481-495 | | Cite |
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496-498 | | Cite |
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499-512 | | Cite |
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513-524 | Imagery versus Description: The Problematics of Representation in the Novels of Nathalie Sarraute Ann Jefferson doi:10.2307/3727277 | Cite |
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525-531 | | Cite |
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532-549 | | Cite |
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550-562 | Nelly Sachs and "Die Haargenaue Aufgabe": Observations on the Poem-Cycle "Fahrt ins Staublose" John Margetts doi:10.2307/3727280 | Cite |
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563-572 | | Cite |
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573-575 | Review of George Steiner, After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation James McFarlane doi:10.2307/3727282 | Cite |
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575-577 | Review of James H. Stam, Inquiries into the Origin of Language: The Fate of a Question Colin MacCabe doi:10.2307/3727283 | Cite |
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577 | Review of Manfred Geier, Manfred Kohrt, Christoph Küper, Franz Marschallek, Sprache als Struktur: Eine kritische Einführung in Aspekte und Probleme der generativen Transformationsgrammatik Martin Durrell doi:10.2307/3727284 | Cite |
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577-578 | | Cite |
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578-579 | Review of Jackson I. Cope, The Theater and the Dream: From Metaphor to Form in Renaissance Drama Arthur Kirsch doi:10.2307/3727286 | Cite |
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579-580 | Review of Theodore Ziolkowski, Disenchanted Images: A Literary Iconology Richard Luckett doi:10.2307/3727287 | Cite |
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580-582 | | Cite |
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582-585 | | Cite |
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585-586 | | Cite |
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586-587 | Review of D. R. Beeton, Helen Dorner, A Dictionary of English Usage in Southern Africa C. O. Gardner doi:10.2307/3727291 | Cite |
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588-591 | Review of M. A. Shaaber, Check-List of Works of British Authors Printed Abroad, in Languages Other than English, to 1641 A. F. Allison doi:10.2307/3727292 | Cite |
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591-592 | Review of Fredson Bowers, Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing Peter Davison doi:10.2307/3727293 | Cite |
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592-595 | | Cite |
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595-596 | Review of Michael J. Preston, A Concordance to the Middle English Shorter Poem R. T. Davies doi:10.2307/3727295 | Cite |
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596-598 | Review of William Kupersmith, From Chaucer to Gibbon: Essays in Memory of Curt A. Zimansky John D. Jump doi:10.2307/3727296 | Cite |
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598-600 | Review of William L. Wallace, George Gascoigne's 'The Steele Glas' and 'The Complainte of Phylomene': A Critical Edition with an Introduction Joan Grundy doi:10.2307/3727297 | Cite |
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600-601 | Review of Charles Dale Cannon, A Warning for Fair Women: A Critical Edition M. L. Wine doi:10.2307/3727298 | Cite |
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601-602 | Review of Derick R. C. Marsh, Passion Lends Them Power: A Study of Shakespeare's Love Tragedies Kenneth Muir doi:10.2307/3727299 | Cite |
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602-604 | Review of A. E. Dyson, Julian Lovelock, Masterful Images: English Poetry from Metaphysicals to Romantics Allan Rodway doi:10.2307/3727300 | Cite |
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604-606 | | Cite |
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606-608 | Review of John J. Richetti, Defoe's Narratives: Situations and Structures Maximillian E. Novak doi:10.2307/3727302 | Cite |
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608-609 | | Cite |
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609-610 | Review of Paul-Gabriel Boucé, Antonia White, The Novels of Tobias Smollett Ian Campbell Ross doi:10.2307/3727304 | Cite |
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610-613 | Review of Fanny Burney, Joyce Hemlow, George G. Falle, Althea Douglas, Jill A. Bourdais de Charbonnière, The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney. Volume V: West Humble and Paris 1801-1803 Patricia Meyer Spacks doi:10.2307/3727305 | Cite |
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613-614 | | Cite |
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615-616 | Review of Mary Jacobus, Tradition and Experiment in Wordsworth's 'Lyrical Ballards' (1798) Jerome J. McGann doi:10.2307/3727307 | Cite |
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616-617 | Review of E. S. Shaffer, 'Kubla Khan' and 'The Fall of Jerusalem': The Mythological School in Biblical Criticism and Secular Literature, 1770-1880 Stephen Prickett doi:10.2307/3727308 | Cite |
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618-619 | Review of E. B. Lyle, Andrew Crawfurd's Collection of Ballads and Songs. Volume I D. S. Hewitt doi:10.2307/3727309 | Cite |
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620-621 | Review of Blake Nevius, Cooper's Landscapes: An Essay on the Picturesque Vision David Irwin doi:10.2307/3727310 | Cite |
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621-623 | Review of K. J. Fielding, Rodger L. Tarr, Carlyle Past and Present Sylvère Monod doi:10.2307/3727311 | Cite |
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623-624 | Review of John K. Mathison, Richard L. Hillier, The German Sections of 'Vanity Fair' and Other Studies Tom Winnifrith doi:10.2307/3727312 | Cite |
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624 | Review of Lawrence Jay Dessner, The Homely Web of Truth: A Study of Charlotte Brontë's Novels Tom Winnifrith doi:10.2307/3727313 | Cite |
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625-626 | Review of Ian Adam, This Particular Web: Essays on 'Middlemarch' William Myers doi:10.2307/3727314 | Cite |
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626-628 | Review of J. T. Laird, The Shaping of 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' Shelagh Hunter doi:10.2307/3727315 | Cite |
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628-630 | | Cite |
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630-631 | Review of Ingrid Hantsch, Semiotik des Erzählens: Studien zum satirischen Roman des 20. Jahrhunderts H. Foltinek doi:10.2307/3727317 | Cite |
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631-632 | | Cite |
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632-633 | Review of Harcourt Brown, Science and the Human Comedy: Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis E. T. Dubois doi:10.2307/3727319 | Cite |
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634 | Review of Prudence Mary O'Hara Tobin, Les Lais anonymes des XIIe et XIIIe siècles A. H. Diverres doi:10.2307/3727320 | Cite |
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635-636 | Review of Ulrich Gschwind, Le Roman de Flamenca. Nouvelle occitane du 13e siècle W. M. Hackett doi:10.2307/3727321 | Cite |
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636-637 | Review of Terence Scully, 'Le Court d'Amours' de Mahieu le Poirier et la 'Suite Anonyme de la "Court d'Amours'" A. R. Press doi:10.2307/3727322 | Cite |
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637 | Review of Ian J. Winter, Montaigne's Self-Portrait and Its Influence in France, 1580-1630 Margaret M. McGowan doi:10.2307/3727323 | Cite |
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637-639 | | Cite |
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639-642 | Review of Merle L. Perkins, Jean-Jacques Rousseau on the Individual and Society Felicity Baker doi:10.2307/3727325 | Cite |
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642-643 | Review of Jacques Marx, Charles Bonnet contre les Lumières: 1738-1850 Barbara Saunderson doi:10.2307/3727326 | Cite |
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643-645 | Review of Eve Sourian, Madame de Staël et Henri Heine: Les deux Allemagnes Joanna Kitchin doi:10.2307/3727327 | Cite |
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645-646 | Review of Susan Nash, 'Les Contemplations' of Victor Hugo: An Allegory of the Creative Process W. J. S. Kiston doi:10.2307/3727328 | Cite |
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646 | Review of Michael Issacharoff, Langages de Flaubert: Actes du Colloque de London (Canada), 1973 David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3727329 | Cite |
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647 | Review of A. E. Pilkington, Bergson and His Influence: A Reassessment John Cruickshank doi:10.2307/3727330 | Cite |
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647-648 | Review of Karin Nordenhaug Ciholas, Gide's Art of the Fugue: A Thematic Study of 'Les Faux-Monnayeurs' Dennis Fletcher doi:10.2307/3727331 | Cite |
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648-650 | | Cite |
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650-651 | | Cite |
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651-652 | Review of Marguerite Bonnet, André Breton: Naissance de l'aventure surréaliste Michael Sheringham doi:10.2307/3727334 | Cite |
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652-653 | Review of Philippe Carrard, Malraux ou le récit hybride: Essai sur les techniques narratives dans 'L'Espoir' David Gascoigne doi:10.2307/3727335 | Cite |
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653-654 | Review of Paul A. Fortier, Une lecture de Camus: La valeur des éléments descriptifs dans l'œuvre romanesque Peter Dunwoodie doi:10.2307/3727336 | Cite |
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654-655 | | Cite |
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655-656 | | Cite |
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656-657 | Review of Giose Rimanelli, Kenneth John Atchity, Italian Literature: Roots and Branches. Essays in Honor of Thomas Goddard Bergin Mark Davie doi:10.2307/3727339 | Cite |
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657-658 | Review of Aldo Scaglione, Francis Petrarch, Six Centuries Later. A Symposium Peter Hainsworth doi:10.2307/3727340 | Cite |
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658-660 | Review of Marsilio Ficino, Michael Allen, The Philebus Commentary A. H. T. Levi doi:10.2307/3727341 | Cite |
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660 | | Cite |
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660-661 | Review of Giovanni Getto, La composizione dei 'Sepolcri' di Ugo Foscolo T. O'Neill doi:10.2307/3727343 | Cite |
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661-662 | Review of Roberto Vighi, Belli italiano. Le poesie anteriori al periodo romanesco. Le poesie del periodo romanesco. Le poesie posteriori al periodo romanesco Barbara Garvin doi:10.2307/3727344 | Cite |
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662-663 | Review of Olga Ragusa, Narrative and Drama: Essays in Modern Italian Literature from Verga to Pasolini John Gatt-Rutter doi:10.2307/3727345 | Cite |
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663-664 | Review of Giuseppe Antonio Camerino, Italo Svevo e la crisi della Mitteleuropa Brian Moloney doi:10.2307/3727346 | Cite |
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664-665 | Review of Antonio Illiano, Introduzione alla critica pirandelliana Olga Ragusa doi:10.2307/3727347 | Cite |
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665-666 | Review of Edward M. Wilson, Entre las jarchas y Cernuda: Constantes y variables en la poesía española Colin Smith doi:10.2307/3727348 | Cite |
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666-668 | Review of Miguel Magnotta, Historia y bibliografía de la crítica sobre el 'Poema de Mío Cid' (1750-1971) Roger M. Walker doi:10.2307/3727349 | Cite |
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668-669 | Review of Alicia C. de Ferraresi, De amor y poesía en la España medieval: Prólogo a Juan Ruiz Elizabeth Drayson doi:10.2307/3727350 | Cite |
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669-670 | Review of Cristóbal de Tamariz, Donald McGrady, Novelas en verso Frank Pierce doi:10.2307/3727351 | Cite |
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670-671 | Review of Ciriaco Morón Arroyo, Nuevas meditaciones del 'Quijote' Paul J. Donnelly doi:10.2307/3727352 | Cite |
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671-672 | Review of Giovanni Sinicropi, Saggio sulle 'Soledades' di Góngora Pamela Waley doi:10.2307/3727353 | Cite |
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672-675 | Review of Frederick de Armas, The Invisible Mistress. Aspects of Feminism and Fantasy in the Golden Age Melveena McKendrick doi:10.2307/3727354 | Cite |
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676-678 | Review of Henry W. Sullivan, Tirso de Molina and the Drama of the Counter Reformation Nigel Griffin doi:10.2307/3727355 | Cite |
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678-679 | Review of Christopher Cobb, Miguel de Unamuno: Artículos olvidados sobre España y la primera guerra mundial Donald L. Shaw doi:10.2307/3727356 | Cite |
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680-681 | Review of Alison Sinclair, Valle-Inclán's 'Ruedo Ibérico': A Popular View of Revolution Gordon Minter doi:10.2307/3727357 | Cite |
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681-682 | | Cite |
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682-685 | Review of Daniel Eisenberg, Poeta en Nueva York: historia y problemas de un texto de Lorca Jacqueline Minett de Millán doi:10.2307/3727359 | Cite |
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685 | | Cite |
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686 | Review of Andrew P. Debicki, Poetas hispanoamericanos contemporáneos: Punto de vista, perspectiva, experiencia Gordon Brotherston doi:10.2307/3727361 | Cite |
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687-688 | | Cite |
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688-690 | Review of Siegfried Gutenbrunner, Von Hildebrand und Hadubrand: Lied: Sage: Mythos D. R. McLintock doi:10.2307/3727363 | Cite |
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690-691 | Review of J. Sidney Groseclose, Brian O. Murdoch, Die althochdeutschen poetischen Denkmäler D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727364 | Cite |
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691-692 | Review of Nikolaus Henkel, Studien zum Physiologus im Mittelalter D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727365 | Cite |
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692-693 | Review of Joachim Bumke, Ministerialität und Ritterdichtung: Umrisse der Forschung D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727366 | Cite |
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693-694 | Review of Ulrich Knoop, Das mittelhochdeutsche Tagelied: Inhaltsanalyse und literarhistorische Untersuchungen Olive Sayce doi:10.2307/3727367 | Cite |
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694-695 | Review of Friedrich Ohly, Der Verfluchte und der Erwählte: Vom Leben mit der Schuld Hinrich Siefken doi:10.2307/3727368 | Cite |
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695-696 | Review of Inge Leipold, Die Auftraggeber und Gönner Konrads von Würzburg: Versuch einer Theorie der 'Literatur als soziales Handeln' D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3727369 | Cite |
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696-697 | Review of Ursula Hess, Heinrich Steinhöwels 'Griseldis': Studien zur Text- und Überlieferungsgeschichte einer frühhumanistischen Prosanovelle David Blamires doi:10.2307/3727370 | Cite |
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697-698 | | Cite |
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698-701 | Review of Horst Gronemeyer, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock: Werke und Briefe. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe H. T. Betteridge doi:10.2307/3727372 | Cite |
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701-702 | Review of Ludwig Tieck, Gerald Gillespie, Der gestiefelte Kater James Trainer doi:10.2307/3727373 | Cite |
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702-704 | Review of David G. Richards, Georg Büchner and the Birth of the Modern Drama Margaret Jacobs doi:10.2307/3727374 | Cite |
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704 | Review of Karl-Ernst Laage, Theodor Storm: Erich Schmidt, Briefwechsel: Brand II, 1880-1888 W. A. Coupe doi:10.2307/3727375 | Cite |
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704-706 | Review of A. R. Robinson, Theodor Fontane: An Introduction to the Man and His Work H. B. Garland doi:10.2307/3727376 | Cite |
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706 | | Cite |
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707-710 | Review of Claude Hill, Bertolt Brecht; Otto Keller, Brecht und der moderne Roman: Auseinandersetzung Brechts mit den Strukturen der Romane Döblins und Kafkas Arrigo Subiotto doi:10.2307/3727378 | Cite |
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710-711 | | Cite |
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711-712 | Review of John M. Spalek, Joseph Strelka, Sandra H. Hawrylchak, Deutsche Exilliteratur seit 1933: Band I. Kalifornien John White doi:10.2307/3727380 | Cite |
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712-713 | Review of Liselotte Voss, Die Entstehung von Thomas Manns Roman 'Doktor Faustus'. Dargestellt anhand von unveröffentlichten Vorarbeiten T. J. Reed doi:10.2307/3727381 | Cite |
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713-715 | Review of Einar Haugen, The Scandinavian Languages: An Introduction to Their History D. M. Mennie doi:10.2307/3727382 | Cite |
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715-716 | Review of Frederick J. Marker, Lise-Lone Marker, The Scandinavian Theatre: A Short History David Thomas doi:10.2307/3727383 | Cite |
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716-717 | Review of John M. Weinstock, Robert T. Rovinsky, The Hero in Scandinavian Literature W. Glyn Jones doi:10.2307/3727384 | Cite |
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717-718 | Review of William Mills, The Familiar Letter as a Literary Genre in the Age of Pushkin D. J. Richards doi:10.2307/3727385 | Cite |
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718-720 | Review of Arnold B. McMillin, Die Literatur der Weissrussen. A History of Byelorussian Literature: From Its Origins to the Present Day Shirin Akiner doi:10.2307/3727386 | Cite |
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