313-332 | | Cite |
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333-354 | | Cite |
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355-373 | | Cite |
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374-387 | | Cite |
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388-406 | | Cite |
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407-422 | | Cite |
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423-447 | | Cite |
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448-462 | | Cite |
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463-476 | | Cite |
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477-494 | Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis and Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks: Exchanges between Scientific and Imaginary Accounts of Sexual Deviance Anna Katharina Schaffner doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0477 | Cite |
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495-501 | | Cite |
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502-503 | | Cite |
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503-504 | | Cite |
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507-509 | Review of Stephanie M. Hilger, Women Write Back: Strategies of Response and the Dynamics of European Literary Culture, 1790–1805 James Hodkinson doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0507 | Cite |
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509-510 | Review of David Gallagher, Metamorphosis: Transformations of the Body and the Influence of Ovid's ‘‘Metamorphoses’’ on Germanic Literature of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Theodore Ziolkowski doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0509 | Cite |
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510-511 | Review of Michael Niblett, Kerstin Oloff, Perspectives on the ‘‘Other America’’: Comparative Approaches to Caribbean and Latin American Culture Martin Munro doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0510 | Cite |
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512-513 | | Cite |
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513-515 | | Cite |
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515-516 | | Cite |
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516-519 | Review of Gregory Jusdanis, Fiction Agonistes: In Defense of Literature; Gregory Currie, Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of Stories Jeremy Tambling doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0516 | Cite |
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520-521 | | Cite |
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528-529 | | Cite |
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530-531 | | Cite |
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531-533 | | Cite |
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533-534 | Review of Heidi Kaufman, English Origins, Jewish Discourse and the Nineteenth-Century British Novel: Reflections on a Nested Nation William Baker doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0533 | Cite |
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534-536 | | Cite |
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536-537 | | Cite |
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537-539 | | Cite |
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539-541 | | Cite |
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548-549 | | Cite |
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551-552 | Review of Gabrielle Suchon, Domna C. Stanton, Rebecca M. Wilkin, A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of her Sex: Selected Philosophical and Moral Writings Véronique Desnain doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0551 | Cite |
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552-553 | | Cite |
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553-554 | | Cite |
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554-555 | | Cite |
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555-556 | | Cite |
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556-557 | Review of Yolande Coste-Rooryck, Le Pari fou de Louis-Sébastien Mercier dans ‘‘Le Tableau de Paris’’ (1781–1789) et ‘‘Le Nouveau Paris’’ (1799): un réalisme militant Sanja Perovic doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0556 | Cite |
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558-559 | | Cite |
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559-560 | | Cite |
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560-561 | Review of Emily Eells, Two ‘‘Tombeaux’’ to Oscar Wilde: Jean Cocteau's ‘‘Le Portrait surnaturel de Dorian Gray’’ and Raymond Laurent's Essay on Wildean Aesthetics Derek Connon doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0560 | Cite |
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561-562 | | Cite |
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562-563 | | Cite |
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563-564 | | Cite |
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564-566 | | Cite |
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566-568 | | Cite |
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568-569 | Review of Daniela Caselli, Daniela La Penna, Twentieth-Century Poetic Translation: Literary Cultures in Italian and English Francesca Billiani doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0568 | Cite |
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569-571 | | Cite |
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571-572 | | Cite |
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572-574 | | Cite |
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574-575 | Review of Wolfgang Ranke, Theatermoral: Moralische Argumentation und dramatische Kommunikation in der Tragödie der Aufklärung Thomas Martinec doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0574 | Cite |
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575-576 | | Cite |
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576-578 | | Cite |
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578-579 | | Cite |
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579-581 | | Cite |
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583-584 | | Cite |
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584-586 | | Cite |
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586-587 | | Cite |
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587-588 | Review of Christof Wamister, ‘‘Es ging am Anfang nicht leicht mit uns’’: Hermann Hesse und Jakob Schaffner im Briefwechsel 1905–1933 Ingo Cornils doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0587 | Cite |
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588-593 | Review of Reiner Stach, Kafka: Die Jahre der Erkenntnis; Oliver Jahraus, Bettina von Jagow, Kafka-Handbuch: Leben — Werk — Wirkung Carolin Duttlinger doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0588 | Cite |
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593-594 | | Cite |
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594-595 | | Cite |
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595-596 | | Cite |
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596-598 | | Cite |
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598-600 | | Cite |
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600-601 | Review of Achim Saupe, Der Historiker als Detektiv — der Detektiv als Historiker: Historik, Kriminalistik und der Nationalsozialismus als Kriminalroman Katharina Hall doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0600 | Cite |
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601-602 | | Cite |
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603-605 | | Cite |
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605-606 | | Cite |
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606-607 | | Cite |
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607-609 | | Cite |
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609-610 | Review of Sarah Colvin, Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly, Women and Death 2: Warlike Women in the German Literary and Cultural Imagination since 1500 Osman Durrani doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0609 | Cite |
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610-612 | | Cite |
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612-613 | | Cite |
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614-615 | | Cite |
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616-617 | Review of Nel Grillaert, What the God-Seekers Found in Nietzsche: The Reception of Nietzsche's ‘Übermensch’ by the Philosophers of the Russian Religious Renaissance Ruth Coates doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.2.0616 | Cite |
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617-619 | | Cite |
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619-621 | | Cite |
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621-622 | | Cite |
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