Focusing on Austrian culture between 1780 and the "revolution of the intellectuals" in 1848, "The Austrian Enlightenment and Its Aftermath" traces the growth and continuation of liberal ideals in a period of both repression and cultural flowing. Derek Beales asks whether Joseph II was simply an enlightened despot; Peter Horwath looks at the patrotic cult which inspired the utopian novel "Dya-Na-Sore"; and Joseph Strelka studies the Josephinist intellectual, Gottlieb von Leon. Masonic song and the development of the "Kunstlied", the complexities of the Biedermeier, Stifter's place in the Austrian Enlightenment, and the continuing tradition of the Catholic Enlightenment are also covered.
Articles |
1 | Was Joseph II an Enlightened Despot? Derek Beales | Cite |
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22 | Joseph Rohrer and the Bureaucratic Enlightenment Ritchie Robertson | Cite |
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43 | The Altar of the Fatherland: Wilhelm Friedrich von Meyern's Utopian Novel Dya-Na-Sore Peter Horwath | Cite |
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59 | Gottlieb von Leon and his Rabbinische Legenden Joseph P. Strelka | Cite |
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71 | Masonic Song and the Development of the Kunstlied in Enlightenment Vienna Ewan West | Cite |
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88 | The Biedermeier Anomaly: Cultural Conservatism and Technological Progress Roger Paulin | Cite |
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102 | Stifter and the Enlightenment Eve Mason | Cite |
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117 | Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach and the Tradition of the Catholic Enlightenment Eda Sagarra | Cite |
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132 | Charles Sealsfield and the Novel as a Means of Enlightenment Hartmut Steinecke | Cite |
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145 | Josephinism, 'Austrianness', and the Revolution of 1848 R. J. W. Evans | Cite |
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161 | Austrian Writers of the Enlightenment and Biedermeier: A Biographical Directory Edward Timms, Ritchie Robertson | Cite |
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Review Articles |
171 | The Austrian Enlightenment: An Essay on Publications, 1975-1990 Leslie Bodi | Cite |
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188 | The Mozart Bicentenary Peter Branscombe | Cite |
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194 | Histories of the Viennese Jews Sander L. Gilman | Cite |
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201 | Review of H. C. Robbins Landon, David Wyn Jones, Haydn: His Life and Music Ewan West | Cite |
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202 | Review of Jeanne Benay, Briefe von und an Friedrich Kaiser W. E. Yates | Cite |
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203 | Review of Miriam J. Levy, Governance and Grievance: Habsburg Policy and Italian Tyrol in the Eighteenth Century H. M. Scott | Cite |
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205 | Review of Lawrence Sondhaus, The Habsburg Empire and the Sea: Austrian Naval Policy, 1797-1866 Lothar Hobelt | Cite |
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206 | Review of Alan Sked, The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire Steven Beller | Cite |
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207 | Review of Otto Dahinten, Geschichte der Stadt Bistritz in Siebenbürgen R. J. W. Evans | Cite |
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207 | Review of Franz Greszl, Ofen-Buda: Entwicklungsgeschichte der königlichen Residenzstadt Ungarns im 18. Jahrhundert R. J. W. Evans | Cite |
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207 | Review of Carl Gollner, Die Siebenbürger Sachsen in den Jahren 1848-1918 R. J. W. Evans | Cite |
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207 | Review of Hans Rothe, Deutsche in der Habsburger Monarchie R. J. W. Evans | Cite |
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210 | Review of Karl Kraus, Frühe Schriften, I, II Gilbert J. Carr | Cite |
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210 | Review of Karl Kraus, Erläuterungen Gilbert J. Carr | Cite |
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210 | Review of Rainer Dittrich, Die literarische Moderne der Jahrhundertwende im Urteil der österreichischen Kritik Gilbert J. Carr | Cite |
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212 | Review of Friedrich Schroder, Die Gestalt des Verführers im Drama Hugo von Hofmannsthals Brian Keith-Smith | Cite |
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212 | Review of Margit Resch, Seltene Augenblicke: Interpretations of Poems by Hugo von Hofmannsthal Brian Keith-Smith | Cite |
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215 | Review of Jeffrey B. Berlin, Hans-Ulrich Lindken, Donald A. Prater, Stefan Zweig, Briefwechsel mit Hermann Bahr, Sigmund Freud, Rainer Maria Rilke und Arthur Schnitzler Leo A. Lensing | Cite |
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218 | Review of Armin A. Wallas, Texte des Expressionismus: Der Beitrag jüdischer Autoren zur österreichischen Avantgarde Hanni Mittelmann | Cite |
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220 | Review of Stanley Corngold, Franz Kafka: The Necessity of Form Elizabeth Boa | Cite |
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220 | Review of Detlev Kremer, Die Erotik der Schrift Elizabeth Boa | Cite |
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221 | Review of Lothar Huber, Franz Werfel: An Austrian Writer Reassessed Andrew Barker | Cite |
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223 | Review of Harald Klauhs, Franz Theodor Csokor: Leben und Werk bis 1938 im Überblick John Warren | Cite |
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224 | Review of Heinz Steinert, Adorno in Wien: Über die (Un-)Möglichkeit von Kunst, Kultur und Befreiung Marc A. Weiner | Cite |
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226 | Review of Gemot Heiss, Willfährige Wissenschaft: Die Universität Wien 1938 bis 1945 Robert Knight | Cite |
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226 | Review of Christian Brunner, Helmut Konrad, Die Universität und 1938 Robert Knight | Cite |
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229 | Review of Hinrich Siefken, Theodor Haecker: Tag- und Nachtbücher 1939-1945 Elisabeth Stopp | Cite |
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