513-525 | | Cite |
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526-540 | Henry Vaughan's Verbal Subtlety: Wordplay in "Silex Scintillans" Gerald Hammond doi:10.2307/3728860 | Cite |
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541-552 | | Cite |
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553-569 | | Cite |
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570-578 | | Cite |
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579-588 | Arguments in Favour of a Calendrical Structure for Petrarch's "Canzoniere" Francis R. Jones doi:10.2307/3728864 | Cite |
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589-608 | Calderón's "A Secreto Agravio, Secreta Venganza": A Theatre of the Passions Alan K. G. Paterson doi:10.2307/3728865 | Cite |
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609-619 | Rosalía de Castro's Later Poetry and Anti-Regionalism in Spain Catherine Davies doi:10.2307/3728866 | Cite |
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620-637 | | Cite |
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638-652 | | Cite |
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653-663 | | Cite |
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664-665 | | Cite |
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665-666 | Review of John Millar Wands, Another World and Yet the Same: Bishop Joseph Hall's 'Mundus Alter et Idem' Jenny Mezciems doi:10.2307/3728871 | Cite |
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666-667 | | Cite |
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667-669 | Review of A. C. Elias, Jr., Swift at Moor Park: Problems in Biography and Criticism Pat Rogers doi:10.2307/3728873 | Cite |
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669-670 | Review of David C. Streatfield, Alistair M. Duckworth, Landscape in the Gardens and the Literature of Eighteenth-Century England John Dixon Hunt doi:10.2307/3728874 | Cite |
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670-671 | Review of Anne Robinson Taylor, Male Novelists and Their Female Voices: Literary Masquerades Jocelyn Harris doi:10.2307/3728875 | Cite |
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671-673 | Review of Samuel I. Mintz, Alice Chandler, Christopher Mulvey, From Smollett to James: Studies in the Novel and Other Essays Presented to Edgar Johnson Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3728876 | Cite |
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673-675 | Review of Walter Scott, David Hewitt, Scott on Himself: A Selection of the Autobiographical Writings of Sir Walter Scott J. H. Alexander doi:10.2307/3728877 | Cite |
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675-677 | Review of Robert Rehder, Wordsworth and the Beginnings of Modern Poetry W. J. B. Owen doi:10.2307/3728878 | Cite |
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677-679 | | Cite |
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679-680 | | Cite |
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680-682 | Review of Thomas Hardy, Juliet Grindle, Simon Gatrell, Tess of the D'Urbervilles John Goode doi:10.2307/3728881 | Cite |
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682-683 | Review of Jane Crisp, Jessie Fothergill 1851-1891: A Bibliography; Sue Thomas, Indexes to Fiction in 'Time' (1879-91), 'Murray's Magazine' (1887-91) and 'The Quarto' (1896-98); Styron Harris, Charles Kingsley: A Reference Guide Joanne Shattock doi:10.2307/3728882 | Cite |
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684-685 | Review of Thomas C. Moser, The Life in the Fiction of Ford Madox Ford Martin Stannard doi:10.2307/3728883 | Cite |
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686-688 | | Cite |
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688-692 | Review of Piers Gray, T. S. Eliot's Intellectual and Poetic Development 1909-1922 Marjorie Perloff doi:10.2307/3728885 | Cite |
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692-694 | Review of Grosvenor Powell, Yvor Winters, Language as Being in the Poetry of Yvor Winters David Bromwich doi:10.2307/3728886 | Cite |
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694-695 | Review of John MacNicholas, Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume VII. Twentieth-Century American Dramatists Cary M. Mazer doi:10.2307/3728887 | Cite |
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695-696 | Review of Roy Lewis, On Reading French Verse: A Study of Poetic Form Graham D. C. Martin doi:10.2307/3728888 | Cite |
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696-697 | | Cite |
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697-698 | Review of Rupert T. Pickens, The Sower and His Seed: Essays on Chrétien de Troyes Tony Hunt doi:10.2307/3728890 | Cite |
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698-700 | Review of François Rigolot, Le Texte de la Renaissance: des Rhétoriqueurs à Montaigne Judith Sproxton doi:10.2307/3728891 | Cite |
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700-702 | | Cite |
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702-703 | | Cite |
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703-704 | Review of Siméon-Guillaume de La Roque, Gisèle Mathieu-Castellani, Poésies: Amours de Phyllis et Diverses Amours (1590) Richard Maber doi:10.2307/3728894 | Cite |
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704-705 | Review of H. Gaston Hall, A Critical Bibliography of French Literature. Volume IIIA: The Seventeenth Century. Supplement P. J. Yarrow doi:10.2307/3728895 | Cite |
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705-706 | Review of Howard Jones, Pierre Gassendi 1592-1655: An Intellectual Biography A. H. T. Levi doi:10.2307/3728896 | Cite |
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706-707 | Review of Charles Beyer, Nature et valeur dans la philosophie de Montesquieu: analyse méthodique de la notion de rapport dans 'L'Esprit des lois' C. P. Courtney doi:10.2307/3728897 | Cite |
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707-710 | | Cite |
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710-711 | Review of William Fortescue, Alphonse de Lamartine: A Political Biography P. A. Ouston doi:10.2307/3728899 | Cite |
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711 | Review of Germain Nouveau, Michael Pakenham, Pages complémentaires Roger Little doi:10.2307/3728900 | Cite |
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711-713 | Review of Brian Nelson, Zola and the Bourgeoisie: A Study of Themes and Techniques in 'Les Rougon-Macquart' Geoff Woollen doi:10.2307/3728901 | Cite |
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713-714 | | Cite |
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714-715 | Review of Suzanne Nash, Paul Valéry's 'Album de vers anciens': A Past Transfigured Robert Pickering doi:10.2307/3728903 | Cite |
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715-716 | Review of Inez Hedges, Languages of Revolt: Dada and Surrealist Literature and Film Keith Aspley doi:10.2307/3728904 | Cite |
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716-717 | Review of Jean Grenier, J. S. T. Garfitt, The Work and Thought of Jean Grenier (1898-1971) John Llewelyn doi:10.2307/3728905 | Cite |
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717-718 | Review of Pierre V. Zima, L'Indifférence romanesque. Sartre, Moravia, Camus Rosemarie Jones doi:10.2307/3728906 | Cite |
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718-719 | | Cite |
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719-720 | Review of Carol J. Murphy, Alienation and Absence in the Novels of Marguerite Duras David Coward doi:10.2307/3728908 | Cite |
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720-721 | | Cite |
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721-722 | Review of Giuseppe Frasso, Studi su i 'Rerum vulgarium fragmenta' e i 'Triumphi'. Vol. I: Francesco Petrarca e Ludovico Beccadelli Conor Fahy doi:10.2307/3728910 | Cite |
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722-723 | | Cite |
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723-724 | | Cite |
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724-726 | | Cite |
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726 | Review of Brian Dutton, A New Berceo Manuscript. Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional MS 13149 Peter Such doi:10.2307/3728914 | Cite |
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726-727 | | Cite |
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727-728 | Review of Joseph V. Ricapito, Bibliografía razonada y anotada de las obras maestras de la picaresca española Paul J. Donnelly doi:10.2307/3728916 | Cite |
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728-729 | Review of Howard Mancing, The Chivalric World of 'Don Quijote': Style, Structure, and Narrative Technique B. W. Ife doi:10.2307/3728917 | Cite |
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730-732 | Review of James Iffland, Quevedo in Perspective: Eleven Essays for the Quadricentennial Paul Julian Smith doi:10.2307/3728918 | Cite |
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732-733 | Review of José Luis Varela, Mariano José de Larra: Las palabras. Artículos y ensayos Isabel Vázqez de Castro doi:10.2307/3728919 | Cite |
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734 | Review of Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Carolyn Richmond, La Quinta de Palmyra (1923) Alison Sinclair doi:10.2307/3728920 | Cite |
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735 | Review of Antonio Carreño, La dialéctica de la identidad en la poesía contemporánea Derek Harris doi:10.2307/3728921 | Cite |
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735-736 | Review of Carolyn Richmond, Un análisis de la novela 'Las guerras de nuestros antepasados' de Miguel Delibes Leo Hickey doi:10.2307/3728922 | Cite |
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736-737 | | Cite |
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737-738 | Review of Mark I. Smith, José Asunción Silva: contexto y estructura de su obra Jason Wilson doi:10.2307/3728924 | Cite |
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738 | Review of David T. Haberly, Three Sad Races: Racial Identity and National Consciousness in Brazilian Literature R. J. Oakley doi:10.2307/3728925 | Cite |
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739 | Review of Aldo Scaglione, The Theory of German Word Order from the Renaissance to the Present William Jervis Jones doi:10.2307/3728926 | Cite |
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740 | | Cite |
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740-741 | Review of Ojars Kratins, The Dream of Chivalry: A Study of Chrétien de Troyes's 'Yvain' and Hartmann von Aue's 'Iwein' W. H. Jackson doi:10.2307/3728928 | Cite |
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741-742 | Review of Sara Stebbins, Maxima in minimis: Zum Empirie- und Autoritätsverständnis in der physikotheologischen Literatur der Frühaufklärung David Bell doi:10.2307/3728929 | Cite |
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742-743 | Review of Reinhard Wittmann, Buchmarkt und Lektüre im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert: Beiträge zum literarischen Leben 1750-1880 Albert Ward doi:10.2307/3728930 | Cite |
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743-745 | Review of Helmut Riege, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock: Werke und Briefe. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Band VII: Briefe 1776-1782 H. T. Betteridge doi:10.2307/3728931 | Cite |
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745-747 | Review of Albrecht Schöne, Götterzeichen, Liebeszauber, Satanskult: Neue Einblicke in alte Goethetexte John Osborne doi:10.2307/3728932 | Cite |
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747-748 | Review of Heinz Rölleke, Brüder Grimm, Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Nach der zweiten vermehrten und verbesserten Auflage von 1819, textkritisch revidiert und mit einer Biographie der Grimmschen Märchen versehen David Blamires doi:10.2307/3728933 | Cite |
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748-749 | Review of Kurt Bartsch, Dietmar Goltschnigg, Gerhard Melzer, Für und wider eine österreichische Literatur Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3728934 | Cite |
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749-750 | Review of Herbert Zeman, Die österreichische Literatur: Ihr Profil im 19. Jahrhundert (1830-1880) W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3728935 | Cite |
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750-753 | Review of Roy Pascal, Kafka's Narrators: A Study of His Stories and Sketches K. Von Abrams, John White doi:10.2307/3728936 | Cite |
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753 | | Cite |
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754-755 | Review of Helmut Rössler, Karl Kraus und Nestroy: Kritik und Verarbeitung W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3728938 | Cite |
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755-756 | Review of Margret Dietrich, Heinz Kindermann, Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Max Mell: Briefwechsel. Mit einem Anhang: Max Mell über Hugo von Hofmannsthal W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3728939 | Cite |
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756-757 | Review of Fritz J. Raddatz, Kurt Tucholsky: Unser ungelebtes Leben. Briefe an Mary William J. King doi:10.2307/3728940 | Cite |
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757 | Review of Wolfgang Freese, Philologie und Kritik: Klagenfurter Vorträge zur Musilforschung Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3728941 | Cite |
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757-759 | | Cite |
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759-761 | | Cite |
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761-762 | Review of A. A. Barentsen, R. Sprenger, M. G. M. Tielmans, South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics Peter Herrity doi:10.2307/3728944 | Cite |
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762-763 | | Cite |
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763-764 | | Cite |
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764-765 | | Cite |
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766-767 | | Cite |
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767 | Review of Evelyn Bristol, Russian Literature and Criticism. Selected Papers from the Second World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies Neil Cornwell doi:10.2307/3728949 | Cite |
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768 | Review of Garth M. Terry, East European Languages and Literatures II George Thomas doi:10.2307/3728950 | Cite |
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