257-268 | | Cite |
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269-282 | | Cite |
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283-292 | | Cite |
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293-303 | | Cite |
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304-319 | | Cite |
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320-329 | Natural and Spiritual Movements of Love in the Soul: An Explanation of "Purgatorio," XVIII. 16-39 Gerald Morgan doi:10.2307/3728664 | Cite |
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330-339 | | Cite |
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340-350 | | Cite |
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351-361 | Góngora, Cervantes, and the "Romancero": Some Interactions John Gornall, Colin Smith doi:10.2307/3728667 | Cite |
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362-371 | Literary Transformation and Narrative Organization in Wirnt von Gravenberg's "Wigalois" Neil Thomas doi:10.2307/3728668 | Cite |
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372-386 | Duden's "Grosses Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache" and the East German "Wörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache": A Critical Comparison Timothy Buck doi:10.2307/3728669 | Cite |
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387-395 | Childhood and the Adult World in the Writing of Valentin Rasputin David Gillespie doi:10.2307/3728670 | Cite |
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396-398 | | Cite |
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398-400 | Review of Joseph P. Strelka, Literary Criticism and Philosophy (Yearbook of Comparative Criticism, Volume 10) Christopher Norris doi:10.2307/3728672 | Cite |
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400-402 | | Cite |
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402-403 | Review of Theodore Ziolkowski, Varieties of Literary Thematics Helmut Bonheim doi:10.2307/3728674 | Cite |
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403-404 | Review of Michael Bell, The Sentiment of Reality: Truth of Feeling in the European Novel Martin Price doi:10.2307/3728675 | Cite |
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404-405 | Review of Valerie Shaw, The Short Story: A Critical Introduction Helmut Bonheim doi:10.2307/3728676 | Cite |
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405-406 | Review of Thomas Docherty, Reading (Absent) Character: Towards a Theory of Characterization in Fiction Helmut Bonheim doi:10.2307/3728677 | Cite |
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406-407 | Review of Andrew K. Kennedy, Dramatic Dialogue: The Duologue of Personal Encounter Ulrich Broich doi:10.2307/3728678 | Cite |
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407-409 | | Cite |
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409-411 | | Cite |
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411-412 | Review of Q. D. Leavis, G. Singh, Collected Essays. Volume I: The Englishness of the English Novel René Wellek doi:10.2307/3728681 | Cite |
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412-413 | Review of Malcolm Bradbury, Howard Temperley, Introduction to American Studies John Osborne doi:10.2307/3728682 | Cite |
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413-415 | | Cite |
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415-416 | Review of Robin Hood, David Wiles, The Early Plays of Robin Hood Yoshiko Uéno doi:10.2307/3728684 | Cite |
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416-417 | | Cite |
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417-418 | Review of Sukanta Chaudhuri, Infirm Glory: Shakespeare and the Renaissance Image of Man Michael Shapiro doi:10.2307/3728686 | Cite |
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418-419 | Review of James E. Hirsh, The Structure of Shakespearean Scenes Marion Trousdale doi:10.2307/3728687 | Cite |
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419-421 | Review of Fausto Cercignani, Shakespeare's Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation Jurgen Schafer doi:10.2307/3728688 | Cite |
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421-422 | Review of Laura Brown, English Dramatic Form 1660-1760: An Essay in Generic History Derek Hughes doi:10.2307/3728689 | Cite |
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422-423 | Review of Gerald M. Berkowitz, Sir John Vanbrugh and the End of Restoration Comedy Peter Holland doi:10.2307/3728690 | Cite |
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423-426 | Review of Howard Erskine-Hill, The Augustan Idea in English Literature E. H. Jones doi:10.2307/3728691 | Cite |
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426-427 | Review of Helgard Stöver-Leidig, Die Gedichte Thomas Tickells: Eine historisch-kritische Ausgabe mit Kommentar Pat Rogers doi:10.2307/3728692 | Cite |
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428 | | Cite |
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429-430 | Review of Franz Hildebrandt, Oliver A. Beckerlegge, John Wesley, The Works of John Wesley. Volume VII. A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People Called Methodists A. J. Sambrook doi:10.2307/3728694 | Cite |
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430-431 | | Cite |
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432-433 | Review of Brian McCrea, Henry Fielding and the Politics of Mid-Eighteenth-Century England Simon Varey doi:10.2307/3728696 | Cite |
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433-437 | Review of William Wordsworth, Robert Osborn, The Borderers; Jonathan Wordsworth, William Wordsworth: 'The Borders of Vision' John Beer doi:10.2307/3728697 | Cite |
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437-438 | Review of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, J. R. de J. Jackson, The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Volume XIII: Logic Dorothy Emmet doi:10.2307/3728698 | Cite |
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439-440 | Review of Donald Sultana, New Approaches to Coleridge: Biographical and Critical Essays Edward Larrissy doi:10.2307/3728699 | Cite |
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440-441 | Review of Thomas Carlyle, Jane Welsh Carlyle, Charles Richard Sanders, Kenneth J. Fielding, The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. Volume VIII: January 1835-June 1836 Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3728700 | Cite |
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442-443 | | Cite |
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443-445 | Review of John Kucich, Excess and Restraint in the Novels of Charles Dickens Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3728702 | Cite |
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445-446 | | Cite |
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446-447 | | Cite |
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447-448 | | Cite |
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448-449 | | Cite |
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449-452 | Review of Hallvard Dahlie, Brian Moore; Geraldine Anthony, Gwen Pharis Ringwood David Staines doi:10.2307/3728707 | Cite |
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452-454 | Review of Bernetta Quinn, Randall Jarrell; Joseph Reino, Karl Shapiro Roger Pooley doi:10.2307/3728708 | Cite |
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455-456 | Review of Alan Hindley, Brian J. Levy, The Old French Epic: An Introduction W. G. Van Emden doi:10.2307/3728709 | Cite |
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456-457 | | Cite |
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457-458 | Review of Joann Dellaneva, Song and Counter-Song: Scève's 'Délie' and Petrarch's 'Rime' Nicholas Mann doi:10.2307/3728711 | Cite |
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458-459 | Review of Ann Moss, Ovid in Renaissance France: A Survey of the Latin Editions of Ovid and Commentaries Printed in France before 1600 Peter Sharratt doi:10.2307/3728712 | Cite |
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459-460 | Review of Donald Stone, Jr., Mellin de Saint-Gelais and Literary History Thomas Thomson doi:10.2307/3728713 | Cite |
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460 | Review of R. A. Sayce, David Maskell, A Descriptive Bibliography of Montaigne's Essais, 1580-1700 Ian Maclean doi:10.2307/3728714 | Cite |
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460-462 | Review of J. S. Street, French Sacred Drama from Bèze to Corneille: Dramatic Forms and Their Purposes in the Early Modern Theatre Richard Griffiths doi:10.2307/3728715 | Cite |
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462-463 | Review of Alexandre Cioranescu, Le Masque et le visage: Du baroque espagnol au classicisme français H. Gaston Hall doi:10.2307/3728716 | Cite |
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463-464 | Review of Bussy-Rabutin, C. Rouben, Correspondance avec le Père René Rapin Denys Potts doi:10.2307/3728717 | Cite |
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464-465 | Review of David Coward, Marivaux: 'La Vie de Marianne' and 'Le Paysan parvenu' Angelica Goodden doi:10.2307/3728718 | Cite |
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465-466 | Review of Anne Boës, La Lanterne magique de l'histoire: Essai sur le théâtre historique en France de 1750 à 1789 Geoffrey Bremner doi:10.2307/3728719 | Cite |
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466-467 | Review of , Laclos et le libertinage, 1782-1982: Actes du Colloque du Bicentenaire des 'Liaisons dangereuses' Graham E. Rodmell doi:10.2307/3728720 | Cite |
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467 | Review of L.-A. Beffroy de Reigny dit le Cousin-Jacques, Michèle Sajous, Nicodème dans la lune, folie en prose et en trois actes Malcolm Cook doi:10.2307/3728721 | Cite |
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467-468 | | Cite |
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468-469 | Review of Judith Robinson-Valery, Fonctions de l'esprit: Treize savants redécouvrent Paul Valéry Peter Collier doi:10.2307/3728723 | Cite |
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469-470 | Review of Michel Décaudin, Anthologie de la poésie française du XXe siècle Graham D. C. Martin doi:10.2307/3728724 | Cite |
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470-471 | Review of Michel Murat, Le 'Rivage des Syrtes' de Julien Gracq: Étude de style Margaret Davies doi:10.2307/3728725 | Cite |
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471-473 | Review of Mary Ann Caws, The Eye in the Text: Essays on Perception, Mannerist to Modern Roger Cardinal doi:10.2307/3728726 | Cite |
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473-474 | | Cite |
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474-477 | Review of Aimé Césaire, Clayton Eshleman, Annette Smith, The Collected Poetry Richard D. E. Burton doi:10.2307/3728728 | Cite |
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477-478 | Review of André Frénaud, La Sorcière de Rome: Depuis toujours déjà Gary Cookson doi:10.2307/3728729 | Cite |
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478-479 | | Cite |
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479 | Review of James W. Harris, Syllable Structure and Stress in Spanish: A Non-Linear Analysis Ralph Penny doi:10.2307/3728731 | Cite |
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480 | Review of Angus MacKay, Dorothy Sherman Severin, Cosas sacadas de la Historia del Rey Don Juan el Segundo Nicholas G. Round doi:10.2307/3728732 | Cite |
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481 | Review of Consuelo López-Morillas, The Qu'rān in Sixteenth-Century Spain: Six Morisco Versions of Sūra 79 R. F. Hitchcock doi:10.2307/3728733 | Cite |
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481-482 | Review of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Georgina Sabat de Rivers, Inundación castálida R. M. Price doi:10.2307/3728734 | Cite |
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482-483 | Review of Cathy Login Jrade, Rubén Darío and the Romantic Search for Unity: The Modernist Recourse to Esoteric Tradition Donald L. Shaw doi:10.2307/3728735 | Cite |
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483-484 | | Cite |
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484-487 | Review of Rudolf Voss, Die Artusepik Hartmanns von Aue. Untersuchungen zum Wirklichkeitsbegriff und zur Ästhetik eines literarischen Genres im Kräftefeld von soziokulturellen Normen und christlicher Anthropologie; Gertraud Steiner, Das Abenteuer der Regression: Eine Untersuchung zur phantasmagorischen Wiederkehr der 'verlorenen Zeit' im 'Erec' Hartmanns von Aue D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3728737 | Cite |
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487-489 | Review of Max Schiendorfer, Ulrich von Singenberg, Walther und Wolfram: Zur Parodie in der höfischen Literatur D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3728738 | Cite |
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489-491 | Review of Nigel F. Palmer, 'Visio Tnugdali': The German and Dutch Translations and Their Circulation in the Later Middle Ages Frank Shaw doi:10.2307/3728739 | Cite |
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491-492 | Review of Mary-Bess Halford, Illustration and Text in Lutwin's 'Eva und Adam'. Codex Vindob. 2980 Timothy R. Jackson doi:10.2307/3728740 | Cite |
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492-493 | Review of Bärbel Rudin, Funde und Befunde zur schlesischen Theatergeschichte. Band I: Theaterarbeit im gesellschaftlichen Wandel dreier Jahrhunderte Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3728741 | Cite |
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494-495 | Review of Ludwig Völker, 'Komm, heilige Melancholie': Eine Anthologie deutscher Melancholie-Gedichte. Mit Ausblicken auf die europäische Melancholie-Tradition in Literature- und Kunstgeschichte Richard Dove doi:10.2307/3728742 | Cite |
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496-497 | Review of David Bell, Spinoza in Germany from 1670 to the Age of Goethe H. B. Nisbet doi:10.2307/3728743 | Cite |
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497-498 | Review of Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Horst Gronemeyer, Elisabeth Höpker-Herberg, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Werke und Briefe: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Abteilung Werke, IV: Der Messias, Band 4: Apparat: Synopse der textgenetisch relevanten Zeugen von Gesang I-IV H. T. Betteridge doi:10.2307/3728744 | Cite |
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498-499 | Review of John Osborne, Meyer or Fontane? German Literature after the Franco-Prussian War 1870/71 H. R. Klieneberger doi:10.2307/3728745 | Cite |
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499-501 | | Cite |
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502-503 | Review of Donald Daviau, Helga Zoglmann, Der Mann von Übermorgen: Hermann Bahr 1863-1934 Andrew Barker doi:10.2307/3728747 | Cite |
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503-504 | | Cite |
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504-505 | Review of William R. Schmalstieg, An Introduction to Old Church Slavic. Second Edition Revised and Expanded C. M. MacRobert doi:10.2307/3728749 | Cite |
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505-506 | Review of S. Worth, The Origins of Russian Grammar: Notes on the State of Russian Philology before the Advent of Printed Grammars R. M. Cleminson doi:10.2307/3728750 | Cite |
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506-507 | Review of Emily Klenin, Animacy in Russian: A New Interpretation Greville G. Corbett doi:10.2307/3728751 | Cite |
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507-508 | Review of B. J. Amsenga, A. H. van den Baar, F. Suasso, M. D. de Wolff, Miscellanea Slavica: To Honour the Memory of Jan M. Meijer Efraim Sicher doi:10.2307/3728752 | Cite |
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508-509 | Review of Hans Rothe, Religion und Kultur in den Regionen des russischen Reiches im 18. Jahrhundert. Erster Versuch einer Grundlegung Lindsey Hughes doi:10.2307/3728753 | Cite |
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509-510 | Review of Alexander Pushkin, Paul Debreczeny, Complete Prose Fiction Anthony Briggs doi:10.2307/3728754 | Cite |
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510-511 | Review of Richard Peace, Chekhov: A Study of the Four Major Plays Donald Rayfield doi:10.2307/3728755 | Cite |
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511-512 | Review of Wendy Rosslyn, The Prince, the Fool and the Nunnery: Religion and Love in the Early Poetry of Anna Akhmatova Barbara Heldt doi:10.2307/3728756 | Cite |
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