Published November 2016

Corín Tellado, Thursdays with Leila
Translated by Duncan Wheeler, with an introduction by Diana Holmes and Duncan Wheeler, and a prologue by Mario Vargas Llosa
New Translations 9

  • ‘La estimable traducción al inglés de Los jueves de Leila, por parte de los profesores Duncan Wheeler y Diana Holmes, uno de los más conocidos relatos de Corín Tellado y que inicia la serie: “Querer es poder”, abre la puerta al género romántico de esta prolí ca escritora asturiana al mundo anglosajón.’ — Estefanía Tocado, Hispania 101.2, June 2018, 344-45
  • ‘Wheeler’s translation of Thursdays with Leila captures the informal, non-demanding style of Tellado’s writing, and this particular novel was a very good choice for translation as it illustrates most of the dominant characteristics of her fiction.’ — Patricia O’Byrne, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95, 2018, 905-06

Published September 2016

Rethinking Juan Rulfo’s Creative World: Prose, Photography, Film
Edited by Dylan Brennan and Nuala Finnegan
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures 14