721-740 | | Cite |
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741-747 | | Cite |
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748-754 | | Cite |
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755-766 | | Cite |
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767-785 | | Cite |
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786-798 | | Cite |
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799-824 | | Cite |
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825-834 | | Cite |
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835-846 | | Cite |
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847-858 | Toller and the Luddites: Fact and Symbol in "Die Maschinenstürmer" N. A. Furness doi:10.2307/3727598 | Cite |
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859-869 | | Cite |
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870 | Review of O. S. Pickering, The South English Nativity of Mary and Christ T. Turville-Petre doi:10.2307/3727600 | Cite |
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870-871 | Review of Joseph F. Tuso, Beowulf: The Donaldson Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism T. A. Shippey doi:10.2307/3727601 | Cite |
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871-874 | Review of Henry Ansgar Kelly, Love and Marriage in the Age of Chaucer R. T. Davies doi:10.2307/3727602 | Cite |
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874-875 | Review of Mark Lambert, Malory: Style and Vision in 'Le Morte Darthur' Derek Brewer doi:10.2307/3727603 | Cite |
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875-876 | | Cite |
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876-877 | Review of Judith Kegan Gardiner, Craftsmanship in Context: The Development of Ben Jonson's Poetry Ian Donaldson doi:10.2307/3727605 | Cite |
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877-879 | Review of Philip Clarence Dust, The 'Carmen Gratulans Adventu Serenissimi Principis Frederici Comitis Palatini ad Academiam Cantabrigiensem': An Edition with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary J. W. Binns doi:10.2307/3727606 | Cite |
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879-881 | Review of Melissa C. Wanamaker, Discordia Concors: The Wit of Metaphysical Poetry Donald M. Friedman doi:10.2307/3727607 | Cite |
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881-883 | Review of George Herbert, Helen Vendler, The Poetry of George Herbert Richard Douglas Jordan doi:10.2307/3727608 | Cite |
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883-884 | Review of Ann-Mari Hedbäck, Sir William Davenant, the Siege of Rhodes: A Critical Edition James Leach doi:10.2307/3727609 | Cite |
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884-885 | Review of Donald Greene, Samuel Johnson's Library: An Annotated Guide; Philip Pinkus, Swift's Vision of Evil C. J. Rawson doi:10.2307/3727610 | Cite |
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886-887 | Review of Joseph Anthony Wittreich, Jr., Angel of Apocalypse: Blake's Idea of Milton Joan Davies doi:10.2307/3727611 | Cite |
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887-891 | | Cite |
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892 | Review of John D. Jump, Byron: 'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage' and Other Romantic Poems Ian Donaldson doi:10.2307/3727613 | Cite |
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893-895 | Review of Merton M. Sealts, Jr., The Early Lives of Melville: Nineteenth-Century Biographical Sketches and Their Authors; Walter L. Reed, Meditations on the Hero: A Study of the Romantic Hero in Nineteenth-Century Fiction A. R. Humphreys doi:10.2307/3727614 | Cite |
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895-896 | Review of Norman Sherry, Joseph Conrad: A Commemoration. Papers from the 1974 International Conference on Conrad Valerie Shaw doi:10.2307/3727615 | Cite |
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896-899 | Review of John P. Frayne, Colton Johnson, W. B. Yeats, Uncollected Prose by W. B. Yeats. Volume II. Later Reviews, Articles and Other Miscellaneous Prose 1897-1939 Marjorie Perloff doi:10.2307/3727616 | Cite |
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900-901 | Review of A. Banerjee, Spirit above Wars: A Study of the English Poetry of the Two World Wars Paul Fussell doi:10.2307/3727617 | Cite |
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901-902 | Review of Matfre Ermengaud, Peter T. Ricketts, Le 'Breviari d'Amor'. Vol. V J. H. Marshall doi:10.2307/3727618 | Cite |
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902-903 | | Cite |
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903-904 | Review of Antoinette Knapton, Mythe et Psychologie chez Marie de France dans 'Guigemar' John P. Fox doi:10.2307/3727620 | Cite |
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904-906 | Review of Marie-Madeleine de la Garanderie, Christianisme et lettres profanes (1515-1535): Essai sur les mentalités des milieux intellectuels parisiens et sur la pensée de Guillaume Budé A. J. Krailsheimer doi:10.2307/3727621 | Cite |
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906 | Review of Brian Jeffery, Chanson Verse of the Early Renaissance. Volume II Dudley Wilson doi:10.2307/3727622 | Cite |
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907-908 | Review of Gabriel-A. Pérouse, Nouvelles françaises du XVIe siècle. Images de la vie du temps Alison Saunders doi:10.2307/3727623 | Cite |
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908-909 | | Cite |
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909-910 | Review of Claude K. Abraham, Jerome W. Schweitzer, Jacqueline Van Baelen, Tristan L'Hermite, Le Théâtre complet de Tristan L'Hermite Terence Allott doi:10.2307/3727625 | Cite |
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910-911 | Review of Walter E. Rex, Pascal's 'Provincial Letters': An Introduction A. J. Krailsheimer doi:10.2307/3727626 | Cite |
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911 | Review of Paolo Carile, Saint-Evremond, Le comte d'Etelan, La Comédie des Académistes E. T. Dubois doi:10.2307/3727627 | Cite |
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912-913 | Review of Ralph Albanese, Jr., Le Dynamisme de la peur chez Molière: une analyse socio-culturelle de 'Dom Juan', 'Tartuffe' et 'L'Ecole des Femmes' Peter H. Nurse doi:10.2307/3727628 | Cite |
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913-915 | Review of Karolyn Waterson, Molière et l'autorité. Structures sociales, structures comiques W. G. Moore doi:10.2307/3727629 | Cite |
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915-916 | Review of Jean Racine, R. C. Knight, H. T. Barnwell, Andromaque. Texte de l'édition originale Peter France doi:10.2307/3727630 | Cite |
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916 | | Cite |
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917-918 | | Cite |
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918-920 | Review of Irene Tieder, Michelet et Luther. Histoire d'une rencontre W. G. Moore doi:10.2307/3727633 | Cite |
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920 | Review of Peter Broome, Graham Chesters, The Appreciation of Modern French Poetry 1850-1950 Graham D. C. Martin doi:10.2307/3727634 | Cite |
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921 | Review of D. Hampton Morris, Stéphane Mallarmé: Twentieth-Century Criticism (1901-1971) Edward Kearns doi:10.2307/3727635 | Cite |
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922-923 | Review of Kester Adrian Branford, A Study of Jean-Jacques Bernard's 'Théâtre de l'Inexprimé' May Daniels doi:10.2307/3727636 | Cite |
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923 | | Cite |
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923-924 | Review of Jean-Carlo Flückiger, Au cœur du texte. Essai sur Blaise Cendrars Susan Horrex doi:10.2307/3727638 | Cite |
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924-925 | Review of Roger Cardinal, Sensibility and Creation: Studies in Twentieth-Century French Poetry Graham Chesters doi:10.2307/3727639 | Cite |
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925-926 | | Cite |
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926-927 | Review of T. K. Seung, Cultural Thematics: The Formation of the Faustian Ethos Peter Hainsworth doi:10.2307/3727641 | Cite |
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927-929 | | Cite |
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929 | Review of François J.-L. Mouret, Les Traducteurs anglais de Pétrarque, 1754-1798 R. D. S. Jack doi:10.2307/3727643 | Cite |
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930 | Review of Mark Phillips, Francesco Guicciardini: The Historian's Craft J. R. Hale doi:10.2307/3727644 | Cite |
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930-931 | | Cite |
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931-933 | Review of Walter F. W. Lohnes, Valters Nollendorfs, German Studies in the United States: Assessment and Outlook A. P. Foulkes doi:10.2307/3727646 | Cite |
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933-934 | Review of Joachim Schildt, Abriβ der Geschichte der deutschen Sprache: Zum Verhältnis von Gesellschafts- und Sprachgeschichte. Mit 10 Karten und 5 Abbildungen als Anhang Geoffrey Cubbin doi:10.2307/3727647 | Cite |
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934-937 | Review of Ulrich Ernst, Der Liber Evangeliorum Otfrids von Weissenburg: Literarästhetik und Verstechnik im Lichte der Tradition D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727648 | Cite |
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937-940 | Review of Dagmar Hirschberg, Untersuchungen zur Erzählstruktur von Wolframs 'Parzival': Die Funktion von erzählter Szene und Station für den doppelten Kursus D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727649 | Cite |
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940-942 | Review of Friederike Wiesmann-Wiedemann, Le Roman du 'Willehalm' de Wolfram d'Eschenbach et l'épopée d''Aliscans': Étude de la transformation de l'épopée en roman Carl Lofmark doi:10.2307/3727650 | Cite |
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942-945 | Review of Uwe Pörksen, Bernd Schirok, Der Bauplan von Wolframs 'Willehalm' D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727651 | Cite |
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945-946 | Review of Jürgen Schneider, Studien zur Thematik und Struktur der Lieder Neidharts: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Forschung. Neuansätze einer Interpretation der Liedaussagen unter literatur-soziologischen Aspekten David Blamires doi:10.2307/3727652 | Cite |
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946-948 | Review of Wolfgang Fleischer, Untersuchungen zur Palmbaumallegorie im Mittelalter F. P. Pickering doi:10.2307/3727653 | Cite |
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948-950 | Review of Wolfram Mauser, Dichtung, Religion und Gesellschaft im 17. Jahrhundert: Die 'Sonette' des Andreas Gryphius Joseph Leighton doi:10.2307/3727654 | Cite |
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950-951 | Review of Carel ter Haar, Joseph von Eichendorff: 'Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts'. Text, Materialien, Kommentar Anthony J. Harper doi:10.2307/3727655 | Cite |
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951-952 | Review of Hans von Brescius, Gerhart Hauptmann: Zeitgeschehen und Bewußtsein in unbekannten Selbstzeugnissen. Eine politisch-biographische Studie Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3727656 | Cite |
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953 | Review of Klaus Weissenberger, Zwischen Stein und Stern: Mystische Formgebung in der Dichtung von Else Lasker-Schüler, Nelly Sachs und Paul Celan H. R. Klieneberger doi:10.2307/3727657 | Cite |
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954 | Review of Dieter Kessler, Untersuchungen zur Konkreten Dichtung: Vorformen: Theorien: Texte John White doi:10.2307/3727658 | Cite |
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954-956 | Review of Liselotte Gumpel, 'Concrete' Poetry from East and West Germany: The Language of Exemplarism and Experimentalism David Blamires doi:10.2307/3727659 | Cite |
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956-957 | Review of Manfred Durzak, Gespräche über den Roman mit Joseph Breitbach, Elias Canetti, Heinrich Böll, Siegfried Lenz, Hermann Lenz, Wolfgang Hildesheimer, Peter Handke, Hans Erich Nossack, Uwe Johnson, Walter Höllerer: Formbestimmungen und Analysen John White doi:10.2307/3727660 | Cite |
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957-959 | | Cite |
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959-960 | | Cite |
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xxi-xxxiv | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1978: Literary Studies as Flight from Literature? Leonard Forster doi:10.2307/3727663 | Cite |
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xxxv-xxxvi | | Cite |
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