1-9 | The Pater Noster Letters in the Poetic "Solomon and Saturn" Frederick B. Jonassen doi:10.2307/3728538 | Cite |
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10-15 | Malory "Redivivus:" An Unnoticed Restoration Burlesque of the "Morte darthur" Paul Hartle doi:10.2307/3728539 | Cite |
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16-29 | | Cite |
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30-39 | Subversion of the Reader in Villiers's "Sombre Récit, Conteur Plus Sombre" Peter Cogman doi:10.2307/3728541 | Cite |
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40-55 | | Cite |
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56-66 | | Cite |
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67-75 | | Cite |
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76-86 | | Cite |
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87-105 | | Cite |
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106-120 | The Reversal of Stalinist Literary Motifs: The Image of the Wounded Bird in Recent Russian Literature Margaret Ziolkowski doi:10.2307/3728547 | Cite |
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121 | Review of John W. Black, Cleavonne S. Stratton, Alan C. Nichols, Marian Ausherman Chavez, The Use of Words in Context: The Vocabulary of College Students Paul Meara doi:10.2307/3728548 | Cite |
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121-123 | Review of Joseph H. Smith, William Kerrigan, Taking Chances: Derrida, Psychoanalysis and Literature Raman Selden doi:10.2307/3728549 | Cite |
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123-125 | Review of Michel Schneider, Voleurs de Mots: Essai sur le plagiat, la psychanalyse et la pensée William Kidd doi:10.2307/3728550 | Cite |
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125 | Review of Howard Felperin, Beyond Deconstruction: The Uses and Abuses of Literary Theory Helmut Bonheim doi:10.2307/3728551 | Cite |
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125-126 | Review of Robert Scholes, Textual Power: Literary Theory and the Teaching of English Helmut Bonheim doi:10.2307/3728552 | Cite |
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127-129 | Review of David Daiches, God and the Poets: The Gifford Lectures, 1983; Michael Edwards, Towards a Christian Poetics Martin Warner doi:10.2307/3728553 | Cite |
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129-132 | Review of Graham Anderson, Ancient Fiction: The Novel in the Graeco-Roman World; John J. Winkler, Auctor & Actor: A Narratological Reading of Apuleius's 'The Golden Ass' Margaret Anne Doody doi:10.2307/3728554 | Cite |
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132-133 | Review of Gordon Braden, Renaissance Tragedy and the Senecan Tradition: Anger's Privilege Philip Edwards doi:10.2307/3728555 | Cite |
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133-135 | Review of H. Porter Abbott, Diary Fiction: Writing as Action Felicity Nussbaum doi:10.2307/3728556 | Cite |
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135-136 | | Cite |
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136-137 | Review of Derek Pearsall, Geoffrey Chaucer, A Variorum Edition of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Volume II: The Canterbury Tales. Part Nine: The Nun's Priest's Tale Stanley Hussey doi:10.2307/3728558 | Cite |
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138-139 | | Cite |
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139-141 | Review of David Wallace, Chaucer and the Early Writings of Boccaccio; Judith Ferster, Chaucer on Interpretation Derek Pearsall doi:10.2307/3728560 | Cite |
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142-143 | Review of Derek Brewer, An Introduction to Chaucer; Derek Brewer, Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came: An Approach to English Studies Helen Cooper doi:10.2307/3728561 | Cite |
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143-144 | | Cite |
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144-146 | Review of William Shakespeare, Philip Edwards, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Andrew Gurr doi:10.2307/3728563 | Cite |
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146-148 | Review of M. C. Bradbrook, Muriel Bradbrook on Shakespeare; Roland Mushat Frye, The Renaissance 'Hamlet': Issues and Responses in 1600 Philip Edwards doi:10.2307/3728564 | Cite |
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148-149 | Review of Jonathan Dollimore, Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries Catherine Belsey doi:10.2307/3728565 | Cite |
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149-151 | Review of John M. Steadman, Milton's Biblical and Classical Imagery; Richard S. Ide, Joseph Wittreich, Composite Orders: The Genres of Milton's Last Poems Thomas N. Corns doi:10.2307/3728566 | Cite |
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151-152 | Review of Pierre Danchin, The Prologues and Epilogues of the Restoration 1660-1700. Part II: 1677-1690. Volume III Harold Love doi:10.2307/3728567 | Cite |
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152-153 | Review of F. W. Freeman, Robert Fergusson and the Scots Humanist Compromise John Valdimir Price doi:10.2307/3728568 | Cite |
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153-154 | Review of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, James Engell, W. Jackson Bate, The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Volume VII: Biographia Literaria or Biographical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions Paul Hamilton doi:10.2307/3728569 | Cite |
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155-156 | Review of H. R. Rookmaaker, Jr., Towards a Romantic Conception of Nature: Coleridge's Poetry up to 1803: A Study in the History of Ideas J. R. Watson doi:10.2307/3728570 | Cite |
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156-158 | Review of David Ellis, Wordsworth, Freud and the Spots of Time: Interpretation in 'The Prelude'; Dorothy Wordsworth, Alan G. Hill, Letters of Dorothy Wordsworth: A Selection Leon Waldoff doi:10.2307/3728571 | Cite |
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158-160 | Review of James A. W. Heffernan, The Re-Creation of Landscape: A Study of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Constable and Turner A. J. Sambrook doi:10.2307/3728572 | Cite |
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160-161 | | Cite |
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161-162 | | Cite |
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162-163 | | Cite |
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163-164 | Review of Geraldine Pederson-Krag, The Lurking Keats; David Pollard, Keats, The Poetry of Keats: Language and Experience Kenneth Muir doi:10.2307/3728576 | Cite |
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164-166 | Review of Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Volume XV: The Letters, 1813-1843 Sargent Bush doi:10.2307/3728577 | Cite |
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166-167 | Review of Philip M. Weinstein, The Semantics of Desire: Changing Models of Identity from Dickens to Joyce Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3728578 | Cite |
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167-169 | Review of George Eliot, Gordon S. Haight, Selections from George Eliot's Letters; Suzanne Graver, George Eliot and Community: A Study in Social Theory and Fictional Form William Myers doi:10.2307/3728579 | Cite |
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169-170 | | Cite |
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170-171 | Review of B. Wilmeth, Rosemary Cullen, Plays by Augustin Daly: 'A Flash of Lightning', 'Horizon', 'Love on Crutches' Johann N. Schmidt doi:10.2307/3728581 | Cite |
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171-174 | Review of Virginia C. Fowler, Henry James's American Girl: The Embroidery on the Canvas; Maqbool Aziz, The Tales of Henry James. Volume III: 1875-1879; Ross Posnock, Henry James and the Problem of Robert Browning Alan W. Bellringer doi:10.2307/3728582 | Cite |
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174-175 | Review of W. B. Yeats, John Kelly, Eric Domville, The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats Linda Dowling doi:10.2307/3728583 | Cite |
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176-177 | | Cite |
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177-179 | Review of Daniel Dervin, A 'Strange Sapience': The Creative Imagination of D. H. Lawrence Johann N. Schmidt doi:10.2307/3728585 | Cite |
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179-180 | Review of Ann Swinfen, In Defence of Fantasy: A Study of the Genre in English and American Literature since 1945 Kathryn Hume doi:10.2307/3728586 | Cite |
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180-181 | | Cite |
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181-183 | Review of Georges Poulet, La Pensée indéterminée. Volume I: De la Renaissance au Romantisme Robert Morrissey doi:10.2307/3728588 | Cite |
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183-184 | Review of Göran Bornäs, Ordre alphabétique et classement méthodique: Étude de quelques dictionnaires d'apprentissage français N. C. W. Spence doi:10.2307/3728589 | Cite |
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184-186 | Review of Maurice Grevisse, André Goosse, Le Bon Usage: Grammaire Française Frank G. Healey doi:10.2307/3728590 | Cite |
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186-187 | Review of Robin Adamson, Geoffrey E. Hare, Margaret Lang, Anthony Lodge, Samuel S. B. Taylor, Le français en faculté: Cours de base Pamela M. Moores doi:10.2307/3728591 | Cite |
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187-189 | | Cite |
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189-190 | Review of Margaret L. Switten, The 'Cansos' of Raimon de Miraval: A Study of Poems and Melodies M. B. Booth doi:10.2307/3728593 | Cite |
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190-191 | Review of Daniel S. Russell, The Emblem & Device in France Margaret M. McGowan doi:10.2307/3728594 | Cite |
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191 | Review of Jean Starobinski, Arthur Goldhammer, Montaigne in Motion Kathleen M. Hall doi:10.2307/3728595 | Cite |
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191-192 | | Cite |
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192-193 | Review of Christian Delmas, Mythologie et mythe dans le théâtre français (1650-1676) W. D. Howarth doi:10.2307/3728597 | Cite |
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193-194 | Review of Paul Sadrin, Nicolas-Antoine Boulanger (1722-1759) ou avant nous le déluge Michael Cardy doi:10.2307/3728598 | Cite |
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194-196 | | Cite |
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196-197 | Review of Debra Linowitz Wentz, Fait et fiction: Les formules pédagogiques des 'Contes d'une Grand'mère' de George Sand Edith McCormack doi:10.2307/3728600 | Cite |
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197 | Review of Enzo Caramaschi, Arts visuels et littérature: De Stendhal à l'impressionnisme Clive Scott doi:10.2307/3728601 | Cite |
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198-199 | | Cite |
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199 | Review of Dolores A. Signori, Dorothy E. Speirs, Émile Zola dans la presse parisienne (1882-1902) C. Smethurst doi:10.2307/3728603 | Cite |
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200 | Review of Ruth B. Antosh, Reality and Illusion in the Novels of J.-K. Huysmans Malcolm Scott doi:10.2307/3728604 | Cite |
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201-202 | Review of André Gide, Claude Martin, Les Cahiers et les Poésies d'André Walter D. A. Steel doi:10.2307/3728605 | Cite |
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202-203 | | Cite |
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203 | | Cite |
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203-205 | Review of Christopher Shorley, Queneau's Fiction: An Introductory Study Carol Sanders doi:10.2307/3728608 | Cite |
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205-207 | Review of Marcella Roddewig, Dante Alighieri Die Göttliche Komödie: Vergleichende Bestandsaufnahme der Handschriften C. Grayson doi:10.2307/3728609 | Cite |
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207-208 | | Cite |
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208-209 | | Cite |
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209-210 | Review of Paolo Alatri, D'Annunzio negli anni del tramonto 1930-1938 Shirley W. Vinall doi:10.2307/3728612 | Cite |
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210-211 | Review of Manfred Hinz, Die Zukunft der Kastastrophe. Mythische und rationalistiche Geschichtstheorie im italienischen Futurismus Marian Ainley doi:10.2307/3728613 | Cite |
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211-212 | Review of Emerico Giachery, Metamorfosi dell'orto e altri scritti montaliani Conor Fahy doi:10.2307/3728614 | Cite |
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212-213 | Review of Giorgio Barberi Squarotti, Anna Maria Golfieri, Dal tramonto dell'ermetismo alla neoavanguardia Vivienne Hand doi:10.2307/3728615 | Cite |
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214-215 | Review of Mike Gonzalez, Collins Concise Spanish-English English-Spanish Dictionary Ralph Penny doi:10.2307/3728616 | Cite |
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216-217 | Review of B. W. Ife, Reading and Fiction in Golden-Age Spain: A Platonist Critique and Some Picaresque Replies E. C. Riley doi:10.2307/3728617 | Cite |
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217-220 | | Cite |
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220 | Review of Francisco Agustín Tárrega, José Luis Canet Valles, El prado de Valencia J. M. Ruano de La Haza doi:10.2307/3728619 | Cite |
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220-223 | Review of Andrés de Claramonte, Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez, Deste agua no beberé Nigel Griffin doi:10.2307/3728620 | Cite |
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223 | Review of Alicia de Colombí-Monguió, Petrarquismo peruano: Diego Dávalos y Figueroa y la poesía de la 'Miscelánea Austral' R. M. Price doi:10.2307/3728621 | Cite |
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224 | Review of D. Gareth Walters, Francisco de Quevedo, Love Poet Paul Julian Smith doi:10.2307/3728622 | Cite |
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224-225 | | Cite |
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226-227 | Review of Elena M. de Jongh-Rossel, El krausismo y la Generación de 1898 Donald L. Shaw doi:10.2307/3728624 | Cite |
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227-228 | Review of Jo Labanyi, Ironía e historia en 'Tiempo de silencio' Robin Fiddian doi:10.2307/3728625 | Cite |
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228-229 | Review of Dolores Troncoso Durán, La narrativa de Juan García Hortelano David Henn doi:10.2307/3728626 | Cite |
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229 | | Cite |
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229-231 | | Cite |
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231-233 | Review of Joachim Heinzle, Gisela Vollmann-Profe, Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn der Neuzeit. Band I: Von den Anfängen zum hohen Mittelalter. Teil 2: Wiederbeginn volkssprachiger Schriftlichkeit im hohen Mittelalter (1050/60-1160/70) D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3728629 | Cite |
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233-234 | Review of Maria Dobozy, Full Circle: Kingship in the German Epic. Alexanderlied, Rolandslied, 'Spielmannsepen' D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3728630 | Cite |
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234-235 | Review of Christian Schmid-Cadalbert, Der Ortnit AW als Brautwerbungsdichtung: Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis mittelhochdeutscher Schemaliteratur George Gillespie doi:10.2307/3728631 | Cite |
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236 | Review of Anthony J. Harper, Schriften zur Lyrik Leipzigs 1620-1670 Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3728632 | Cite |
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236-238 | | Cite |
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238-239 | Review of Gisbert Ter-Nedden, Lessings Trauerspiele: Der Ursprung des modernen Dramas aus dem Geist der Kritik Francis Lamport doi:10.2307/3728634 | Cite |
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240-242 | Review of Günter Häntzschel, John Ormrod, Karl N. Renner, Zur Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur von der Aufklärung bis zur Jahrhundertwende. Einzelstudien Eda Sagarra doi:10.2307/3728635 | Cite |
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242-243 | Review of Horst Gronemeyer, Elisabeth Höpker-Herberg, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Werke und Briefe: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Abteilung Werke, IV: Der Messias H. T. Betteridge doi:10.2307/3728636 | Cite |
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243-244 | Review of Klaus L. Berghahn, Schiller: Ansichten eines Idealisten Lesley Sharpe doi:10.2307/3728637 | Cite |
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244-245 | | Cite |
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245-247 | Review of Martin Swales, German Poetry: An Anthology from Klopstock to Enzensberger Osman Durrani doi:10.2307/3728639 | Cite |
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248 | Review of Osman Durrani, German Poetry of the Romantic Era: An Anthology Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3728640 | Cite |
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249-250 | Review of Reinhold Grimm, Love, Lust, and Rebellion: New Approaches to Georg Büchner David Horton doi:10.2307/3728641 | Cite |
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250-253 | Review of Frank Wedekind, Gerhard Hay, Die Tagebücher. Ein erotisches Leben Elizabeth Boa doi:10.2307/3728642 | Cite |
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254-256 | Review of Edward Timms, Karl Kraus, Apocalyptic Satirist: Culture and Catastrophe in Habsburg Vienna Godfrey Carr doi:10.2307/3728643 | Cite |
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256-259 | Review of Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Rudolf Hirsch, Roland Haltmeier, Sämtliche Werke. Volume XIII: Dramen, I I W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3728644 | Cite |
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259-261 | | Cite |
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261 | Review of Roman Struc, J. C. Yardley, Franz Kafka (1883-1983): His Craft and Thought Ritchie Robertson doi:10.2307/3728646 | Cite |
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261-262 | Review of André Combes, Michel Vanoosthuyse, Isabelle Vodoz, Nazisme et anti-nazisme dans la littérature et l'art allemands (1920-1945) J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3728647 | Cite |
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262-264 | Review of Irene Heidelberger-Leonard, Alfred Andersch: Die ästhetische Position als politisches Gewissen. Zu den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Kunst und Wirklichkeit in den Romanen Rhys W. Williams doi:10.2307/3728648 | Cite |
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264-265 | | Cite |
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265-266 | Review of Frank Dietschreit, Barbara Heinze-Dietschreit, Hans Magnus Enzensberger Gerald Opie doi:10.2307/3728650 | Cite |
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266-268 | Review of Neil Cornwell, V. F. Odoyevsky: His Life, Times and Milieu Derek Offord doi:10.2307/3728651 | Cite |
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268 | Review of Ludger Udolph, Stepan Petrovič Ševyrev 1820-1836. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung der Romantik in Russland M. C. Chapman doi:10.2307/3728652 | Cite |
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268-269 | | Cite |
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269-270 | Review of William Mills Todd, Fiction and Society in the Age of Pushkin W. J. Leatherbarrow doi:10.2307/3728654 | Cite |
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271 | | Cite |
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271-272 | Review of Diana Greene, Insidious Intent: An Interpretation of Fedor Sologub's 'The Petty Demon' Georgette Donchin doi:10.2307/3728656 | Cite |
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