241-255 | | Cite |
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256-271 | Disintegration of Time in Macbeth's Soliloquy "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" Horst Breuer doi:10.2307/3724780 | Cite |
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272-281 | | Cite |
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282-293 | | Cite |
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294-303 | A Critical Stage in the Evolution of Maupassant's Story-Telling Matthew MacNamara doi:10.2307/3724783 | Cite |
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304-314 | Compromise and Commitment in Luís de Sttau Monteiro's "Felizmente Há Luar!' John Macklin doi:10.2307/3724784 | Cite |
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315-326 | | Cite |
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327-329 | | Cite |
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330-343 | | Cite |
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344-356 | | Cite |
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357-358 | | Cite |
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358-360 | | Cite |
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361-362 | Review of Stefan Ettinger, Form und Funktion in der Wortbildung: Die Diminutiv- und Augmentativmodifikation im Lateinischen, Deutschen und Romanischen: Ein kritischer Forschungsbericht 1900-1970 John Green doi:10.2307/3724791 | Cite |
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363 | Review of Vittore Pisani, Indogermanisch und Europa; Jiří Krámský, The Phoneme: Introduction to the History and Theories of a Concept G. Newton doi:10.2307/3724792 | Cite |
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363-365 | Review of E. J. Kenney, The Classical Text: Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book C. Grayson doi:10.2307/3724793 | Cite |
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365-367 | Review of Derek Pearsall, Elizabeth Salter, Landscapes and Seasons of the Medieval World D. J. A. Ross doi:10.2307/3724794 | Cite |
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367-368 | Review of John M. Steadman, The Lamb and the Elephant: Ideal Imitation and the Context of Renaissance Allegory Hannah Buchan doi:10.2307/3724795 | Cite |
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368-369 | Review of I. Higgins, Literature and the Plastic Arts 1880-1930: Seven Essays Colin Thompson doi:10.2307/3724796 | Cite |
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369-370 | Review of David Lodge, Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism: A Reader Allan Rodway doi:10.2307/3724797 | Cite |
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370-372 | | Cite |
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372-373 | Review of William Provost, The Structure of Chaucer's 'Troilus and Criseyde' Stanley Hussey doi:10.2307/3724799 | Cite |
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373-374 | Review of Stephen J. Greenblatt, Sir Walter Ralegh: The Renaissance Man and His Roles Joel Hurstfield doi:10.2307/3724800 | Cite |
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375-376 | Review of G. R. Hibbard, The Elizabethan Theatre, IV. Papers Given at the Fourth International Conference on Elizabethan Theatre Held at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, in July 1972 Leo Salingar doi:10.2307/3724801 | Cite |
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376-377 | Review of Janet Adelman, The Common Liar: An Essay on 'Antony and Cleopatra' E. H. Jones doi:10.2307/3724802 | Cite |
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377-378 | | Cite |
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379-380 | Review of Edward Pechter, Dryden's Classical Theory of Literature William Myers doi:10.2307/3724804 | Cite |
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380-382 | Review of R. F. Brissenden, Virtue in Distress: Studies in the Novel of Sentiment from Richardson to Sade Michael Bell doi:10.2307/3724805 | Cite |
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382-383 | | Cite |
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384-385 | | Cite |
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385-387 | | Cite |
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387-390 | Review of Richard A. Hocks, Henry James and Pragmatistic Thought: A Study in the Relationship between the Philosophy of William James and the Literary Art of Henry James Alan W. Bellringer doi:10.2307/3724809 | Cite |
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390-391 | Review of Meryle Secrest, Between Me and Life: A Biography of Romaine Brooks Gay Clifford doi:10.2307/3724810 | Cite |
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391-393 | | Cite |
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393-394 | Review of Calvin Bedient, Eight Contemporary Poets: Charles Tomlinson, Donald Davie, R. S. Thomas, Philip Larkin, Ted Hughes, Thomas Kinsella, Stevie Smith, W. S. Graham Allan Rodway doi:10.2307/3724812 | Cite |
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394-395 | Review of , Littérature et société: Recueil d'études en l'honneur de Bernard Guyon D. R. Haggis doi:10.2307/3724813 | Cite |
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395-397 | Review of Ralph de Gorog, Lexique français moderne: ancien français William Rothwell doi:10.2307/3724814 | Cite |
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397-398 | | Cite |
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398-399 | Review of Volker Roloff, Reden und Schweigen: Zur Tradition und Gestaltung eines mittelalterlichen Themas in der französischen Literatur Tony Hunt doi:10.2307/3724816 | Cite |
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399-400 | Review of Raymond J. Cormier, One Heart One Mind: The Rebirth of Virgil's Hero in Medieval French Romance J. H. Marshall doi:10.2307/3724817 | Cite |
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400-401 | Review of J. Neale Carman, A Study of the Pseudo-Map Cycle of Arthurian Romance D. D. R. Owen doi:10.2307/3724818 | Cite |
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401-402 | Review of Georges Lavis, L'Expression de l'affectivité dans la poésie lyrique française du moyen âge (XIIe-XIIIe siècles) A. R. Press doi:10.2307/3724819 | Cite |
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402-403 | | Cite |
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403 | | Cite |
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404 | Review of Estienne Jodelle, Victor E. Graham, W. McAllister Johnson, Le Recueil des inscriptions Margaret M. McGowan doi:10.2307/3724822 | Cite |
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405 | Review of Alan M. Boase, The Poetry of France: Volume II, 1600-1800 Margaret M. McGowan doi:10.2307/3724823 | Cite |
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406-407 | Review of Molière, Micheline Cuénin, Les Précieuses ridicules Ronald W. Tobin doi:10.2307/3724824 | Cite |
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407-409 | | Cite |
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409-411 | Review of W. D. Howarth, Merlin Thomas, Molière: Stage and Study: Essays in Honour of W. G. Moore H. T. Barnwell doi:10.2307/3724826 | Cite |
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411-412 | | Cite |
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412-413 | Review of Barbara R. Woshinsky, La Princesse de Clèves: The Tension of Elegance J. W. Scott doi:10.2307/3724828 | Cite |
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413-414 | Review of Katharine Whitman Carson, Aspects of Contemporary Society in 'Gil Blas' John Dunkley doi:10.2307/3724829 | Cite |
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414-415 | Review of Theodore Besterman, Some Eighteenth-Century Voltaire Editions Unknown to Bengesco A. W. Fairbairn doi:10.2307/3724830 | Cite |
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415-416 | Review of Paul L. Le Clerc, Voltaire and Crébillon père: History of an Enmity R. Niklaus doi:10.2307/3724831 | Cite |
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416 | | Cite |
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417 | Review of Monique Wagner, Molière and the Age of Enlightenment James S. Munro doi:10.2307/3724833 | Cite |
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417-418 | | Cite |
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418-419 | Review of Christie McDonald Vance, The Extravagant Shepherd: A Study of the Pastoral Vision in Rousseau's 'Nouvelle Héloïse' Peter Jimack doi:10.2307/3724835 | Cite |
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419-420 | Review of Ephraïm Harpaz, Benjamin Constant et Goyet de la Sarthe: Correspondance 1818-1822 Norman King doi:10.2307/3724836 | Cite |
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420-421 | | Cite |
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421-422 | Review of Fritz Peter Kirsch, Probleme der Romanstruktur bei Victor Hugo Henry Prais doi:10.2307/3724838 | Cite |
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422-423 | Review of Théophile Gautier, Madeleine Cottin, Voyage pittoresque en Algérie I. J. Driscoll doi:10.2307/3724839 | Cite |
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423-424 | Review of Jacques Geninasca, Les Chimères de Nerval: discours critique et discours poétique Norma Rinsler doi:10.2307/3724840 | Cite |
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424-425 | | Cite |
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425-426 | Review of E. M. Beaumont, J. M. Cocking, J. Cruickshank, Order and Adventure in Post-Romantic French Poetry: Essays Presented to C. A. Hackett Francis Scarfe doi:10.2307/3724842 | Cite |
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426-428 | Review of Mary Ann Caws, The Inner Theatre of Recent French Poetry: Cendrars, Tzara, Péret, Artaud, Bonnefoy Roger Cardinal doi:10.2307/3724843 | Cite |
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428 | Review of Malcolm Bowie, Henri Michaux: A Study of His Literary Works Peter Broome doi:10.2307/3724844 | Cite |
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429-430 | | Cite |
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430-431 | Review of Nicholas Kostis, The Exorcism of Sex and Death in Julien Green's Novels Cedric May doi:10.2307/3724846 | Cite |
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431-432 | | Cite |
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432 | Review of Cynthia Haft, The Theme of Nazi Concentration Camps in French Literature James King doi:10.2307/3724848 | Cite |
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432-433 | Review of Dorothy Pickles, The Government and Politics of France. Vol. II: Politics R. E. M. Irving doi:10.2307/3724849 | Cite |
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433-434 | | Cite |
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434-435 | | Cite |
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435-436 | Review of André Rochon, Les Écrivains et le Pouvoir en Italie a l'époque de la Renaissance Christopher Cairns doi:10.2307/3724852 | Cite |
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436-437 | Review of Peter M. Brown, Lionardo Salviati: A Critical Biography Paul F. Grendler doi:10.2307/3724853 | Cite |
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438 | Review of Menotti Ciardo, Le 'Operette morali' di Giacomo Leopardi Giovanni Carsaniga doi:10.2307/3724854 | Cite |
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438-439 | Review of Bruno Maier, Lettere a Italo Svevo: Diario di Elio Schmitz Brian Moloney doi:10.2307/3724855 | Cite |
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439-441 | | Cite |
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441 | | Cite |
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442 | Review of Don Juan Manuel, R. B. Tate, I. R. Macpherson, Libro de los estados Derek W. Lomax doi:10.2307/3724858 | Cite |
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443-444 | Review of Gregorio Gonçález, Hazel Genéreux Carrasco, El Guitón Honofre (1604) Paul J. Donnelly doi:10.2307/3724859 | Cite |
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444-445 | Review of Margarete Newels, Amadeo Solé-Leris, Los géneros dramáticos en las poéticas del Siglo de Oro: Investigación preliminar al estudio de la teoría dramática en el Siglo de Oro Nigel Griffin doi:10.2307/3724860 | Cite |
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445-447 | Review of Lope de Vega, Arnold G. Reichenberger, Augusta Espantoso Foley, El primero Benavides N. D. Shergold doi:10.2307/3724861 | Cite |
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447-448 | Review of Melveena McKendrick, Woman and Society in the Spanish Drama of the Golden Age: A Study of the 'Mujer Varonil' Daniel Rogers doi:10.2307/3724862 | Cite |
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448-449 | Review of Julio Matas, Contra el honor: Las novelas normativas de Ramón Pérez de Ayala John Macklin doi:10.2307/3724863 | Cite |
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449-450 | | Cite |
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450-451 | Review of Vincent J. Günther, Helmut Koopmann, Peter Pütz, Hans J. Schrimpf, Untersuchungen zur Literatur als Geschichte: Festschrift für Benno von Wiese Roy Pascal doi:10.2307/3724865 | Cite |
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452-453 | | Cite |
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453 | | Cite |
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453-455 | Review of Ulrich Müller, Politische Lyrik des deutschen Mittelalters: Texte I: Von Friedrich II. bis Ludwig dem Bayern; Ulrich Müller, Untersuchungen zur politischen Lyrik des deutschen Mittelalters D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3724868 | Cite |
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455-456 | Review of Dietmar Wenzelburger, Motivation und Menschenbild der Eneide Heinrichs von Veldeke als Ausdruck der geschichtlichen Kräfte ihrer Zeit D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3724869 | Cite |
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456-457 | Review of Derk Ohlenroth, Sprechsituation und Sprecheridentität: Eine Untersuchung zum Verhältnis von Sprache und Realität im frühen deutschen Minnesang D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3724870 | Cite |
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457-459 | Review of Kurt Ruh, Werner Schröder, Beiträge zur weltlichen und geistlichen Lyrik des 13. bis 15. Jahrhunderts: Würzburger Colloquium 1970 David Blamires doi:10.2307/3724871 | Cite |
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459 | Review of Marie Theres Nölle, Formen der Darstellung in Hartmanns 'Iwein' D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3724872 | Cite |
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460 | Review of Jürgen Vorderstemann, Die Fremdwörter im 'Willehalm' Wolframs von Eschenbach Frank Shaw doi:10.2307/3724873 | Cite |
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460-461 | Review of Gabriele von Malsen-Tilborch, Repräsentation und Reduktion: Strukturen späthöfischen Erzählens bei Berthold von Holle David Blamires doi:10.2307/3724874 | Cite |
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461-463 | Review of Wolfgang Brückner, Volkserzählung und Reformation: Ein Handbuch zur Tradierung und Funktion von Erzählstoffen und Erzählliteratur im Protestantismus F. P. Pickering doi:10.2307/3724875 | Cite |
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463-464 | Review of Karl-Heinz Mulagk, Phänomene des politischen Menschen im 17. Jahrhundert: Propädeutische Studien zum Werk Lohensteins unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Diego Saavedra Fajardos und Baltasar Graciáns Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3724876 | Cite |
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464-465 | Review of Horst Gronemeyer, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock: Werke und Briefe. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe; Gerhard Burkhardt, Heinz Nicolai, Abteilung Addenda, I: Klopstock-Bibliographie H. T. Betteridge doi:10.2307/3724877 | Cite |
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465-466 | Review of Jörg-Ulrich Fechner, Klopstocks Oden und Elegien. Faksimiledruck der bei Johann Georg Wittich in Darmstadt 1771 erschienenen Ausgabe Roger Paulin doi:10.2307/3724878 | Cite |
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466-467 | Review of Claus Süssenberger, Rousseau im Urteil der deutschen Publizistik bis zum Ende der Französischen Revolution: Ein Beitrag zur Rezeptionsgeschichte M. Kay Flavell doi:10.2307/3724879 | Cite |
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467-468 | | Cite |
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468-469 | Review of Ilse Graham, Klaus Börner, Schiller, ein Meister der tragischen Form: Die Theorie in der Praxis John Hibberd doi:10.2307/3724881 | Cite |
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469-470 | Review of Heinz Ritter, Novalis' Hymnen an die Nacht: Ihre Deutung nach Inhalt und Aufbau auf textkritischer Grundlage: Ihre Entstehung Elisabeth Stopp doi:10.2307/3724882 | Cite |
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470-472 | Review of Rosemarie Hellge, Motive und Motivstrukturen bei Ludwig Tieck Roger Paulin doi:10.2307/3724883 | Cite |
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472-473 | Review of Christian Grawe, Sprache im Prosawerk: Beispiele von Goethe, Fontane, Thomas Mann, Bergengruen, Kleist und Johnson D. G. Little doi:10.2307/3724884 | Cite |
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474-475 | Review of Klaus Matthias, Heinrich Mann 1871/1971: Bestandsaufnahme und Untersuchung: Ergebnisse der Heinrich-Mann-Tagung in Lübeck John White doi:10.2307/3724886 | Cite |
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475-476 | Review of Paul Raabe, J. M. Ritchie, The Era of German Expressionism R. S. Furness doi:10.2307/3724887 | Cite |
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476-477 | Review of Wolf R. Marchand, Joseph Roth und völkisch-nationalistische Wertbegriffe: Untersuchungen zur politisch-weltanschaulichen Entwicklung Roths und ihrer Auswirkung auf sein Werk David Mostyn Robins doi:10.2307/3724888 | Cite |
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477-478 | Review of James Henderson Reid, Heinrich Böll: Withdrawal and Re-Emergence Anne White doi:10.2307/3724889 | Cite |
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478-479 | Review of R. Hinton Thomas, Keith Bullivant, Literature in Upheaval: West German Writers and the Challenge of the 1960s Anne White doi:10.2307/3724890 | Cite |
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479-480 | Review of L. P. Krysin, ρyccκuŭ язьικ no ∂aΗΗьιΜ Μaccoϐoƨo oбcπe∂oϐaΗuя Gerald Stone doi:10.2307/3724891 | Cite |
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