Dialogue and Narrative Design in the Works of Adalbert Stifter
Brigid Haines
Click cover to enlarge Buy paperback at: | MHRA Texts and Dissertations 34 Bithell Series of Dissertations 17 Modern Humanities Research Association for the Institute of Germanic Studies 1 January 1991 • 172pp ISBN: 978-0-947623-44-9 (paperback) • RRP £25, $40 This study focuses on the crucial interplay between dialogue and narrative in Adalbert Stifter's works and relates this to their overall structure. Stifter, a conservative and often didactic writer, is nevertheless shown to present a complex view of reality which incorporates subjective and sometimes subversive voices. Bibliography entry: Haines, Brigid, Dialogue and Narrative Design in the Works of Adalbert Stifter, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 34 (MHRA, 1991) First footnote reference: 35 Brigid Haines, Dialogue and Narrative Design in the Works of Adalbert Stifter, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 34 (MHRA, 1991), p. 21. Subsequent footnote reference: 37 Haines, p. 47. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) Bibliography entry: Haines, Brigid. 1991. Dialogue and Narrative Design in the Works of Adalbert Stifter, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 34 (MHRA) Example citation: ‘A quotation occurring on page 21 of this work’ (Haines 1991: 21). Example footnote reference: 35 Haines 1991: 21. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) This title was first published by Modern Humanities Research Association for the Institute of Germanic Studies but rights to it are now held by Modern Humanities Research Association and the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies. This title is now out of print. Permanent link to this title: www.mhra.org.uk/publications/Dialogue-Narrative-Design-in-Works-Adalbert-Stifter www.mhra.org.uk/publications/td-34 |