769-779 | | Cite |
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780-793 | | Cite |
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794-810 | | Cite |
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811-822 | | Cite |
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823-838 | | Cite |
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839-847 | Intertextual Triptych: Reading across "La Bataille de Pharsale", "La Jalousie", and "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu" Michael Evans doi:10.2307/3727192 | Cite |
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848-856 | Sense and Structure in the Gawan Adventures of Wolfram's "Parzival" Neil Thomas doi:10.2307/3727193 | Cite |
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857-868 | | Cite |
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869-879 | | Cite |
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880-888 | Plot and Narrative Elements in Brecht's "Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti" Anne White doi:10.2307/3727196 | Cite |
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889-903 | | Cite |
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904-906 | Review of Ross Chambers, Meaning and Meaningfulness: Studies in the Analysis and Interpretation of Texts Paul Murphy doi:10.2307/3727198 | Cite |
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906-909 | Review of Marvin K. L. Ching, Michael C. Haley, Ronald F. Lunsford, Linguistic Perspectives on Literature Christopher Norris doi:10.2307/3727199 | Cite |
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909-913 | Review of Francesco Orlando, Charmaine Lee, Toward a Freudian Theory of Literature George Craig doi:10.2307/3727200 | Cite |
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913-915 | | Cite |
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915-916 | | Cite |
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916-918 | | Cite |
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918-920 | Review of James Olney, Autobiography: Essays Theoretical and Critical Edith Kern doi:10.2307/3727204 | Cite |
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920-922 | Review of D. W. Harding, Words into Rhythm: English Speech Rhythm in Verse and Prose Donald G. Marshall doi:10.2307/3727205 | Cite |
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923-925 | Review of Louise M. Rosenblatt, The Reader, the Text, the Poem: The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work Anne Stevenson doi:10.2307/3727206 | Cite |
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925-928 | Review of Gordon Kipling, The Triumph of Honour: Burgundian Origins of the Elizabethan Renaissance Joel Hurstfield doi:10.2307/3727207 | Cite |
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928-930 | | Cite |
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930-932 | | Cite |
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933-935 | Review of Paul Fritz, Richard Morton, Women in the 18th Century and Other Essays Susan Staves doi:10.2307/3727210 | Cite |
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936-938 | | Cite |
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938-939 | Review of Ralf Norrman, Techniques of Ambiguity in the Fiction of Henry James with Special Reference to 'In the Cage' and 'The Turn of the Screw' James W. Tuttleton doi:10.2307/3727212 | Cite |
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939 | | Cite |
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940-941 | Review of Daniel Albright, Personality and Impersonality: Lawrence, Woolf, and Mann Harry T. Moore doi:10.2307/3727214 | Cite |
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941-943 | Review of John Russell, Style in Modern British Fiction: Studies in Joyce, Lawrence, Forster, Lewis, and Green; Keith Cushman, D. H. Lawrence at Work: The Emergence of the 'Prussian Officer' Stories Harry T. Moore doi:10.2307/3727215 | Cite |
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943-945 | Review of A. H. Gomme, D. H. Lawrence: A Critical Study of the Major Novels and Other Writings Harry T. Moore doi:10.2307/3727216 | Cite |
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945-947 | | Cite |
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947-948 | Review of Thomas J. Stavola, Scott Fitzgerald: Crisis in an American Identity Keith Carabine doi:10.2307/3727218 | Cite |
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948-950 | Review of Thomas Parkinson, Hart Crane and Yvor Winters: Their Literary Correspondence Peter Makin doi:10.2307/3727219 | Cite |
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950-951 | | Cite |
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951 | Review of Mary Kathryn Grant, The Tragic Vision of Joyce Carol Oates Max F. Schulz doi:10.2307/3727221 | Cite |
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952-953 | Review of Fred Lock, Alan Lawson, Australian Literature: A Reference Guide John Burrows doi:10.2307/3727222 | Cite |
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953-955 | | Cite |
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955-956 | Review of Benedeit, Ian Short, Brian Merrilees, The Anglo-Norman Voyage of St. Brendan W. G. Van Emden doi:10.2307/3727224 | Cite |
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956-957 | | Cite |
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957 | Review of Pierre-Yves Badel, Le Roman de la Rose au XIVe siècle Nigel Wilkins doi:10.2307/3727226 | Cite |
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957-958 | Review of Maurice Accarie, Étude sur le sens moral de la Passion de Jean Michel Cynthia Foxton doi:10.2307/3727227 | Cite |
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958-959 | Review of Heather Arden, Fools' Plays: A Study of Satire in the 'Sottie' Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3727228 | Cite |
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959-960 | Review of Antoine de la Sale, Ian Hill, Le Reconfort de Madame de Fresne Ruth Morse doi:10.2307/3727229 | Cite |
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960 | Review of René d'Anjou, Susan Wharton, Le Livre de cuer d'amours espris Ruth Morse doi:10.2307/3727230 | Cite |
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960-961 | Review of Richard A. Carr, Pierre Boaistuau's 'Histoires tragiques': A Study of Narrative Form and Tragic Vision Paul Chilton doi:10.2307/3727231 | Cite |
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962-963 | Review of Robert T. Corum, Jr., Other Worlds and Other Seas: Art and Vision in Saint-Amant's Nature Poetry Brian Nicholas doi:10.2307/3727233 | Cite |
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963-964 | Review of Shoshana Felman, Le Scandale du corps parlant: Dom Juan avec Austin ou la Séduction en deux langues Harold C. Knutson doi:10.2307/3727234 | Cite |
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964-965 | | Cite |
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965-966 | Review of Susan W. Tiefenbrun, Signs of the Hidden: Semiotic Studies Celia Britton doi:10.2307/3727236 | Cite |
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966-968 | Review of Haydn Mason, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century. Volume CLXXXIII Dennis Fletcher doi:10.2307/3727237 | Cite |
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968-969 | Review of Jérôme Lalande, Hélène Monod-Cassidy, Journal d'un voyage en Angleterre 1763 John Renwick doi:10.2307/3727238 | Cite |
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969-970 | Review of Raymond Lebègue, Aspects de Chateaubriand: Vie: Voyage en Amérique: Œuvres Peter Whyte doi:10.2307/3727239 | Cite |
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970-971 | Review of Madeleine Anjubault Simons, Sémiotisme de Stendhal Geoffrey Strickland doi:10.2307/3727240 | Cite |
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971-973 | Review of Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht, Karlheinz Stierle, Rainer Warning, Honoré de Balzac David Bellos doi:10.2307/3727241 | Cite |
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973-974 | Review of Jeanne Bem, Désir et savoir dans l'œuvre de Flaubert: Étude de 'La Tentation de Saint Antoine' Timothy Unwin doi:10.2307/3727242 | Cite |
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974-976 | Review of Austin Gill, The Early Mallarmé. Volume I. Parentage, Early Years, and Juvenilia A. J. Steele doi:10.2307/3727243 | Cite |
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976-977 | Review of Yvette Went-Daoust, Jean Genet, Le Symbolisme des objets et l'espace mythique dans le théâtre de Jean Genet A. Callen doi:10.2307/3727244 | Cite |
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977 | Review of André Allemand, L'Œuvre romanesque de Nathalie Sarraute Ann Jefferson doi:10.2307/3727245 | Cite |
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977-979 | Review of Warman Welliver, Dante in Hell. The 'De Vulgari Eloquentia': Introduction, Text, Translation, Commentary Nigel Vincent doi:10.2307/3727246 | Cite |
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979-980 | Review of Susanne Eversmann, Poetik und Erzählstruktur in den Romanen Italo Calvinos John Woodhouse doi:10.2307/3727247 | Cite |
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980 | Review of J. M. Aguirre, Jorge Manrique: Coplas de amor y de muerte Dorothy Sherman Severin doi:10.2307/3727248 | Cite |
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981 | Review of Edith Randam Rogers, The Perilous Hunt: Symbols in Hispanic and European Balladry J. S. Cummins doi:10.2307/3727249 | Cite |
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982 | Review of Yolanda Novo Villaverde, Vicente Aleixandre, poeta surrealista Derek Harris doi:10.2307/3727250 | Cite |
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982-983 | Review of Anselm Haverkamp, Typik und Politik im Annolied: Zum 'Konflikt der Interpretationen' im Mittelalter D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727251 | Cite |
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983-984 | Review of Lewis Jillings, 'Diu Crone' of Heinrich von dem Türlein: The Attempted Emancipation of Secular Narrative D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727252 | Cite |
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984-985 | | Cite |
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985-986 | Review of Ilpo Tapani Piirainen, Frühneuhochdeutsche Bibliographie: Literatur zur Sprache des 14.-17. Jahrhunderts William Jervis Jones doi:10.2307/3727254 | Cite |
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986-988 | Review of T. J. Reed, The Classical Centre: Goethe and Weimar 1775-1832 M. Kay Flavell doi:10.2307/3727255 | Cite |
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988-990 | Review of Rolf Christian Zimmermann, Das Weltbild des jungen Goethe: Studien zur hermetischen Tradition des deutschen 18. Jahrhunderts. Band 2: Interpretation und Dokumentation Hans Reiss doi:10.2307/3727256 | Cite |
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990-991 | Review of Ann White, Names and Nomenclature in Goethe's 'Faust' Elizabeth Boa doi:10.2307/3727257 | Cite |
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991-992 | Review of William J. Lillyman, Reality's Dark Dream: The Narrative Fiction of Ludwig Tieck James Trainer doi:10.2307/3727258 | Cite |
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992-994 | Review of Rosemary Ashton, The German Idea: Four English Writers and the Reception of German Thought 1800-1860 M. Kay Flavell doi:10.2307/3727259 | Cite |
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994-996 | Review of Jeffrey L. Sammons, Heinrich Heine: A Modern Biography Nigel Reeves doi:10.2307/3727260 | Cite |
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996-998 | Review of Günter Conrad, Johann Nepomuk Nestroy 1801-1862: Bibliographie zur Nestroyforschung und -rezeption W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3727261 | Cite |
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998-999 | Review of Norbert Frei, Theodor Fontane: Die Frau als Paradigma des Humanen Alan Bance doi:10.2307/3727262 | Cite |
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999-1000 | | Cite |
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1000-1002 | | Cite |
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1002-1003 | Review of , Irish Slavonic Studies: The Journal of the Irish Slavists' Association Derek Offord doi:10.2307/3727265 | Cite |
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1003-1004 | Review of A. G. Cross, By the Banks of the Thames: Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain Christopher Johnson doi:10.2307/3727266 | Cite |
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1004-1005 | Review of Joe Andrew, Writers and Society during the Rise of Russian Realism Faith C. M. Kitch doi:10.2307/3727267 | Cite |
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1005-1006 | | Cite |
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1006-1007 | Review of Leonard H. Babby, Existential Sentences and Negation in Russian J. M. Kirkwood doi:10.2307/3727269 | Cite |
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1008 | | Cite |
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xxi-xxxiv | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1981: Changing Perspectives on the "Seicento": A Study in the Evolution of Taste Uberto Limentani doi:10.2307/3727271 | Cite |
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