257-267 | | Cite |
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268-280 | Walter Pater's "Renaissance" and Leonardo da Vinci's Reputation in the Nineteenth Century Barrie Bullen doi:10.2307/3727780 | Cite |
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281-286 | From Narcissus to Tiresias: T. S. Eliot's Use of Metamorphosis Nancy R. Comley doi:10.2307/3727781 | Cite |
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287-296 | | Cite |
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297-309 | | Cite |
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310-320 | | Cite |
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321-334 | | Cite |
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335-340 | | Cite |
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341-348 | The Triumph of Life in Hofmannsthal's "Das Märchen Der 672. Nacht" Andrew Barker doi:10.2307/3727787 | Cite |
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349-360 | Epiphany Shared: An Interpretation of Hofmannsthal's "Raoul Richter, 1896" Augustinus P. Dierick doi:10.2307/3727788 | Cite |
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361-367 | Romanticism and Modernism in Rilke's "Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge" H. R. Klieneberger doi:10.2307/3727789 | Cite |
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368-385 | | Cite |
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386-387 | Review of F. Ronald H. Englefield, G. A. Wells, D. R. Oppenheimer, Language: Its Origin and Relation to Thought Paul Salmon doi:10.2307/3727791 | Cite |
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388-389 | | Cite |
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389 | Review of Conrad Bureau, Linguistique fonctionnelle et stylistique objective Graham D. C. Martin doi:10.2307/3727793 | Cite |
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389-390 | Review of Liselotte Lutz, Lexikon des Mittelalters (Erster Band, Erste Lieferung: Aachen-Ägypten) D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727794 | Cite |
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391 | Review of John V. Fleming, An Introduction to the Franciscan Literature of the Middle Ages I. D. L. Clark doi:10.2307/3727795 | Cite |
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392-393 | Review of Robert J. Clements, Joseph Gibaldi, Anatomy of the Novella. The European Tale Collections from Boccaccio and Chaucer to Cervantes Frank Pierce doi:10.2307/3727796 | Cite |
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393-394 | Review of Jean-Claude Margolin, Neuf années de bibliographie érasmienne (1962-1970) R. W. Truman doi:10.2307/3727797 | Cite |
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394-395 | Review of Sydney Anglo, The Damned Art: Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft Michael Hunter doi:10.2307/3727798 | Cite |
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395-396 | Review of H. James Jensen, The Muses' Concord: Literature, Music, and the Visual Arts in the Baroque Age E. D. Mackerness doi:10.2307/3727799 | Cite |
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397-399 | | Cite |
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399-400 | Review of Maurice Larkin, Man and Society in Nineteenth-Century Realism: Determinism in Literature P. M. Wetherill doi:10.2307/3727801 | Cite |
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400-402 | | Cite |
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402-403 | Review of Morris Jones, Alan R. Thomas, The Welsh Language. Studies in Its Syntax and Semantics Glanville Price doi:10.2307/3727803 | Cite |
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403-404 | Review of G. K. Hunter, C. J. Rawson, The Yearbook of English Studies: American Literature Special Number John Osborne doi:10.2307/3727804 | Cite |
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405-406 | | Cite |
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407-411 | Review of Derek Attridge, Well-Weighed Syllables: Elizabethan Verse in Classical Metres Edward R. Weismiller doi:10.2307/3727806 | Cite |
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411-412 | | Cite |
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412-415 | Review of Irene Simon, Three Restoration Divines: Barrow, South, Tillotson. Selected Sermons M. C. Battestin doi:10.2307/3727808 | Cite |
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415-416 | Review of Raimund Borgmeier, The Dying Shepherd: Die Tradition der englischen Ekloge von Pope bis Wordsworth Barbara Rojahn-Deyk doi:10.2307/3727809 | Cite |
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416-418 | | Cite |
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418-419 | Review of Thomas M. Curley, Samuel Johnson and the Age of Travel J. D. Fleeman doi:10.2307/3727811 | Cite |
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420-421 | Review of Richard L. Harp, Thomas Percy's 'Life of Dr. Oliver Goldsmith' Oliver W. Ferguson doi:10.2307/3727812 | Cite |
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421-422 | Review of Samuel Pickering Jr., The Moral Tradition in English Fiction, 1785-1850 K. J. Fielding doi:10.2307/3727813 | Cite |
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422-423 | Review of Mary Wollstonecraft, Carol H. Poston, Letters Written during a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark Patricia Meyer Spacks doi:10.2307/3727814 | Cite |
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423-425 | | Cite |
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425-426 | Review of Rodger L. Tarr, Thomas Carlyle, a Bibliography of English-Language Criticism 1824-1974 K. J. Fielding doi:10.2307/3727816 | Cite |
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426-427 | Review of Jane Dunn, Moon in Eclipse: A Life of Mary Shelley William St Clair doi:10.2307/3727817 | Cite |
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427-430 | Review of John Henry Newman, I. T. Ker, The Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated David J. DeLaura doi:10.2307/3727818 | Cite |
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430-431 | Review of Allan John Hartley, The Novels of Charles Kingsley: A Christian Social Interpretation Tom Winnifrith doi:10.2307/3727819 | Cite |
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431-434 | Review of Susan Phinney Conrad, Perish the Thought: Intellectual Women in Romantic America 1830-1860 Ellen Moers doi:10.2307/3727820 | Cite |
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434-435 | Review of David Meakin, Man and Work: Literature and Culture in an Industrial Society John Lucas doi:10.2307/3727821 | Cite |
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435-438 | Review of Donald Pizer, The Novels of Theodore Dreiser: A Critical Study Harold Beaver doi:10.2307/3727822 | Cite |
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438-439 | Review of Ann P. Brady, T. S. Eliot, Lyricism in the Poetry of T. S. Eliot Helen Gardner doi:10.2307/3727823 | Cite |
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440-441 | Review of John Fekete, The Critical Twilight: Explorations in the Ideology of Anglo-American Literary Theory from Eliot to McLuhan René Wellek doi:10.2307/3727824 | Cite |
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441-443 | | Cite |
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443-444 | Review of Liam O'Flaherty, A. A. Kelly, Liam O'Flaherty the Storyteller George O'Brien doi:10.2307/3727826 | Cite |
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444-445 | Review of Casey Miller, Kate Swift, Words and Women: New Language in New Times Patricia Meyer Spacks doi:10.2307/3727827 | Cite |
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445-446 | Review of H. T. Barnwell, A. H. Diverres, G. F. Evans, F. W. A. George, Vivienne Mylne, The Classical Tradition in French Literature: Essays Presented to R. C. Knight by Colleagues, Pupils and Friends Ian W. Alexander doi:10.2307/3727828 | Cite |
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446-448 | Review of Joseph J. Duggan, A Guide to Studies on the 'Chanson de Roland' Tony Hunt doi:10.2307/3727829 | Cite |
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448-450 | Review of Rupert T. Pickens, The Welsh Knight: Paradoxicality in Chrétien's 'Conte del Graal' Tony Hunt doi:10.2307/3727830 | Cite |
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450-451 | Review of Patrick Coogan Smith, Les Enchantemenz de Bretaigne; An Extract from a Thirteenth-Century Prose Romance 'La Suite du Merlin' B. Woledge doi:10.2307/3727831 | Cite |
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451-453 | | Cite |
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453-454 | Review of Pierre Boaistuau, Richard A. Carr, Histoires Tragiques Paul Chilton doi:10.2307/3727833 | Cite |
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454-455 | Review of Geoffrey Brereton, French Comic Drama from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century Christopher Gossip doi:10.2307/3727834 | Cite |
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455 | Review of Grahame Castor, Terence Cave, Ronsard: Odes, Hymns and Other Poems Peter Sharratt doi:10.2307/3727835 | Cite |
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456 | Review of Paul A. Chilton, Jean de La Ceppède, The Poetry of Jean de La Ceppède: A Study in Text and Context Terence Allott doi:10.2307/3727836 | Cite |
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457 | Review of James Sacré, Un sang maniériste: Étude structurale autour du mot "Sang" dans la poésie lyrique française de la fin du seizième siècle Terence Cave doi:10.2307/3727837 | Cite |
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458 | | Cite |
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458-461 | Review of Henri Lagrave, Le Théâtre et le Public à Paris de 1715 à 1750 Tom Lawrenson doi:10.2307/3727839 | Cite |
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461-462 | Review of Jean-François Marmontel, John Renwick, Jean-François Marmontel: Correspondance O. R. Taylor doi:10.2307/3727840 | Cite |
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463-464 | Review of Lilian R. Furst, Counterparts. The Dynamics of Franco-German Literary Relationships 1770-1895 A. W. Raitt doi:10.2307/3727842 | Cite |
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464-465 | Review of David H. T. Scott, Sonnet Theory and Practice in Nineteenth-Century France: Sonnets on the Sonnet Rachel Killick doi:10.2307/3727843 | Cite |
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465-466 | | Cite |
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466-467 | | Cite |
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467-469 | Review of Roger Lefèvre, Jacques Rivière: Rimbaud: Dossier 1905-25 Jennifer Birkett doi:10.2307/3727846 | Cite |
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469-470 | | Cite |
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470 | Review of Giovanni Falaschi, Progetto corporativo e autonomia dell'arte in Pietro Aretino Christopher Cairns doi:10.2307/3727848 | Cite |
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470-471 | Review of Paul F. Grendler, The Roman Inquisition and the Venetian Press, 1540-1605 J. R. Hale doi:10.2307/3727849 | Cite |
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472-473 | Review of Giovan Battista Marino, Giovanni Pozzi, L'Adone; Marzio Pieri, Per Marino Uberto Limentani doi:10.2307/3727850 | Cite |
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473-474 | Review of John Gatt-Rutter, Writers and Politics in Modern Italy Antonia Stott doi:10.2307/3727851 | Cite |
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474-476 | | Cite |
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476-477 | Review of Joan Arias, Guzmán de Alfarache: The Unrepentant Narrator C. A. Longhurst doi:10.2307/3727853 | Cite |
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477-478 | | Cite |
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478-479 | Review of John V. Bryans, Calderón de la Barca: Imagery, Rhetoric and Drama Cecilia Bainton doi:10.2307/3727855 | Cite |
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479-480 | Review of Geoffrey Ribbans, Pérez Galdós, 'Fortunata y Jacinta' Salvador Bacarisse doi:10.2307/3727856 | Cite |
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480-481 | Review of Vernon A. Chamberlin, Galdós and Beethoven: 'Fortunata y Jacinta', a Symphonic Novel Eamonn Rodgers doi:10.2307/3727857 | Cite |
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481-482 | | Cite |
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482-483 | Review of Jaime Alazraki, Versiones. Inversiones. Reversiones: El espejo como modelo estructural en los cuentos de Borges Steven Boldy doi:10.2307/3727859 | Cite |
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483-484 | Review of Roberto González Echevarría, Alejo Carpentier: The Pilgrim at Home Robert K. Britton doi:10.2307/3727860 | Cite |
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484-485 | Review of Helmut Rücker, Kurt Otto Seidel, 'Sagen mit Sinne': Festschrift für Marie-Luise Dittrich zum 65. Geburtstag D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727861 | Cite |
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486-487 | Review of Kurt Ruh, Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters: Verfasserlexikon Nigel F. Palmer doi:10.2307/3727863 | Cite |
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487-488 | Review of Harald Scholler, The Epic in Medieval Society: Aesthetic and Moral Values D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727864 | Cite |
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488-489 | Review of Uwe Stamer, Ebene Minne bei Walther von der Vogelweide: Studien zum gedanklichen Aufbau und zum Einfluß der Tradition D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727865 | Cite |
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489-490 | Review of Horst Brunner, Ulrich Müller, Franz Viktor Spechtler, Walther von der Vogelweide: Die gesamte Überlieferung der Texte und Melodien. Abbildungen, Materialien, Melodietranskriptionen Alan Robertshaw doi:10.2307/3727866 | Cite |
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490-492 | | Cite |
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493 | Review of Urs Herzog, Der deutsche Roman des 17. Jahrhunderts: Eine Einführung Joseph Leighton doi:10.2307/3727868 | Cite |
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493-494 | Review of Ute Schneider, Der moralische charakter: Ein Mittel aufklärerischer Menschendarstellung in den frühen deutschen Wochenschriften J. W. Smeed doi:10.2307/3727869 | Cite |
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495 | Review of Friedhelm Radandt, From Baroque to Storm and Stress 1720-1775 M. Kay Flavell doi:10.2307/3727870 | Cite |
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496 | | Cite |
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497 | | Cite |
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497-499 | | Cite |
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499-500 | Review of Edward McInnes, German Social Drama 1840-1900: From Hebbel to Hauptmann Ladislaus Löb doi:10.2307/3727874 | Cite |
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500-501 | Review of Friedrich A. Kittler, Der Traum und Die Rede: Eine Analyse der Kommunikationssituation Conrad Ferdinand Meyers Wes Williams doi:10.2307/3727875 | Cite |
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501-503 | Review of Ingrid Schuster, China und Japan in der deutschen Literatur 1890-1925 J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/3727876 | Cite |
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503 | Review of C. E. Williams, Writers and Politics in Modern Germany (1918-1945) Peter Hutchinson doi:10.2307/3727877 | Cite |
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504 | | Cite |
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504-505 | Review of Cegienas de Groot, Zeitgestaltung im Drama Max Frischs: Die Vergegenwärtigungstechnik in 'Santa Cruz', 'Die Chinesische Mauer' und 'Biografie' Claire Burke doi:10.2307/3727879 | Cite |
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505-506 | | Cite |
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506-507 | Review of Hans Wagener, Gegenwartsliteratur und Drittes Reich: Deutsche Autoren in der Auseinandersetzung mit der Vergangenheit Hugh Ridley doi:10.2307/3727881 | Cite |
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507-508 | Review of A. G. Cross, Russian Literature in the Age of Catherine the Great Arnold McMillin doi:10.2307/3727882 | Cite |
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508-510 | | Cite |
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510-511 | Review of James Forsyth, Listening to the Wind: An Introduction to Alexander Blok R. J. Keys doi:10.2307/3727884 | Cite |
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511-512 | Review of Ferdinand Neureiter, Geschichte der kaschubischen Literatur: Versuch einer zusammenfassenden Darstellung Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/3727885 | Cite |
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