1-6 | | Cite |
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7-10 | | Cite |
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11-15 | | Cite |
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16-18 | | Cite |
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19-35 | | Cite |
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36-53 | | Cite |
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54-64 | Roger Martin du Gard's Debt to Ibsen in "L'Une de Nous..." and "Les Thibault" Sonia M. Spurdle doi:10.2307/3722786 | Cite |
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65-77 | | Cite |
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78-93 | | Cite |
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94-115 | | Cite |
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116-121 | The Language of Fiction: Word-Clusters in Tolstoy's "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" C. J. G. Turner doi:10.2307/3722790 | Cite |
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122-123 | Review of G. H. Bantock, Education, Culture, and the Emotions. Further Essays in the Theory of Education R. C. Stephens doi:10.2307/3722791 | Cite |
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123-125 | Review of , Problems y Principios del Estructuralismo Lingüístico Stephen Ullmann doi:10.2307/3722792 | Cite |
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125-127 | Review of Hunter Diack, In Spite of the Alphabet: A Study in the Teaching of Reading John Mountford doi:10.2307/3722793 | Cite |
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127-128 | Review of Ulrich Weisstein, Einführung in die vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft Lilian R. Furst doi:10.2307/3722794 | Cite |
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128-129 | | Cite |
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129 | Review of Siegfried Wenzel, The Sin of Sloth: Acedia in Medieval Thought and Literature Rita Wilson doi:10.2307/3722796 | Cite |
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130 | Review of Karl S. Guthke, Modern Tragicomedy: An Investigation into the Nature of the Genre Wallace H. Johnson doi:10.2307/3722797 | Cite |
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131 | Review of Bertil Hedevind, The Dialect of Dentdale in the West Riding of Yorkshire Rita Wilson doi:10.2307/3722798 | Cite |
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131-132 | Review of David C. Fowler, A Literary History of the Popular Ballad J. H. P. Pafford doi:10.2307/3722799 | Cite |
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132-133 | Review of William Flete, Edmund Colledge, Noel Chadwick, Remedies against Temptations: The Third English Version; Edmund Colledge, Romana Guarnieri, The Glosses by 'M.N.' and Richard Methley H. Hargreaves doi:10.2307/3722800 | Cite |
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133-135 | Review of J. A. W. Bennett, Chaucer's 'Book of Fame': An Exposition of 'The House of Fame' R. T. Davies doi:10.2307/3722801 | Cite |
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135 | Review of Gavin Douglas, Priscilla J. Bawcutt, The Shorter Poems of Gavin Douglas James Kinsley doi:10.2307/3722802 | Cite |
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136-137 | Review of H. S. Bennett, English Books and Readers, 1558 to 1603 Betty C. Hunt doi:10.2307/3722803 | Cite |
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137-138 | Review of Edmund Spenser, Kathleen Williams, Spenser's Faerie Queene: The World of Glass R. F. Hill doi:10.2307/3722804 | Cite |
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138-139 | | Cite |
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139-140 | Review of Pierre Spriet, Samuel Daniel, 1563-1619: Sa Vie, Son Œuvre Joan Rees doi:10.2307/3722806 | Cite |
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140-141 | | Cite |
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141-142 | Review of David L. Frost, The School of Shakespeare: The Influence of Shakespeare on English Drama, 1600-1642 Peter Ure doi:10.2307/3722808 | Cite |
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142-144 | Review of Joan Webber, The Eloquent 'I': Style and Self in Seventeenth-Century Prose Joan Bennett doi:10.2307/3722809 | Cite |
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144-146 | Review of Joseph H. Summers, The Lyric and Dramatic Milton: Selected Papers from the English Institute John M. Steadman doi:10.2307/3722810 | Cite |
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146-147 | | Cite |
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147-149 | Review of Phillip Harth, Contexts of Dryden's Thought; John Dryden, L. A. Beaurline, Fredson Bowers, Four Tragedies (The Indian Emperour, Aureng-Zebe, All for Love, Don Sebastian) Vivian de S. Pinto doi:10.2307/3722812 | Cite |
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149-151 | | Cite |
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151-152 | Review of Laurence Sterne, Gardner D. Stout, Jr., A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr Yorick; John Traugott, Laurence Sterne: A Collection of Critical Essays Jean-Claude Sallé doi:10.2307/3722814 | Cite |
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153-155 | Review of William Blake, Raymond Lister, William Blake: An Introduction to the Man and His Work; William Blake, David Erdman, A Concordance to the Writings of William Blake Vivian de S. Pinto doi:10.2307/3722815 | Cite |
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155-156 | Review of William Wordsworth, Jack Stillinger, Selected Poems and Prefaces F. G. Stoddard doi:10.2307/3722816 | Cite |
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156 | | Cite |
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157 | Review of Dudley Flamm, Thackeray's Critics: An Annotated Bibliography of British and American Criticism, 1836-1901 Geoffrey Tillotson doi:10.2307/3722818 | Cite |
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157-158 | Review of Leo Marx, The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America Martin Green doi:10.2307/3722819 | Cite |
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159-160 | Review of Andrzej Busza, Conrad's Polish Literary Background and Some Illustrations of the Influence of Polish Literature on His Work T. Halikowska doi:10.2307/3722820 | Cite |
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160-161 | Review of Leslie Hancock, Word Index to James Joyce's 'Portrait of the Artist' Clive Hart doi:10.2307/3722821 | Cite |
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161-162 | Review of Daniel Hoffman, Yeats, Graves, Muir, Barbarous Knowledge: Myth in the Poetry of Yeats, Graves, and Muir Peter Ure doi:10.2307/3722822 | Cite |
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162-163 | | Cite |
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163-164 | | Cite |
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164-166 | Review of Michel Dassonville, Ronsard: Etude historique et littéraire. I: Les enfances Ronsard Elizabeth Armstrong doi:10.2307/3722825 | Cite |
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166-168 | Review of J. B. Bossuet, Jacques le Brun, Politique tirée des propres paroles de l'Écriture Sainte; Religion, érudition, et critique à la fin du 17e siècle et au début du 18e W. G. Moore doi:10.2307/3722826 | Cite |
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169-170 | | Cite |
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170-172 | Review of Grahame C. Jones, L'Ironie dans les romans de Stendhal Richard N. Coe doi:10.2307/3722828 | Cite |
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172-173 | Review of Victor Brombert, Stendhal: Fiction and the Themes of Freedom D. P. Scales doi:10.2307/3722829 | Cite |
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173-175 | Review of André Gide, André Rouveyre, Claude Martin, André Gide, André Rouveyre: Correspondance (1909-1951) Patrick Pollard doi:10.2307/3722830 | Cite |
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175-176 | | Cite |
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176-179 | Review of Hans Baron, From Petrarch to Leonardo Bruni. Studies in Humanistic and Political Literature Beryl Smalley doi:10.2307/3722832 | Cite |
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179-180 | Review of Michael R. Campo, Pirandello, Moravia, and Italian Poetry: Intermediate Readings in Italian Robert Hastings doi:10.2307/3722833 | Cite |
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180-181 | Review of Giuliano Pellegrini, Un Fiorentino alla corte d'Inghilterra nel Cinquecento: Petruccio Ubaldini Alan Bullock doi:10.2307/3722834 | Cite |
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181-183 | Review of Edmund de Chasca, El arte juglaresco en el 'Cantar de Mío Cid' L. P. Harvey doi:10.2307/3722835 | Cite |
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184-185 | Review of Saint John, Willis Barnstone, The Poems of Saint John of the Cross Anthony Kenny doi:10.2307/3722836 | Cite |
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185-186 | Review of A. David Kossoff, Vocabulario de la obra poética de Herrera Rosemarie Jones doi:10.2307/3722837 | Cite |
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186-187 | Review of Jaime Sánchez Romeralo, Norbert Poulussen, Actas del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas. Celebrado en Nijmegen... 1965 Rosemarie Jones doi:10.2307/3722838 | Cite |
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187-189 | Review of Juan Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendoza, A. V. Ebersole, Primera parte and Segunda parte de las obras completas Alan K. G. Paterson doi:10.2307/3722839 | Cite |
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189-190 | | Cite |
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190 | Review of Walther Mitzka, Ludwig Erich Schmitt, Kleine Schriften zur Sprachgeschichte und Sprachgeographie R. E. Keller doi:10.2307/3722841 | Cite |
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191-192 | Review of Ludwig Wolff, Werner Schroder, Kleinere Schriften zur altdeutschen Philologie D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3722842 | Cite |
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192-194 | Review of Joachim Bumke, Die romanisch-deutschen Literaturbeziehungen im Mittelalter. Ein Überblick D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3722843 | Cite |
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194-195 | | Cite |
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196-197 | Review of Bernd Naumann, Dichter und Publikum in deutscher und lateinischer Bibelepik des frühen 12. Jahrhunderts. Untersuchungen zu frühmittelhochdeutschen und mittellateinischen Dichtungen über die kleineren Bücher des Alten Testaments D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3722845 | Cite |
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197-199 | Review of Ingrid Ochs, Wolframs 'Willehalm'-Eingang im Lichte der frühmittelhochdeutschen geistlichen Dichtung D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3722846 | Cite |
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199-201 | Review of Xenja von Ertzdorff, Rudolf von Ems. Untersuchungen zum höfischen Roman im 13. Jahrhundert D. H. Green doi:10.2307/3722847 | Cite |
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201-202 | Review of Ulrich Müller, "Dichtung" und "Wahrheit" in den Liedern Oswalds von Wolkenstein: Die autobiographischen Lieder von den Reisen Olive Sayce doi:10.2307/3722848 | Cite |
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202-203 | Review of J. W. Thomas, Medieval German Lyric Verse. In English Translation Olive Sayce doi:10.2307/3722849 | Cite |
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203-204 | Review of Johannes Janota, Studien zu Funktion und Typus des deutschen geistlichen Liedes im Mittelalter Olive Sayce doi:10.2307/3722850 | Cite |
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205 | Review of Lauri Ahtiluoto, Zur Sprache der Kölner Bibeln. Studien zur Urheberfrage Brian Murdoch doi:10.2307/3722851 | Cite |
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206 | Review of Gerhard Kettmann, Die kursächsische Kanzleisprache zwischen 1486 und 1546 Charles V. J. Russ doi:10.2307/3722852 | Cite |
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206 | | Cite |
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207 | Review of Melitta Gerhard, Der deutsche Entwicklungsroman bis zu Goethes 'Wilhelm Meister' Joshua Reid doi:10.2307/3722854 | Cite |
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207-209 | Review of Herman Meyer, Theodore Ziolkowski, Yetta Ziolkowski, The Poetics of Quotation in the European Novel Roy Pascal doi:10.2307/3722855 | Cite |
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210 | Review of Klaus R. Scherpe, Gattungspoetik im 18. Jahrhundert. Historische Entwicklung von Gottsched bis Herder H. B. Nisbet doi:10.2307/3722856 | Cite |
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211-213 | Review of Heinz Politzer, Das Schweigen der Sirenen. Studien zur deutschen und österreichischen Literatur Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3722857 | Cite |
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213-216 | Review of Hanna Fischer-Lamberg, Der Junge Goethe. Neubearbeitete Ausgabe in fünf Bänden. Volume III (September 1772-Dezember 1773) Stuart Atkins doi:10.2307/3722858 | Cite |
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216-217 | Review of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Harold Jantz, 'The Soothsayings of Bakis'. Goethe's Tragi-Comic Observations on Life, Time and History August Closs doi:10.2307/3722859 | Cite |
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217-218 | | Cite |
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218-219 | Review of Gerhard Kaiser, Vergötterung und Tod. Die thematische Einheit von Schillers Werk Josephine Annable doi:10.2307/3722861 | Cite |
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219-220 | | Cite |
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220-222 | Review of Jürgen Simon, Der Wechsel der Töne im Drama. Beobachtungen zu Hölderlins Trauerspiel 'Der Tod des Empedokles' (III); Rudolf Eppelsheimer, Mimesis und Imitatio Christi bei Loerke, Däubler, Morgenstern, Hölderlin M. B. Benn doi:10.2307/3722863 | Cite |
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222-223 | | Cite |
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223-224 | Review of Gottfried Just, Ironie und Sentimentalität in den erzählenden Dichtungen Arthur Schnitzlers Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3722865 | Cite |
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224-225 | Review of William H. Rey, Arthur Schnitzler. Die späte Prosa als Gipfel seines Schaffens Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3722866 | Cite |
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225 | | Cite |
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226-227 | | Cite |
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227-228 | | Cite |
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228-229 | Review of R. Hinton Thomas, Wilfried Van Der Will, The German Novel and the Affluent Society John White doi:10.2307/3722870 | Cite |
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230-231 | Review of Wilfried Van Der Will, Pikaro heute. Metamorphosen des Schelms bei Thomas Mann, Döblin, Brecht, Grass Mary E. Cock doi:10.2307/3722871 | Cite |
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231 | Review of Frank C. Maatje, Der Doppelroman. Eine literatursystematische Studie über duplikative Erzählstrukturen Martin Swales doi:10.2307/3722872 | Cite |
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232-235 | | Cite |
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235-237 | | Cite |
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238 | Review of John Fennell, Dimitri Obolensky, A Historical Russian Reader Faith Wigzell doi:10.2307/3722875 | Cite |
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238-239 | Review of James B. Woodward, Aleksandr Block, Selected Poems of Aleksandr Block Henry Gifford doi:10.2307/3722876 | Cite |
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239-240 | Review of Jan Gonda, B. Ford, Jr., A Concise Elementary Grammar of the Sanskrit Language C. J. E. Ball doi:10.2307/3722877 | Cite |
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