769-785 | | Cite |
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786-801 | Nature's Laws and Man's: The Story of Cinyras and Myrrha in Ovid and Dryden David Hopkins doi:10.2307/3728955 | Cite |
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802-809 | | Cite |
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810-816 | | Cite |
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817-832 | | Cite |
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833-844 | | Cite |
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845-857 | The Ambiguous Implications of the Mythical References in Juan Goytisolo's "Duelo en El Paraíso" Jo Labanyi doi:10.2307/3728960 | Cite |
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858-870 | | Cite |
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871-883 | "Wanderer, kommst du nach Sparta": History through Propaganda into Literary Commonplace Roderick H. Watt doi:10.2307/3728962 | Cite |
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884-889 | The Role of the Everyday Letter in the Development of Russian Sentimental Prose of the Late Eighteenth Century N. Buhks doi:10.2307/3728963 | Cite |
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890-891 | Review of Ian Stevenson, Unlearned Language: New Studies in Xenoglossy Paul Meara doi:10.2307/3728964 | Cite |
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891-892 | | Cite |
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892-893 | Review of Brian Vickers, Rhetoric Revalued: Papers from the International Society for the History of Rhetoric Peter France doi:10.2307/3728966 | Cite |
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893-895 | Review of Richard Barber, Arthurian Literature. Volume I; Cedric E. Pickford, Rex Last, The Arthurian Bibliography. Volume I: Author Listing; Stephen Knight, Arthurian Literature and Society Mark Lambert doi:10.2307/3728967 | Cite |
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896 | Review of David Martin, Peter Mullen, No Alternative: The Prayer Book Controversy Laurence Lerner doi:10.2307/3728968 | Cite |
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896-898 | Review of Charles A. Ferguson, Shirley Brice Heath, Language in the U.S.A. Joan C. Beal doi:10.2307/3728969 | Cite |
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898 | | Cite |
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898-900 | Review of Susan Powell, The Advent and Nativity Sermons from a Fifteenth-Century Revision of John Mirk's Festial, ed. from BL MSS Harley 2247, Royal 18 B.XXV and Gloucester Cathedral Library 22 Anne Hudson doi:10.2307/3728971 | Cite |
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900-901 | Review of Jerome Steele Dees, Sir Thomas Elyot and Roger Ascham: A Reference Guide James McConica doi:10.2307/3728972 | Cite |
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901-902 | Review of Colin N. Manlove, The Gap in Shakespeare: The Motif of Division from 'Richard II' to 'The Tempest' R. A. Foakes doi:10.2307/3728973 | Cite |
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903-904 | Review of Arthur Kirsch, Shakespeare and the Experience of Love Meredith Skura doi:10.2307/3728974 | Cite |
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904 | | Cite |
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905-906 | Review of Michael Lieb, Poetics of the Holy: A Reading of 'Paradise Lost' Gordon Campbell doi:10.2307/3728976 | Cite |
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906-908 | | Cite |
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908-909 | Review of Wolfgang Mackiewicz, Providenz und Adaptation in Defoes 'Robinson Crusoe': Ein Beitrag zum Problem des pragmatischen Puritanismus Walter Pache doi:10.2307/3728978 | Cite |
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910-911 | Review of William T. Stafford, Books Speaking to Books: A Contextual Approach to American Fiction Elaine B. Safer doi:10.2307/3728979 | Cite |
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911-912 | Review of Benjamin Lease, Anglo-American Encounters: England and the Rise of American Literature Alan W. Bellringer doi:10.2307/3728980 | Cite |
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912 | Review of N. John Hall, Browning Institute Studies: An Annual of Victorian Literary and Cultural History. Volume IX Barbara Arnett Melchiori doi:10.2307/3728981 | Cite |
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913-914 | Review of Angelo Righetti, Il ritratto, l'epitaffio, il clavicordo: Analisi di tre monologhi drammatici di R. Browning Maria Del Sapio doi:10.2307/3728982 | Cite |
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914-915 | | Cite |
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916 | | Cite |
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916-918 | Review of Victor Strandberg, Religious Psychology in American Literature: A Study in the Relevance of William James Alan W. Bellringer doi:10.2307/3728985 | Cite |
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918-919 | Review of Warner Berthoff, The Ferment of Realism: American Literature 1884-1919 Alan W. Bellringer doi:10.2307/3728986 | Cite |
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919-920 | Review of Edward Gordon Craig, Index to the Story of My Days: Some Memoirs of Edward Gordon Craig 1872-1907 A. M. Nagler doi:10.2307/3728987 | Cite |
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920-921 | | Cite |
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921-922 | Review of Robert Hewison, In Anger: Culture in the Cold War 1945-60 Gareth Reeves doi:10.2307/3728989 | Cite |
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922-923 | | Cite |
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923-924 | Review of Robert Nadeau, Readings from the New Book of Nature: Physics and Metaphysics in the Modern Novel David Seed doi:10.2307/3728991 | Cite |
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925-926 | Review of Y. Lefèvre, Nelly Andrieux, Emmanuele Baumgartner, Manuel du français du moyen-âge. Volume III: Systèmes morphologiques de l'ancien français. Le verbe D. H. Robinson doi:10.2307/3728992 | Cite |
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926-928 | Review of William Calin, A Muse for Heroes: Nine Centuries of the Epic in France Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3728993 | Cite |
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928-930 | Review of Ian Short, Medieval French Textual Studies in Memory of T. B. W. Reid A. Monson doi:10.2307/3728994 | Cite |
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931-932 | Review of Jane H. M. Taylor, Dies Illa: Death in the Middle Ages: Proceedings of the 1983 Manchester Colloquium Graham Runnalls doi:10.2307/3728995 | Cite |
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932-933 | | Cite |
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933-934 | Review of Philippe d'Alcripe, Françoise Joukovsky, La Nouvelle Fabrique des excellents traicts de verité. Livre pour inciter les resveurs tristes et melancholiques à vivre de plaisir Thomas Thomson doi:10.2307/3728997 | Cite |
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934-935 | | Cite |
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936-937 | Review of Estienne de La Boétie, Malcolm Smith, Mémoire sur la pacification des troubles James Supple doi:10.2307/3728999 | Cite |
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937-938 | Review of Octovien de Saint-Gelais, Mary Beth Winn, La Chasse d'Amours Thomas Thomson doi:10.2307/3729000 | Cite |
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938-940 | Review of M. Bannister, Privileged Mortals: The French Heroic Novel 1630-1660 Elizabeth Woodrough doi:10.2307/3729001 | Cite |
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940-941 | | Cite |
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941-942 | Review of G. von Proschwitz, Tableaux de Paris et de la cour de France 1739-1742. Lettres inédites de Carl Gustaf, comte de Tessin David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3729003 | Cite |
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943-944 | | Cite |
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944 | Review of Douglas G. Creighton, Jacques-François DeLuc of Geneva and His Friendship with Jean-Jacques Rousseau Peter Jimack doi:10.2307/3729005 | Cite |
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945-946 | Review of C. W. Thompson, Le Jeu de l'ordre et de la liberté dans 'La Chartreuse de Parme' K. G. McWatters doi:10.2307/3729006 | Cite |
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946-947 | Review of Émile Zola, B. H. Bakker, Correspondance. Volume IV: 1880-1883 Colin Burns doi:10.2307/3729007 | Cite |
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948 | Review of Diana Festa-McCormick, Proustian Optics of Clothes: Mirrors, Masks, Mores Richard Bales doi:10.2307/3729008 | Cite |
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948-949 | | Cite |
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949-951 | Review of Alan R. Clarke, La France dans l'Histoire selon Bernanos J. C. Whitehouse doi:10.2307/3729010 | Cite |
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951-952 | Review of Georges Perec, Warren Motte, Jr., The Poetics of Experiment: A Study of the Works of Georges Perec David Bellos doi:10.2307/3729011 | Cite |
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952-953 | Review of Bruno Migliorini, T. Gwynfor Griffith, The Italian Language Valerio Lucchesi doi:10.2307/3729012 | Cite |
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953-954 | | Cite |
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954-955 | | Cite |
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956-958 | Review of Eugenio Montale, Dante Isella, Mottetti; Giuseppe Ungaretti, Carlo Ossola, Il porto sepolto; Camillo Sbarbaro, Lorenzo Polato, Pianissimo Massimo Bacigalupo doi:10.2307/3729015 | Cite |
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958-959 | Review of Antonio Illiano, Metapsichica e letteratura in Pirandello Felicity Firth doi:10.2307/3729016 | Cite |
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959-961 | Review of Pier Paolo Pasolini, Norman Macafee, Luciano Martinengo, Selected Poems Achille Formis doi:10.2307/3729017 | Cite |
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961-962 | Review of Anthony Pagden, The Fall of Natural Man: The American Indian and the Origins of Comparative Ethnology B. W. Ife doi:10.2307/3729018 | Cite |
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962-963 | | Cite |
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964-965 | Review of James Whiston, The Early Stages of Composition of Galdós's 'Lo prohibido' Geraldine M. Scanlon doi:10.2307/3729020 | Cite |
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965 | | Cite |
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965-967 | Review of Thorpe Running, Borges' Ultraist Movement and Its Poets Robert K. Britton doi:10.2307/3729022 | Cite |
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967-969 | | Cite |
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969-970 | Review of Max Wehrli, Literatur im deutschen Mittelater: Eine poetologische Einführung Olive Sayce doi:10.2307/3729024 | Cite |
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970-971 | Review of Eckart Conrad Lutz, Rhetorica divina: Mittelhochdeutsche Prologgebete und die rhetorische Kultur des Mittelalters D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3729025 | Cite |
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971-975 | Review of Helmut Brall, Gralsuche und Adelsheil: Studien zu Wolframs Parzival D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3729026 | Cite |
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975-977 | Review of Karl Bertau, Wolfram von Eschenbach: Neun Versuche über Subjektivität und Ursprünglichkeit in der Geschichte W. H. Jackson doi:10.2307/3729027 | Cite |
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978-979 | Review of Lutz Rosenplenter, Zitat und Autoritätenberufung im Renner Hugos von Trimberg: Ein Beitrag zur Bildung des Laien im Spätmittelalter W. H. Jackson doi:10.2307/3729028 | Cite |
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979-981 | Review of Uta Sadji, Entdeckungsreisen nach Indien und Amerika: Der Druck der deutschen Übersetzung von 1508 in Abbildung E. J. Morrall doi:10.2307/3729029 | Cite |
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981-986 | Review of Elida Maria Szarota, Das Jesuitendrama im deutschen Sprachgebiet: Eine Periochen-Edition Nigel Griffin, Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3729030 | Cite |
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986-988 | Review of Henry W. Sullivan, Calderón in the German Lands and the Low Countries: His Reception and Influence, 1654-1980 Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3729031 | Cite |
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988-990 | Review of David E. Wellbery, Lessing's 'Laocoon': Semiotics and Aesthetics in the Age of Reason H. B. Nisbet doi:10.2307/3729032 | Cite |
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990-991 | | Cite |
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991-992 | Review of Kurt Honolka, Papageno: Emanuel Schikaneder. Der große Theatermann der Mozart-Zeit Peter Branscombe doi:10.2307/3729034 | Cite |
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992-993 | Review of Hermann Kurzke, Romantik und Konservatismus: Das 'politische' Werk Friedrich von Hardenbergs (Novalis) im Horizont seiner Wirkungsgeschichte Nicholas Saul doi:10.2307/3729035 | Cite |
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994 | Review of Eduard Eisenmeier, Adalbert-Stifter-Bibliographie. 3. Fortsetzung Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3729036 | Cite |
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994-996 | Review of Martin Swales, Erika Swales, Adalbert Stifter: A Critical Study H. R. Klieneberger doi:10.2307/3729037 | Cite |
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996-997 | Review of Winfried Woesler, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Werke: Briefwechsel. Band IV. I: Geistliche Dichtung: Text Elaine Care doi:10.2307/3729038 | Cite |
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998-999 | Review of Richard Frank Krummel, Nietzsche und der deutsche Geist. Band II: Ausbreitung und Auswirkung des Nietzscheschen Werkes im deutschen Sprachraum vom Todesjahr bis zum Ende des Weltkrieges. Ein Schriftenverzeichnis der Jahre 1901-1918; Ursula Schneider, Grundzüge einer Philosophie des Glücks bei Nietzsche; Jürgen Krause, 'Märtyrer' und 'Prophet': Studien zum Nietzsche-Kult in der bildenden Kunst der Jahrhundertwende R. S. Furness doi:10.2307/3729039 | Cite |
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999-1000 | Review of Volkmar Hansen, Gert Heine, Frage und Antwort: Interviews mit Thomas Mann 1909-1955 Hinrich Siefken doi:10.2307/3729040 | Cite |
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1000-1001 | Review of Richard Jayne, Erkenntnis und Transzendenz: Zur Hermeneutik literarischer Texte am Beispiel von Kafkas 'Forschungen eines Hundes' John White doi:10.2307/3729041 | Cite |
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1001 | Review of Hans Helmut Hiebel, Die Zeichen des Gesetzes: Recht und Macht bei Franz Kafka John White doi:10.2307/3729042 | Cite |
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1002 | Review of Beda Allemann, Stefan Reichert, Rudolf Bücher, Paul Celan, Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden Oliver Davies doi:10.2307/3729043 | Cite |
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1002-1003 | | Cite |
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1003-1004 | Review of Jacqueline Fontaine, Grammaire du texte et aspect du verbe en russe contemporain J. Ian Press doi:10.2307/3729045 | Cite |
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1004-1005 | | Cite |
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1005-1006 | Review of Paul Debreczeny, American Contributions to the Ninth International Congress of Slavists (Kiev, September 1983). Volume II: Literature, Poetics, History Robert Reid doi:10.2307/3729047 | Cite |
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1006-1007 | Review of Anatoly Liberman, Mikhail Lermontov: Major Poetical Works Cynthia Marsh doi:10.2307/3729048 | Cite |
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1007-1008 | Review of Nikolay Leskov, K. A. Lantz, The Sealed Angel and Other Stories J. Y. Muckle doi:10.2307/3729049 | Cite |
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xxv-xxxv | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1985: Linguistic Competence: What Is It Really? Eugenio Coseriu doi:10.2307/3729050 | Cite |
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