Slavonic and East European Review
A journal publishing 4 issues per year
ISSN: | Slavonic and East European Review, the journal of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, is published by the Modern Humanities Research Association and UCL SSEES. Each volume consists of four issues, published in January, April, July, and October of each year. Its 800+ annual pages include articles, review-articles, book reviews, marginalia, and original documents. Recently published issues.
Click here for a complete listing. Submissions. Contributions are invited on all subjects related to the field of Slavonic and East European studies. Articles should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words, although submissions falling outside this range may also be considered. Other contributions (review articles, marginalia, obituaries, summary notes) should aim at a corresponding and proportional brevity. Original documents are especially welcome. All contributions should be submitted in good English and in a form ready for publication in SEER house style: see the more detailed guidelines laid out here. No correspondence is published in the Review, nor are advertisements carried. Books for review. Books for review may be posted to the journal at: Slavonic and East European Review, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. Sample. Originally published in SEER 80.3 (2002), Angela Livingstone's article Danger and Deliverance: Reading Andrei Platonov looks in detail at the stylistic devices employed in The Foundation Pit (1929) and Chevengur (1927-29). Editorial. For queries on editorial practicalities, contact the Managing Editor, Dr Barbara Wyllie. And follow this link to reach UCL SSEES's home page for SEER. Publication Ethics. If you have any concerns relating to publication ethics, please email the journal via Publisher's statement. Views expressed in the content of Slavonic and East European Review are those of the respective authors and contributors and not of the journal editors or of the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) or of University College London (UCL). MHRA and UCL make no representation, express or implied, in respect of the accuracy of the material in this journal and cannot accept any any legal responsibility or liability for views expressed or for any errors or omissions that may be made. Rights. All queries concerning orders, contributions, permission to reproduce material and book reviews should be directed to: History. SEER was founded in 1922 by Bernard Pares, R.W. Seton Watson and Harold Williams as the journal of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies. It was initially titled The Slavonic Review, taking its present name from volume 6 in 1928. MHRA's partnership in the journal began in January 1978 with volume 56 number 1 (the first title recorded on this website), since which SEER has enjoyed an unbroken quarterly run. Institutional subscriptions. The Modern Humanities Research Association has now transferred subscription administration and distribution for its journals to Intermedia Brand Marketing Ltd. Please send enquiries by email to or telephone +44 (0)1293 312218. Individual subscriptions. Individual subscriptions are available only to members of the Association. See the Membership page for details, and note that students registered for a higher degree can obtain entirely free electronic access for up to three years by becoming Postgraduate Associates (free of charge). Editors
Licence to Publish. If your article or review is accepted by this journal, then you will be asked to sign this licence form. In essence, you retain copyright in your work, but grant SEER a non-exclusive right to distribute it, and to authorise others to do the same. However, there are other provisions, and you should of course read the complete text. Open access. If your contribution is accepted, you may deposit it in your academic institution’s digital repository 6 months after publication, and SEER will furnish you with a typeset PDF file for this purpose. |
Also available in book form:88.1. Personality and Place in Russian Culture (Edited by Simon Dixon)
95.1. Innovations in Corruption Studies (Edited by Alena Ledeneva, Roxana Bratu, and Philipp Köker)
96.1. Writing Russian Lives: The Poetics and Politics of Biography in Modern Russian Culture (Edited by Polly Jones)
97.1. 1917 and Beyond: Continuity, Rupture and Memory in Russian Music (Edited by Philip Ross Bullock and Pauline Fairclough)