxxi-xlii | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1988: De commodis litterarum atque incommodis C. Grayson doi:10.2307/3730999 | Cite |
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