Call for contributions to commemorative special issue of Portuguese Studies
In 2025, Portuguese Studies will mark 40 years of publication, and we will be celebrating this with a commemorative special issue in Autumn 2025. The issue will feature contributions from scholars who reflect the broad field of study, past and present, including those who played a foundational role in establishing the journal, those who have had a leading role in the field of Lusophone studies over the past four decades, and scholars whose research speaks to new directions for the field and the journal.
The Editors are also inviting academic submissions for the Autumn 2025 commemorative issue that speak to contemporary scholarship in Lusophone studies, especially through concepts of change and transformation, revised perspectives, original theoretical approaches, and innovative thinking about identities and subjectivities in the Lusophone world, culturally, socially, and historically.
Submissions are welcomed in the format of either a special issue proposal or an abstract for an individual paper, from any field of Lusophone studies and for any period or region of the Portuguese-speaking world covered by the remit of the journal. As a guide to word count, special issues would normally feature 6-8 papers. Papers are normally 7,500 words in length. Abstracts for individual papers should be 500-750 words.
Submission forms for special issue proposals for the Autumn 2025 commemorative issue are available by email from the Editorial Assistant at
Abstracts for individual papers should be emailed to the Editorial Assistant at, and marked for consideration for the Autumn 2025 commemorative issue. Abstracts must include full name(s), contact details, and institutional affiliation of all authors.
Additional Notes for Contributors are available on the journal website <>.
Deadline for submission of special issue proposals and individual paper abstracts is Friday 4th October 2024. The successful special issue proposal or selection of individual papers will be communicated to contributors before the end of October 2024. Depending on the number and quality of submissions, offers may be made to publish in subsequent issues.
Deadline for submission of first full drafts will be Monday 31st March 2025. All special issues and papers are subject to peer review in line with standard journal procedures. All contributions and features in Portuguese Studies are published in English and must be submitted in English.
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