513-533 | | Cite |
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534-548 | | Cite |
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549-555 | | Cite |
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556-565 | | Cite |
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566-580 | | Cite |
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581-597 | | Cite |
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598-611 | "Gott ist über mir": Ruler and Reformer in the Twofold Symmetry of Schiller's "Don Carlos" Robin Harrison doi:10.2307/3727395 | Cite |
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612-618 | "Ich seh', ich sehe, wie das enden muss...": Observations on a Misunderstood Passage in Hölderlin's "Hyperion" P. H. Gaskill doi:10.2307/3727396 | Cite |
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619-628 | | Cite |
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629-642 | From Individual to Universal: Tolstoy's "Smert' Ivana Il'icha" Robert Russell doi:10.2307/3727398 | Cite |
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643-646 | Review of Angel Medina, Reflection, Time and the Novel: Toward a Communicative Theory of Literature; Alan Kennedy, Meaning and Signs in Fiction H. Foltinek doi:10.2307/3727399 | Cite |
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646-647 | | Cite |
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647-649 | Review of Jean Lafond, Augustin Redondo, L'Image du monde renversé et ses représentations littéraires et para-littéraires de la fin du XVIe siècle au milieu du XVIIe J. E. Varey doi:10.2307/3727401 | Cite |
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649-650 | Review of Robert F. Storey, Pierrot: A Critical Study of a Mask Oscar G. Brockett doi:10.2307/3727402 | Cite |
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650-651 | Review of Kirsti Simonsuuri, Homer's Original Genius: Eighteenth-Century Notions of the Early Greek Epic (1688-1798) David Hopkins doi:10.2307/3727403 | Cite |
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651-654 | Review of Derek Pearsall, The Routledge History of English Poetry. Volume I. Old and Middle English Poetry Fred C. Robinson doi:10.2307/3727404 | Cite |
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654-656 | | Cite |
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656-658 | Review of Arthur B. Ferguson, Clio Unbound: Perception of the Social and Cultural past in Renaissance England L. C. Knights doi:10.2307/3727406 | Cite |
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658-659 | Review of Elizabeth Story Donno, Richard Madox, An Elizabethan in 1582: The Diary of Richard Madox, Fellow of All Souls E. W. Ives doi:10.2307/3727407 | Cite |
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660-663 | | Cite |
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663-664 | Review of Madelaine Doran, Shakespeare's Dramatic Language: Essays Jürgen Schäfer doi:10.2307/3727409 | Cite |
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665-667 | Review of Lawrence Danson, The Harmonies of 'The Merchant of Venice' Gāmini Salgādo doi:10.2307/3727410 | Cite |
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667-668 | | Cite |
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669 | Review of Larry S. Champion, Tragic Patterns in Jacobean and Caroline Drama Philip Edwards doi:10.2307/3727412 | Cite |
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669-671 | Review of R. I. V. Hodge, Foreshortened Time: Andrew Marvell and Seventeenth-Century Revolutions Robert Cummings doi:10.2307/3727413 | Cite |
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671-673 | | Cite |
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674-675 | Review of John Butt, Geoffrey Carnall, The Oxford History of English Literature. Volume 8. The Mid-Eighteenth Century Ronald Paulson doi:10.2307/3727415 | Cite |
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675-676 | | Cite |
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676-682 | Review of Brian Wilkie, Mary Lynn Johnson, Blake's 'Four Zoas': The Design of a Dream; Michael Phillips, Interpreting Blake John Beer doi:10.2307/3727417 | Cite |
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682-686 | Review of Ian Ker, Thomas Gornall, John Henry Newman, The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Volume II: Tutor of Oriel, January 1827 to December 1831 David J. Delaura doi:10.2307/3727418 | Cite |
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686 | | Cite |
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687-689 | | Cite |
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689-690 | | Cite |
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690 | | Cite |
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690-691 | Review of H. Roussel, F. Suard, Alain de Lille, Gautier de Châtillon, Jakemart Giélée et leur temps Tony Hunt doi:10.2307/3727423 | Cite |
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692-693 | Review of Jane H. M. Taylor, Le Roman de Perceforest. Première Partie Michael J. Routledge doi:10.2307/3727424 | Cite |
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693 | Review of Marie-Thérèse de Medeiros, Jacques et Chroniqueurs: Une Étude comparée de récits contemporains relatant la Jacquerie de 1358 Ruth Morse doi:10.2307/3727425 | Cite |
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693-694 | Review of Louis Terreaux, Culture et pouvoir au temps de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance. Actes du Congrès Marguerite de Savoie: Annecy, Chambéry, Turin, 29 avril-4 mai 1974 Francis M. Higman doi:10.2307/3727426 | Cite |
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694-696 | Review of Floyd Gray, Marcel Tetel, Textes et intertextes: études sur le XVIe siècle pour Alfred Glauser Terence Cave doi:10.2307/3727427 | Cite |
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696-697 | Review of Henri Estienne, P. M. Smith, Deux dialogues du nouveau langage françois italianizé Peter Rickard doi:10.2307/3727428 | Cite |
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697-698 | Review of Peter Bayley, French Pulpit Oratory, 1598-1650: A Study in Themes and Styles, with a Descriptive Catalogue of Printed Texts Peter France doi:10.2307/3727429 | Cite |
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698-699 | | Cite |
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699-700 | Review of Madame de Lafayette, M. Cuénin, Histoire de la Princesse de Montpensier sous le règne de Charles IXème Roi de France; Histoire de la Comtesse de Tende Elizabeth Woodrough doi:10.2307/3727431 | Cite |
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700-702 | Review of Eva Jacobs, W. H. Barber, Jean H. Bloch, F. W. Leakey, Eileen Le Breton, Woman and Society in Eighteenth-Century France: Essays in Honour of John Stephenson Spink Richard Veasey doi:10.2307/3727432 | Cite |
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702-703 | Review of Jacques Rustin, Le Vice à la mode: Étude sur le roman français du XVIIIe siècle de 'Manon Lescaut' à l'apparition de 'La Nouvelle Héloïse' (1731-1761) Simon Davies doi:10.2307/3727433 | Cite |
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703 | Review of Émile Lizé, Voltaire, Grimm et la Correspondance littéraire David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3727434 | Cite |
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704 | Review of Frederick A. Spear, Bibliographie de Diderot: Répertoire analytique international Anthony Strugnell doi:10.2307/3727435 | Cite |
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704-705 | Review of Christopher Todd, Bibliographie des Œuvres de Jean-François de La Harpe John Renwick doi:10.2307/3727436 | Cite |
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705-706 | | Cite |
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706 | Review of Émile Talbot, La Critique stendhalienne de Balzac à Zola C. Smethurst doi:10.2307/3727438 | Cite |
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706-707 | Review of Henk Nuiten, Les Variantes des 'Fleurs du Mal' et des 'Epaves' de Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) Graham Chesters doi:10.2307/3727439 | Cite |
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707-708 | | Cite |
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708-709 | Review of Yves Bonnefoy, Louis Forestier, Frédéric S. Eigeldinger, Gerald Schaeffer, André Bandelier, Études sur les 'Poésies' de Rimbaud Roger Little doi:10.2307/3727441 | Cite |
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709-711 | Review of Nicole Celeyrette-Pietri, Valéry et le Moi: Des 'Cahiers' à l'œuvre Paul Gifford doi:10.2307/3727442 | Cite |
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711-712 | Review of Georges Bataille, Denis Hollier, Dominique Lemann, Œuvres Complètes, IX Richard D. E. Burton doi:10.2307/3727443 | Cite |
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712-713 | Review of Mary Jean Matthews Green, Louis Guilloux: An Artisan of Language; Louis Guilloux, Souvenirs sur G. Palante Walter Redfern doi:10.2307/3727444 | Cite |
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714 | Review of John Sturrock, Structuralism and Since: From Lévi-Strauss to Derrida Rosemarie Jones doi:10.2307/3727445 | Cite |
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714-715 | Review of St Catherine of Siena, Kenelm Foster, Mary John Ronayne, I, Catherine: Selected Writings of St Catherine of Siena Mark Davie doi:10.2307/3727446 | Cite |
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715-716 | Review of John England, Hispanic Studies in Honour of Frank Pierce Colin Smith doi:10.2307/3727447 | Cite |
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716-719 | Review of María Eugenia Lacarra, El 'Poema de mio Cid': Realidad histórica e ideología Colin Smith doi:10.2307/3727448 | Cite |
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719-720 | Review of Jeremy N. H. Lawrance, Un tratado de Alonso de Cartagena sobre la educación y los estudios literarios Nicholas G. Round doi:10.2307/3727449 | Cite |
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720-721 | Review of Juan Manuel II, Dom João Manuel, Ian Macpherson, The Manueline Succession: The Poetry of Don Juan Manuel II and Dom João Manuel Dorothy Sherman Severin doi:10.2307/3727450 | Cite |
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721-722 | Review of Fernando González Ollé, Sebastián de Horozco: Representaciones Nigel Griffin doi:10.2307/3727451 | Cite |
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722 | | Cite |
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723-724 | Review of Conchita Herdman Marianella, 'Dueñas' and 'Doncellas': A Study of the 'Doña Rodríguez' Episode in 'Don Quijote' Frank Pierce doi:10.2307/3727453 | Cite |
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724-726 | | Cite |
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726-727 | Review of José de Cadalso, Nigel Glendinning, Nicole Harrison, Escritos autobiográficos y epistolario John Dowling doi:10.2307/3727455 | Cite |
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727-729 | | Cite |
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729-731 | | Cite |
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731-732 | Review of Hannes Kästner, Mittelalterliche Lehrgespräche: Textlinguistische Analysen, Studien zur poetischen Funktion und pädagogischen Intention D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727458 | Cite |
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733-734 | Review of R. A. Boggs, Hartmann von Aue: Lemmatisierte Konkordanz zum Gesamtwerk Rosemary N. Combridge doi:10.2307/3727459 | Cite |
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735-737 | Review of Gisela Steinle, Hartmann von Aue: Kennzeichnen durch Bezeichnen. Zur Verwendung der Personenbezeichnungen in seinen epischen Werken D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727460 | Cite |
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737-738 | Review of Dolores Baumgartner, Studien zu Individuum und Mystik im Tristan Gottfrieds von Strassburg D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727461 | Cite |
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739 | | Cite |
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739-743 | Review of Ludwig Krapf, Christian Wagenknecht, Stuttgarter Hoffeste. Texte und Materialien zur höfischen Repräsentation im frühen 17. Jahrhundert Joseph Leighton doi:10.2307/3727463 | Cite |
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743-745 | | Cite |
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745-746 | Review of Dieter Lohmeier, Bernt Olsson, Weltliches und Geistliches Lied des Barock: Studien zur Liedkultur in Deutschland und Skandinavien Anthony J. Harper doi:10.2307/3727465 | Cite |
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746-747 | Review of Martin Opitz, George Schulz-Behrend, Gesammelte Werke. Volume II: Die Werke von 1621 bis 1626, Part II Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3727466 | Cite |
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747-748 | Review of Rainer Nägele, Literatur und Utopie: Versuche zu Hölderlin Robin Harrison doi:10.2307/3727467 | Cite |
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748 | Review of Karl Robert Mandelkow, Goethe im Urteil seiner Kritiker: Dokumente zur Wirkungsgeschichte Goethes in Deutschland. Teil III (1870-1918) W. H. Bruford doi:10.2307/3727468 | Cite |
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748-750 | Review of Hans Jürg Kupper, Robert Burns im deutschen Sprachraum, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der schweizerdeutschen Übersetzungen von August Corrodi W. Witte doi:10.2307/3727469 | Cite |
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750-751 | Review of Winfried Woesler, Walter Huge, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Band V, I: Prosa, Text Elaine Care doi:10.2307/3727470 | Cite |
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752 | Review of Kurt Bartsch, Dietmar Goltschnigg, Gerhard Melzer, Wolfgang Heinz Schober, Die Andere Welt: Aspekte der österreichischen Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Festschrift für Hellmuth Himmel zum 60. Geburtstag W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3727471 | Cite |
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752-753 | Review of Jörg Thunecke, Eda Sagarra, Formen realistischer Erzählkunst: Festschrift for Charlotte Jolles. In Honour of Her 70th Birthday H. B. Garland doi:10.2307/3727472 | Cite |
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754 | Review of R. Geoffrey Leckey, Some Aspects of Balladesque Art and Their Relevance for the Novels of Theodor Fontane Alan Bance doi:10.2307/3727473 | Cite |
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754-755 | Review of Richard Cox, Figures of Transformation: Rilke and the Example of Valéry Margaret Jacobs doi:10.2307/3727474 | Cite |
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755-756 | Review of August Closs, Robert Priebsch-Elias von Steinmeyer: Briefwechsel M. O'C. Walshe doi:10.2307/3727475 | Cite |
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756-757 | Review of Wolfgang Rothe, Tänzer und Täter: Gestalten des Expressionismus J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3727476 | Cite |
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758-759 | Review of Gerhard P. Knapp, Die Literatur des deutschen Expressionismus: Einführung: Bestandsaufnahme: Kritik J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3727477 | Cite |
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759-760 | | Cite |
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760-761 | | Cite |
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761-762 | Review of Alexander Stephan, Die deutsche Exilliteratur 1933-1945: Eine Einführung John White doi:10.2307/3727480 | Cite |
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762-763 | | Cite |
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764 | | Cite |
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764-765 | | Cite |
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765-766 | Review of James B. Woodward, Ivan Bunin: A Study of His Fiction D. J. Richards doi:10.2307/3727484 | Cite |
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766-767 | Review of Edward Braun, The Theatre of Meyerhold: Revolution on the Modern Stage A. V. Knowles doi:10.2307/3727485 | Cite |
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767-768 | | Cite |
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