The Austrian Enlightenment and its Aftermath
Edited by Edward Timms and Ritchie Robertson
Austrian Studies 2•30 July 1991
Gender and Politics in Austrian Fiction
Edited by Edward Timms and Ritchie Robertson
Austrian Studies 7•17 May 1996
From 'Ausgleich' to 'Jahrhundertwende': Literature and Culture, 1867–1890
Edited by Judith Beniston, Deborah Holmes and Robert Vilain
Austrian Studies 16•11 May 2009
Austria and the Alps
Edited by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain
Austrian Studies 18•5 September 2011
The Austrian Noughties: Texts, Films, Debates
Edited by Allyson Fiddler, Jon Hughes and Florian Krobb
Austrian Studies 19•10 December 2011
Elfriede Jelinek in the Arena: Sport, Cultural Understanding and Translation to Page and Stage
Edited by Allyson Fiddler and Karen Jürs-Munby
Austrian Studies 22•29 December 2014
Lucien Bonaparte, La tribu indienne; ou, Édouard et Stellina: A Critical Edition
Edited by Cecilia Feilla
Critical Texts 5•20 October 2006
Istoire de la Chastelaine du Vergier
Edited by Jean-François Kosta-Théfaine
Critical Texts 9•6 July 2009
Louise von François, Phosphorus Hollunder und Der Posten der Frau
Edited by Barbara Burns
Critical Texts 13•1 October 2008
Stéphanie de Genlis, ‘Histoire de la duchesse de C***’
Edited by Mary S. Trouille
Critical Texts 21•1 October 2010
Louis-Charles Fougeret de Monbron, Le Cosmopolite, ou le citoyen du monde (1750)
Edited by Édouard Langille
Critical Texts 22•14 June 2010
Madame de Souza, Eugénie et Mathilde
Edited by Kirsty Carpenter
Critical Texts 26•1 June 2014
Aza ou le Nègre
Edited by Loïc Thommeret
Critical Texts 27•1 March 2011
Edward Kimber, The Happy Orphans
Edited by Jan Herman and Beatrijs Vanacker
Critical Texts 29•1 June 2015
Nicolas Edme Rétif de la Bretonne's Ingénue Saxancour
Edited by Mary S. Trouille
Critical Texts 33•1 May 2014
Ángela Hernández Núñez, Metáfora del cuerpo en fuga
Edited by Solymar Torres-García
Critical Texts 54
La poética de Lorenzo de Zamora: una apología de la literatura secular
Edited by Ascensión Rivas Hernández
Critical Texts 55•24 March 2020
Eliza Haywood, The Fortunate Foundlings
Edited by Carol Stewart
Critical Texts 59•31 May 2018
Carl Van Vechten, The Blind Bow-Boy
Edited by Kirsten MacLeod
Critical Texts 62•31 August 2018
Aphra Behn's Emperor of the Moon and its French Source Arlequin, Empereur dans la lune
Edited by Judy A. Hayden and Daniel J. Worden
Critical Texts 67•31 May 2019
Sebald's Bachelors: Queer Resistance and the Unconforming Life
Helen Finch
Germanic Literatures 2•3 June 2013
Goethe's Visual World
Pamela Currie
Germanic Literatures 3•3 June 2013
German Narratives of Belonging: Writing Generation and Place in the Twenty-First Century
Linda Shortt
Germanic Literatures 4•8 June 2015
Women, Emancipation and the German Novel 1871-1910: Protest Fiction in its Cultural Context
Charlotte Woodford
Germanic Literatures 6•1 November 2014
Fontane and Cultural Mediation: Translation and Reception in Nineteenth-Century German Literature
Edited by Ritchie Robertson and Michael White
Germanic Literatures 8•11 September 2015