241-255 | | Cite |
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256-259 | | Cite |
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260-263 | | Cite |
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264-267 | Swinburne to W. J. Linton and J. W. Inchbold: Two New Letters George P. Landow doi:10.2307/3725857 | Cite |
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268-282 | | Cite |
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283-291 | | Cite |
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292-308 | | Cite |
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309-314 | | Cite |
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315-332 | | Cite |
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333-343 | | Cite |
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344-357 | | Cite |
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358-366 | "Sam Jôben den Rîchen": Hartmann's "Der arme Heinrich" and the Book of Job Johanna Hunter doi:10.2307/3725865 | Cite |
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367-379 | | Cite |
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380 | Review of George Watson, The Literary Thesis: A Guide to Research I. D. McFarlane doi:10.2307/3725867 | Cite |
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381-382 | | Cite |
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382-383 | Review of Norman Davis, William Tyndale's English of Controversy Stella Brook doi:10.2307/3725869 | Cite |
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383-384 | Review of Wolfgang Clemen, Shakespeare's Dramatic Art: Collected Essays Arthur Colby Sprague doi:10.2307/3725870 | Cite |
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384-385 | | Cite |
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385-388 | Review of Stanley E. Fish, Seventeenth-Century Prose: Modern Essays in Criticism Brian Vickers doi:10.2307/3725872 | Cite |
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388-389 | | Cite |
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389-391 | Review of James O. Richards, Party Propaganda under Queen Anne: The General Elections of 1702-1713 Lee Sonsteng Horsley doi:10.2307/3725874 | Cite |
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391-392 | Review of John H. Middendorf, English Writers of the Eighteenth Century C. J. Rawson doi:10.2307/3725875 | Cite |
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392-393 | Review of Edward A. Bloom, Lillian D. Bloom, Joseph Addison's Sociable Animal: In the Market place, on the Hustings, in the Pulpit C. J. Rawson doi:10.2307/3725876 | Cite |
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393-394 | Review of Peter A. Tasch, Isaac Bickerstaff, The Dramatic Cobbler: The Life and Works of Isaac Bickerstaff Cecil Price doi:10.2307/3725877 | Cite |
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394-396 | Review of William Heath, Wordsworth and Coleridge: A Study of Their Literary Relations in 1801-1802 John Colmer doi:10.2307/3725878 | Cite |
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396-397 | | Cite |
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398 | Review of James G. Nelson, The Early Nineties: A View from the Bodley Head Leonee Ormond doi:10.2307/3725880 | Cite |
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399-400 | Review of Elliot L. Gilbert, The Good Kipling: Studies in the Short Story T. A. Shippey doi:10.2307/3725881 | Cite |
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400-403 | Review of A. H. T. Levi, Humanism in France at the End of the Middle Ages and in the Early Renaissance Hilda Dale doi:10.2307/3725882 | Cite |
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403-404 | | Cite |
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404-405 | Review of Olivier de Magny, Mark S. Whitney, Les Cent Deux Sonnets des Amours de 1553 Malcolm Quainton doi:10.2307/3725884 | Cite |
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405-407 | | Cite |
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407-409 | Review of Erica Harth, Cyrano de Bergerac and the Polemics of Modernity Patricia M. Harry doi:10.2307/3725886 | Cite |
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409-410 | Review of Leonard Doucette, Emery Bigot: Seventeenth-Century French Humanist Charles G. S. Williams doi:10.2307/3725887 | Cite |
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411-412 | Review of Mme de Villedieu, Micheline Cuénin, Les Désordres de l'amour Charles G. S. Williams doi:10.2307/3725888 | Cite |
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412-413 | Review of Jack Rochford Vrooman, Voltaire's Theatre: The Cycle from 'Œdipe' to 'Mérope' R. Niklaus doi:10.2307/3725889 | Cite |
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413-415 | Review of Christopher Thacker, Voltaire: Candide ou L'optimisme Christopher Todd doi:10.2307/3725890 | Cite |
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415-416 | | Cite |
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416-422 | | Cite |
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422-423 | Review of R. J. Sherrington, Three Novels by Flaubert: A Study of Techniques C. Smethurst doi:10.2307/3725893 | Cite |
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423-424 | Review of A. James Arnold, Paul Valéry and His Critics: A Bibliography. French Language Criticism 1890-1927 C. K. Chadwick doi:10.2307/3725894 | Cite |
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424-425 | Review of Monique Parent, Cohérence et résonance dans le style de 'Charmes' de Paul Valéry David L. Parris doi:10.2307/3725895 | Cite |
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425-426 | Review of Benjamin Suhl, Jean-Paul Sartre: The Philosopher as a Literary Critic Jonathan Culler doi:10.2307/3725896 | Cite |
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427 | Review of Frede Jensen, The Italian Verb: A Morphological Study Giulio Lepschy doi:10.2307/3725897 | Cite |
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427-428 | Review of A. Apat-Echebarne, Noticias y Viejos Textos de la 'lingua Navarrorum' Douglas Gifford doi:10.2307/3725898 | Cite |
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428-429 | Review of Anthony Watson, Juan de la Cueva and the Portuguese Succession A. A. Heathcote doi:10.2307/3725899 | Cite |
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429-430 | Review of Javier Herrero, Los orígenes del pensamiento reaccionario español I. L. McClelland doi:10.2307/3725900 | Cite |
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430-431 | Review of Mario Vargas Llosa, García Márquez: historia de un deicidio Donald L. Shaw doi:10.2307/3725901 | Cite |
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431-432 | | Cite |
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432-439 | Review of Malcolm Pasley, Germany: A Companion to German Studies R. E. Keller Eda Sagarra David Blamires, Raymond Furness Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3725903 | Cite |
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439-440 | | Cite |
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440-441 | Review of Ernst Gamillscheg, Romania Germanica: Sprach- und Siedlungsgeschichte der Germanen auf dem Boden des alten Römerreiches D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3725905 | Cite |
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441-442 | Review of Wolfgang Huber, Heliand und Matthäusexegese: Quellenstudien insbesondere zu Sedulius Scottus D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3725906 | Cite |
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442-443 | Review of L. Peeters, Historische und literarische Studien zum dritten Teil des Kudrunepos David Le Sage doi:10.2307/3725907 | Cite |
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443 | Review of Ursula Peters, Frauendienst: Untersuchungen zu Ulrich von Lichtenstein und zum Wirklichkeitsgehalt der Minnedichtung D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3725908 | Cite |
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443-444 | Review of Ulrich Müller, Heinrich von Morungen: Abbildungen zur gesamten handschriftlichen Überlieferung David Blamires doi:10.2307/3725909 | Cite |
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444 | Review of Christian Gellinek, Häufigkeitswörterbuch zum Minnesang des 13. Jahrhunderts. Nach der Auswahl von Hugo Kuhn programmiert von Martin Saunders Olive Sayce doi:10.2307/3725910 | Cite |
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444-445 | Review of Ingeborg Glier, Artes Amandi: Untersuchung zu Geschichte, Überlieferung und Typologie der deutschen Minnereden Olive Sayce doi:10.2307/3725911 | Cite |
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445 | Review of Peter Kern, Trinität, Maria, Inkarnation: Studien zur Thematik der deutschen Dichtung des späteren Mittelalters Olive Sayce doi:10.2307/3725912 | Cite |
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445-446 | | Cite |
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447-448 | | Cite |
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448-449 | Review of Marvin S. Schindler, The Sonnets of Andreas Gryphius: Use of the Poetic Word in the Seventeenth Century Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3725916 | Cite |
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449-450 | | Cite |
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450 | Review of Ulrich Stadler, Der einsame Ort: Studien zur Weltabkehr im heroischen Roman Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3725918 | Cite |
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450-452 | Review of Bernhard Asmuth, Lohenstein und Tacitus: Eine quellenkritische Interpretation der Nero-Tragödien und des 'Arminius'-Romans Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3725919 | Cite |
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452-453 | Review of Franz Heiduk, Die Dichter der galanten Lyrik: Studien zur Neukirchschen Sammlung Alan Menhennet doi:10.2307/3725920 | Cite |
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453-454 | Review of Faramarz Behzad, Adam Olearius' 'Persianischer Rosenthal': Untersuchungen zur Übersetzung von Saadis 'Golestan' im 17. Jahrhundert Alan Menhennet doi:10.2307/3725921 | Cite |
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454-455 | | Cite |
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455 | | Cite |
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456 | | Cite |
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456-457 | Review of Edgar B. Schick, Metaphorical Organicism in Herder's Early Works: A Study of the Relation of Herder's Literary Idiom to His World-View H. B. Nisbet doi:10.2307/3725925 | Cite |
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457-458 | Review of Erich Trunz, Waltraud Loos, Goethe und der Kreis von Münster: Zeitgenössische Briefe und Aufzeichnungen W. H. Bruford doi:10.2307/3725926 | Cite |
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458-460 | Review of Ulrich Gaier, Krumme Regel: Novalis' 'Konstruktionslehre des schaffenden Geistes' und ihre Tradition; Helmut Schanze, Index zu Novalis' 'Heinrich von Ofterdingen' Elisabeth Stopp doi:10.2307/3725927 | Cite |
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460 | Review of Gerhard Schulz, Novalis: Beiträge zu Werk und Persönlichkeit Friedrich von Hardenbergs Elisabeth Stopp doi:10.2307/3725928 | Cite |
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461-462 | | Cite |
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462-463 | Review of Jack D. Zipes, The Great Refusal: Studies of the Romantic Hero in German and American Literature Elinor Shaffer doi:10.2307/3725930 | Cite |
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463-464 | Review of Albert Wellek, Witz: Lyrik: Sprache: Beiträge zur Literatur- und Sprachtheorie mit einem Anhang über den Fortschritt der Wissenschaft M. B. Benn doi:10.2307/3725931 | Cite |
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464-465 | | Cite |
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465-467 | Review of Eda Sagarra, Tradition and Revolution: German Literature and Society 1830-1890 Keith Bullivant doi:10.2307/3725933 | Cite |
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467-468 | | Cite |
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468-469 | Review of Klaus von See, Deutsche Germanen-Ideologie vom Humanismus bis zur Gegenwart Hugh Ridley doi:10.2307/3725935 | Cite |
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469-470 | | Cite |
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470-472 | Review of Rolf Tarot, Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Daseinsformen und dichterische Struktur W. E. Yates doi:10.2307/3725937 | Cite |
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472-473 | Review of Erhard von Büren, Zur Bedeutung der Psychologie im Werk Robert Musils Elizabeth Boa doi:10.2307/3725938 | Cite |
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473-474 | | Cite |
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474-475 | Review of P. E. L. Verkuyl, Battista Guarini's 'Il Pastor Fido' in de Nederlandse dramatische literatuur Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/3725940 | Cite |
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475-477 | Review of Stewert E. Fraser, Ludvig Holberg, Ludvig Holberg's Memoirs: An Eighteenth-Century Danish Contribution to International Understanding Paul Ries doi:10.2307/3725941 | Cite |
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477-478 | | Cite |
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478-479 | Review of Maria Pia Palin Crisanaz, Favola e mito nella poesia di Sergej Esenin Jennifer Baines doi:10.2307/3725943 | Cite |
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480 | Review of Eduard Bene, Les Lumières en Hongrie, en Europe centrale et en Europe orientale: Actes du colloque de Mátrafüred, 3-5 novembre 1970 R. Auty doi:10.2307/3725944 | Cite |
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