311-325 | The Secret Life of the Della Cruscan Sonnet: William Gifford's "Baviad" and "Maeviad" Marianne Van Remoortel doi:10.2307/20467280 | Cite |
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326-340 | | Cite |
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341-362 | 'Laughing at the laugh': Unhappy Consciousness in Nathanael West's "The Dream Life of Balso Snell" Doug Haynes doi:10.2307/20467282 | Cite |
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363-380 | Synonymity and Semantic Variability in Medieval French and Middle English William Rothwell doi:10.2307/20467283 | Cite |
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381-396 | Unpicking Female Exemplarity; Or, the Usefulness of Body Stories: Reassessing Female Communal Identity in Two Early Modern French Texts Cathy Hampton doi:10.2307/20467284 | Cite |
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397-409 | | Cite |
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410-426 | | Cite |
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427-439 | In the Bard's Shadow: Shakespearian Affinities as an Obstacle to the Reception of Schiller's Plays in Britain, 1945-2005 Bettina Göbels doi:10.2307/20467287 | Cite |
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440-450 | 'Bloss aus lemberg gebürtig': Detlev Spinell, the Austrian Jewish Aesthete in Thomas Mann's "Tristan" Andrew Barker doi:10.2307/20467288 | Cite |
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451-465 | Russian Orthodoxy: A User's Manual. Church Advice Literature as a Reflection of Present-Day Reality B. S. Weichert doi:10.2307/20467289 | Cite |
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466 | Review of Lisa Perfetti, The Representation of Women's Emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Culture Andrew Breeze doi:10.2307/20467290 | Cite |
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467-468 | | Cite |
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468-469 | Review of Ulrike Bethlehem, Guinevere: A Medieval Puzzle. Images of Arthur's Queen in the Medieval Literature of Britain and France Catherine Batt doi:10.2307/20467292 | Cite |
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469-470 | Review of Sebastiano Timpanaro, Glenn W. Most, The Genesis of Lachmann's Method Carlo Caruso doi:10.2307/20467293 | Cite |
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470-471 | | Cite |
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471-472 | Review of Hans van Stralen, Choices and Conflicts: Essays on Literature and Existentialism Valerie Howells doi:10.2307/20467295 | Cite |
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472-473 | Review of Will Slocombe, Nihilism and the Sublime Postmodern: The (Hi)Story of a Difficult Relationship from Romanticism to Postmodernism Jeremy Tambling doi:10.2307/20467296 | Cite |
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473-475 | Review of W. J. T. Mitchell, What Do Pictures Want? The Lives and Loves of Images David Pascoe doi:10.2307/20467297 | Cite |
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475-476 | Review of Guido Rings, Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas, European Cinema: Inside and out. Images of the Self and the Other in Postcolonial European Film Pauline Small doi:10.2307/20467298 | Cite |
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476-477 | Review of Carol Braun Pasternack, Lisa M. C. Weston, Daniel Gillmore Calder, Sex and Sexuality in Anglo-Saxon England: Essays in Memory of Daniel Gillmore Calder Adam Mearns doi:10.2307/20467299 | Cite |
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477-478 | Review of Mark Miller, Philosophical Chaucer: Love, Sex, and Agency in the 'Canterbury Tales' Gerald Morgan doi:10.2307/20467300 | Cite |
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478-479 | | Cite |
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479-480 | Review of Derek Hughes, Janet Todd, The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn Matthew Grenby doi:10.2307/20467302 | Cite |
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480-481 | Review of Ewan Fernie, Ramona Wray, Mark Thornton Burnett, Claire McManus, Reconceiving the Renaissance: A Critical Reader Richard Meek doi:10.2307/20467303 | Cite |
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481-482 | Review of Jody Greene, The Trouble with Ownership: Literary Property and Authorial Liability in England, 1660-1730 Marialuisa Bignami doi:10.2307/20467304 | Cite |
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482-483 | Review of Constance C. Relihan, Cosmographical Glasses: Geographic Discourse, Gender and Elizabethan Fiction Kate McLuskie doi:10.2307/20467305 | Cite |
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483-484 | Review of D. Bruce Hindmarsh, The Evangelical Conversion Narrative: Spiritual Autobiography in Early Modern England Isabel Rivers doi:10.2307/20467306 | Cite |
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484-485 | | Cite |
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485-486 | Review of Steven N. Zwicker, The Cambridge Companion to John Dryden Thomas Docherty doi:10.2307/20467308 | Cite |
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486-487 | Review of Freya Johnston, Samuel Johnson and the Art of Sinking 1709-1791 Allan Ingram doi:10.2307/20467309 | Cite |
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487-488 | | Cite |
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488-489 | | Cite |
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489-490 | | Cite |
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490-491 | Review of Richard Terry, Mock-Heroic from Butler to Cowper: An English Genre and Discourse Tom Jones doi:10.2307/20467313 | Cite |
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491-492 | | Cite |
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492-493 | Review of Clark Davis, Hawthorne's Shyness: Ethics, Politics, and the Question of Engagement John Saunders doi:10.2307/20467315 | Cite |
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494-495 | Review of Martha Vicinus, Intimate Friends: Women Who Loved Women, 1778-1928 Denis Flannery doi:10.2307/20467316 | Cite |
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495-496 | Review of Janis P. Stout, Willa Cather and Material Culture: Real World Writing, Writing the Real World Aliki Varvogli doi:10.2307/20467317 | Cite |
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496-497 | Review of Michael Hinds, Stephen Matterson, Rebound: The American Poetry Book Peter Nicholls doi:10.2307/20467318 | Cite |
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497-498 | Review of Dorothy J. Hale, The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000 Jeremy Hawthorn doi:10.2307/20467319 | Cite |
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498-499 | Review of Jane Potter, Boys in Khaki Girls in Print: Women's Literary Responses to the Great War 1914-1918 Geneviève Brassard doi:10.2307/20467320 | Cite |
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499-500 | Review of David Caplan, Questions of Possibility: Contemporary Poetry and Poetic Form Stephen Matterson doi:10.2307/20467321 | Cite |
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500-502 | Review of Stewart Gregory, William Rothwell, David Trotter, Anglo-Norman Dictionary Philip Bennett doi:10.2307/20467322 | Cite |
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502-503 | | Cite |
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503-504 | Review of Wace, Arthur Wayne Glowka, Le Roman de Brut: The French Book of Brutus Jean Blacker doi:10.2307/20467324 | Cite |
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504-505 | | Cite |
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505-506 | Review of Sylvie Lefèvre, Antoine de La Sale: La fabrique de l'œuvre et de l'écrivain (Suivi de l'édition critique du 'Traité des anciens et des nouveaux tournois') Sandra Bialystok doi:10.2307/20467326 | Cite |
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506-507 | Review of Eva Kushner, Le Dialogue à la Renaissance: Histoire et poétique Hugh Roberts doi:10.2307/20467327 | Cite |
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507-508 | Review of David Cowling, Conceptions of Europe in Renaissance France Hugh Roberts doi:10.2307/20467328 | Cite |
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508-509 | | Cite |
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509 | Review of Béatrice Alonso, Éliane Viennot, Louise Labé 2005 Gabriella Scarlatta Eschrich doi:10.2307/20467330 | Cite |
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510 | Review of Concetta Cavallini, 'Cette belle besogne': Étude sur le journal de voyage de Montaigne H. Porter Abbott doi:10.2307/20467331 | Cite |
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511 | | Cite |
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511-512 | Review of Jean de La Bruyère, Louis-Ellies Du Pin, Richard Parish, Dialogues posthumes sur le quiétisme D. J. Culpin doi:10.2307/20467333 | Cite |
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512-513 | Review of Louis Sala-Molins, John Conteh-Morgan, Dark Side of the Light: Slavery and the French Enlightenement David Adams doi:10.2307/20467334 | Cite |
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513-514 | Review of Charles de Fieux, Chevalier de Mouhy, Henry Duranton, La Paysanne parvenue; Ou, les Mémoires de madame la Marquise de L** V** Denis D. Grélé doi:10.2307/20467335 | Cite |
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514-515 | Review of Mark Darlow, Revolutionary Culture: Continuity and Change Máire F. Cross doi:10.2307/20467336 | Cite |
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515-516 | Review of Ceri Crossley, Consumable Metaphors: Attitudes Towards Animals and Vegetarianism in Nineteenth-Century France Lucile Desblache doi:10.2307/20467337 | Cite |
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516-517 | Review of Philippe Destruel, L'Écriture nervalienne du temps: L'expérience de la temporalité dans l'œuvre de Gérard de Nerval Maurice Blackman doi:10.2307/20467338 | Cite |
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517-518 | | Cite |
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518-519 | | Cite |
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519-520 | Review of Bernard Brun, Juliette Hassine, Marcel Proust 5: Proust au tournant des siècles 2 W. L. Hodson doi:10.2307/20467341 | Cite |
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520-521 | Review of Aude Le Roux-Kieken, Imaginaire et écriture de la mort dans l'œuvre de Marcel Proust Robin MacKenzie doi:10.2307/20467342 | Cite |
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521-522 | | Cite |
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522-523 | Review of Marie-Ange Bartholomot Bessou, L'Imaginaire du féminin dans l'œuvre de Renée Vivien Diana Holmes doi:10.2307/20467344 | Cite |
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523-524 | | Cite |
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524-526 | Review of Michael Sheringham, Everyday Life: Theories and Practices from Surrealism to the Present Elza Adamowicz doi:10.2307/20467346 | Cite |
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526-527 | Review of Julia Walters, Duras and Indochina: Postcolonial Perspectives Catherine Rodgers doi:10.2307/20467347 | Cite |
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527-528 | Review of Max Silverman, Frantz Fanon, Frantz Fanon's 'Black Skin White Masks': New Interdisciplinary Essays Jean Khalfa doi:10.2307/20467348 | Cite |
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528-529 | Review of Richard J. Golsan, French Writers and the Politics of Complicity: Crises of Democracy in the 1940s and 1990s Angela Kimyongür doi:10.2307/20467349 | Cite |
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529-530 | Review of Rachel Killick, Uncertain Relations: Some Configurations of the 'Third Space' in Francophone Writings of the Americas and of Europe E. H. Jones doi:10.2307/20467350 | Cite |
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530-531 | | Cite |
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531-532 | Review of Mark Robson, Jacques Rancière: Aesthetics, Politics, Philosophy Christopher Carlton doi:10.2307/20467352 | Cite |
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532-533 | | Cite |
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533-534 | Review of Olivier Larizza, Le Reliquat scintillant: Pour une renaissance de la critique littéraire R. A. York doi:10.2307/20467354 | Cite |
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534-535 | Review of Cormac Ó. Cuilleanáin, Corinna Salvadori, John Scattergood, Italian Culture: Interactions, Transpositions, Translations Peter Brand doi:10.2307/20467355 | Cite |
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536-537 | Review of Anthony Julian Tamburri, Semiotics of Re-Reading: Guido Gozzano, Aldo Palazzeschi, Italo Calvino Emmanuela Tandello doi:10.2307/20467356 | Cite |
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537-538 | Review of John Butcher, Mario Moroni, From Eugenio Montale to Amelia Rosselli: Italian Poetry in the Sixties and Seventies Catherine O'Brien doi:10.2307/20467357 | Cite |
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538-540 | Review of David George, Theatre in Madrid and Barcelona, 1892-1936: Rivals or Collaborators? John London doi:10.2307/20467358 | Cite |
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540-541 | Review of José M. del Pino, Del tren al aeroplano: Ensayos sobre la vanguardia española John McCulloch doi:10.2307/20467359 | Cite |
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541-545 | Review of María Estela Harretche, Federico García Lorca: Análisis de una revolución teatral María M. Delgado doi:10.2307/20467360 | Cite |
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545-546 | Review of Alison Ribeiro de Menezes, Juan Goytisolo: The Author as Dissident Stuart Davis doi:10.2307/20467361 | Cite |
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546-547 | Review of Komla Aggor, Francisco Nieva and Postmodernist Theatre Montserrat Roser i Puig doi:10.2307/20467362 | Cite |
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547 | Review of Silvia Bermúdez, La esfinge de la escritura: La poesía ética de Blanca Varela Stephen M. Hart doi:10.2307/20467363 | Cite |
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548-549 | Review of Danny J. Anderson, Jill S. Kuhnheim, Cultural Studies in the Curriculum: Teaching Latin America Philip Swanson doi:10.2307/20467364 | Cite |
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549-550 | Review of Karl S. Guthke, Die Erfindung der Welt: Globalität und Grenzen in der Kulturgeschichte der Literatur Florian Krobb doi:10.2307/20467365 | Cite |
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550-551 | Review of Sigrid Weigel, Genea-Logik: Generation, Tradition und Evolution zwischen Kultur- und Naturwissenschaften Anne Fuchs doi:10.2307/20467366 | Cite |
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551-552 | Review of Helmut Dworschak, Milch und Acker: Körperliche und sexuelle Aspekte der religiösen Erfahrung am Beispiel der Bußdidaxe des Strickers Elizabeth Andersen doi:10.2307/20467367 | Cite |
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552-553 | Review of Dirk Niefanger, Geschichtsdrama der Frühen Neuzeit 1495-1773 Alan Menhennet doi:10.2307/20467368 | Cite |
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553-555 | Review of Charlotte Coulombeau, Le Philosophique chez Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Individu et vérité H. B. Nisbet doi:10.2307/20467369 | Cite |
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555-556 | Review of Ute Tintemann, Christof Wingertszahn, Karl Philipp Moritz in Berlin 1789-1793 Martin Davies doi:10.2307/20467370 | Cite |
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556-557 | Review of Frieder von Ammon, Ungastliche Gaben: Die 'Xenien' Goethes und Schillers und ihre literarische Rezeption von 1796 bis in die Gegenwart Meredith Lee doi:10.2307/20467371 | Cite |
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558-560 | | Cite |
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560-561 | Review of Susan Bernofsky, Foreign Words: Translator-Authors in the Age of Goethe Charlie Louth doi:10.2307/20467373 | Cite |
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562-563 | Review of Karin Wurst, Fabricating Pleasure: Fashion, Entertainment, and Cultural Consumption in Germany 1780-1830 Laura Martin doi:10.2307/20467374 | Cite |
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563-564 | Review of Christoph Prignitz, Bürgerliches Leben im Zeichen der Uhr: Bemerkungen zu einer literarischen Kontroverse um 1800 in Deutschland Theodore Ziolkowski doi:10.2307/20467375 | Cite |
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564-565 | Review of Petra Wulbusch, Therese Huber und Emil von Herder: Zum Geschlechterdiskursum 1800 Anna Richards doi:10.2307/20467376 | Cite |
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565-567 | | Cite |
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567-568 | Review of Brent O. Peterson, History, Fiction and Germany: Writing the Nineteenth-Century Nation Charlotte Woodford doi:10.2307/20467378 | Cite |
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568-569 | Review of Hans-Gerd von Seggern, Nietzsche und die Weimarer Klassik Roger Stephenson doi:10.2307/20467379 | Cite |
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569-570 | Review of Margherita Versari, Asta von Unger, Strategien der Liebesrede in der Dichtung Stefan Georges Christophe Fricker doi:10.2307/20467380 | Cite |
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570-571 | | Cite |
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571-572 | Review of James M. Skidmore, The Trauma of Defeat: Ricarda Huch's Historiography during the Weimar Republic Steffan Davies doi:10.2307/20467382 | Cite |
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572-573 | Review of Eric L. Santner, On Creaturely Life: Rilke, Benjamin, Sebald Ben Hutchinson doi:10.2307/20467383 | Cite |
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573-574 | Review of Herbert Lehnert, Eva Wesseli, Thomas Mann, A Companion to the Works of Thomas Mann Nicholas Martin doi:10.2307/20467384 | Cite |
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574-576 | Review of Peter-André Alt, Franz Kafka: Der ewige Sohn. Eine Biographie Julian Preece doi:10.2307/20467385 | Cite |
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576-577 | Review of Frank Krause, Klangbewusster Expressionismus: Moderne Techniken des rituellen Ausdrucks James Rolleston doi:10.2307/20467386 | Cite |
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577-579 | Review of Simon Karcher, Sachlichkeit und elegischer Ton: Die späte Lyrik von Gottfried Benn und Bertolt Brecht: Ein Vergleich Brian Keith-Smith doi:10.2307/20467387 | Cite |
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579-580 | | Cite |
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580-581 | Review of Alexander Stephan, Exile and Otherness: New Approaches to the Experience of the Nazi Refugees J. M. Ritchie doi:10.2307/20467389 | Cite |
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581-582 | Review of Rodney Symington, The Nazi Appropriation of Shakespeare: Cultural Politics in the Third Reich Roger Paulin doi:10.2307/20467390 | Cite |
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582-583 | Review of Benedikt Engels, Das lyrische Umfeld der 'Danziger Trilogie' von Günter Grass Ruth J. Owen doi:10.2307/20467391 | Cite |
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583-584 | Review of Morwenna Symons, Room for Manœuvre: The Role of Intertext in Elfriede Jelinek's 'Die Klavierspielerin', Günter Grass's 'Ein weites Feld', and Herta Müller's 'Niederungen' and 'Reisende auf einem Bein' Margaret Littler doi:10.2307/20467392 | Cite |
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584-585 | Review of Stuart Parkes, Fritz Wefelmeyer, Seelenarbeit an Deutschland: Martin Walser in Perspective Bill Niven doi:10.2307/20467393 | Cite |
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585-586 | Review of Paul Cooke, Representing East Germany since Unification: From Colonization to Nostalgia Brad Prager doi:10.2307/20467394 | Cite |
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587-588 | | Cite |
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588-589 | Review of Wolfgang Bunzel, Das deutschsprachige Prosagedicht: Theorie und Geschichte einer literarischen Gattung der Moderne Dirk Göttsche doi:10.2307/20467396 | Cite |
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589-590 | Review of Roger Hillman, Unsettling Scores: German Film, Music, and Ideology Ben Morgan doi:10.2307/20467397 | Cite |
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590-591 | Review of John A. McCarthy, Remapping Reality: Chaos and Creativity in Science and Literature (Goethe, Nietzsche, Grass) Paul Bishop doi:10.2307/20467398 | Cite |
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591-592 | Review of Marianne Henn, Irmela von der Lühe, Anita Runge, Geschichte(n) erzählen: Konstruktionen von Vergangenheit in literarischen Werken deutschsprachiger Autorinnen seit dem 18. Jahrhundert Hilary Brown doi:10.2307/20467399 | Cite |
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592-594 | Review of Waltraud Maierhofer, Hexen, Huren, Heldenweiber: Bilder des Weiblichen in Erzähltexten über den Dreißigjährigen Krieg Susanne Kord doi:10.2307/20467400 | Cite |
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594-596 | Review of Gabrijela Mecky Zaragoza, 'Da befiel sie Furcht und Angst...': Judith im Drama des 19. Jahrhunderts; Barbara Hindinger, Tragische Helden mit verletzten Seelen: Männerbilder in den Dramen Friedrich Hebbels Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly doi:10.2307/20467401 | Cite |
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596-597 | Review of Volker Mergenthaler, Völkerschau, Kannibalismus, Fremdenlegion: Zur Ästhetik der Transgression (1897-1936) Florian Krobb doi:10.2307/20467402 | Cite |
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597-598 | Review of Matthias Fiedler, Zwischen Abenteuer, Wissenschaft und Kolonialismus: Der deutsche Afrikadiskursim 18. Und 19. Jahrhundert Dirk Göttsche doi:10.2307/20467403 | Cite |
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598-599 | | Cite |
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599-600 | Review of Helen Chambers, Violence, Culture and Identity: Essays on German and Austrian Literature, Politics and Society Susanne Kord doi:10.2307/20467405 | Cite |
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602-603 | | Cite |
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603-604 | Review of Rory McTurk, A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature Carolyne Larrington doi:10.2307/20467408 | Cite |
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604-606 | Review of Andreas Blödorn, Zwischen den Sprachen: Modelle transkultureller Literatur bei Christian Levin Sander und Adam Oehlenschläger Peter Skrine doi:10.2307/20467409 | Cite |
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606-607 | Review of Sverre Lyngstad, Knut Hamsun, Novelist: A Critical Assessment Janet Garton doi:10.2307/20467410 | Cite |
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607-608 | Review of Thomas Seifrid, The Word Made Self: Russian Writings on Language Adam Fergus doi:10.2307/20467411 | Cite |
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608-609 | Review of Derek Offord, Natalia Gogolitsyna, Using Russian: A Guide to Contemporary Usage Noel C. Brackney doi:10.2307/20467412 | Cite |
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609-610 | Review of Edith W. Clowes, Fiction's Overcoat: Russian Literary Culture and the Question of Philosophy Craig Brandist doi:10.2307/20467413 | Cite |
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610-612 | | Cite |
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612-613 | Review of Evgeny Dobrenko, Aesthetics of Alienation: Reassessment of Early Soviet Cultural Theories Petre Petrov doi:10.2307/20467415 | Cite |
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613-614 | Review of Lesley Milne, Zoshchenko and the Ilf-Petrov Partnership: How They Laughed Julie Curtis doi:10.2307/20467416 | Cite |
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614-616 | Review of Catriona Kelly, Comrade Pavlik: The Rise and Fall of a Soviet Boy Hero Nancy Condee doi:10.2307/20467417 | Cite |
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616-617 | Review of Bruce Adams, Tiny Revolutions in Russia: Twentieth-Century Soviet and Russian History in Anecdotes Seth Graham doi:10.2307/20467418 | Cite |
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617-618 | Review of Yana Meerzon, The Path of a Character: Michael Chekhov's Inspired Acting and Theatre Semiotics Maria Shevtsova doi:10.2307/20467419 | Cite |
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