Ovide du remede d'amours
Edited by Tony Hunt
Click cover to enlarge Buy paperback at: Booksellers & libraries: | Modern Humanities Research Association 1 February 2008 • 292pp ISBN: 978-0-947623-78-4 (paperback) • RRP £14.99, $19.99, €17.99 ISBN: 978-1-122849-95-1 (Google ebook) • RRP £4.95 Sample: Google Books Given the outstanding popularity of Ovid in Europe throughout the Middle Ages, disappointingly few translations of his works into French have survived and even fewer have been carefully studied. This edition is an attempt to remedy this situation in two ways. First, it presents a hitherto unpublished version of the Remedia amoris, thus expanding the corpus of materials available to students of the transmission of Ovid in the Middle Ages. Second, it provides, for the first time, a detailed survey of the existing versions of the Remedia and their principal characteristics. Against this background the version published comes closest to what can be called a translation and is thus significant for understanding the techniques of translation in the medieval period. Tony Hunt is Besse Fellow and Tutor in French at St Peter's College, and Lecturer in French at the University of Oxford. Reviews:
Bibliography entry: Hunt, Tony (ed.), Ovide du remede d'amours, Critical Texts, 15 (MHRA, 2008) First footnote reference: 35 Ovide du remede d'amours, ed. by Tony Hunt, Critical Texts, 15 (MHRA, 2008), p. 21. Subsequent footnote reference: 37 Hunt, p. 47. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) Bibliography entry: Hunt, Tony (ed.). 2008. Ovide du remede d'amours, Critical Texts, 15 (MHRA) Example citation: ‘A quotation occurring on page 21 of this work’ (Hunt 2008: 21). Example footnote reference: 35 Hunt 2008: 21. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) This title is distributed on behalf of MHRA by Ingram’s. Booksellers and libraries can order direct from Ingram by setting up an ipage Account: click here for more. Permanent link to this title: www.mhra.org.uk/publications/Ovide-du-remede-damours www.mhra.org.uk/publications/ct-15 |