Britain and Italy from Romanticism to Modernism
A Festschrift for Peter Brand

Edited by Martin McLaughlin

Legenda (General Series)


1 November 2000  •  202pp

ISBN: 1-900755-30-0 (paperback)  •  RRP £75, $99, €85


No other European country or culture had as profound or creative an impact on Victorian Britain as Italy did. In this volume, dedicated to the acclaimed Italian scholar Peter Brand, a team of experts in various fields considers the repercussions of Italian politics and culture on British life from the early nineteenth century to the first decades of the twentieth. The essays cover a wide range of topics: politics, music, literature and the intellectual life, the emergence of Italian as an academic discipline, and the visual arts (including some previously unpublished drawings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and a rare one by Ruskin). Edited, with an introduction, by Martin McLaughlin, the volume includes chapters by Ian Campbell, Hilary Fraser, T. Gwynfor Griffith, David Kimbell, John Lindon, Denis Mack Smith, Brian Moloney and J. R. Woodhouse, as well as the last article written by Uberto Limentani, formerly Professor of Italian at Cambridge.


  • ‘The book concludes with a useful bibliography of Peter Brand's work and offers a valuable résumé of work in the field since Brand's pioneering study.’ — unsigned notice, Forum for Modern Language Studies xxxix/1, 2003, 91
  • ‘This rich and varied collection of essays... a worthy homage to Peter Brand.’ — Carmine G. di Biase, Italica 79.4, 2002, 568-72
  • ‘A volume that, with its interlacing strands, very effectively offers a picture of the complex relationship between two cultures reciprocally illuminating each other in often unpredictable ways.’ — Laura Lepschy, Modern Language Review 98.2, 2003, 482-3 (full text online)
  • ‘Une présentation très claire, dans laquelle toutefois le titre peut paraïtre trompeur, car il resterait à explorer, pendant cette même période, ce qu'apporte précisément cet autre aspect de la culture moderne italienne qu'est par exemple sa production romanesque. On songe à Manzoni (1785-1873) dont l'èuvre reflète à bien des égards le passage du Romantisme au Modernisme.’ — Annie Dubernard Laurent, Revue de littérature comparée 3, 2002, 381-3



Introduction: The Centrality of Dante
Martin McLaughlin


Britain and the Italian Risorgimento
Denis Mack Smith


Italian Nationalism, Welsh Liberalism, and the Welsh Translation of the Divina Commedia
T. Gwynfor Griffith


The Performance of Italian Opera in Early Victorian England
David Kimbell


Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Translation and Illustration of the Vita nuova
J. R. Woodhouse


Ruskin, Italy, and the Past
Hilary Fraser


Carlyle and Italy
Ian Campbell


Dante 'intra Tamisi ed Arno' (and Halle-am-Saalle): The Letters of Seymour Kirkup to H. C. Barlow
John Lindon


Svevo and Joyce: 'La novella del buon vecchio e della bella fanciulla'
Brian Moloney


Leone and Arthur Serena and the Cambridge Chair of Italian 1919-1934
Uberto Limentani


Bibliography entry:

McLaughlin, Martin (ed.), Britain and Italy from Romanticism to Modernism: A Festschrift for Peter Brand (Legenda, 2000)

First footnote reference: 35 Britain and Italy from Romanticism to Modernism: A Festschrift for Peter Brand, ed. by Martin McLaughlin (Legenda, 2000), p. 21.

Subsequent footnote reference: 37 McLaughlin, p. 47.

(To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.)

Bibliography entry:

McLaughlin, Martin (ed.). 2000. Britain and Italy from Romanticism to Modernism: A Festschrift for Peter Brand (Legenda)

Example citation: ‘A quotation occurring on page 21 of this work’ (McLaughlin 2000: 21).

Example footnote reference: 35 McLaughlin 2000: 21.

(To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.)

This Legenda title was first published by European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford but rights to it are now held by Modern Humanities Research Association and Routledge.

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