Sinclair, Alison. 2019. Putting it About: Social Rights and Wrongs in Spain in the Long Nineteenth Century, Selected Essays, 3 (Legenda)

García, Miguel. 2022. Queering Lorca’s Duende: Desire, Death, Intermediality, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 49 (Legenda)

Translated, edited by Christopher Colbath, and Luis M. González. 2022. Ramón María del Valle Inclán, Savage Comedies, New Translations, 15 (MHRA)

London, John. 1997. Reception and Renewal in Modern Spanish Theatre: 1939-1963, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 45 (MHRA)

Brennan, Dylan, and Nuala Finnegan (eds). 2016. Rethinking Juan Rulfo’s Creative World: Prose, Photography, Film, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 14 (Legenda)

Labanyi, Jo. 2019. Spanish Culture from Romanticism to the Present: Structures of Feeling, Selected Essays, 11 (Legenda)

Miranda-Barreiro, David. 2014. Spanish New York Narratives 1898-1936: Modernization, Otherness and Nation, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 5 (Legenda)

Atkin, Rhian (ed.). 2011. Textual Wanderings: The Theory and Practice of Narrative Digression (Legenda)

Longhurst, C. A.. 2014. Unamuno’s Theory of the Novel, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 1 (Legenda)

Camps, Jacobo de. 2025. Walter Benjamin’s Calderón: Literary Criticism and the Baroque, Studies In Comparative Literature, 58 (Legenda)

Rødtjer, Rocío. 2019. Women and Nationhood in Restoration Spain 1874-1931: The State as Family, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 34 (Legenda)