Words Like Fire
Prophecy and Apocalypse in Apollinaire, Marinetti and Pound
James P. Leveque
Click cover to enlarge Buy hardback at: Booksellers & libraries: | Studies In Comparative Literature 50 Legenda 28 April 2022 • 234pp ISBN: 978-1-781884-43-0 (hardback) • RRP £85, $115, €99 ISBN: 978-1-781884-44-7 (paperback, 7 October 2024 ) • RRP £14.99, $18.99, €16.99 ISBN: 978-1-781884-47-8 (JSTOR ebook) Access online: Books@JSTOR ModernFrenchItalianEnglishFictionPoetry The avant-garde in the early-twentieth century planted its flag on the ruins of the day’s pieties, with religion a particularly urgent target. Movements such as Futurism, Dada, and Surrealism often represented religion in blasphemous, prurient, or sacrilegious ways: but the invocation of spirituality and scripture were also indispensable to their transcendent, revelatory experience. Examining the contemporaneous, and cross-national, careers in poetry and artistic propaganda of Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918), F. T. Marinetti (1876-1944), and Ezra Pound (1885-1972), Leveque frames the early avant-garde as an attempt to rediscover the necessity of prophecy and apocalyptic thought. By engaging common themes of spiritual orientation, religion furnished a sense of legitimacy or distinction for writers presenting themselves as preachers of the End Times, or visionaries of 'new heavens and a new earth.' James Leveque is a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Advanced Study of the Humanities, University of Edinburgh.
For a contents listing, see this volume at JSTOR. Bibliography entry: Leveque, James P., Words Like Fire: Prophecy and Apocalypse in Apollinaire, Marinetti and Pound, Studies In Comparative Literature, 50 (Legenda, 2022) First footnote reference: 35 James P. Leveque, Words Like Fire: Prophecy and Apocalypse in Apollinaire, Marinetti and Pound, Studies In Comparative Literature, 50 (Legenda, 2022), p. 21. Subsequent footnote reference: 37 Leveque, p. 47. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) Bibliography entry: Leveque, James P.. 2022. Words Like Fire: Prophecy and Apocalypse in Apollinaire, Marinetti and Pound, Studies In Comparative Literature, 50 (Legenda) Example citation: ‘A quotation occurring on page 21 of this work’ (Leveque 2022: 21). Example footnote reference: 35 Leveque 2022: 21. (To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.) This title is distributed on behalf of MHRA by Ingram’s. Booksellers and libraries can order direct from Ingram by setting up an ipage Account: click here for more. Permanent link to this title: www.mhra.org.uk/publications/Words-Like-Fire www.mhra.org.uk/publications/sicl-50 |