593-616 | ‘Simplicité, Clarté Et Précision’: Grammars of Italian ‘Pour Les Dames’ and Other Learners in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century France Helena Sanson doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0593 | Cite |
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617-628 | Filming the Silent (br)other: Levinasian Ethics and Aesthetic Faith in Patrick Drevet's Les Gardiens Des Pierres and Philip Gröning's Die Grosse Stille Erin Tremblay Ponnou-Delaffon doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0617 | Cite |
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629-639 | | Cite |
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640-662 | | Cite |
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663-673 | | Cite |
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674-688 | | Cite |
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689-707 | | Cite |
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708-725 | | Cite |
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726-748 | Writers' Linguistic Observations and Creating Myths About Languages: Czesław Miłosz and Joseph Brodsky in Search of the ‘Slavonic Genius of Language’ Shamil Khairov doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0726 | Cite |
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749-774 | | Cite |
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775-776 | Review of Lars Bernaerts, Dirk De Geest, Luc Herman, and Bart Vervaeck, Stories and Minds: Cognitive Approaches to Literary Narrative Richard Walsh doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0775 | Cite |
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776-777 | | Cite |
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777-779 | | Cite |
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779-780 | | Cite |
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780-781 | | Cite |
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781-783 | | Cite |
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786-787 | | Cite |
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787-788 | | Cite |
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789-790 | | Cite |
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790-791 | | Cite |
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791-794 | | Cite |
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794-795 | | Cite |
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795-796 | | Cite |
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796-797 | Review of Wace, Jean Blacker, Glyn S. Burgess, and Amy V. Ogden, The Hagiographical Works: The ‘Conception Nostre Dame’ and the Lives of St Margaret and St Nicholas Huw Grange doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0796 | Cite |
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798-799 | | Cite |
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799-800 | | Cite |
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800-801 | Review of Joël Blanchard, Procès de Jacques d'Armagnac: édition critique du ms. 2000 de la Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève Irène Fabry-Tehranchi doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0800 | Cite |
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801-802 | | Cite |
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802-803 | Review of John Edmunds, Joseph Harris, Corneille, Molière, Racine: Four French Plays. ‘Cinna’, ‘The Misanthrope’, ‘Andromache’, ‘Phaedra’ Tim Chilcott doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0802 | Cite |
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803-805 | | Cite |
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805-806 | Review of Elisabeth Labrousse and Antony McKenna, Correspondance de Pierre Bayle, vol. x: Avril 1696–juillet 1697. Lettres 1100–1280 John Christian Laursen doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0805 | Cite |
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806-807 | | Cite |
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807-808 | | Cite |
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808-809 | Review of Francesco Manzini, The Fevered Novel from Balzac to Bernanos: Frenetic Catholicism in Crisis, Delirium and Revolution Owen Heathcote doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0808 | Cite |
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809-810 | | Cite |
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810-812 | | Cite |
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812-813 | | Cite |
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813-815 | | Cite |
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815-816 | Review of Kate Griffiths and Andrew Watts, Adapting Nineteenth-Century France: Literature in Film, Theatre, Television, Radio and Print Bradley Stephens doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0815 | Cite |
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816-817 | | Cite |
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817-818 | | Cite |
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818-819 | | Cite |
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819-821 | | Cite |
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821-822 | | Cite |
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822-824 | | Cite |
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824-826 | | Cite |
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826-827 | | Cite |
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828-829 | | Cite |
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829-832 | Review of Nicola McLelland, J. G. Schottelius's ‘Ausführliche Arbeit von der Teutschen HaubtSprache’ (1663) and its Place in Early Modern European Vernacular Language Study David N. Yeandle doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0829 | Cite |
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832-834 | Review of Felicity Rash, German Images of the Self and the Other: Nationalist, Colonialist and Anti-Semitic Discourse, 1871–1918 Florian Krobb doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0832 | Cite |
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834-836 | | Cite |
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836-837 | | Cite |
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837-839 | | Cite |
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839-840 | | Cite |
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840-842 | Review of Barthold Heinrich Brockes, Jürgen Rathje, Werke, vol. 1: Selbstbiographie, Verdeutschter Bethlemitischer Kinder-Mord, Gelegenheitsgedichte, Aufsätze K. F. Hilliard doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0840 | Cite |
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842-843 | | Cite |
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844-845 | | Cite |
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845-846 | Review of Yvonne Joeres, Die ‘Don-Quijote’-Rezeption Friedrich Schlegels und Heinrich Heines im Kontext des europäischen Kulturtransfers: Ein Narr als Angelpunkt transnationaler Denkansätze Claudia Nitschke doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0845 | Cite |
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846-847 | | Cite |
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847-848 | | Cite |
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848-850 | | Cite |
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856-857 | | Cite |
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857-858 | | Cite |
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861-862 | Review of Daniel Müller Nielaba, Yves Schumacher, and Christoph Steier, ‘Man will werden, nicht gewesen sein’: Zur Aktualität Max Frischs Hans-Joachim Hahn doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0861 | Cite |
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862-863 | | Cite |
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863-865 | Review of Judith Schossböck, Letzte Menschen: Postapokalyptische Narrative und Identitäten in der Neueren Literatur nach 1945 Robert K. Weninger doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0863 | Cite |
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865-867 | | Cite |
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867-868 | | Cite |
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868-869 | | Cite |
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