Yearbook of English Studies

An annual journal

0306-2473 print
2222-4289 online

The Yearbook of English Studies is devoted to the language and literatures of the English-speaking world. Originally a miscellaneous supplement to the Modern Language Review, it is now an annual volume of specially commissioned articles on a broad topic or theme. The general editor is Dr Richard Adelman.

Submissions. The majority of articles in YES are commissioned directly by the guest editors of each themed issue. Miscellaneous articles in English studies are therefore best submitted to the Modern Language Review. However, suggestions for themed issues of YES by prospective editors are warmly welcomed. Please contact Richard Adelman with these.

Books for review. The Yearbook does not now publish reviews. Reviews of titles in English studies are instead carried by the Modern Language Review.

Sample. Originally published in Yearbook of English Studies 33 (2003), John Scahill's article 'Trilingualism in Early Middle English Miscellanies: Languages and Literature' (click on the title to read the PDF) identifies a non-pragmatic 'literary' tendency in early Middle English trilingual miscellanies whereby texts acquire additional significance through their relationship to other texts and to the miscellany as a whole.

Editorial. Editorial enquiries may be made to the Editor at The Editorial Assistant, who manages the copy-editing of YES, is Richard Correll.

Publication Ethics. If you have any concerns relating to publication ethics, please email the journal via

Publisher's statement. Views expressed in the content of the Yearbook of English Studies are those of the respective authors and contributors and not of the journal editors or of the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA). MHRA makes no representation, express or implied, in respect of the accuracy of the material in this journal and cannot accept any any legal responsibility or liability for views expressed or for any errors or omissions that may be made.

History. The Yearbook began in 1971 as a substantial supplement to Modern Language Review, under the editorship of MLR's then English editor T. J. B. Spencer, based at the Shakespeare Institute of the University of Birmingham. From 1976 to 1983 YES was edited by G. K. Hunter and C. J. Rawson, making the change from general to thened issues with volume 8 ('American Literature'). C. J. Rawson and then J. R. Watson were succeeded by the first YES editor to sign himself with a forename, Andrew Gurr, in 1990. Nicola Bradbury (vol. 30-31), John Batchelor (32-39), Andrew Hiscock (40-53), and now Richard Adelman (54-) then presided as general editors, but with guest editors credited on each number.

Institutional subscriptions. The Modern Humanities Research Association has now transferred subscription administration and distribution for its journals to Intermedia Brand Marketing Ltd. Please send enquiries by email to or telephone +44 (0)1293 312218.

Individual subscriptions. Individual subscriptions are available only to members of the Association. See the Membership page for details, and note that students registered for a higher degree can obtain entirely free electronic access for up to three years by becoming Postgraduate Associates (free of charge).


  • General Editor: Dr Richard Adelman (University of Sussex)
  • Editorial Assisant: Richard Correll

Copyright forms. If your article or review is accepted by this journal, then you will be asked to sign this copyright form (follow the link to read it in PDF form). The reasons we ask you to assign copyright to MHRA are as follows:

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55Yearbook of English Studies 55 1 September 2025
54New Readings in Thomas More Studies
Edited by Travis Curtwright 
Yearbook of English Studies 5410 December 2024
Edited by Vicki Kay Price and Sue Niebrzydowski 
Yearbook of English Studies 531 June 2024
52Literature to 1200
Edited by Clare A. Lees and Joshua Davies
Yearbook of English Studies 5226 November 2022
51Contemporary British and Irish Poetry
Edited by Samuel Rogers
Yearbook of English Studies 5116 November 2021
50Back to the Twenties: Modernism Then and Now
Edited by Paul Poplawski
Yearbook of English Studies 5015 July 2020
49Margaret Oliphant and George Meredith
Edited by Rebecca N. Mitchell
Yearbook of English Studies 4926 September 2019
48Writing in the Age of William IV
Edited by Maureen McCue, Rebecca Butler and Anne-Marie Millim
Yearbook of English Studies 4810 December 2018
47Walter Scott: New Interpretations
Edited by Susan Oliver
Yearbook of English Studies 4722 September 2017
46Writing the Americas, 1480–1826
Edited by Robert Lawson-Peebles and Kristin A. Cook
Yearbook of English Studies 461 January 2016
45The History of the Book
Edited by Sandro Jung and Stephen Colclough
Yearbook of English Studies 451 January 2015
44Caroline Literature
Edited by Rory Loughnane, Andrew J. Power and Peter Sillitoe
Yearbook of English Studies 441 January 2014
43Early English Drama
Edited by Pamela M. King, Sue Niebrzydowski and Diana Wyatt
Yearbook of English Studies 431 January 2013
42Literature of the 1950s and 1960s
Edited by Alice Ferrebe and Tracy Hargreaves
Yearbook of English Studies 421 January 2012
41.2Victorian World Literatures
Edited by Pablo Mukherjee
Yearbook of English Studies 41.21 January 2011
41.1Travel and Prose Fiction in Early Modern England
Edited by Nandini Das
Yearbook of English Studies 41.11 January 2011
40.1/2The Arts in Victorian Literature
Edited by Stefano Evangelista and Catherine Maxwell
Yearbook of English Studies 40.1/21 January 2010
39.1/2Literature and Religion
Edited by Andrew Tate
Yearbook of English Studies 39.1/21 January 2009
38.1/2Tudor Literature
Edited by Andrew Hiscock
Yearbook of English Studies 38.1/21 January 2008
37.2Science Fiction
Edited by David Seed
Yearbook of English Studies 37.21 January 2007
37.1From Decadent to Modernist: And Other Essays
Edited by John Batchelor
Yearbook of English Studies 37.11 January 2007
36.2Victorian Literature
Edited by John Batchelor
Yearbook of English Studies 36.21 January 2006
Edited by Nicola Bradbury
Yearbook of English Studies 36.11 January 2006
35Irish Writing since 1950
Edited by Ronan McDonald
Yearbook of English Studies 351 January 2005
34Nineteenth-Century Travel Writing
Edited by David Seed
Yearbook of English Studies 341 January 2004