Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors from the Former Yugoslavia
A Judeo-Spanish Tradition

Željko Jovanović

Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures 41


28 September 2020  •  224pp

ISBN: 978-1-781888-51-3 (hardback)  •  RRP £80, $110, €95

ISBN: 978-1-781888-52-0 (paperback, 18 January 2023)  •  RRP £11.99, $15.99, €14.49

ISBN: 978-1-781888-53-7 (JSTOR ebook)

Access online: Books@JSTOR


In addition to its original library hardback edition, this title is now on sale in the new student-priced Legenda paperback range.

In the twentieth century, various Sephardic authors from the former Yugoslavia took upon themselves the task of revitalising different forms of Judeo-Spanish oral tradition such as narrative, songs or ballads. These forms were fostered in the language of the Sepharadim, Ladino or Judeo-Spanish, since the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492. In their diaspora the Sepharadim mainly settled in the Ottoman Empire whose collapse began at the end of the nineteenth century. This disintegration followed later on by the Holocaust resulted in a rapid decline of the Sephardic language and tradition, causing UNESCO in 2002 to declare Ladino a seriously endangered language. In this interdisciplinary cultural study, Željko Jovanović examines the efforts of the Yugoslav Sephardic authors to preserve the memory of a culture and a language in decline as their way of constructing their own personal and collective narrative and identity.

Željko Jovanović is a researcher in Sephardic studies at the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology (ILLA) of the CSIC (Madrid, Spain).


  • ‘La investigación que presenta Željko Jovanović en su monografía Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors from the Former Yugoslavia. A Judeo-Spanish Tradition era, yo creo, necesaria. El autor ofrece, en los tres capítulos que forman la parte palpitante del volumen, una reflexión muy finamente detallada de la evolución de la literatura oral en el ámbito de las comunidades sefardíes de la antigua Yugoslavia... Finalmente, sería injusto terminar esta reseña sin subrayar la riqueza de las notas que acompañan cada capítulo y que no son una simple añadidura, sino que aportan información útil e interesante; además,el gusto de esta monografía está enriquecido por las fotografías esparcidas en el volumen y que restituyen, a través del poderdela imagen, la vivacidad de los protagonistas que Željko Jovanović ha logrado retratar con inteligente maestría.’ — Paola Bellomi, Meldar 2, 2021, 61-64 (full text online)
  • ‘En su exposición, Jovanović aúna siempre el rigor positivista con la sutileza interpretativa: la riqueza de la información, el respeto a los hechos e incluso la atención a los mínimos detalles textuales no excluyen otras formas de análisis que, manejadas con cautela, permiten al autor construir un libro sólido y brillante, que arroja luz sobre muchas cuestiones: la oralidad y su relación con la escritura, la historia de las mujeres y de las minorías y, naturalmente, la pervivencia del legado hispánico más allá de los límites de la Península.’ — Álvaro Alonso, Boletín de literatura oral 11, 2021, 321-23 (full text online)
  • ‘This is a valuable book, well thought out, with an extensive bibliography (including many items in Serbo-Croat), illustrations and useful indices.’Bulletin of Spanish Studies February 2022 (full text online)
  • ‘Unburdened by jargon and meticulously researched, Jovanović’s study is a welcome resource for those working on the literary heritage of the Sephardim. The text will also be of interest to those writing on Spanish–Yugoslav relations, cultural history, transnational literary transmission and translation, and linguistic varia- tions of Ladino across the twentieth century.’ — Alma Prelec, Modern Language Review 118.2, 2023, 271-72 (full text online)
  • ‘El libro es una aportación importante al estudio de la cultura de los sefardíes de Serbia y Bosnia, al conocimiento de la cultura sefardí en general y su evolución en época contemporánea y, más ampliamente, a los estudios sobre las relaciones entre cultura popular y creación literaria culta y al análisis de la construcción de relatos sobre la identidad cultural y la memorialización del pasado de una minoría, tomando como base una tradición folklórica en proceso de desaparición.’ — Paloma Díaz-Mas, MEAH 70, 2022, 257-62



Introduction: the Sepharadim of the Former Yugoslavia
Željko Jovanović


Part I the Cultural Work of Haim S. Davičo and Laura Papo: Assimilation Versus Continuity
Željko Jovanović


PART II Gina Camhy and Isak Papo: Efforts to Revitalise the Sephardic Language and Tradition of Bosnia in the Aftermath of WWII
Željko Jovanović


PART III Djohá Tales in the Sephardic World: Tradition, Identity and Memory
Željko Jovanović


Željko Jovanović


Željko Jovanović


Index of Names and Text
Željko Jovanović


Subject Index
Željko Jovanović


Bibliography entry:

Jovanović, Željko, Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors from the Former Yugoslavia: A Judeo-Spanish Tradition, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 41 (Legenda, 2020)

First footnote reference: 35 Željko Jovanović, Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors from the Former Yugoslavia: A Judeo-Spanish Tradition, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 41 (Legenda, 2020), p. 21.

Subsequent footnote reference: 37 Jovanović, p. 47.

(To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.)

Bibliography entry:

Jovanović, Željko. 2020. Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors from the Former Yugoslavia: A Judeo-Spanish Tradition, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 41 (Legenda)

Example citation: ‘A quotation occurring on page 21 of this work’ (Jovanović 2020: 21).

Example footnote reference: 35 Jovanović 2020: 21.

(To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.)

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