933-946 | Chaucer's Wife of Bath and John Fowles's Quaker Maid: Tale-Telling and the Trial of Personal Experience and Written Authority Carla Arnell doi:10.2307/20467542 | Cite |
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947-959 | The Travels of Ideology: Niccolò Machiavelli at the Court of James VI Alessandra Petrina doi:10.2307/20467543 | Cite |
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960-974 | | Cite |
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975-989 | Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and Girodet: Illustrating the 'luxury' Edition of "Paul et Virgine" Malcolm Cook doi:10.2307/20467545 | Cite |
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990-1007 | | Cite |
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1008-1020 | | Cite |
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1021-1034 | | Cite |
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1035-1052 | Imperfect Portraits of a Postcolonial Heroine: Laura Restrepo's "La novia oscura" Lloyd Hughes Davies doi:10.2307/20467549 | Cite |
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1053-1068 | Beyond the Shadows of Solitude: Self, Desire, and (Dis)embodiment in Ana Clavel's "Los deseos y su sombra" Jane Elizabeth Lavery doi:10.2307/20467550 | Cite |
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1069-1083 | Portraits of the Artist: Gerhart Hauptmann's "Kollege Crampton" and "Michael Kramer" Alan Corkhill doi:10.2307/20467551 | Cite |
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1084-1104 | Rilke's 'left-handed lyre': Multilingualism and the Poetics of Possibility Jo Catling doi:10.2307/20467552 | Cite |
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1105-1121 | Remapping Arcadia: 'Pastoral Space' in Nineteenth-Century Russian Prose Rachel S. Platonov doi:10.2307/20467553 | Cite |
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1122-1123 | Review of Nigel Armstrong, Federico Federici, Translating Voices, Translating Regions Loredana Polezzi doi:10.2307/20467554 | Cite |
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1123-1125 | Review of Howard D. Weinbrot, Menippean Satire Reconsidered: From Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century Ingrid A. R. de Smet doi:10.2307/20467555 | Cite |
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1125 | Review of Andreas Capellanus, Fritz P. Knapp, De amore libri tres / Von der Liebe Drei Bücher Mark Chinca doi:10.2307/20467556 | Cite |
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1125-1127 | | Cite |
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1127-1128 | Review of Carolyn Vellenga Berman, Creole Crossings: Domestic Fiction and the Reform of Colonial Slavery Susan Castillo doi:10.2307/20467558 | Cite |
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1128-1129 | Review of Anneliese Botond, Die Wahlverwandtschaften: Transformation und Kritik der neuen Héloïse Jane K. Brown doi:10.2307/20467559 | Cite |
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1129-1130 | Review of Stuart Wallace, John Stuart Blackie: Scottish Scholar and Patriot Pól Ó Dochartaigh doi:10.2307/20467560 | Cite |
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1130-1131 | Review of Mary Jacobus, The Poetics of Psychoanalysis: In the Wake of Klein Jeremy Tambling doi:10.2307/20467561 | Cite |
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1131-1132 | Review of Sascha Bru, Gunther Martens, The Invention of Politics in the European Avant-Garde (1906-1940) Simona Storchi doi:10.2307/20467562 | Cite |
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1132-1133 | | Cite |
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1133-1135 | Review of Jerome McGann, The Scholar's Art: Literary Studies in a Managed World John Frow doi:10.2307/20467564 | Cite |
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1135-1136 | Review of R. Clifton Spargo, Vigilant Memory: Emmanuel Levinas, the Holocaust, and the Unjust Death Colin Davis doi:10.2307/20467565 | Cite |
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1136-1137 | | Cite |
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1137-1138 | | Cite |
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1138-1139 | Review of Rosalind Smith, Sonnets and the English Woman Writer, 1560-1621: The Politics of Absence Lucinda Becker doi:10.2307/20467568 | Cite |
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1139-1142 | Review of David Scott Kastan, John Milton: 'Paradise Lost'; Emma Smith, William Shakespeare: 'Othello' Willy Maley doi:10.2307/20467569 | Cite |
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1142 | | Cite |
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1143 | | Cite |
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1144-1145 | Review of Thomas Keymer, Peter Sabor, 'Pamela' in the Marketplace: Literary Controversy and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland John A. Dussinger doi:10.2307/20467572 | Cite |
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1145-1146 | Review of Thomas Pfau, Romantic Moods: Paranoia, Trauma, and Melancholy, 1790-1840 Richard Cronin doi:10.2307/20467573 | Cite |
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1146-1147 | Review of Constance W. Hassett, Christina Rossetti: The Patience of Style Emma Mason doi:10.2307/20467574 | Cite |
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1147-1148 | Review of Richard Foulkes, Lewis Carroll and the Victorian Stage: Thearicals in a Quiet Life Roger Ebbatson doi:10.2307/20467575 | Cite |
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1148-1149 | Review of Patrick O'Neill, Polyglot Joyce: Fictions of Translation Massimo Bacigalupo doi:10.2307/20467576 | Cite |
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1149-1150 | | Cite |
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1150-1151 | Review of Janis P. Stout, Coming out of War: Poetry, Grieving, and the Culture of the World Wars Bernard Bergonzi doi:10.2307/20467578 | Cite |
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1151-1152 | | Cite |
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1152-1153 | Review of Susan M. Schultz, A Poetics of Impasse in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry Massimo Bacigalupo doi:10.2307/20467580 | Cite |
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1153-1154 | Review of Emmanuel Bury, Francine Mora, Du roman courtois au roman baroque: Actes du colloque des 2-5 juillet 2002 Rosalind Brown-Grant doi:10.2307/20467581 | Cite |
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1155-1156 | Review of Faith E. Beasley, Salons, History, and the Creation of Seventeenth-Century France: Mastering Memory Marie-Claude Canova-Green doi:10.2307/20467582 | Cite |
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1156 | Review of J. A. Dainard, Marie-Thérèse Inguenaud, Dorothy P. Arthur, M.-P. Ducretet-Powell, E. Showalter, D. W. Smith, Correspondance de Madame de Graffigny. Vol. X: 26 avril 1749-2 juillet 1750, letters 1391-1569 Michael Cardy doi:10.2307/20467583 | Cite |
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1156-1157 | Review of Robert L. Dawson, Confiscations at Customs: Banned Books and the French Booktrade during the Last Years of the Ancien Régime David Adams doi:10.2307/20467584 | Cite |
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1157-1158 | Review of Gérard Peylet, Le Musée imaginaire de George Sand: L'ouverture et la médiation Nigel Harkness doi:10.2307/20467585 | Cite |
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1158-1159 | Review of Katherine Lunn-Rockliffe, Tristan Corbière and the Poetics of Irony Anna Davies doi:10.2307/20467586 | Cite |
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1159-1160 | | Cite |
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1160-1161 | Review of David H. Walker, André Gide: Eugène Rouart: Correspondance Peter Fawcett doi:10.2307/20467588 | Cite |
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1161-1162 | | Cite |
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1162-1163 | Review of Suzanne Lafont, Céline et ses compagnonnages littéraires: Rimbaud, Molière Michael Tilby doi:10.2307/20467590 | Cite |
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1163-1164 | Review of Paul Gifford, Love, Desire and Transcendence in French Literature: Deciphering Eros Marie-France Étienne doi:10.2307/20467591 | Cite |
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1164-1165 | Review of Jean-Claude Mathieu, Philippe Jaccottet: L'évidence du simple et l'éclat de obscur Emma Wagstaff doi:10.2307/20467592 | Cite |
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1165-1166 | Review of Lorna Milne, Patrick Chamoiseau: Espaces d'Une Écriture Antillaise Maeve McCusker doi:10.2307/20467593 | Cite |
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1166-1168 | Review of M. A. Katritzky, The Art of Commedia: A Study in the 'Commedia dell'arte', 1560-1620, with Special Reference to the Visual Records Richard Andrews doi:10.2307/20467594 | Cite |
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1168-1170 | Review of Derek Duncan, Reading and Writing Italian Homosexuality: A Case of Possible Difference Luca Baldoni doi:10.2307/20467595 | Cite |
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1170-1171 | Review of Luis Vélez de Guevara, William R. Manson, C. George Peale, El hijo del águila Jonathan Thacker doi:10.2307/20467596 | Cite |
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1171-1172 | Review of Leticia McGrath, Joaquín Dicenta: Spain's Forgotten Dramatist Alda Blanco doi:10.2307/20467597 | Cite |
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1172-1173 | Review of Sara Smart, The Ideal Image: Studies in Writing for the German Court, 1616-1705 Richard E. Schade doi:10.2307/20467598 | Cite |
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1173-1174 | Review of Gert Hübner, Deutsche Liebeslyrik im 15. Und 16. Jahrhundert: 18. Mediävistisches Kolloquium des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg am 28. Und 29. November 2003 Charlotte Woodford doi:10.2307/20467599 | Cite |
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1174-1175 | Review of Renata Häublein, Die Entdeckung Shakespeares auf der deutschen Bühne des 18. Jahrhunderts: Adaption und Wirkung der Vermittlung auf dem Theater Hilda Brown doi:10.2307/20467600 | Cite |
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1176-1177 | Review of Barbara Fischer, Thomas C. Fox, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, A Companion to the Works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Thomas Martinec doi:10.2307/20467601 | Cite |
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1177-1178 | Review of Nicholas Martin, Schiller: National Poet: Poet of Nations. A Birmingham Symposium Susanne Kord doi:10.2307/20467602 | Cite |
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1178-1180 | Review of Dietmar Goltschnigg, Hartmut Steinecke, Heine und die Nachwelt: Geschichte seiner Wirkung in den deutschsprachigen Ländern. Texte und Kontexte, Analysen und Kommentare, Vol. 1: 1856-1906 Jeffrey L. Sammons doi:10.2307/20467603 | Cite |
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1180-1182 | Review of Katharina Grätz, Musealer Historismus: Die Gegenwart des Vergangenen bei Stifter, Keller und Raabe Jeffrey L. Sammons doi:10.2307/20467604 | Cite |
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1182-1184 | | Cite |
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1184-1185 | Review of Thomas Mann, Franz Zeder, Briefe an Jonas Lesser und Siegfried Trebitsch, 1939-1954 Paul Bishop doi:10.2307/20467606 | Cite |
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1185-1186 | Review of Franz Kafka, Ewald Rösch, Ein Hungerkünstler: Vier Geschichten Carol Tully doi:10.2307/20467607 | Cite |
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1186-1187 | | Cite |
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1187-1188 | Review of Johan Tralau, Klaus-Jürgen Liedtke, Menschendämmerung: Karl Marx, Ernst Jünger und der Untergang des Selbst Galin Tihanov doi:10.2307/20467609 | Cite |
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1188-1190 | | Cite |
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1190-1191 | Review of S. S. Prawer, Between Two Worlds: The Jewish Presence in German and Austrian Film, 1910-1933 Seán Allan doi:10.2307/20467611 | Cite |
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1191-1193 | Review of Burkhard Lindner, Benjamin-Handbuch: Leben, Werk, Wirkung Carolin Duttlinger doi:10.2307/20467612 | Cite |
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1193-1194 | | Cite |
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1195-1196 | Review of Alessandra Tosi, Waiting for Pushkin: Russian Fiction in the Reign of Alexander I (1801-1825) Derek Offord doi:10.2307/20467614 | Cite |
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1196-1197 | | Cite |
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xxix-xliv | | Cite |
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