Poetics, Performance and Politics in French and Italian Renaissance Comedy
Lucy Rayfield
Transcript 1823 February 2022

Engaging with Troy: Early Modern and Contemporary Scenes
Edited by Francesca Rayner and Janice Valls-Russell 
Transcript 271 October 2024

Saint-Amant and the Theory of 'Ut Pictura Poesis'
Christopher D. Rolfe
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 61 January 1972

Language and Style in a Renaissance Epic: Berni's Corrections to Boiardo's 'Orlando Innamorato'
H. F. Woodhouse
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 171 January 1982

Vaugelas and the Development of the French Language
Wendy Ayres-Bennett
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 231 January 1987

Quevedo on Parnassus: Allusive Context and Literary Theory in the Love-Lyric
Paul Julian Smith
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 251 January 1987

A Critical, Old-Spelling Edition of the Birth of Merlin (Q1662)
Joanna Udall
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 311 January 1991

Luigi Tansillo and Lyric Poetry in Sixteenth-Century Naples
Erika Milburn
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 571 January 2003

The Signifying Self: Cervantine Drama as Counter-Perspective Aesthetic
Melanie Henry
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 831 February 2013

Frontier Memory: Cultural Conflict and Exchange in the Romancero fronterizo
Sizen Yiacoup
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 871 October 2013

Between Two Worlds: The autos sacramentales of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Amy Fuller
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 10022 June 2015

Boccaccio in English from 1494–1620: Part One: The Decameron
Edited by Guyda Armstrong 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 1/1 of 230 June 2026

Boccaccio in English from 1494–1620: Part Two: Histories and Romances
Edited by Guyda Armstrong 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 1/2 of 230 June 2026

Plutarch in English, 1528–1603: Volume 1: Essays
Edited by Fred Schurink
Tudor and Stuart Translations 2/1 of 218 December 2020

Plutarch in English, 1528–1603: Volume 2: Lives
Edited by Fred Schurink
Tudor and Stuart Translations 2/2 of 218 December 2020

James Mabbe: Exemplarie Novells (1640)
Edited by Alexander Samson 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 331 March 2026

Ovid in English, 1480-1625: Part One: Metamorphoses
Edited by Sarah Annes Brown and Andrew Taylor
Tudor and Stuart Translations 4/1 of 21 October 2013

Ovid in English, 1480-1625: Part Two: Poems of Love and Exile
Edited by Sarah Annes Brown and Andrew Taylor 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 4/2 of 2

Humphrey Llwyd, The Breviary of Britain with selections from The History of Cambria
Edited by Philip Schwyzer
Tudor and Stuart Translations 51 September 2011

Christine de Pizan in English Print, 1478-1549
Edited by A. E. B. Coldiron 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 6

Gavin Douglas, The Aeneid (1513): Part One: Introduction, Books I-VIII
Edited by Gordon Kendal
Tudor and Stuart Translations 7/1 of 21 September 2011

Gavin Douglas, The Aeneid (1513): Part Two: Books IX – XIII, Appendices, Glossary, Index
Edited by Gordon Kendal
Tudor and Stuart Translations 7/2 of 21 September 2011

Elizabethan Seneca: Three Tragedies
Edited by James Ker and Jessica Winston
Tudor and Stuart Translations 81 October 2012

English Renaissance Translation Theory
Edited by Neil Rhodes with Gordon Kendal and Louise Wilson
Tudor and Stuart Translations 91 August 2013

James Mabbe, The Spanish Bawd
Edited by José María Pérez Fernández
Tudor and Stuart Translations 101 October 2013