1-17 | On the Widespread Use of an Inappropriate and Restrictive Model of the Literary Aphorism Roger Stephenson doi:10.2307/3727888 | Cite |
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18-47 | | Cite |
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48-64 | | Cite |
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65-75 | | Cite |
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76-85 | Bouhours and the Sea: The Origins of the First "Entretien d'Ariste et d'Eugène" Richard Maber doi:10.2307/3727892 | Cite |
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86-93 | | Cite |
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94-104 | | Cite |
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105-113 | Heinrich Heine: Politics or Poetry? Hegel or Enfantin? A Review of Some Recent Developments in Research Nigel Reeves doi:10.2307/3727895 | Cite |
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114-123 | Private Mythologies and Public Unease: On Fontane's "Effi Briest" Erika Swales doi:10.2307/3727896 | Cite |
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124-137 | Carl Sternheim's "Tasso Oder Kunst des Juste milieu": An Alternative History of German Literature Rhys W. Williams doi:10.2307/3727897 | Cite |
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138-147 | Rerouting the Train of Time: Boris Pil'nyak's "Krasnoye derevo" Michael Falchikov doi:10.2307/3727898 | Cite |
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148-149 | | Cite |
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149-150 | Review of David Couzens Hoy, The Critical Circle: Literature, History, and Philosophical Hermeneutics Martin Warner doi:10.2307/3727900 | Cite |
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150-152 | Review of Lewis P. Simpson, The Possibilities of Order: Cleanth Brooks and His Works Henry Claridge doi:10.2307/3727901 | Cite |
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152-153 | Review of L. M. O'Toole, Ann Shukman, Russian Poetics in Translation Peter France doi:10.2307/3727902 | Cite |
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153-154 | Review of Irving Massey, The Gaping Pig: Literature and Metamorphosis Michael Bell doi:10.2307/3727903 | Cite |
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154-156 | Review of Pierre Macherey, Geoffrey Wall, A Theory of Literary Production Graham D. C. Martin doi:10.2307/3727904 | Cite |
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156-157 | | Cite |
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157-158 | Review of Christel Meier, Gemma Spiritalis: Methode und Gebrauch der Edelsteinallegorese vom frühen Christentum bis ins 18. Jahrhundert. Volume I F. P. Pickering doi:10.2307/3727906 | Cite |
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158-159 | Review of Erasmus, R. A. B. Mynors, D. F. S. Thomson, The Correspondence of Erasmus: Letters 298-445, 1514-1516 J. W. Binns doi:10.2307/3727907 | Cite |
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159-161 | Review of Kenneth Muir, The Sources of Shakespeare's Plays E. A. J. Honigmann doi:10.2307/3727908 | Cite |
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161-162 | Review of Bartlett Jere Whiting, Early American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases Larzer Ziff doi:10.2307/3727909 | Cite |
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162-163 | Review of John Arbuthnot, Alan W. Bower, Robert A. Erickson, The History of John Bull A. H. Scovten doi:10.2307/3727910 | Cite |
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163-164 | | Cite |
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164-170 | Review of Donald Davie, A Gathered Church: The Literature of the English Dissenting Interest, 1700-1930 E. P. Thompson doi:10.2307/3727912 | Cite |
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170-172 | Review of J. Paul Hunter, Occasional Form: Henry Fielding and the Chains of Circumstance Pat Rogers doi:10.2307/3727913 | Cite |
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172-173 | Review of Jean Ducrocq, Le Théâtre de Fielding: 1728-1737, et ses prolongements dans l'œuvre romanesque Pat Rogers doi:10.2307/3727914 | Cite |
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173-175 | Review of Thomas Gray, William Collins, Roger Lonsdale, Poetical Works A. J. Sambrook doi:10.2307/3727915 | Cite |
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175-176 | Review of Clive Bush, The Dream of Reason: American Consciousness and Cultural Achievement from Independence to the Civil War John Osborne doi:10.2307/3727916 | Cite |
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176-177 | Review of Thomas Hardy, Richard Little Purdy, Michael Millgate, The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy. Volume 1. 1840-1892 J. L. Bradley doi:10.2307/3727917 | Cite |
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178-180 | Review of Dolf Sörensen, James Joyce's Aesthetic Theory: Its Development and Application; Michael Groden, 'Ulysses' in Progress Vincent Mahon doi:10.2307/3727918 | Cite |
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180-182 | Review of Edmund Wilson, Elena Wilson, Letters on Literature and Politics, 1912-1972 Larzer Ziff doi:10.2307/3727919 | Cite |
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182-185 | Review of Christopher Norris, William Empson and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism René Wellek doi:10.2307/3727920 | Cite |
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185-186 | Review of Michel Zink, Belle: Essai sur les Chansons de toile, suivi d'une édition et d'une traduction J. H. Marshall doi:10.2307/3727921 | Cite |
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186-187 | Review of Donald Maddox, Structure and Sacring: The Systematic Kingdom in Chrétien's 'Erec et Enide' Tony Hunt doi:10.2307/3727922 | Cite |
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187-188 | Review of Edgar Sienaert, Les Lais de Marie de France: Du conte merveilleux à la nouvelle psychologique Tony Hunt doi:10.2307/3727923 | Cite |
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188-189 | Review of Christine Martineau-Génieys, Le Thème de la mort dans la poésie française de 1450 à 1550 Alison Saunders doi:10.2307/3727924 | Cite |
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189-190 | | Cite |
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192 | Review of Théophile de Viau, Guido Saba, Œuvres: Seconde Partie (1623) Terence Allott doi:10.2307/3727927 | Cite |
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192-193 | Review of Odette de Mourgues, Two French Moralists: La Rochefoucauld and La Bruyère A. H. T. Levi doi:10.2307/3727928 | Cite |
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194-195 | Review of Bernard Tocanne, L'idée de nature en France dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle: Contribution à l'histoire de la pensée classique Edward Kearns doi:10.2307/3727929 | Cite |
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195-198 | Review of James F. Jones, Jr., La Nouvelle Héloïse: Rousseau and Utopia Felicity Baker doi:10.2307/3727930 | Cite |
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198-199 | Review of Marc Eigeldinger, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Univers mythique et cohérence Ronald Grimsley doi:10.2307/3727931 | Cite |
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200-201 | | Cite |
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201-202 | Review of Nelly Wilson, Bernard-Lazare: Antisemitism and the Problem of Jewish Identity in Late Nineteenth-Century France Maurice Larkin doi:10.2307/3727933 | Cite |
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202-203 | Review of Lewis Kamm, The Object in Zola's 'Rougon-Macquart' Robert Lethbridge doi:10.2307/3727934 | Cite |
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203-204 | Review of Malcolm Bowie, Mallarmé and the Art of Being Difficult Graham D. C. Martin doi:10.2307/3727935 | Cite |
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204 | | Cite |
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205 | Review of Alexandre Lazaridès, Valéry. Pour une poétique du dialogue Paul Gifford doi:10.2307/3727937 | Cite |
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206 | | Cite |
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206-207 | | Cite |
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207-208 | Review of Robin Kirkpatrick, Dante's 'Paradiso' and the Limitations of Modern Criticism John A. Scott doi:10.2307/3727940 | Cite |
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208-211 | Review of Giovanni Cecchetti, Giovanni Verga; Gaetano Ragonese, Interpretazione del Verga Judith Davies doi:10.2307/3727941 | Cite |
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211-214 | Review of Roger Boase, The Troubadour Revival: A Study of Social Change and Traditionalism in Late Medieval Spain R. B. Tate doi:10.2307/3727942 | Cite |
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214-216 | Review of F. J. Norton, A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 Don W. Cruickshank doi:10.2307/3727943 | Cite |
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216-217 | Review of Harry Sieber, Language and Society in 'La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes' M. J. Woods doi:10.2307/3727944 | Cite |
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217-218 | | Cite |
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218-219 | Review of Vern G. Williamsen, A. F. Michael Atlee, Studies in Honor of Ruth Lee Kennedy Melveena McKendrick doi:10.2307/3727946 | Cite |
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219-220 | Review of Elvira E. García, A Critical Edition of Tirso de Molina's 'Marta la piadosa' Cecilia Bainton doi:10.2307/3727947 | Cite |
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220-221 | Review of C. George Peale, La anatomía de 'El diablo cojuelo': Deslindes del género anatomístico B. W. Ife doi:10.2307/3727948 | Cite |
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221 | | Cite |
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221-222 | Review of Tomás de Iriarte, Russell P. Sebold, El señorito mimado. La señorita malcriada I. L. McClelland doi:10.2307/3727950 | Cite |
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222-223 | Review of Joan Lynne Pataky Kosove, The 'Comedia lacrimosa' and Spanish Romantic Drama (1773-1865) I. L. McClelland doi:10.2307/3727951 | Cite |
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223-224 | Review of Robert Marrast, José de Espronceda: El estudiante de Salamanca; El diablo mundo Margaret E. Beeson doi:10.2307/3727952 | Cite |
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224 | | Cite |
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225-226 | | Cite |
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226-227 | Review of Gary D. Keller, The Significance and Impact of Gregorio Marañón: Literary Criticism, Biographies and Historiography G. J. G. Cheyne doi:10.2307/3727955 | Cite |
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227 | | Cite |
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227-228 | Review of Karl Manherz, Sprachgeographie und Sprachsoziologie der deutschen Mundarten in Westungarn A. W. Stanforth doi:10.2307/3727957 | Cite |
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229 | Review of Ernst Leisi, Paar und Sprache: Linguistische Aspekte der Zweierbeziehung Estelle Morgan doi:10.2307/3727958 | Cite |
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230-232 | Review of Bert Nagel, Staufische Klassik: Deutsche Dichtung um 1200 D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727959 | Cite |
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232-237 | Review of Ursula Kuttner, Das Erzählen des Erzählten: Eine Studie zum Stil in Hartmanns 'Erec' und 'Iwein'; Volker Mertens, Gregorius Eremita: Eine Lebensform des Adels bei Hartmann von Aue in ihrer Problematik und ihrer Wandlung in der Rezeption D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727960 | Cite |
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237 | | Cite |
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238-239 | Review of Volker Honemann, Die 'Epistola ad fratres de Monte Dei' des Wilhelm von Saint-Thierry: Lateinische Überlieferung und mittelalterliche Übersetzungen Nigel F. Palmer doi:10.2307/3727962 | Cite |
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239 | Review of Rosemarie Natt, Der 'ackerman aus Böhmen' des Johannes von Tepl: Ein Beitrag zur Interpretation Nigel F. Palmer doi:10.2307/3727963 | Cite |
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239-240 | Review of George Thomas, Middle Low German Loanwords in Russian A. E. Pennington doi:10.2307/3727964 | Cite |
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