621-638 | "A Lover's Complaint, Cymbeline", and the Shakespeare Canon: Interpreting Shared Vocabulary MacD. P. Jackson doi:10.2307/20467901 | Cite |
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639-653 | Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Epistemology and Fiction in Defoe's "A Journal of the Plague Year" Nicholas Seager doi:10.2307/20467902 | Cite |
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654-665 | George Eliot and Racism: How Should One Read 'the modern hep! hep! hep!'? K. M. Newton doi:10.2307/20467903 | Cite |
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666-681 | Parisian Literary Fields: James Joyce and Pierre Reverdy's Theory of the Image Hugo Azérad doi:10.2307/20467904 | Cite |
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682-696 | The Epistemology of the Mantelpiece: Subversive Ornaments in the Novels of Guy de Maupassant Andrew J. Counter doi:10.2307/20467905 | Cite |
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697-714 | Exile, Language, and Trauma in Recent Autobiographical Writing by Jorge Semprun Ursula Tidd doi:10.2307/20467906 | Cite |
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715-727 | Subject and Space in Catherine Millet's "La Vie sexuelle de Catherine M." Nathalie Morello doi:10.2307/20467907 | Cite |
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728-740 | A D'Annunzian Donnafugata? A Possible Mantuan Intertext for a Key Section of "Il Gattopardo" Jonathan Usher doi:10.2307/20467908 | Cite |
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741-752 | | Cite |
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753-766 | Performativity in BuñUel's "The Phantom of Liberty" and "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" Ibon Izurieta doi:10.2307/20467910 | Cite |
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767-783 | But Is It Gay? Kissing, Friendship, and 'pre-homosexual' Discourses in Eighteenth-Century Germany W. Daniel Wilson doi:10.2307/20467911 | Cite |
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784-799 | Constructing Women's Love of Women: Sappho and Queen Christina of Sweden in the Letters and Work of the Viennese Poet Marie von Najmájer Charlotte Woodford doi:10.2307/20467912 | Cite |
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800-806 | Recent Critical Approaches to the Work of Isaac Bashevis Singer: A Review Article Haike Beruriah Wiegand doi:10.2307/20467913 | Cite |
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807-808 | | Cite |
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808-809 | Review of Lynette R. Muir, Love and Conflict in Medieval Drama: The Plays and Their Legacy Richard Rastall doi:10.2307/20467915 | Cite |
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809-810 | Review of A. S. Q. Visser, Joannes Sambucus and the Learned Image: The Use of the Emblem in Late-Renaissance Humanism Jane Partner doi:10.2307/20467916 | Cite |
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810-811 | | Cite |
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811-812 | Review of Silvija Jestrovic, Theatre of Estrangement: Theatre, Practice, Ideology John White doi:10.2307/20467918 | Cite |
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812-814 | Review of Dirk Strohmann, Die Rezeption Maurice Maeterlincks in den deutschsprachigen Ländern (1891-1914) Robert Vilain doi:10.2307/20467919 | Cite |
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814-815 | | Cite |
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815-816 | Review of Joel Kuortti, Jopi Nyman, Reconstructing Hybridity: Post-Colonial Studies in Transition Sharae Deckard doi:10.2307/20467921 | Cite |
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816 | | Cite |
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817 | | Cite |
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818-819 | Review of Armando Gnisci, Nuovo planetario italiano: Geografia e antologia della letteratura della migrazione in Italia e in Europa Loredana Polezzi doi:10.2307/20467924 | Cite |
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819-820 | | Cite |
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820-822 | Review of Gaëtan Brulotte, John Phillips, Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature Michael R. Finn doi:10.2307/20467926 | Cite |
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822-823 | | Cite |
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823-824 | | Cite |
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824-825 | Review of Heather Hill-Vásquez, Sacred Players: The Politics of Response in the Middle English Religious Drama Kevin Teo Kia-Choong doi:10.2307/20467929 | Cite |
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825-826 | Review of David Bevington, This Wide and Universal Theater: Shakespeare in Performance, Then and Now A. Robert Lee doi:10.2307/20467930 | Cite |
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826-827 | Review of James Boswell, James T. Boulton, T. O. McLoughlin, An Account of Corsica: The Journal of a Tour to That Island; And Memoirs of Pascal Paoli Paul Baines doi:10.2307/20467931 | Cite |
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827-829 | | Cite |
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829-830 | Review of Emma J. Clery, The Feminization Debate in Eighteenth-Century England Marialuisa Bignami doi:10.2307/20467933 | Cite |
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830-831 | Review of Claire Lamont, Michael Rossington, Romanticism's Debatable Lands Richard Cronin doi:10.2307/20467934 | Cite |
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831-832 | Review of R. S. White, Natural Rights and the Rise of Romanticism in the 1790s Michael John Kooy doi:10.2307/20467935 | Cite |
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832-833 | Review of Roger Ebbatson, Heidegger's Bicycle: Interfering with Victorian Texts Laura Daniels doi:10.2307/20467936 | Cite |
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833-834 | Review of Eric Carl Link, The Vast and Terrible Drama: American Literary Naturalism in the Late Nineteenth Century Sean Palmer doi:10.2307/20467937 | Cite |
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834-835 | Review of K. K. Collins, Identifying the Remains: George Eliot's Death in the London Religious Press Terry R. Wright doi:10.2307/20467938 | Cite |
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835-838 | Review of Elizabeth Gaskell, Joanne Shattock, Deirdre d'Albertis, Josie Billington, Linda Hughes, Linda Peterson, Elisabeth Jay, Charlotte Mitchell, Marion Shaw, Alan Shelston, The Works of Elizabeth Gaskell Valerie Sanders doi:10.2307/20467939 | Cite |
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838-839 | Review of Tim Kendall, The Oxford Handbook of British and Irish War Poetry Jo Gill doi:10.2307/20467940 | Cite |
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839-840 | Review of Robert Macfarlane, Original Copy: Plagiarism and Originality in Nineteenth-Century Literature Meg Jensen doi:10.2307/20467941 | Cite |
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840-841 | Review of Angela Leighton, On Form: Poetry, Aestheticism, and the Legacy of a Word Matthew Bevis doi:10.2307/20467942 | Cite |
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841-843 | Review of Caroline Patey, Giovanni Cianci, Francesca Cuojati, Anglo-American Modernity and the Mediterranean John Saunders doi:10.2307/20467943 | Cite |
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843-844 | Review of A. E. Housman, Archie Burnett, The Letters of A. E. Housman Matthew Bevis doi:10.2307/20467944 | Cite |
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844-845 | Review of James F. Kilroy, The Nineteenth-Century English Novel: Family Ideology and Narrative Form Philip O'Neill doi:10.2307/20467945 | Cite |
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845-846 | Review of Bernard Bergonzi, A Study in Greene: Graham Greene and the Art of the Novel Randall Stevenson doi:10.2307/20467946 | Cite |
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847 | | Cite |
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848 | Review of Glyn S. Burgess, Leslie C. Brook, French Arthurian Literature, Vol. IV. Old French Narrative Lays Thomas Hinton doi:10.2307/20467948 | Cite |
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848-849 | | Cite |
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849-850 | Review of A. J. Holden, S. Gregory, History of William Marshal, Vol. II: Text and Translation (ll. 10032-Maney Publishingend) Leslie C. Brook doi:10.2307/20467950 | Cite |
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850-851 | Review of Douglas Kelly, Christine De Pizan's Changing Opinion: A Quest for Certainty in the Midst of Chaos Christine M. Reno doi:10.2307/20467951 | Cite |
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851-852 | | Cite |
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852-853 | | Cite |
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853-854 | Review of Joseph Harris, Hidden Agendas: Cross-Dressing in 17th-Century France Julia Prest doi:10.2307/20467954 | Cite |
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854 | Review of Marcel Gutwirth, Madame de Sévigné, classique à son insu Michael Hawcroft doi:10.2307/20467955 | Cite |
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855 | Review of Didier Masseau, Le Dix-huitième Siècle: Histoire, mémoire et rêve. Mélanges offerts à Jean-Marie Goulemot Simon Davies doi:10.2307/20467956 | Cite |
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855-856 | | Cite |
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856-857 | Review of Charles Pinot-Duclos, Douglas Parmée, Two French Libertine Novels: 'The Story of Madame de Luz' and 'The Confessions of the Comte de ***' John Phillips doi:10.2307/20467958 | Cite |
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857-858 | Review of David Adams, Book Illustration, Taxes and Propaganda: The Fermiers Généraux Edition of La Fontaine's 'Contes et nouvelles en vers' of 1762 Michael Hawcroft doi:10.2307/20467959 | Cite |
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858-859 | Review of Nicole Mozet, Balzac et le temps: Littérature, histoire et psychanalyse Michael Tilby doi:10.2307/20467960 | Cite |
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859-860 | | Cite |
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860-861 | Review of Steve Murphy, Logiques du dernier Baudelaire: Lectures du 'Spleen de Paris' Damian Catani doi:10.2307/20467962 | Cite |
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861-862 | Review of Margaret Topping, Supernatural Proust: Myth and Metaphor in 'A la recherche du temps perdu' Hugo Azérad doi:10.2307/20467963 | Cite |
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862-863 | Review of Donald Wright, Du discours médical dans 'A la recherche du temps perdu': Science et souffrance Adam Watt doi:10.2307/20467964 | Cite |
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863-864 | | Cite |
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864-865 | Review of Stéphanie Caron, Réinventer le lyrisme: Le surréalisme de Joyce Mansour James Petterson doi:10.2307/20467966 | Cite |
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865-866 | Review of Bernard Noėl, Andrew Rothwell, La Chute des temps / Time-Fall Emma Wagstaff doi:10.2307/20467967 | Cite |
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866-867 | Review of Lucille Cairns, Sapphism on Screen: Lesbian Desire in French and Francophone Cinema Darren Waldron doi:10.2307/20467968 | Cite |
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867-868 | Review of Michèle Le Dœuff, Trista Selous, Hipparchia's Choice: An Essay concerning Women, Philosophy, Etc Margaret Sankey doi:10.2307/20467969 | Cite |
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868-870 | Review of Richard Kay, Dante's Enigmas: Medieval Scholasticism and Beyond John Took doi:10.2307/20467970 | Cite |
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870-871 | Review of Thomas C. Stillinger, F. Regina Psaki, Boccaccio and Feminist Criticism Alessia Ronchetti doi:10.2307/20467971 | Cite |
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871-872 | Review of Ghino Ghinassi, Paolo Bongrani, Dal Belcalzer al Castiglione: Studi sull'antico volgare di Mantova e sul 'Cortegiano' Diego Zancani doi:10.2307/20467972 | Cite |
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872-873 | Review of Sergio Zatti, Dennis Looney, The Quest for Epic: From Ariosto to Tasso Ita Mac Carthy doi:10.2307/20467973 | Cite |
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873-875 | Review of Anna Frabetti, Walter Zidaric, L'italiano lingua di migrazione: Verso l'affermazione di una cultura transnazionale agli inizi del XXI secolo Luisa Carrer doi:10.2307/20467974 | Cite |
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875-876 | Review of Barry Jordan, Mark Allinson, Spanish Cinema: A Student's Guide Sally Faulkner doi:10.2307/20467975 | Cite |
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876-878 | Review of Gerd Dicke, Manfred Eikelmann, Burkhard Hasebrink, Im Wortfeld des Textes: Worthistorische Beiträge zu den Bezeichnungen von Rede und Schrift im Mittelalter David N. Yeandle doi:10.2307/20467976 | Cite |
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878-879 | Review of Vit Dovalil, Sprachnormenwandel im geschriebenen Deutsch an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert Martin Durrell doi:10.2307/20467977 | Cite |
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879-880 | Review of Gudrun Marci-Boehncke, Jörg Riecke, Von Mythen und Mären: Mittelalterliche Kulturgeschichte im Spiegel einer Wissenschaftler-Biographie. Festschrift für Otfrid Ehrismann zum 65. Geburtstag Bettina Bildhauer doi:10.2307/20467978 | Cite |
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880-881 | Review of Silvia Schmitz, Die Poetik der Adaptation: Literarische inventio im 'Eneas' Heinrichs von Veldeke D. H. Green doi:10.2307/20467979 | Cite |
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881-882 | Review of Gudrun Felder, Kommentar zur 'Crône' Heinrichs von dem Türlin Neil Thomas doi:10.2307/20467980 | Cite |
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882-883 | Review of Cornelia Niekus Moore, Patterned Lives: The Lutheran Funeral Biography in Early Modern Germany Anna Linton doi:10.2307/20467981 | Cite |
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883-884 | Review of Katrin Löffler, Ludwig Stockinger, Christian Felix Weiβe und die Leipziger Aufklärung Martin Davies doi:10.2307/20467982 | Cite |
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884-886 | Review of Konrad Feilchenfeldt, Ursula Hudson, York-Gothart Mix, Nicholas Saul, Zwischen Aufklärung und Romantik: Neue Perspektiven der Forschung. Festschrift für Roger Paulin David Pugh doi:10.2307/20467983 | Cite |
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886-887 | Review of Paul Raabe, Barbara Strutz, Lessings Bucherwerbungen: Verzeichnis der in der Herzoglichen Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel angeschafften Bücher und Zeitschriften 1770-1781 H. B. Nisbet doi:10.2307/20467984 | Cite |
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887-888 | Review of Alexander Košenina, Karl Philipp Moritz: Literarische Experimente auf dem Weg zum psychologischen Roman Martin Davies doi:10.2307/20467985 | Cite |
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888-889 | Review of Angus Nicholls, Goethe's Concept of the Daemonic: After the Ancients Matthew Bell doi:10.2307/20467986 | Cite |
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889-890 | Review of Markus Wallenborn, Frauen, Dichten, Goethe: Die produktive Goethe-Rezeption bei Charlottevon Stein, Marianne von Willemer und Bettina von Arnim Hilary Brown doi:10.2307/20467987 | Cite |
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890-891 | Review of Johannes Birgfeld, Claude D. Conter, Das Unterhaltungsstück um 1800: Literaturhistorische Konfigurationen: Signaturen der Moderne Ian F. Roe doi:10.2307/20467988 | Cite |
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891-892 | Review of Barbara Besslich, Der deutsche Napoleon-Mythos: Literatur und Erinnerung 1800-1945 Roger Paulin doi:10.2307/20467989 | Cite |
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893-894 | Review of Richard Block, The Spell of Italy: Vacation, Magic, and the Attraction of Goethe Christina Ujma doi:10.2307/20467990 | Cite |
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894-895 | Review of Thomas Albert Howard, Protestant Theology and the Making of the Modern German University Ian Cooper doi:10.2307/20467991 | Cite |
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895-896 | Review of Lucia Ruprecht, Dances of the Self in Heinrich von Kleist, E. T. A. Hoffmann and Heinrich Heine James Hodkinson doi:10.2307/20467992 | Cite |
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896-897 | Review of Chris Weedon, Gender, Feminism, and Fiction in Germany, 1840-1914 Anna Richards doi:10.2307/20467993 | Cite |
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897-898 | Review of Hanna Delf von Wolzogen, Hubertus Fischer, Religion als Relikt? Christliche Traditionen im Werk Fontanes Peter James Bowman doi:10.2307/20467994 | Cite |
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898-901 | Review of Fred Bridgham, The First World War as a Clash of Cultures; Brian Murdoch, The Novels of Erich Maria Remarque: Sparks of Life Alan Bance doi:10.2307/20467995 | Cite |
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901-902 | Review of Hartmut Binder, Mit Kafka in den Süden: Eine historische Bilderreise in die Schweiz und zu den oberitalienischen Seen Ritchie Robertson doi:10.2307/20467996 | Cite |
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902-903 | Review of Julian Preece, The Rediscovered Writings of Veza Canetti: Out of the Shadows of a Husband Alexander Košenina doi:10.2307/20467997 | Cite |
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903-904 | Review of Karina von Lindeiner, Sammlung zur heiligsten Aufgabe: Politische Künstler und Intellektuelle in Klaus Manns Exilwerk Osman Durrani doi:10.2307/20467998 | Cite |
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904-905 | Review of Chloe Paver, Refractions of the Third Reich in German and Austrian Fiction and Film Ben Hutchinson doi:10.2307/20467999 | Cite |
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905-906 | | Cite |
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906-907 | | Cite |
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907-908 | Review of Björn Schaal, Jenseits von Oder und Lethe: Flucht, Vertreibung und Heimatverlust in Erzähltexten nach 1945 (Günter Grass, Siegfried Lenz, Christa Wolf) Chloe Paver doi:10.2307/20468002 | Cite |
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908-909 | Review of Thomas Althaus, Wolfgang Bunzel, Dirk Göttsche, Kleine Prosa: Theorie und Geschichte eines Textfeldes im Literatursystem der Moderne Andrew Barker doi:10.2307/20468003 | Cite |
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909-910 | Review of Mary Fulbrook, Un-Civilizing Processes? Excess and Transgression in German Society and Culture: Perspectives Debating with Norbert Elias Osman Durrani doi:10.2307/20468004 | Cite |
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910-911 | | Cite |
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911-912 | Review of Eric Downing, After Images: Photography, Archaeology, and Psychoanalysis and the Tradition of Bildung Dora Osborne doi:10.2307/20468006 | Cite |
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912-913 | Review of Michael Knoche, Justus H. Ulbricht, Jürgen Weber, Das 'deutsche Buch' in der Debatte um nationale Identität und kulturelles Erbe Roger Paulin doi:10.2307/20468007 | Cite |
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913-914 | Review of Elsa Strietman, Peter Happé, Urban Theatre in the Low Countries 1400-1625 Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/20468008 | Cite |
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914-916 | Review of Peter Hvilshøj Andersen, Die Nibelungen zogen nach Dänemark: Eine Neuinterpretation der Erzählung 'Von Hven zwischen Seeland und Schonen' John L. Flood doi:10.2307/20468009 | Cite |
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916-918 | Review of Toril Moi, Henrik Ibsen and the Birth of Modernism: Art, Theater, Philosophy Mary Kay Norseng doi:10.2307/20468010 | Cite |
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918-919 | Review of Melissa Frazier, Romantic Encounters: Writers, Readers, and the 'Library for Reading' Carol Adlam doi:10.2307/20468011 | Cite |
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919-920 | | Cite |
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920-921 | Review of Pamela Davidson, Vyacheslav Ivanov and C. M. Bowra: A Correspondence from Two Corners on Humanism Adam Fergus doi:10.2307/20468013 | Cite |
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921-923 | | Cite |
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923-925 | Review of Katharine Hodgson, Voicing the Soviet Experience: The Poetry of Ol'Ga Berggol'Ts Mark Leiderman doi:10.2307/20468015 | Cite |
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926-927 | Review of Stephen Lovell, Birgit Menzel, Reading for Entertainment in Contemporary Russia: Post-Soviet Popular Literature in Historical Perspective Stephen Hutchings doi:10.2307/20468016 | Cite |
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