721-730 | | Cite |
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731-742 | Problems in Victorian Biography: The DNB and the DNB "Walter Pater" Laurel Brake doi:10.2307/3725628 | Cite |
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743-751 | | Cite |
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752-759 | | Cite |
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760-763 | | Cite |
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764-785 | | Cite |
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786-794 | | Cite |
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795-807 | | Cite |
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808-819 | | Cite |
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820-829 | | Cite |
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830-838 | | Cite |
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839-840 | Review of Walter S. Achert, 1971 MLA Abstracts of Articles in Scholarly Journals G. Bullough doi:10.2307/3725638 | Cite |
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840-841 | | Cite |
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841-842 | Review of S. S. Prawer, Comparative Literary Studies: An Introduction Henry Gifford doi:10.2307/3725640 | Cite |
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842-843 | | Cite |
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843-845 | Review of Claude Luttrell, The Creation of the First Arthurian Romance: A Quest Derek Pearsall doi:10.2307/3725642 | Cite |
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845-846 | Review of Peter Gay, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Presented to Arthur M. Wilson Arthur Johnston doi:10.2307/3725643 | Cite |
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846-848 | | Cite |
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849-851 | Review of St. Thomas More, Mary Edith Willow, An Analysis of the English Poems of St. Thomas More Leland Miles doi:10.2307/3725645 | Cite |
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851-853 | Review of St. Thomas More, Louis A. Schuster, Richard C. Marius, James P. Lusardi, Richard J. Schoeck, The Complete Works of St. Thomas More. Volume 8: The Confutation of Tyndale's Answer Leland Miles doi:10.2307/3725646 | Cite |
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854-855 | Review of Kenneth Muir, Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production: No. 2 John Russell Brown doi:10.2307/3725647 | Cite |
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855-856 | Review of Marion Monaco, Shakespeare on the French Stage in the Eighteenth Century Haydn Mason doi:10.2307/3725648 | Cite |
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856-857 | Review of John Barclay, David A. Fleming, Euphormionis Lusinini Satyricon (Euphormio's Satyricon) 1605-1607 J. W. Binns doi:10.2307/3725649 | Cite |
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857-858 | Review of Graham Greene, Lord Rochester's Monkey: Being the Life of John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester Gillian Avery doi:10.2307/3725650 | Cite |
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858-859 | | Cite |
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860 | Review of Clarence Tracy, The Rape Observ'd: An Edition of Alexander Pope's Poem 'The Rape of the Lock'. Illustrated by Means of Numerous Pictures from Contemporary Sources, of the People, Places, and Things Mentioned Pat Rogers doi:10.2307/3725652 | Cite |
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860-861 | Review of Jerome Hamilton Buckley, Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding David Lodge doi:10.2307/3725653 | Cite |
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862-864 | Review of Arthur Hugh Clough, F. L. Mulhauser, Jane Turner, The Poems of Arthur Hugh Clough J. C. Maxwell doi:10.2307/3725654 | Cite |
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864-866 | Review of Andrew Carpenter, My Uncle John: Edward Stephens's Life of J. M. Synge T. R. Henn doi:10.2307/3725655 | Cite |
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866-867 | Review of James Stephens, Richard J. Finneran, Letters of James Stephens: With An Appendix Listing Stephens's Published Writings T. R. Henn doi:10.2307/3725656 | Cite |
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867-869 | Review of Dennis Welland, The United States: A Companion to American Studies Harold Beaver doi:10.2307/3725657 | Cite |
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869-870 | | Cite |
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870-871 | Review of Jean-Bertrand Barrère, L'Idée de goût, de Pascal à Valéry W. G. Moore doi:10.2307/3725659 | Cite |
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871-872 | | Cite |
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872-873 | Review of Robert Guiette, D'une poésie formelle en France au moyen âge A. R. Press doi:10.2307/3725661 | Cite |
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873-874 | Review of Ulrich Mölk, Friedrich Wolfzettel, Répertoire métrique de la poésie lyrique française des origines à 1350 Terence H. Newcombe doi:10.2307/3725662 | Cite |
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874-875 | Review of Werner Ziltener, Studien zur bildungsgeschichtlichen Eigenart der höfischer Dichtung: Antike und Christentum in okzitanischen und altfranzösischen Vergleichen aus der unbelebten Natur P. G. Walsh doi:10.2307/3725663 | Cite |
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875-876 | Review of Hendrik van der Werf, The Chansons of the Troubadours and Trouvères: A Study of the Melodies and Their Relation to the Poems Terence H. Newcombe doi:10.2307/3725664 | Cite |
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877 | Review of Terence Newcombe, Les poésies du trouvère Jehan Erart J. H. Marshall doi:10.2307/3725665 | Cite |
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877-879 | Review of Françoise Barteau, Les Romans de Tristan et Iseut: Introduction à une lecture plurielle Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3725666 | Cite |
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879-880 | Review of T. B. W. Reid, The 'Tristran' of Béroul: A Textual Commentary Randall L. Anderson doi:10.2307/3725667 | Cite |
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880-881 | Review of Alberto Varvaro, John C. Barnes, Béroul's 'Romance of Tristran' Randall L. Anderson doi:10.2307/3725668 | Cite |
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882 | Review of P. Gallais, Perceval et l'initiation: essais sur le dernier roman de Chrétien de Troyes, ses correspondances 'orientales' et sa signification anthropologique Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/3725669 | Cite |
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883-884 | Review of Z. P. Zaddy, Chrétien Studies: Problems of Form and Meaning in 'Erec', 'Yvain', 'Cligés', and the 'Charrete' A. H. Diverres doi:10.2307/3725670 | Cite |
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885 | Review of Jean Froissart, George T. Diller, Chroniques: Dernière rédaction du premier livre M. Dominica Legge doi:10.2307/3725671 | Cite |
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886 | | Cite |
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886-887 | Review of Jean Meschinot, Christine Martineau-Genieys, Les Lunettes des princes J. C. Laidlaw doi:10.2307/3725673 | Cite |
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888 | Review of Charles de Bourdigné, Francis Valette, La Légende joyeuse de Maistre Pierre Faifeu Alan Hindley doi:10.2307/3725674 | Cite |
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888-889 | Review of Raymond C. La Charité, From Marot to Montaigne: Essays on French Renaissance Literature S. John Holyoake doi:10.2307/3725675 | Cite |
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889-890 | Review of Florence M. Weinberg, The Wine and the Will: Rabelais's Bacchic Christianity K. H. Francis doi:10.2307/3725676 | Cite |
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890-891 | Review of Ronsard, A. E. Creore, A Word-Index to the Poetic Works of Ronsard Dudley Wilson doi:10.2307/3725677 | Cite |
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891-892 | Review of Olivier Naudeau, La Pensée de Montaigne et la composition des Essais Margaret M. McGowan doi:10.2307/3725678 | Cite |
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892-893 | Review of Antoine de Montchrestien, C. N. Smith, Two Tragedies: 'Hector', 'La Reine d'Escosse' Richard Griffiths doi:10.2307/3725679 | Cite |
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893-894 | Review of Terence Cave, Michel Jeanneret, Métamorphoses spirituelles: Anthologie de la poésie religieuse française, 1570-1630 Paul Chilton doi:10.2307/3725680 | Cite |
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894 | Review of Séro Kévorkian, Le Thème de l'amour dans l'œuvre romanesque de Gomberville E. T. Dubois doi:10.2307/3725681 | Cite |
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895-896 | | Cite |
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896-898 | | Cite |
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898-899 | Review of Cuthbert Girdlestone, La Tragédie en musique (1673-1750) considérée comme genre littéraire Margaret M. McGowan doi:10.2307/3725684 | Cite |
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899-900 | Review of Emilie P. Kostoroski, The Eagle and the Dove: Corneille and Racine in the Literary Criticism of Eighteenth-Century France David J. Williams doi:10.2307/3725685 | Cite |
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900-901 | | Cite |
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901-902 | Review of Peter V. Conroy, Jr., Crébillon fils: Techniques of the Novel R. Niklaus doi:10.2307/3725687 | Cite |
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902-903 | | Cite |
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903-904 | | Cite |
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904-905 | Review of Alan Freer, Ricerche su l'Encyclopédie: Jaucourt e Thomson J. Lough doi:10.2307/3725690 | Cite |
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905-906 | Review of Madeleine B. Therrien, Les Liaisons dangereuses: une interprétation psychologique Vivienne Mylne doi:10.2307/3725691 | Cite |
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906 | Review of Benjamin Constant, Burton R. Pollin, De la justice politique: Traduction inédite de l'ouvrage de William Godwin, 'Enquiry concerning Political Justice and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness' Norman King doi:10.2307/3725692 | Cite |
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906-907 | Review of Ilse Hempel Lipschutz, Spanish Painting and the French Romantics Carl P. Barbier doi:10.2307/3725693 | Cite |
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908 | Review of Bernard Vannier, L'Inscription du corps: pour une sémiotique du portrait balzacien A. J. Mount doi:10.2307/3725694 | Cite |
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908-909 | Review of Joyce G. Bromfield, De Lorenzino de Médicis à Lorenzaccio: Étude d'un thème historique Marjorie Shaw doi:10.2307/3725695 | Cite |
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909-910 | Review of Dorothy M. DiOrio, Leconte de Lisle: A Hundred and Twenty Years of Criticism (1850-1970) J. C. Ireson doi:10.2307/3725696 | Cite |
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910-911 | Review of Marshall Lindsay, Le Temps Jaune: Essais sur Corbière Douglas Parmée doi:10.2307/3725697 | Cite |
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911-912 | Review of E. F. N. Jephcott, Proust and Rilke: The Literature of Expanded Consciousness G. W. Ireland doi:10.2307/3725698 | Cite |
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912-913 | Review of Robert Soucy, Fascism in France: The Case of Maurice Barrès P. A. Ouston doi:10.2307/3725699 | Cite |
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913-914 | Review of Kurt Weinberg, On Gide's 'Prométhée': Private Myth and Public Mystification D. A. Steel doi:10.2307/3725700 | Cite |
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914 | Review of Christopher D. Bettinson, Gide: 'Les Caves du Vatican' I. H. Walker doi:10.2307/3725701 | Cite |
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915 | Review of Pascal Sabourin, La Réflexion sur l'Art d'André Malraux: Origines et évolution Jonathan Dale doi:10.2307/3725702 | Cite |
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916 | | Cite |
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916-917 | Review of Giuseppe Sertoli, Le immagini e la realtà: Saggio su Gaston Bachelard E. M. McAllester doi:10.2307/3725704 | Cite |
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917-918 | Review of Kathleen O'Flaherty, The Novel in France 1945-1965: A General Survey Valerie Minogue doi:10.2307/3725705 | Cite |
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918-919 | Review of Carlo A. Madrignani, Illusione e realtà nell'opera di Federico De Roberto: Saggio su ideologia e tecniche narrative Brian Moloney doi:10.2307/3725706 | Cite |
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919-920 | Review of James F. Burke, History and Vision: The Figural Structure of the 'Libro del Cavallero Zifar' Roger M. Walker doi:10.2307/3725707 | Cite |
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920-921 | Review of Laura Calvert, Francisco de Osuna and the Spirit of the Letter Paul J. Donnelly doi:10.2307/3725708 | Cite |
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921-923 | | Cite |
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923-924 | Review of Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce, Narradores hispanoamericanos de hoy Gordon Brotherston doi:10.2307/3725710 | Cite |
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924-925 | Review of Ivar Ivask, Octavio Paz, The Perpetual Present: The Poetry of Octavio Paz Jason Wilson doi:10.2307/3725711 | Cite |
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925 | | Cite |
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926-927 | Review of Sigrid von der Schulenburg, Kurt Müller, Leibniz als Sprachforscher Martin Durrell doi:10.2307/3725713 | Cite |
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927 | Review of Ute Schwab, Die Sternrune im Wessobrunner Gebet: Beobachtungen zur Lokalisierung des clm 22053, zur Hs. BM Arundel 393 und zu Rune Poem V. 86-89 David Le Sage doi:10.2307/3725714 | Cite |
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928-930 | Review of Hans-Friedrich Reske, Jerusalem caelestis: Bildformeln und Gestaltungsmuster: Darbietungsformen eines christlichen Zentralgedankens in der deutschen geistlichen Dichtung des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des 'Himmlischen Jerusalem' und der 'Hochzeit' David Wells doi:10.2307/3725715 | Cite |
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930-933 | Review of Eugene Egert, The Holy Spirit in German Literature Until the End of the Twelfth Century David Wells doi:10.2307/3725716 | Cite |
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933-934 | Review of Peter Jentzmik, Zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen typologischer Exegese in mittelalterlicher Predigt und Dichtung Brian Murdoch doi:10.2307/3725717 | Cite |
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934-937 | Review of Henry Kratz, Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival: An Attempt at a Total Evaluation D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3725718 | Cite |
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937-939 | Review of Eberhard Nellmann, Wolframs Erzähltechnik: Untersuchungen zur Funktion des Erzählers D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3725719 | Cite |
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939 | Review of Peter Wieners, Das Gottes- und Menschenbild Wolframs in 'Parzival' D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3725720 | Cite |
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939-940 | | Cite |
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940-941 | Review of Hans Peter Thurn, Der Roman der unaufgeklärten Gesellschaft: Untersuchungen zum Prosawerk Johann Karl Wezels David Hill doi:10.2307/3725722 | Cite |
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941-942 | Review of Carl Hammer, Jr., Goethe and Rousseau: Resonances of the Mind M. Kay Flavell doi:10.2307/3725723 | Cite |
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943 | Review of Albert Fuchs, Le Faust de Goethe: Mystère: Document humain: Confession personelle Christopher Smith doi:10.2307/3725724 | Cite |
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944-945 | Review of Andrew Jaszi, Michael Mann, Entzweiung und Vereinigung: Goethes symbolische Weltanschauung Hans Reiss doi:10.2307/3725725 | Cite |
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945 | Review of Richey A. Novak, Wilhelm von Humboldt as a Literary Critic Roger Paulin doi:10.2307/3725726 | Cite |
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945-946 | Review of Emery Edward George, Hölderlin's 'Ars Poetica': A Part-Rigorous Analysis of Information Structure in the Late Hymns P. H. Gaskill doi:10.2307/3725727 | Cite |
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947 | Review of William Gilby, Das Bild des Feuers bei Hölderlin: Eine genetische Betrachtung P. H. Gaskill doi:10.2307/3725728 | Cite |
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947-948 | Review of Margaret R. Hale, Horn of Oberon: Jean Paul Richter's 'School for Aesthetics' P. D. Rowson doi:10.2307/3725729 | Cite |
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948-949 | Review of Klaus Günther Just, Von der Gründerzeit bis zur Gegenwart: Die deutsche Literatur der letzten hundert Jahre dargestellt im Zusammenhang politischer, kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Aspekte R. George Thomas doi:10.2307/3725730 | Cite |
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949-950 | Review of Winfried Hellmann, Das Geschichtsdenken des frühen Thomas Mann T. J. Reed doi:10.2307/3725731 | Cite |
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951-953 | Review of Franz Kuna, Kafka: Literature as Corrective Punishment; Peter U. Beicken, Franz Kafka: Eine kritische Einführung in die Forschung Hans Reiss doi:10.2307/3725732 | Cite |
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953-954 | Review of Paul Michael Lützeler, Hermann Broch: Ethik und Politik: Studien zum Frühwerk und zur Romantrilogie 'Die Schlafwandler' Elizabeth Boa doi:10.2307/3725733 | Cite |
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954-955 | | Cite |
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956-958 | Review of Marcus Wheeler, B. O. Unbegaun, The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary John Greer Nicholson doi:10.2307/3725735 | Cite |
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958 | | Cite |
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958-960 | Review of Alexandra Lyndstad, Sverre Lyndstad, Ivan Goncharov Nadejda Gorodetzky doi:10.2307/3725737 | Cite |
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960 | Review of S. Konovalov, D. J. Richards, Russian Critical Essays: XIXth Century Nadejda Gorodetzky doi:10.2307/3725738 | Cite |
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xxi-xxxi | The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1975: La vie et les aventures du mot "réaction" Jean Starobinski doi:10.2307/3725739 | Cite |
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