721-737 | "Richard III", Unhistorical Amplifications: The Women's Scenes and Seneca Harold F. Brooks doi:10.2307/3726581 | Cite |
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738-745 | | Cite |
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746-752 | | Cite |
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753-765 | | Cite |
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766-773 | The Final Foolishness of Babouc: The Dark Centre of "Le Monde comme il va" Roy S. Wolper doi:10.2307/3726585 | Cite |
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774-780 | "La Chaumière indienne": Counterpart and Complement to "Paul et Virginie" Roseann Runte doi:10.2307/3726586 | Cite |
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781-796 | Possible French Influence on the Use of the Historic Present in the "Poema de mio Cid" Kenneth Adams doi:10.2307/3726587 | Cite |
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797-809 | Knighthood and Nobility in Gislebert of Mons's "Chronicon Hanoniense" and in Twelfth-Century German Literature W. H. Jackson doi:10.2307/3726588 | Cite |
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810-822 | "Here Comes Everybody": An Appraisal of Narrative Technique in Günter Grass's "Der Butt" Osman Durrani doi:10.2307/3726589 | Cite |
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823 | Review of Simon Stuart, New Phoenix Wings: Reparation in Literature Peter J. Manning doi:10.2307/3726590 | Cite |
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823-825 | Review of Seymour Chatman, Story and Discourse. Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film Paul Chilton doi:10.2307/3726591 | Cite |
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825-826 | | Cite |
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826-830 | | Cite |
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830-832 | Review of J. David Sapir, J. Christopher Crocker, The Social Use of Metaphor: Essays on the Anthropology of Rhetoric Brian Vickers doi:10.2307/3726594 | Cite |
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832-833 | | Cite |
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833-834 | | Cite |
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834-835 | Review of Robert Weimann, Realismus in der Renaissance: Aneignung der Welt in der erzählenden Prosa K. G. Knight doi:10.2307/3726597 | Cite |
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835-836 | Review of R. R. Bolgar, Classical Influences on Western Thought, A.D. 1650-1870. Proceedings of an International Conference Held at King's College, Cambridge, March 1977 Felicity Rosslyn doi:10.2307/3726598 | Cite |
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836-837 | Review of Maria M. Tatar, Spellbound: Studies on Mesmerism and Literature M. Kay Flavell doi:10.2307/3726599 | Cite |
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837-839 | | Cite |
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839-840 | | Cite |
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841-842 | | Cite |
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842-843 | Review of Anne Hudson, Selections from English Wycliffite Writings H. Hargreaves doi:10.2307/3726603 | Cite |
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843-844 | Review of William Shakespeare, Richard Knowles, As You like It A. M. C. Latham doi:10.2307/3726604 | Cite |
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844-846 | | Cite |
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846-847 | | Cite |
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847-849 | | Cite |
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849-850 | Review of Philip H. Highfall, Kalman A. Burnim, Edward A. Langhans, A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers, and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800. Volume 3: Cabanel to Cory. 1975; Philip H. Highfall, Kalman A. Burnim, Edward A. Langhans, A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers, and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800. Volume 5: Eagan to Garrett. 1978 Stanley Wells doi:10.2307/3726608 | Cite |
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850-851 | Review of Laurence Goldstein, Ruins and Empire: The Evolution of a Theme in Augustan and Romantic Literature Stuart M. Tave doi:10.2307/3726609 | Cite |
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851-852 | Review of Max Byrd, London Transformed: Images of the City in the Eighteenth Century André Parreaux doi:10.2307/3726610 | Cite |
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852-854 | | Cite |
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854-855 | Review of J. Douglas Canfield, Nicholas Rowe and Christian Tragedy Derek Hughes doi:10.2307/3726612 | Cite |
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855-857 | Review of George Dekker, Coleridge and the Literature of Sensibility Richard Gravil doi:10.2307/3726613 | Cite |
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857-858 | | Cite |
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858-859 | Review of Charles Richard Sanders, Carlyle's Friendships and Other Studies J. L. Bradley doi:10.2307/3726615 | Cite |
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859-860 | Review of John Lucas, The Literature of Change: Studies in the Nineteenth Century Provincial Novel Charles Swann doi:10.2307/3726616 | Cite |
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860-862 | Review of Barry Westburg, The Confessional Fictions of Charles Dickens Pierre Coustillas doi:10.2307/3726617 | Cite |
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862-863 | Review of Constance Marie Fulmer, George Eliot: A Reference Guide Gillian Beer doi:10.2307/3726618 | Cite |
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863-865 | Review of George Watson, Politics and Literature in Modern Britain John Lucas doi:10.2307/3726619 | Cite |
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865 | Review of Earl N. Harbert, The Force So Much Closer Home: Henry Adams and the Adams Family William Dusinberre doi:10.2307/3726620 | Cite |
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866-867 | Review of Cedric Watts, Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness': A Critical and Contextual Discussion C. J. Rawson doi:10.2307/3726621 | Cite |
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867-868 | Review of A. Norman Jeffares, W. B. Yeats: The Critical Heritage Weldon Thornton doi:10.2307/3726622 | Cite |
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868-869 | Review of Floyd C. Watkins, In Time and Place: Some Origins of American Fiction Keith Carabine doi:10.2307/3726623 | Cite |
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870-871 | Review of Frederick P. W. McDowell, E. M. Forster: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings about Him Elizabeth Heine doi:10.2307/3726624 | Cite |
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871-872 | Review of Jack Lindsay, Decay and Renewal: Critical Essays on Twentieth Century Writing John Lucas doi:10.2307/3726625 | Cite |
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872-873 | Review of Edward E. Chielens, The Literary Journal in America, 1900-1950: A Guide to Information Sources Andrew Hook doi:10.2307/3726626 | Cite |
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873-875 | Review of Richard Gray, The Literature of Memory: Modern Writers of the American South Edward Gallafent doi:10.2307/3726627 | Cite |
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875-878 | Review of S. E. Gontarski, Beckett's 'Happy Days': A Manuscript Study; Steven H. Gale, Butter's Going up: A Critical Analysis of Harold Pinter's Work John Russell Brown doi:10.2307/3726628 | Cite |
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878-879 | Review of Robert Guiette, J. Dufournet, M. de Grève, H. Braet, Forme et senefiance Tony Hunt doi:10.2307/3726629 | Cite |
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879-880 | Review of Derek E. T. Nicholson, Peire Rogier, The Poems of the Troubadour Peire Rogier Terence H. Newcombe doi:10.2307/3726630 | Cite |
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880-881 | | Cite |
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881-882 | Review of Glyn S. Burgess, Marie de France: An Analytical Bibliography Leslie C. Brook doi:10.2307/3726632 | Cite |
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882-883 | | Cite |
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883 | | Cite |
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884 | Review of Amadis Jamyn, Samuel M. Carrington, Les Œuvres poétiques: Livres II, III, et IV (1575) Grahame Castor doi:10.2307/3726635 | Cite |
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884-885 | | Cite |
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885-886 | Review of Marcel Gutwirth, Michel de Montaigne ou le pari d'exemplarité Terence Cave doi:10.2307/3726637 | Cite |
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886-887 | Review of Jean de Sponde, Alan Boase, Œuvres littéraires, suivies d'Écrits apologétiques avec des Juvenilia Peter Sharratt doi:10.2307/3726638 | Cite |
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887-888 | Review of A. S.-M. Goulet, L'Univers théâtral de Corneille: paradoxe et subtilité héroïques P. J. Yarrow doi:10.2307/3726639 | Cite |
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888-889 | Review of D. J. Mossop, G. E. Rodmell, D. B. Wilson, Studies in the French Eighteenth Century Presented to John Lough by Colleagues, Students and Friends J. S. Spink doi:10.2307/3726640 | Cite |
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889-890 | Review of Jacques Proust, L'Objet et le texte: pour une poétique de la prose française du XVIIIe siècle Peter France doi:10.2307/3726641 | Cite |
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890 | Review of Bernadette Fort, Le Langage de l'ambiguité dans l'œuvre de Crébillon fils Vivienne Mylne doi:10.2307/3726642 | Cite |
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891-892 | Review of Claude Lauriol, La Beaumelle. Un Protestant cévenol entre Montesquieu et Voltaire R. Niklaus doi:10.2307/3726643 | Cite |
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892-893 | Review of Jean Starobinski, Jean-Louis Lecercle, Henri Coulet, Marc Eigeldinger, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Quatre études Peter Jimack doi:10.2307/3726644 | Cite |
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893-894 | Review of Michelet, Edward K. Kaplan, Michelet's Poetic Vision: A Romantic Philosophy of Nature, Man, and Woman Harold Wardman doi:10.2307/3726645 | Cite |
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894 | | Cite |
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895 | Review of Inge Karalus Crosman, Metaphoric Narration: The Structure and Function of Metaphors in 'A la recherche du temps perdu' Stephen Jones doi:10.2307/3726647 | Cite |
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895-897 | Review of A. H. Greet, Apollinaire et le livre de peintre Susan Taylor-Horrex doi:10.2307/3726648 | Cite |
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897-899 | | Cite |
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899-900 | Review of Bruce Pratt, Rompre le silence: Les premiers états de La Jeune Parque Kirsteen Anderson doi:10.2307/3726650 | Cite |
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900-903 | | Cite |
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903-904 | Review of Bert O. States, The Shape of Paradox. An Essay on 'Waiting for Godot' Dorothy Knowles doi:10.2307/3726652 | Cite |
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904-905 | Review of Rosette C. Lamont, Melvin J. Friedman, The Two Faces of Ionesco Dorothy Knowles doi:10.2307/3726653 | Cite |
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905-906 | Review of Pierre Gobin, Le Fou et ses doubles: figures de la dramaturgie québécoise Cedric May doi:10.2307/3726654 | Cite |
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906-909 | | Cite |
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909 | | Cite |
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910-911 | Review of Paolo Orvieto, Pulci medievale. Studio sulla poesia volgare fiorentina del quattrocento Mark Davie doi:10.2307/3726657 | Cite |
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911-913 | Review of Charles C. Russell, Italo Svevo, the Writer from Trieste: Reflections on His Background and His Work Brian Moloney doi:10.2307/3726658 | Cite |
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913-914 | | Cite |
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914-915 | Review of Keith Whinnom, Dos opúsculos isabelinos: 'La coronación de la señora Gracisla' (BN MS 22020) y Nicolás Núñez, 'Cárcel de amor' Dorothy Sherman Severin doi:10.2307/3726660 | Cite |
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915-916 | Review of Felipe de la Torre, R. W. Truman, Institución de un rey christiano (Antwerp, 1556) A. Gordon Kinder doi:10.2307/3726661 | Cite |
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916-918 | Review of Gwynne Edwards, The Prison and the Labyrinth: Studies in Calderonian Tragedy Melveena McKendrick doi:10.2307/3726662 | Cite |
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918-919 | Review of Rafael Alberti, Robert C. Mantiega, The Poetry of Rafael Alberti: A Visual Approach Mervyn R. Coke doi:10.2307/3726663 | Cite |
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919-920 | Review of J. M. Martínez Cachero, Historia de la novela española entre 1936 y 1975 Leo Hickey doi:10.2307/3726664 | Cite |
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920-921 | | Cite |
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921-922 | Review of Jason Wilson, Octavio Paz: A Study of His Poetics Annella McDermott doi:10.2307/3726666 | Cite |
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922-924 | | Cite |
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924-925 | Review of Werner König, Dtv-Atlas zur deutschen Sprache: Tafeln und Texte A. W. Stanforth doi:10.2307/3726668 | Cite |
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925-926 | Review of Hartmut Kokott, Literatur und Herrschaftsbewußtsein: Wertstrukturen der vor- und frühhöfischen Literatur: Vorstudien zur Interpretation mittelhochdeutscher Texte D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3726669 | Cite |
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927-928 | Review of Antje Missfeldt, Die Abschnittsgliederung und ihre Funktion in mittelhochdeutscher Epik: Erzähltechnische Untersuchungen zum 'König Rother', Vorauer und Straβburger 'Alexander', 'Herzog Ernst' (B) und zu Wolframs 'Willehalm' unter Einbeziehung altfranzösischer Laissentechn Carl Lofmark doi:10.2307/3726670 | Cite |
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928-929 | Review of Manfred Stange, Reinmars Lyrik: Forschungskritik und Überlegungen zu einem neuen Verständnis Reinmars des Alten Jeffrey Ashcroft doi:10.2307/3726671 | Cite |
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929-933 | | Cite |
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933-935 | Review of Dagmar O. Riain-Raedel, Untersuchungen zur mythischen Struktur der mittelhochdeutschen Artusepen: Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, 'Lanzelet': Hartmann von Aue, 'Erec' und 'Iwein' D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3726673 | Cite |
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935-936 | Review of Joachim Heinzle, Mittelhochdeutsche Dietrichepik: Untersuchungen zur Tradierungsweise, Überlieferungskritik und Gattungsgeschichte später Heldendichtung Frank Shaw doi:10.2307/3726674 | Cite |
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936-937 | Review of Jacoba Hendrica Kuné, Die Auferstehung Christi im deutschen religiösen Drama des Mittelalters H. B. Willson doi:10.2307/3726675 | Cite |
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937-939 | Review of Klaus von See, Willi Erzgräber, Neues Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft. Volume VIII: Europäisches Spätmittelalter John L. Flood doi:10.2307/3726676 | Cite |
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939-940 | Review of Helmut Krause, Feder kontra Degen: Zur literarischen Vermittlung des bürgerlichen Weltbildes im Werk Johannes Riemers Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3726677 | Cite |
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940-941 | Review of Wolfgang Paulsen, Der deutsche Roman und seine historischen und politischen Bedingungen D. G. Little doi:10.2307/3726678 | Cite |
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942 | Review of Joachim Campe, Der programmatische Roman von Wielands 'Agathon' zu Jean Pauls 'Hesperus' Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3726679 | Cite |
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942-943 | | Cite |
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943-944 | | Cite |
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944-946 | | Cite |
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947 | Review of David J. Constantine, Friedrich Hölderlin, The Significance of Locality in the Poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin P. H. Gaskill doi:10.2307/3726683 | Cite |
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947-949 | Review of John M. Ellis, Heinrich von Kleist: Studies in the Character and Meaning of His Writings Erika Swales doi:10.2307/3726684 | Cite |
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949-950 | Review of Heinz Buhlmann, Adolf Glassbrenner: His Development from 'Jungdeutscher' to 'Vormärzler' Eda Sagarra doi:10.2307/3726685 | Cite |
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950-951 | Review of Karl Deiritz, Geschichtsbewuβtsein, Satire, Zensur: Eine Studie zu Carl Sternheim Rhys W. Williams doi:10.2307/3726686 | Cite |
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951 | Review of J. D. Adler, J. J. White, August Stramm: Kritische Essays und unveröffentlichtes Quellenmaterial aus dem Nachlaβ des Dichters J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3726687 | Cite |
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952-953 | Review of Klaus W. Jonas, Die Thomas-Mann-Literatur. Bibliographie der Kritik T. J. Reed doi:10.2307/3726688 | Cite |
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953-954 | Review of Frederick G. Peters, Robert Musil, Master of the Hovering Life: A Study of the Major Fiction John White doi:10.2307/3726689 | Cite |
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954-955 | Review of Walter Van Hemeldonck, Antieke en Bijbelse metaforiek in de moderne Nederlandse letteren (1880-ca. 1914): een bijdrage tot de Europese stijlgeschiedenis G. Newton doi:10.2307/3726690 | Cite |
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955-956 | Review of V. M. Illich-Svitych, Richard L. Leed, Ronald F. Feldstein, Nominal Accentuation in Baltic and Slavonic J. Ian Press doi:10.2307/3726691 | Cite |
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956-957 | Review of David R. Egan, Melinda A. Egan, Leo Tolstoy. An Annotated Bibliography of English Language Sources to 1977 R. F. Christian doi:10.2307/3726692 | Cite |
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957 | Review of I. V. Stolyarova, V poiskakh ideala. Tvorchestvo N. S. Leskova William Keenan doi:10.2307/3726693 | Cite |
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958 | | Cite |
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958-959 | Review of Ronald Hingley, Russian Writers and Soviet Society 1917-1978 Peter Doyle doi:10.2307/3726695 | Cite |
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960 | | Cite |
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xxi-xxxviii | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1980: Literary Biography Helen Gardner doi:10.2307/3726697 | Cite |
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