This volume commemorates Theodor Herzl, the Viennese journalist and writer who, incongruously, founded Zionism as a political movement which led ultimately to the founding of the State of Israel. The contributors look at Herzl and seek to place him in historical context. In particular, they examine his relations with Viennese contemporaries, his use of his position as a prominent journalist to obtain audiences with world leaders, his negotiations with Germany and Britain to obtain a national territory for the Jews, and his attempts to analyze and reshape the Jewish character in his fictional writings.
3 | Reinventing the Jews: From Moses Mendelssohn to Theodor Herzl Ritchie Robertson | Cite |
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12 | Ambassador Herzl and the Blueprint for a Modern State Edward Timms | Cite |
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27 | Herzl and Kaiser Wilhelm II: A German Protectorate in Palestine? John C. G. Rohl | Cite |
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39 | Herzl and the Uganda Controversy Isaiah Friedman | Cite |
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54 | Herzl's Anglophilia Steven Beller | Cite |
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62 | 'Dynamite' or 'Affront'? The Jewish Question in Herzl's Play Das neue Ghetto Jorg Thunecke | Cite |
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74 | Theodor Herzl's Zionism as Gendered Discourse Matti Bunzl | Cite |
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87 | Women and Zionist Journalism: 'Frauen in der Welt der Manner' Angelika Montel | Cite |
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96 | Political versus Cultural Zionism: Reflections on Herzl and Buber Christina Ujma | Cite |
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107 | The Case of Kraus versus Herzl Gerald Krieghofer | Cite |
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122 | Defending the Idea of the Jewish State: The Career of Robert Strieker Silke Hassler | Cite |
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135 | Zionism, the Shoah and the Foundations of Israeli Identity Sophie Perriaux, Daniel Steuer | Cite |
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Review Articles |
151 | Karl Kraus in Context: Recent Developments in Research Edward Timms | Cite |
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162 | Austrian Publishers and Archives J. M. Ritchie | Cite |
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170 | Review of Moritz Csaky and Walter Pass, Europa im Zeitalter Mozarts Peter Branscombe | Cite |
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170 | Review of Hans-Josef Irmen, Die Protokolle der Wiener Freimaurerloge 'Zur wahren Eintracht' (1781-1785) Peter Branscombe | Cite |
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170 | Review of Daniel Heartz, Haydn, Mozart and the Viennese School, 1740-1780 Peter Branscombe | Cite |
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170 | Review of Thomas Bauman and Marita Petzoldt McClymonds, Opera and the Enlightenment Peter Branscombe | Cite |
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173 | Review of Hilde Haider-Pregler and Evelyn Deutsch-Schreiner, stichwort grillparzer Alexander Stillmark | Cite |
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173 | Review of Ian F. Roe, Franz Grillparzer: A Century of Criticism Alexander Stillmark | Cite |
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176 | Review of Wolfgang Matz, Adalbert Stifter oder Diese fürchterliche Wendung der Dinge Eve Mason | Cite |
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177 | Review of Thomas N. Burg, 'Sieches Volk macht siechen Staat': Arzt, Stand und Staat im 19. Jahrhundert Paul Weindling | Cite |
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178 | Review of John W. Boyer, Culture and Political Crisis in Vienna: Christian Socialism in Power, 1897-1918 Eda Sagarra | Cite |
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180 | Review of Charlie Jeffery, Social Deomocracy in the Austrian Provinces, 1918-1934: Beyond Red Vienna Tim Kirk | Cite |
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181 | Review of Dagmar Lorenz, Wiener Moderne Robert Vilain | Cite |
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183 | Review of Andrew Barker and Leo A. Lensing, Peter Altenberg: Rezept die Welt zu sehen Jens Rieckmann | Cite |
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184 | Review of Jacques Le Rider, Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Historicisme et modernite Judith Beniston | Cite |
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185 | Review of Sandra McColl, Music Criticism in Vienna 1896-1897: Critically Moving Forms Andrew Barker | Cite |
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187 | Review of Hartmut Krones, Alexander Zemlinsky: Asthetik, Stil und Umfeld Christopher Hailey | Cite |
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190 | Review of Sander Gilman, Franz Kafka: The Jewish Patient Elizabeth Boa | Cite |
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192 | Review of Klaus Amann and Armin A. Wallas, Expressionismus in Osterreich Richard Sheppard | Cite |
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192 | Review of Armin A. Wallas, Zeitschriften und Anthologien des Expressionismus in Österreich Richard Sheppard | Cite |
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195 | Review of Stefan H. Kaszynski, Österreich und Mitteleuropa. Kritische Seitenblicke auf die neuere bsterreichische Literatur Ritchie Robertson | Cite |
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197 | Review of Imke Henkel, Lebens-Bilder. Beobachtungen zur Wahrnehmung in Heimito von Doderers Romanwerk Andrew Barker | Cite |
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198 | Review of Michael Krüger, Einladung zur Verwandlung. Essays zu Elias Canettis 'Masse und Macht' Harriet Murphy | Cite |
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198 | Review of Ursula Ruppel, Der Tod und Canetti Harriet Murphy | Cite |
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200 | Review of John Felstiner, Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew Anthony Phelan | Cite |
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201 | Review of Irene Heidelberger-Leonard and Hans Höller, Antiautobiographie. Zu Thomas Bernhards 'Auslöschung' Andrea Reiter | Cite |
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202 | Review of Annette Doll, Mythos, Natur und Geschichte bei Elfriede Jelinek Allyson Fiddler | Cite |
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