UTREES is an online database of University Theses in Russian, Soviet, and East European Studies, a substantial project which grew out of one our our publications, and news items about it are indexed on this page. The complete news feed can be found here.
- Jan 23, 2022
UTREES update adds record number of theses
UTREES, our bibliographical database for university theses in Russian and East European studies, makes its annual update. - Jan 18, 2021
UTREES database now records over 6000 theses
UTREES, our bibliographical database for university theses in Russian and East European studies, now records over 6000 theses. - Jan 30, 2020
UTREES launches links to full thesis texts
UTREES, our bibliographical database for university theses in Russian and East European studies, is now providing links to the full text of many of the theses listed. - Mar 31, 2019
Record Number of Theses Added to UTREES
This year’s annual updating of the UTREES database of theses in Russian and East European studies saw a record number of new entries. The bibliographic details of 242 doctoral theses have been added, bringing the total number on the database to 5,638. - Jan 22, 2018
Ten years of updates to UTREES thesis database
The UTREES online database, which lists British and Irish university theses in Russian and East European studies, has been given its tenth annual update, with 227 new entries added. The total number of theses recorded now stands at 5,396. - Aug 10, 2017
Trends and Realities from UTREES
Gregory Walker, editor of UTREES, recently presented a paper, 'Doctoral Research in Russian and East European Studies: Trends and Realities from the UTREES Database', to a specialist Slavonic conference. He has kindly written this up, and we present it here. - Feb 2, 2017
Over 5,000 entries now on UTREES thesis database
The ninth annual update to the UTREES online database listing British and Irish university theses in Russian and East European studies has added a further 224 entries from a record number of 67 institutions, taking the total of thesis titles listed up to 5,160.
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