Austrian Studies
An annual journal
ISSN: | Austrian Studies is a yearbook devoted to reflecting sustained interest in the distinctive cultural traditions of the Habsburg Empire, the Austrian Republics and the period of German annexation. Its focus is Austrian culture from 1750 to the present. Contributions are also encouraged on the culture of former areas of the Habsburg Empire and on the work of people of Austrian origin living abroad. The General Editors are Deborah Holmes (, Caitríona Ní Dhúill (, and Dora Osborne (; the Reviews Editor is Katya Krylova ( Austrian Studies publishes articles in English together with a selection of book reviews, with the aim of making recent research accessible to a broadly based international readership. Each volume has a coherent but wide-ranging theme. Guidelines for Submission. Detailed guidance for those proposing papers can be found in this PDF document. Articles submitted to Austrian Studies must adhere to the MHRA Style Guide. Unsolicited articles with no immediate relevance to the current thematic calls are also welcome, but can only be included in future issues if critical mass accrues. Suggestions for book reviews and features (anniversaries, obituaries, etc.) are always welcome. Finally, colleagues who would like to discuss possible future issues, for which they would act as guest editors, are invited to contact the General Editors. Books for review. Each Austrian Studies yearbook carries a substantial reviews section. Publishers wishing to submit books for review should contact the Reviews Editor, Dr Katya Krylova, at: Editorial. For queries on layout or image format, please contact the Production Editor, Graham Nelson. To submit copyright forms, please contact the Assistant Treasurer of the MHRA, Jeremy Wong. Publication Ethics. If you have any concerns relating to publication ethics, please email the journal via Publisher's statement. Views expressed in the content of Austrian Studies are those of the respective authors and contributors and not of the journal editors or of the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA). MHRA makes no representation, express or implied, in respect of the accuracy of the material in this journal and cannot accept any any legal responsibility or liability for views expressed or for any errors or omissions that may be made. History. Austrian Studies began as a yearbook issued by Edinburgh University Press in 1990, and volumes 1 to 10 appeared annually under the joint editorship of Ritchie Robertson and Edward Timms. MHRA acquired the series from volume 11, issuing 11 to 16 through Maney Publishing and all subsequent volumes under its own imprint. Copyright enquiries concerning volumes 11 to the present may be addressed to; rights to earlier volumes remain with EUP. Institutional subscriptions. The Modern Humanities Research Association has now transferred subscription administration and distribution for its journals to Intermedia Brand Marketing Ltd. Please send enquiries by email to or telephone +44 (0)1293 312218. Individual subscriptions. Individual subscriptions are available only to members of the Association. See the Membership page for details, and note that students registered for a higher degree can obtain entirely free electronic access for up to three years by becoming Postgraduate Associates (free of charge). Editors
Advisory Board
Copyright forms. If your article or review is accepted by this journal, then you will be asked to sign this copyright form (follow the link to read it in PDF form). The reasons we ask you to assign copyright to MHRA are as follows:
Open access. MHRA supports Open Access under the Green Route, with an embargo of 12 months. Under this model, if your Contribution is accepted for publication you may make a ‘closed’ deposit of your accepted manuscript in your academic institution’s digital repository upon acceptance. Full open access to the accepted manuscript is then permitted 12 months after publication. Licensing content. All requests for permission to reproduce material first published in MHRA books and journals beyond the scope of fair use/fair dealing and the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements should be directed to: Please give specific details of the proposed new publication and the permission you require, including: media (print/electronic); print run; selling price; market; language. Latest news items from our blog:
Also available in book form:23. Translating Austria (Edited by Florian Krobb and Deborah Holmes)
35 | Austrian Sexualities Edited by Deborah Holmes, Birgit Lang, and Scott Spector ![]() Austrian Studies 35•1 December 2027 |
34 | Rilke and Ecology Edited by Sebastian Klinger, Karen Leeder, and Robert Vilain ![]() Austrian Studies 34•1 December 2026 |
33 | Austria and Film in the Twenty-First Century Edited by Katya Krylova and Dora Osborne ![]() Austrian Studies 33•1 December 2025 |
32 | Reading Bachmann Now Edited by Andrea Capovilla, Katya Krylova and Marlen Mairhofer ![]() Austrian Studies 32•1 December 2024 |
31 | Austrian Travel Writing Edited by Florian Krobb and Caitriona Leahy ![]() Austrian Studies 31•23 February 2024 |
30 | Anthropocene Austria Edited by Caitríona Ní Dhúill and Nicola Thomas Austrian Studies 30•26 January 2023 |
29 | Uncanny Valleys: Austrian Literature and Film in the New Millennium Edited by Heide Kunzelmann and Lyn Marven Austrian Studies 29•24 December 2021 |
28 | Fragments of Empire: Austrian Modernisms and the Habsburg Imaginary Edited by Clemens Peck and Deborah Holmes Austrian Studies 28•15 December 2020 |
27 | Placing Schnitzler Edited by Judith Beniston and Andrew Webber Austrian Studies 27•25 January 2020 |
26 | Austria in Transit: Displacement and the Nation-State Edited by Áine McMurtry and Deborah Holmes Austrian Studies 26•29 March 2019 |
25 | Celebrations: Festkultur in Austria Edited by Florian Krobb and Deborah Holmes Austrian Studies 25•16 February 2018 |
24 | Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture: Literary and Historical Perspectives Edited by Deborah Holmes and Lisa Silverman Austrian Studies 24•10 February 2017 |
23 | Translating Austria Edited by Florian Krobb and Deborah Holmes Austrian Studies 23•7 March 2016 |
22 | Elfriede Jelinek in the Arena: Sport, Cultural Understanding and Translation to Page and Stage Edited by Allyson Fiddler and Karen Jürs-Munby Austrian Studies 22•29 December 2014 |
21 | Cultures at War: Austria-Hungary 1914–1918 Edited by Judith Beniston and Deborah Holmes Austrian Studies 21•1 January 2014 |
20 | Colonial Austria: Austria and the Overseas Edited by Jon Hughes and Florian Krobb Austrian Studies 20•14 January 2013 |
19 | The Austrian Noughties: Texts, Films, Debates Edited by Allyson Fiddler, Jon Hughes and Florian Krobb Austrian Studies 19•10 December 2011 |
18 | Austria and the Alps Edited by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain Austrian Studies 18•5 September 2011 |
17 | Words and Music Edited by Judith Beniston, Geoffrey Chew and Robert Vilain Austrian Studies 17•24 May 2010 |
16 | From 'Ausgleich' to 'Jahrhundertwende': Literature and Culture, 1867–1890 Edited by Judith Beniston, Deborah Holmes and Robert Vilain Austrian Studies 16•11 May 2009 |
15 | Austrian Satire and Other Essays Edited by Judith Beniston, Ritchie Robertson and Robert Vilain Austrian Studies 15•12 December 2007 |
14 | Culture and Politics in Red Vienna Edited by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain Austrian Studies 14•1 November 2006 |
13 | Austria and France Edited by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain Austrian Studies 13•7 December 2005 |
12 | The Austrian Lyric Edited by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain Austrian Studies 12•1 January 2004 |
11 | 'Hitler's First Victim'? Memory and Representation in Post-War Austria Edited by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain Austrian Studies 11•1 January 2003 |