Anglo-German Interactions in the Literature of the 1890s

Patrick Bridgwater

Legenda (General Series)


1 August 1999  •  286pp

ISBN: 1-900755-24-6 (paperback)  •  RRP £75, $99, €85


What did the main 'aesthetic' writers of late nineteenth-century Britain make of German literature, and how in turn did Germany react to them? The impact of Anglo-Scottish art nouveau in fin-de-siècle Austria and Germany made it predictable that Keats, Pater and Rossetti, among others, would be well received, but no one could have known in advance that by the time of their deaths Swinburne and Wilde would be more highly regarded in Germany than in Britain. Bridgwater's lucid and thoroughly documented study casts new light on the central cultural issues of the day, including ideas of morality, truth and subjectivism in art, comparing Pater and Wilde with Nietzsche, and George Moore, that chameleon of the decadent nineties, with Schopenhauer.

Patrick Bridgwater, Emeritus Professor of German in the University of Durham, is known for his books on Anglo-German literary relations, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kafka and Expressionism.


  • ‘The author is to be congratulated for shedding new light on a wide range of Anglo-German cross-currents... His study weaves a multi-faceted web of historical and inter-personal connections, and is at its best when it forges links between the approaches of different authors and diverse forms of art.’ — Susanne Stark, Modern Language Review 97.2, 2002, 523-4 (full text online)
  • ‘This well-documented volume provides new insights into the key social and cultural issues of the 1890s, including the truth and morality of artistic writing.’ — Crocker and Womack, The Year's Work in English Studies 2000, 532

Bibliography entry:

Bridgwater, Patrick, Anglo-German Interactions in the Literature of the 1890s (Legenda, 1999)

First footnote reference: 35 Patrick Bridgwater, Anglo-German Interactions in the Literature of the 1890s (Legenda, 1999), p. 21.

Subsequent footnote reference: 37 Bridgwater, p. 47.

(To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.)

Bibliography entry:

Bridgwater, Patrick. 1999. Anglo-German Interactions in the Literature of the 1890s (Legenda)

Example citation: ‘A quotation occurring on page 21 of this work’ (Bridgwater 1999: 21).

Example footnote reference: 35 Bridgwater 1999: 21.

(To see how these citations were worked out, follow this link.)

This Legenda title was first published by European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford but rights to it are now held by Modern Humanities Research Association and Routledge.

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